individuals, how they described themselves in the article, and how they were described in relation to men. • How was the relationship between women, men, and engineering work described? In particular, how did women describe their work as engineers, and how did men describe women’s engineering work? • How did the article’s author frame the import of the article? In other words, what is “of note” in this situation that the article was deemed worthy of writing and publication?For this project, data constituted both quotations from articles (including headlines, captions, andbody text of articles) and from images published alongside such articles. We collected text andimages of articles that helped us think through
participation had significant positiveeffects on 11 outcome measures: academic performance (GPA, writing skills, critical thinkingskills), values (commitment to activism and to promoting racial understanding), self-efficacy,leadership (leadership activities, self-rated leadership ability, interpersonal skills), choice of aservice career, and plans to participate in service after college. “These findings directly replicatea number of recent studies using different samples and methodologies.”(p.ii) 5 They found thatS-L to be significantly better in 8 out of 11 measures than just service without the courseintegration and discovered “strong support for the notion that service learning should be includedin the student’s major field.”(p.iii)6.Eyler and
the purposeof the project and the specific research and writing strategies one selects. Adams and colleagues,for example, examine “storytelling in engineering education” with the explicit goal of betterunderstanding the emergence of an “engineering education research community.” Their focus is,in other words, accounting for an observed convergence and possibly contributing further to it.They invited eight scholars, including three co-authors, to prepare “story poster” presentations atthe national Frontiers in Education conference (supported by the IEEE). The organizers askedpresenters to respond to a structured set of questions designed to evoke “insider knowledge”pertaining to “driving passions and goals, processes such as getting started