DevelopmentAs demonstrated by accounts such as Thomas Friedman‟s The World is Flat1 and the Engineer of2020 investigations by the National Academy of Engineering,2 engineering educators are onceagain focusing on necessary changes to our national engineering workforce. If there ever were anopportunity draw useful lessons from history, it would surely be on this topic. Concerns about an“engineering manpower” crisis persisted throughout the Cold War years in American history,fueled by massive federal expenditures and the emphasis placed on science and its application tothe nation‟s arsenal and economic wealth. Even as we proceed to transform, if not dismantle, theinstitutional apparatus developed to meet the exigencies of the Cold War period, it may well
Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Service-Learning Projects in 35 Core Undergraduate Engineering CoursesAbstractThe College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) has integratedservice-learning (S-L) into many of its core required undergraduate courses over the last threeyears. Projects that meet real community needs and that help students achieve academicobjectives in the courses are difficult to create. Projects for 35 different undergraduate requiredcourses are summarized to help faculty, staff, and students develop S-L projects for their owncourses. Faculty at UML were encouraged to “start small rather than not at all.” Courses andprojects include, for example: first-year introduction to engineering with 340
in democracies’ primary social serviceof keeping its citizens alive. Page 15.477.16 Bibliography1 Foster, Richard S., and Francis P. Hoeber, "Limited mobilization: a strategy for preparednessand deterrence in the Eighties," Orbis 24 (1980: 451.2 Fierro, Eduardo. "Preliminary reconnaissance presentation about Haiti earthquake," at PacificEarthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California at Berkeley, 27 January 2010,available at, accessed8 March 2010.3 Bajak, Frank (Associated Press). "Chile was ready for quake, Haiti wasn't
qualities of honesty andobjectivity, avoidance of conflicts of interest…and making decision[s] which are fair and basedon merit.” These themes are also consistent with the themes of the NAFTA Code of Ethics,specific to Canada, the US and Mexico, and designed expressly to be equivalently worded inFrench, English and Spanish.15 These themes match well to our module themes 2-6. We havealso included the more specific themes of modules 1, 7, & 8 because engineers and researcherswho will be working in the U.S. should be conversant with the specific laws, rules, andexpectations concerning ethics codes, intellectual property, data integrity, and research practices.Each module is intended to require one hour (nominally) to complete, and consists of the
the designer to first recall and then incorporate theseconstraints into the design. The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate theeffectiveness of teaching the reflection process in an engineering class in order to developintegrative, global and socially conscious engineers. Thus, this paper seeks to promoteBoyer’s (1990) argument that effective teaching stimulates “active, not passive, learningand encourage[s] students to be critical, creative thinkers, with the capacity to go onlearning after their college days are over”2 (p. 24). This study examined the effectiveness of teaching the reflection and integrationprocess in an engineering class by creating opportunities for engineering students toreflect on prior knowledge
. 9ReferencesBegel A., Garcia D. and Wolfman S., "Kinesthetic Learning in the Classroom", ACM SIGCSEBulletin, v. 36, n. 1, March 2004.Dave, R. H., Developing and Writing Behavioral Objectives. Educational Innovators Press. 1975.Dunn, R. S. and Dunn, K. J., Teaching Secondary Students Through Their Individual LearningStyles. Prentice Hall. 1978.Felder, R. M. and Silverman, L. K., “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education”,Engineering Education 78:7 674-681. 1988.Felder R. M. and Soloman, B. A., “Index of Learning Styles”, , accessed 01/17/08Feldman J. and McPhee, D., The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching. CENGAGEDelmar Learning. 2007Gardner, H., Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple
improvementin percent allocation across the board at all universities and all courses of study. Even so, thehighest allocation was 19.8% in manufacturing at the University of New South Wales. As theauthor points out, this is well below the 24% allocation recommended by the Institution ofEngineers Australia.In the United States, Stouffer and Russell performed a very comprehensive survey of civilengineering curricula.4,5 The survey is based on data compiled from recent EAC-ABETaccreditation visits. Ninety of the 218 accredited civil engineering programs participated in thesurvey. Like the current study, Stouffer and Russell use U. S. News and World Report rankingsas a basis for categorizing schools, indicating that 21 of the top 26 undergraduate programs
necessary to make onefurther point about the practice of change that is often overlooked and that is the role ofthose in power. Very often those with the power authorise an individual(s) to makechanges but do not subsequently give them the support they need. The respondents tochange need to see that those with power support the change wholeheartedly and providethe resources for it to be brought about.20Toward curriculum changeIn general, therefore, curriculum change is more likely to be internalised when it is seen Page 15.1.6to be plausible, and planned to take place in small steps that are seen to be naturaldevelopments, one following from the other
