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Displaying results 61 - 66 of 66 in total
Conference Session
Learning to Communicate with Engineers and Non-Engineers
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mieke Schuurman, Pennsylvania State University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University; Melissa Marshall, Pennsylvania State University; Christopher Johnstone, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
in the regular sections; only two minorities participatedin the engineering sections. These numbers are too low to include gender and ethnicity instatistical analyses. One interesting result that arose from the reflection essays in the engineering sections atthe end of the semester was that of the 11 female students in the engineering sections, all 11explicitly admitted the nervousness that they had at the beginning of this course for speaking inpublic. In contrast, fewer than half of the male students explicitly admitted having anynervousness. The issue of nervousness weighed much more on the female students. For instance,10 of the 11 female students brought up the issue of nervousness in the first two paragraphs ofthe 2-page essay
Conference Session
Innovative Courses/Pedagogies in Liberal Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Ross, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
, Patricia. 2007. Engineering education reform for the 21st century engineer: a proposal for engineering education reform. Civil Engineering, November 2007. 16 – 21. (first year reform)7. Katchi, L. P. B, et al. 2004. A New Framework for academic reform in engineering education. 2004 Proceedings of the ASEE. Session 2630. (first year reform)8. Kuh, George D. 2009. High-Impact Educational Practices. Association of American Colleges and Universities, Page 15.1075.10 Washington, DC.9. National Academy of Sciences. 1997. Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the past, present, and future of educational reform
Conference Session
Historical Perspectives for Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice Pawley, Purdue University; Karen Tonso, Wayne State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
the Line: Academic Engineers Negotiating the Boundaries of Engineering.” Ph.D. Thesis, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison.13. Holland, D. C., Lachicotte, W., Jr., Skinner, D., & Cain, C. (1998). Identity and agency in cultural worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.14. Subramaniam, Banu. 2009. “The Aliens Have Landed! Reflections on the Rhetoric of Biological Invasions.” Pp. 133- 142 in Women, Science, and Technology, edited by M. Wyer, M. Barbercheck, D. Giesman, H. Orun Ozturk, and M. Wayne. New York: Routledge.15. Bix, Amy Sue. 2000. ““Engineeresses Invade Campus”: Four decades of debate over technical coeducation.” IEEE Technology and Society, Spring, pp. 20-26.16. Feb
Conference Session
Innovative Courses/Pedagogies in Liberal Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ari Epstein, MIT; Joellen Easton, American Public Media; Rekha Murthy, Public Radio Exchange; Emily Davidson, MIT; Jennifer de Bruijn, MIT; Tracey Hayse, MIT; Elise Hens, MIT; Margaret Lloyd
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
break. Upperclassmen continue to bepart of the Terrascope community, both formally (by serving as teaching fellows for the classesand on the field trip) and informally (by continuing to use the Terrascope facilities and to attendevents).In the fall Terrascope class, Solving Complex Problems (also known as Mission 20xx, where“20xx” changes annually to reflect the students’ expected graduation year), the students arepresented with a real-world problem, one that involves not only scientific and technical issues,but also social, economic and political considerations. They are given one semester to come upwith a detailed solution to the problem; at the end of the semester they present and defend thatsolution for a panel of experts. The problem
Conference Session
Philosophy of Engineering Education: Epistemology and Ethics
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark Valenzuela, University of Evansville; James Allen, University of Evansville; Brian Swenty, University of Evansville
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
; evaluate information; think clearly, draw soundconclusions.The identification of attitudes to develop in students is not particularly common in the schools inthe research pool. However, in the development of the whole person, one can imagine thatattitude can fuel the passion for deep and wide intellectual inquiry. The inclusion of attitudes ineducational outcomes is gaining ground in professional education, as evidenced by BOK2. A Page 13.853.17wide array of attitudes was identified by even this small pool of schools: diligence, patience,honesty and integrity, charity, hope, self-reliance, habit of reflection, appreciation of beauty
Conference Session
Historical Perspectives for Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Maines, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
Research Paper No. 11.84 Gavrilova, Natalia S., Victoria G. Semyonova, Galina N. Evdokushkina, and Leonid A.Gavrilov. 2000. “The response of violent mortality to economic crisis in Russia,” PopulationResearch and Policy Review 19 (5):397-419.85 Kennedy, B. P., I. Kawachi, and E. Brainerd. 2005. “The Russian Federation - demography -high adult mortality rate said to reflect a society that 'Doesn't value human life': the role of socialcapital in the Russian mortality crisis,” Current Digest of the post-Soviet press 57 (48):10.86 Revich, B. 2006. “Toward the assessment of the Russian population mortality risk factors andthe feasibility of their reduction: Comments on the World Bank Report ‘Dying Too Young’,”Studies on Russian Economic