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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 128 in total
Conference Session
Outreach Activities and Introductory Materials Engineering
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Alexander Sterling; Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Maricopa County Education Service Agency; Danny Stehlik, Arizona State University; Omowunmi Isaacs-Sodeye, Arizona State University; Dale R. Baker, Arizona State University
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that instructors shouldpromote and facilitate student reflection so they become more metacognitive learners who candevelop their own expertise by defining learning goals and monitoring their own progress. Infocusing on the first principle, awareness of prior knowledge, it is critical to have an approach toreveal students' prior knowledge and understanding of a given topic in order to developimproved strategies for teaching that topic. In introductory materials science and engineeringcourses, one of the key topics to understanding the basis for the properties of materials is thetopic of crystal structures. An important aspect of instruction on crystal structures is for studentsto develop an ability to visualize two-dimensional projections of
Conference Session
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching and Outreach
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Lanning, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott; Wahyu Lestari, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott; Shirley Anne Waterhouse, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona
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seem to indicate the authors caused confusion. This was notappreciated, of course. A significant drop in understanding is shown in the results of Problem15. The failure mechanisms are still phenomena that are not understood clearly by our studentsand needs to be explained and discussed more detail in the course.Future work and summaryIn summary, the authors believe that much was learned in writing and implementing this firstversion of a concept inventory exam. Revisions on both lecture and laboratory materials will beplanned based upon reflection of these student scores. The underlying principles of themisconceptions established from the test results are not unique to this course. The knowledgeand learning process gain by developing such exams
Conference Session
Special Session: Creating, Using, and Assessing with Concept Maps in Introductory Materials Courses
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Triplett, Arizona State University; Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Arizona State University; Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University
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show relationshipsbetween topics and include examples of real-world engineering components (such as a bicycletire, frame and headlight lens) to contextualize conceptual topics covered on any given map.Traditional concept maps show a visual map of boxed concepts connected to one another bylines which incorporate verbs that are used to link the concepts. In the Concept-in-Context mapswe are linking a wide array of different types of information that reflect the organization ofcontent within a topical area in an introductory materials course. As such, topics can becharacterized and articulated with multiple representations that can include equations, graphs,charts, macroscopic images, microscopic images, engineering components, and historical
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Chung-Suk Cho, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Na Lu, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Robert Swan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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graphically the highly favorable student assessments forselected areas of interest. This subjective survey solicited student and faculty input on a scale of1 – 5 where ―1‖ correlated to little or no support and ―5‖ indicated strong agreement.  Increased Student Engagement: This outreach initiative was rated nearly 4.4 and reflected a perceived increase in the student engagement by providing many with their first hands-on experience with construction techniques and procedures; it provided an opportunity for them to witness how their chosen field can benefit not just an individual family in need but a whole community. In fact, during the deployment at the job site, local community groups arrived at the site to express
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogies for Teaching Introductory Materials
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Elliot Douglas, University of Florida; Cindy Waters, North Carolina A&T State University; Michael Prince, Bucknell University; Trevor Harding, California Polytechnic State University
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skillsfor becoming autonomous, life long learners. The emphasis here is shifting the pedagogicalparadigm from recall based teaching and learning to teaching and learning for development of aconceptual framework through reshaping classroom environment. The general research questionaddressed here is, "What types of pedagogy can more effectively graduate engineers who cansucceed and lead in the modern day engineering environment?" The panel will introduce fiveresearch based innovate pedagogies. The breakout session will have group tables which willmodel various approaches and the reflect upon them to discover what barriers and opportunitiesare present for each of the various approaches.Inductive Teaching MethodsEngineering and science are
Conference Session