protect an account with a strong password if the answersneeded to reset the password are just a few clicks away. That was the case with Yahoo accounts[23, 24]. A user trying to recover a forgotten password is asked to enter his/her e-mail address. Page 14.954.4Then (s)he is given the option of e-mailing a new password to an alternate e-mail address, orimmediately resetting the password through a form on the current Web page. If the user choosesProceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition 3Copyright 1 2009, American Society for Engineering Educationan immediate reset, the site prompts
engineering curricula to meet the needs of a modern industrial society. Also, arecurring theme from American business and industry is that leadership must emerge at all levelsif we are to maintain our competitive edge. Because of the changing nature of modernengineering, young technical or staff engineers must grow into leadership roles faster than theirpredecessors.”2 In general the current engineering education system has been primarilyconcerned with the development of technical expertise and has not taught or promoted leadershipeducation and development in a systematic way. Since the 1990’s industry has, beenencouraging educational institutions to spend more effort on the development of communication
engineers of bothmediocre social and intellectual background” and felt that colleges did not prepare engineersadequately for practice.6 During the end of the 19th century, a dispute arose as to who shouldhave the right to display the initials after their name. Much of the dispute took place in essaysand letters to professional journals and weeklies, but some of it took place on the collegecampuses themselves as they tried to define the future. As Monte Calvert wrote in TheMechanical Engineer in America, 1830-1910: The conflict between shop and school began in the late 1860’s when the first engineering schools for mechanical engineers were set up, intensified from 1880 to 1890 – the formative period of the ASME – was followed
Bioethics, 2(1), 38-49.2. Sass, H. M. (1999). Educating and sensitizing health professionals on human rights and ethical considerations:The interactive role of ethics and expertise. International Journal of Bioethics, 10(1), 69-81.3. Sharp, R. (2002). Teaching old dogs new tricks: Continuing education in research ethics, American Journal ofBioethics, 2(1), 55-56.4. Eastwood, S., Derish, P., Leash, E., & Ordway, S. (1996) Ethical issues in biomedical research: Perceptions andpractices of postdoctoral research fellows responding to a survey. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2(1), 89-114.5. Elliot, D. & Stern, J. (1996). Evaluating teaching and students’ learning of academic research ethics. Science andEngineering Ethics, 2(3), 345-366.6
environment, where issues specific to each individual team member can beaddressed. Next, teams create a working agreement and submit it for feedback regarding clarity,expectations, consequences, etc. The agreement is assessed and returned with comments,suggestions, and encouragements. At the end of the term, each team member assesses both theworking agreement and the team’s ability to abide by (and, if necessary, revise) the document.To facilitate application of teamwork skills in the classroom, students participate in a role-playexercise. The roles relate to different interpersonal styles and the goal is to encourage students tothink about their own role(s) within the team process. Finally, in an effort to keep in contact witheach team and to
Assessment. http://www.abet.org2. Bloom, B, et al. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longmans Green, 1956.3. Carliner, S. E-Portfolios. ASTD, May 2006. 71 – 74.4. Carlson, P. Teaching a Course in the Ethics of Human Communication. 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education,1999. 12d6 – 18.5. Cohn, E., and Hibbits, B. Beyond the Electronic Portfolio. Educause Quarterly, 4, 2004. 7 – 10.6. Hansen, E. Technological Expertise in Liberal Education. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education, 2006. S1H-17- 227. Heywood, J. Think…About How Others Think: Liberal Education and Engineering. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers inEducation, 2007. T3C-20 -24.8. Jablokow, K. Engineers as Problem Solving Leaders: Embracing the Humanities. IEEE Technology and Society,Winter
Variation inPainting Arts," Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (2003) 1737-1749.4. Lyu, S., D. Rockmore and H. Farid, "A Digital Technique for Art Authentication," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. v. 101#49, Dec. 7, 2004.5. Shachtman, N., "Software Detects the True Artist", NY Times Nov. 22, 2004.6. Falk, D.R., D. R. Brill, and D. G. Stork, Seeing the Light : Optics in Nature, Photography, Color, Vision, andHolography, Wiley NY - 1985 - ISBN: 0471603856.7. Waldman, G., Introduction to Light: the Physics of Light, Vision, and Color, Dover Publications, New York -2002 - ISBN: 0-486-42118-X8. Perkowitz, S., Empire of Light, 1998, Joseph Henry Press, Washington DC.9.
