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theAPVAWT capstone team has passed will be introduced to show how the engineering students ofthe team design and build the APVAWT system with the Liberty art students. 2.1 Decision Gate 1 – Stakeholder RequirementsThe 1st decision gate is to identify and confirm stakeholder requirements that guide the capstoneteam in understanding what is needed to be accomplished for the project and the class. Here,stakeholders represent all entities who are involved in this project: the capstone team, theclient(s), and the class instructor. Table 1 shows stakeholder requirements the team presentedand is required to fulfill. Table 1 – Stakeholder Requirements for Design and Construction of the APVAWT Task ID Name Description
. Capstones courses can be somewhat limited and late in the coursesequence. What is needed is continuous exposure to support consumer value – true productivityto make the needed pedagogical impact. Sadly, recalls abound annually and there is no lack ofexamples.Recalls provide the needed context to engage and enhance a student’s intellectual interest; theneed to identify and solve a problem(s). As students enters individual courses these recalls,within the balanced scorecard milieu, girded by IoT can help to engage student’s intellectual Page 10 of 16curiosity. They can see the direct application of course content throughout their program ofstudy. In addition, the
solve the issues, and complete the tasks toachieve the project’s goal(s).At different stages of this project, students encouraged to design, build, and test the performanceof a propeller. While the hands-on experiences are essential, it is crucial to learn how to sharethose experiences concisely and clearly with others. These skills will be necessary to preparestudents for senior-level projects. Some of the concepts the students learned in this project are: Design and Build Testing and Troubleshooting Engineering Mechanics principles Manufacturing Processes Project Management Skills Communication Skills Problem Solving Skills Physics of Motion Measurement SkillsThe
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Future DirectionsIn this brief review of literature relating to Industry 4.0’s implications for South Korea, it is clearthat Industry 4.0 has the potential to transform South Korea’s future workforce. This developingphenomenon offers several opportunities for researchers. Promising areas for explorationinclude:1. What sorts of competency skills would be required for advanced manufacturing workers tosurvive in Industry 4.0?McKinsey Global Institute [9] recommended that workers seek additional education and trainingto adapt to an automated workplace. In the context of South Korea’s two-year technical collegeprograms, researchers may wish to investigate the extent to which current curricula containsadvanced manufacturing topics and reflects
],and several other metacognitive measures (see Section 1).In both simulation activities, students build the car toy according to a set of customer requirementsshown in Table 1. The simulation activities also require that all the tasks are performed by onestudent for the individual activity (craft production) and by four students for the group activity(mass production). The student(s) need to minimize the total cost of producing the car toy whilesatisfying the requirements of the customer. Hence, there are four main functions: design, sourcing,manufacturing, and inspection. The simulation also involves a customer and a supplier (see Figure2). The descriptions of the four jobs are as follows: (1) Design Engineer: the design engineer
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executed only when requested, rather than loading the entire program at the beginning.We will also provide a better view of the 3D rendering model using multiple images fromwebcams positioned at different locations within the machine work envelope. Finally, we willconduct a formal assessment of students’ learning.AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced TechnologyEducation Program (award no. 1304843). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflectthe views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography[1] Hsieh, S. “Design of Remotely Accessible Automated Systems to Enhance Industrial Automation
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during the Summer 2020 semester. These sessions will consist of at least3 spaced training sessions before the scheduled session class (traditional). The periodic trainingwill be one training session per week for the “experimental” section, and it will be comparedwith the “control” section. The student's feedback pointed out that more training sessions couldhelp to improve the approach to achieve the targeted tolerance dimensions. Therefore, a feedbacksurvey will be implemented for the Summer 2020 cohort.Bibliography[1] Y. Weinstein, C. R. Madan, and M. A. Sumeracki, “Teaching the science of learning.,” Cogn. Res. Princ. Implic., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 2, 2018.[2] S. H. K. Kang, “Spaced Repetition Promotes Efficient and Effective Learning
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cycles are undertaken with accumulated knowledge. Such knowledgecan be gained through experimentation. The purpose of experimentation is to gain the knowledge aboutreducing and controlling variation in the process or the product by determining which process factor(s)significantly impact the outcome [7]. Figure 4: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle For experiments to be run and analyzed efficiently, a scientific approach in planning must befollowed [D]. While one-factor-at-a-time is extensively used in experimentation, design of experiment(DoE) methods, particularly factorial design, have advantages over the one-factor-at-a-time method.These advantages include, but not limited to, the ability to estimate
engineeringworkplace skills development in favor of graduating engineers with stronger analytical skillsbased on their ability to apply sound scientific principles. Though laudable and well intentioned,it became apparent in the 80’s and 90’s with the emergence of globalized economies that thependulum had swung too far in this direction and that a correction was needed. ABET’sEngineering Criteria 2000 [2] approved in 1996 and used until recently for accreditingengineering programs, sought to achieve this by balancing the need for outcomes related toengineering problem solving with outcomes that promoted the societal context for engineering.This has resulted in a strong emphasis on introducing and assessing the professional skills intocurricula. There has been
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