Materials Science and Engineering of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jonathan Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Alexander Dillon, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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the capacity to acquire and constructknowledge, to set goals and direct their learning process, and to assess and reflect upon theirlearning strategies and actions.Calls for educational reform emphasize the need for new learning approaches that are student-centered and that aid development of broader skills and attitudes to complement traditionalknowledge acquisition.1,2 A capacity for self-direction and life-long learning is often identifiedas a critical outcome for educational systems, and many assert that instruction that is focused onself-directed learning best facilitates understanding.3 We are clearly asked by the AccreditationBoard for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and other organizations to promote thedevelopment of students’ life
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida
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knowledge using the uniqueliteracy tools and language of the discipline2.The broader outcomes of disciplinary literacy practice are to build reflection and sense making instudents, bringing them conceptually forward from their novice understanding. The link between sensemaking, and conceptual understanding has a research history in engineering 6, and is explicitly linked forK12 science7,8. The purpose of infusing disciplinary literacy into engineering curriculum is to buildhabits of thinking, and to help students develop a deeper understanding of core content ideas. This alignswith development of expertise, as disciplinary literacy practices build towards effective communicationusing discipline specific content language9-15. The U.S. Accreditation
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Meehan, University of Glasgow; Robert H. Hadfield, University of Glasgow; Andrew Phillips
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for First Year Undergraduates that Connects the Electrical and Thermal Properties of MetalsAbstractThe undergraduate engineering programmes at the University of Glasgow were recently revisedto include a common core of classes in Year 1 and Year 2. Materials I, an introductory materialsscience course, is now taken by all Year 1 engineering students. The lectures in the course weremodified to include topics that are of interest to electronic and electrical engineering students,electrical and optical properties of materials. A hands-on laboratory experience has been developedto support student learning on electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity. The hands-onexperiment about optical reflectivity will be added to the
Conference Session
Clearing up Student Misconceptions in Materials
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Jacquelyn Kelly, Arizona State University; Dale Baker, Arizona State University; Sharon Kurpius-Robinson, Arizona State University
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effectiveness of differing pedagogies in achieving conceptualchange. Ranked from highest to lowest, the order of pedagogy effectiveness, as measured byincreases in conceptual change, was found to be: 1) team discussions with hands-on activitiesand concept sketching in 2007; 2) team discussions with contextualized concept mini-lecturesand activities in the Spring of 2009; 3) team discussions, contextualized concept lectures andactivities, plus pre-post topic assessments and daily reflections in Fall 2009; 4) lecture with somediscussions in 2003 and; 5) lecture only with no team discussions or activities in 2002. It wasfound that all pedagogies using student engagement achieved greater conceptual changecompared to passive learning and lecture-only
Conference Session
Computational Tools & Analysis
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Charles Pringle PE P.E., Central Washington University; Craig Johnson P.E., Central Washington University; Jeunghwan Choi, Central Washington University
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pounds is eight out of ten. The class averagecontinues to be lower than eight per Figure 2. This indicates the levers were not failing above 30pounds and they were also heavier than necessary. If the students were achieving the specifiedtolerance, the success scores would be nine or higher.ABET Outcome 3a was met but not improved. The student outcome is improved because thescores went up per the assessment. However, the T-test reveals the scores were not significantlydifferent. In fact, there is a 95% chance they were the same.The difference between Lab 6a and 6b labs was not obvious. It was unclear if this was due tolack of understanding in applying FEA or if their assumed failure mode was not reflected in theirchosen orientation properties
Conference Session
Advances in Materials Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anuja Kamat, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Hadi Kazemiroodsari, Wentworth Institute of Technology
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Total =Reflections This was an elective course which did not have a set curriculum yet and was run as atrial. We got to experiment a little with the course presentation. The authors were trying tobase this module on the Montessori method of education. The Montessori method is based onthe principle of auto education. When a proper prepared environment is built, the eager mindteaches itself. The learning happens through play, and the result is that the child learns in away that cannot be forgotten at the end of the semester. This method was developed by Dr.Maria Montessori to teach preschool age children and is a popular method of education inyounger children. Recently there has been some use of this method in EngineeringEducation[2
Conference Session
Introductory Materials Engineering Courses of 2020
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paulo Blikstein, Northwestern University; Uri Wilensky, Northwestern University