University’s IDEAS B.S. program that integrates the arts, engineering, and sciences into one non-ABET accredited degree [Students have the option to structure their curriculum so they can also get a traditional B.S. degree.] o Provides a technical liberal arts preparation for non-engineering design careers. These programs retain students who become disillusioned with design in engineering departments and engineering colleges.• Engineering courses for non engineers included in the general education requirements o E.g. Princeton University’s Center for Innovation in Engineering Education with multiple courses, Harvard University’s freshman course(s) titled Introduction to the World of
skills [8]. In 2004, one study reported that, of 73 top-ranked U.S. and Canadian engineering schoolssurveyed about communication instruction for engineers, 33 percent reported integratinginstruction “in which communication specialists and engineering professors collaborate [9].Many schools have integrated the instruction with various engineering courses, particularly theCapstone Design course [10-16]. Student projects and communication skills instruction have already become a part ofsome introductory statistics courses. Projects have been included for a long time [17-20], even asfar back as the 1970’s [21]. Some statistics professors have recently stressed the importance ofcommunication skills to statistics undergraduates. In
, OR, pp. 4213-4222, 2005.3. S. S. Courter and G. Johnson, “Building community and retention among first-year students: Engineering first- year interest groups (eFIGSs),” Proc. 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI, pp. F4A3-F4A8, 2007.4. R. M. Berg and K. J. Nasr, “Achieving those difficult ABET program educational outcomes through a capstone design course,” Proc. ASEE Conf., Montreal, Que., Canada, pp. 3657-3670, 2002.5. P. Biney, “Assessing ABET outcomes using capstone design courses,” Proc. ASEE Conf., Honolulu, HI, 2007.6. K. Van Treuren, “Addressing contemporary issues, lifelong learning, and the impact of engineering on global
2006-1822: FRESHMAN COURSE ON SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETYHilkat Soysal, Frostburg State University Hilkat S. Soysal received a law degree from University of Istanbul, Turkey. She practiced law in private companies and two state universities as a counselor. In 1993, she joined Istanbul University College of Engineering as a Lecturer. While teaching law courses for undergraduate engineering students, she did a graduate study in the Marine Engineering Program and received her M.Sc. degree in 1996. She continued to take graduate courses in marine engineering until she moved to the USA. Between 1997 and 2000, she took various courses in MBA and Computer Science, and engineering at
corresponding increasein understanding and achievement 2, 3. In most cases, they remain dedicated courses, oftenfulfilling university communications requirements.The University of C___’s S____ School of Engineering has decided on a slightlydifferent approach, in order to ensure that students are gaining the propercommunications skills. While engineering students are still required to take theuniversity-mandated technical communications course, students are also given instructionin communications in their first year of study, as part of an engineering design course.This method ensures not only that students are exposed to proper technicalcommunications skills from the start of their engineering careers, but that communicationis seen as an integral part
origin again, from a new light. Or, inElliot,’s words 15: “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time If the premise is correct that many of the “Tech Lit” instructors are bothrepresenting their disciplines to students, and seeking self in the engineering cosmos, thentwo things naturally follow: 1. Their diversity of disciplines works against development of a consensus Page 11.1227.12 version of Technological Literacy, although one could imagine a collection of versions as constituting an encyclopedia of
. Page 11.142.2Introduction to Virtue EthicsVirtue ethics is not a new concept. Most people regard it as something that was initiallydeveloped (as far as the Western world is concerned) by Aristotle more than 2300 years ago.Many ethical approaches concentrate on how to make good decisions when faced with difficultsituations. Aristotle’s approach was to emphasize virtuous living. A good person will makegood decisions, so what is important is to become a good person. In the 1200’s ThomasAquinas integrated this philosophy with a Christian perspective on the world. Aquinas’perspective was to dominate Western philosophical thinking for hundreds of years. For much ofthe 20th century virtue ethics was not commonly taught as a viable option by most
