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Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jaby Mohammed, The Petroleum Institute
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of class time interactingwith one another. Because of the student-centered nature of this course, students benefitfrom the other members of student learning community. In this class the instructor’s roleis that of a facilitator of the learning process. S/he will provide student with activities,and facilitate discussions. Activities and field trips have been chosen so as to engagestudents in individual and collaborative problem solving, analysis, synthesis, criticalthinking, reasoning, and reflection. Students will learn through listening to others andsharing your ideas, and by doing. What students learn will depend directly on theirwillingness to participate and there preparedness for the class through reading therequired materials before
Conference Session
Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Ethics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sangarappillai Sivaloganathan, United Arab Emirates University; Rajesh Ganithi, UAE University
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were given a shaft of 50 mm diameter from whichthey could manufacture the product. The component given to them for trial manufacturing isshown in Figure 1. Figure 1: A Key-ring Disk, Component for Trial ManufactureThis component has some fine curves and the requirement was to have fine surface finish. Twomachining centres were compared. Though it was not explicitly agreed or declared the students Page 24.464.6were working for some high quality memorabilia items that sell in the high end of the market.They were particular that the items should reflect some engineering concepts or mechanisms.Therefore their observations were
Conference Session
Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Ethics Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald J. Bennett F.ASEE, F.ABET P.E., University of St. Thomas; Niaz Latif, Purdue University Calumet (College of Technology); Aco Sikoski, Ivy Tech Community College; Steven Wendel, Sinclair Community College; Mohammad A. Zahraee, Purdue University Calumet (College of Technology)
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programs with afocus on engineering technology programs. Since it is anticipated that high school leaderattendees will be familiar with Project Lead The Way® (PLTW) curriculum, The PLTWengineering design and development process is used as the methodology for outliningdevelopment of the faculty leadership development programs aimed at better preparing effectiveleaders and aligning curriculum with the Four Pillars. The steps of this process include: 1. Define and Justify Problem 2. Generate Multiple Solutions 3. Select and Develop Solution Page 24.845.7 4. Construct and Test Prototype 5. Reflect and Evaluate 6
Conference Session
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Capstone Design Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morteza Sadat-Hossieny, Northern Kentucky University; Mauricio Torres, Northern Kentucky University
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be emulated in school, even with the capital cost expenditure Page 24.936.2 made by schools in order to obtain and maintain laboratory environments that reflect the modern industrial facility [2]. 2. From the students’ side there is no additional cost involved as the project is fully sponsored by Mazak. 3. Mazak benefits from this program by the opportunity of their employees interact with highly academically trained students, fully dedicated to experimental initiatives.According to Todd et al. [3], it is essential to keep in mind that industry is an important customerof engineering education. Ignoring this
Conference Session
Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Paras Mandal, University of Texas, El Paso; Eric D Smith, University of Texas, El Paso; Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Oscar H. Salcedo, University of Texas, El Paso
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maintain safe working environments. Social Responsibility d the principles, values, and standards that guide behavior in an organization. Sexual Harassment e business ethics model that includes values, norms, and expectationsthat reflect the concerns of multiple major stakeholders,including consumers, employees, shareholders, suppliers,competitors, and the community. f codified into law, incentives to reward organizations for takingaction to prevent misconduct.Select
Conference Session
Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G Belu, Drexel University (Tech.); Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; Lucian Ionel Cioca, "Lucian Blaga" University Sibiu, Romania
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algorithmsproduces realistic hourly data, being easy to use, requiring only the latitude and the monthlyaverages, while displaying realistic day to day and hour to hour patterns. The synthetic data arecreated with certain statistical properties that reflect global average value. However, generateddata for a particular location will not exactly replicate the characteristics of the real solarradiation. But tests show that synthetic solar data produce virtually the same simulation results asreal data. HOMER synthetic wind data generator is little different to use than the solar data as itrequires four parameters, in order to generate wind statistics for this specific site. A user starts byspecifying system parameters and hourly electrical load, wind and solar
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University; Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Peter Y Wu, Robert Morris University
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current RMU- designated benchmark for class performance is 80%).Reflection:  It can be seen from Figure 7 that the class performance in this course is above the RMU- designated benchmark (at least 80% students in the class score >= 80%) in applicable ABET outcomes 1, 3, 5, and 7.  ABET Outcome 8 was not assessed at this time.4.4 ABET Track-Specific OutcomesThe following track-specific outcomes are identified for this course:  M2: RMU Graduates have proficiency in process assembly, and product engineering and understand the design of products and the equipment, tooling and environment necessary for their manufacture.  M4: RMU Graduates have an ability to design manufacturing systems
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derrick Robinson, Virginia State University; Pallant Ramsundar, Virginia State University; Chandan B Samantaray, Virginia State University
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. Unfortunately this technique is subjective, not only due to grayscale threshold Page 24.185.3setting, but also to variations in the image due to light intensity, surface reflectivity, samplepreparation and impregnation technique. In this report, the accuracy of the grayscale thresholdingapproach will be investigated using MATLAB. 7%YSZ Bond Coat NiCoCrAlY Stainless steel Figure 1. Schematic for thermal barrier coating 7%YSZ2. Image ProcessingModifying digital images has been made possible in modern technology through
Conference Session
Use of Technology for Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Chiou, Drexel University ; Michael G Mauk P.E., Drexel University; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas, El Paso; M. Eric Carr, Drexel University; Aurel Mathews
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based on experimental data; (5) validation of the green energymanufacturing laboratory models through several student projects. We also continuously improved theexperimental activities as well as the teaching modules based also on student project evaluations. Thequestionnaire is designed to reflect the students’ understanding of the overall micro manufacturingenergy system and target the benefits of technologies for high precision engineering applications. Thehistograms in Figure 19 demonstrate the evaluation results for the questionnaire provided to thestudents. The students evaluate the following question statements on the scale from1 to 5, where 1indicates “strongly disagree” and 5 indicates “strongly agree.”1. I have grasped the green