Page 12.492.9communication instruction necessary for engineering students’ professional development insmall, manageable pieces over time, students are better able to enhance their communicationcompetence.AcknowledgmentsThe author would like to thank the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation for continued supportof this program, as well as College of Engineering faculty for their willingness to collaborate andexperiment in the classroom.Bibliography1. Bjorkland, S. A. and Colbeck, C. L., “The View from the Top: Leaders’ Perspectives on a Decade of Change inEngineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 90, 2001, pp. 13-19.2. Evans, D.L., Beakley, G. C., Crouch, P. E., and Yamaguchi, G. T., “Attributes of Engineering Graduates and
, June 20076. Matthew W. Ohlund, Sheri D. Sheppard, Gary Lichtenstein, Ozgur Eris, Debbie Chachra and Richard A. Layton “Persistence, Engagement, and Migration in Engineering Programs”, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp 259-278, July 20087. C. Roberts, D. Morrell, R. Grondin, C.-Y. Kuo, R. Hinks, S. Danielson, and M. Henderson, “Developing a Multidisciplinary Engineering Program at Arizona State University’s East Campus,” 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, June 20058. Marcia Mentowski & Associates, Learning That Lasts: Integrating Learning, Development and Performance in College and Beyond, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco
engineering choices.As an art form, film has inherent value in: the richness of the human experience captured in itthat is shared by its audience; the pleasure and insight the experience of viewing film brings tothe audience; the creative integration of narrative, composition, perspective, and techniquecommanded by a team of producer(s), director(s), writers, actors, cameramen, film editors, setdesigners, etc.; the cultural moment it expresses and reveals as it is created and produced; and, itsstaying power as it is viewed, experienced and interpreted over time. Film enables this artisticand technical collective to transform moving image, creating symbols and exploring themes andmyth which mirror other art forms, all of which depend upon technologies
just ethics,which we believe to be both a strength (in light, for instance, of Dvorak and Fulle’s suggestionthat ethics instruction is improved when it’s placed in larger social contexts4) and a necessity (inlight of our institution-specific circumstances).Assessment designIn designing and conducting our assessment of this course, we have come to agree with Shumanet al.’s observations about the challenges of assessing “Professional Skills”-type learningoutcomes9. With limited funding for this project (in the form of a small, University-awardedstudent/faculty fellowship for independent research), we were unable to employ some of themore sophisticated assessment techniques Shuman and his colleagues suggest. Nevertheless, weimplemented an
is more coherence in the tellingthan in the living.” But, s/he added, “still you can’t create a thread if there isn’t one.”2 In the context of the dominant image of education for global competitiveness, the key issue inorganizing research strategies for this project lay not in the extent they would make visiblecontingencies and complexities or call attention to continuities, although both are important andthe differences among them are significant. The key issue also lay not in a goal of providing orapproaching some sort of complete account of what is now taking place in international andglobal engineering education. Rather, it lay in what specific strategies promised to make visibleor risked hiding in the identities of international and
ABET. Engineering criteria 2000. Baltimore, MD: Author.5 National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine. (2007). Rising Above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.6 Galloway, P. D. (2008). The 21st Century Engineer: A proposal for Engineering Education Reform. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers Press.7 Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A. & Sullivan, W. M. (2008) Educating Engineers: Designing the Future Page 15.844.15 of the Field. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.8 Duderstadt, J. J. (2009). Engineering