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validity of a random walk description of grain growth kinetics for large grains, and curvature driven kinetics for small grains.”29 In other words, Anderson et al. state that the classic rule-of-thumb for grain growth(“large grains grow, small grains shrink”) is not necessarily valid and that randomness plays amuch more important role. Given the microscopic dimensions and small time scale of thephenomenon, one of the only ways to visualize this new finding is through computer simulation.The traditional methods for investigating grain size and growth, nevertheless, reflect the tools(and visualization techniques) that were available in the fifties: mathematical abstractions,geometrical modeling, approximations, and empirical
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Surendra K. Gupta, Rochester Institute of Technology; Steven John Kosciol, Rochester Institute of Technology
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. Figure 5: Aluminum Clamps with ABS Plastic iPod Holders mounted on an aluminum specimenExperimental Results and DiscussionIn measurements reported below, we kept the distance LG between the two clamps to beapproximately 4½” to achieve comparable precision in G measurements by both inclinometersand iPods. Figure 6 shows a plot of shear stress versus shear strain data points in the elastic rangewith least-square line fits to determine the shear modulus of 2024-T351 aluminum alloyspecimens. Since the inclinometer display changes by as much as 0.15 often, the horizontalerror bars for inclinometer data reflect this 0.15 uncertainty whereas the iPod data error barsreflect the Clinometer display resolution of 0.1. Table 1 below summarizes the
Conference Session
Materials Experiments, Labs, Demos, and Hands-On Activities
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Spencer Seung-hyun Kim, Rochester Institute of Technology
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. Page 22.474.8The development of lab contents recently emphasizes the needs to give properpreparation so that students can deal with inevitable changes in materials science andengineering. Some concerns reflected on the development of laboratory session are toenhance knowledge in green materials, to develop laboratory skills, and to synthesize thecourse goals. Since the newly developed lab session has been implementing in spring, theresults of the assessment of the student performance will be documented.Conclusions The tensile properties of the hybrids (NCCS 631 and CCCS 631) were generally higher than the TPC blend (CS 730). The tensile strength of the hybrid materials substantially increased as the humidity in the sample
Conference Session
Computational Tools & Analysis
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jacob Z. Kelter, Northwestern University; Jonathan Daniel Emery, Northwestern University; Uri Wilensky, Northwestern University
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addition to helping students understand systems from an emergent perspective, computationalatomistic approaches also expose students to computational materials science techniques. Thereis a widespread consensus among academics, national labs and industry that computation willplay an increasingly important role in MatSE and that both undergraduate and graduateeducation should reflect that [13]–[15]. There are multiple ways to integrate computation intoMatSE education. One approach taken by several departments is for students to solve problemsusing computational tools designed for research and industry [16]–[21]. The advantage of thisapproach is that students learn to use tools they are likely to encounter in professional settings. Asecond approach
Conference Session
Emerging Issues in Materials Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University; Stephen Krause, Arizona State University; Jacquelyn Kelly, Arizona State University
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select choices, which incorrectly reflect changesin the strength of bonds as the reason. The scientific explanation, however, is that the density ofdefects, technically known as dislocations are reduced during annealing. This is because a coldworked metal will recrystallize during annealing which sweeps out dislocations when newlyformed crystals are grown. Preliminary MCI data revealed that only 2% of students answeredcorrectly on questions in reference to this material. Team-based concept sketching activities areeffective in helping students learn these types of concepts13. Students showed only 11% gainwith lecture only, 56% gain in score to these questions teamwork discussions, and 73% afterengaging in teamwork discussions and concept
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Cavalli, Western Michigan University
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group has an especially high confidencein their understanding of class topics.Table 14 shows a breakdown of final grades in the course. The highest concentration of gradesfor distance students was at the ‘C’ grade, with over 10% of distance students in the D/F/Wcategory. In contrast, no on-campus students finished in the D/F/W range and over 80% finishedin the ‘A’ or ‘B’ ranges. With the exception of the semester project, the average grade forcampus students was higher in each of the grading categories than for distance students(homework, exams, final exam). The difference was smallest on the final exam (72.9% vs.72.5%) and largest in the homework category (108.1% vs. 91.4%). The greater than 100%average on homework for campus students reflects
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University; Natasha Mamaril, University of Kentucky; David Ross Economy, Clemson University; Ellen L. Usher, University of Kentucky; Caihong Li, University of Kentucky; Julia L. Sharp, Clemson University
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redundancy. MSE-2 was removed because of redundancies withMSE-1 and to reduce the length of the final MSE-SE scale. MSE-3 was also removed forunclear wording (i.e., because of the initial use of the term qualities rather than properties).Because MSE-7 and MSE-8 were examining the same concepts as MSE-9, they were removedfrom the scale. MSE-10 was similar to MSE-11 and hence removed. MSE-16 was removed as itwas similar to MSE-15. After discussion, both MSE-17 and MSE-18 were eliminated becausethese concepts were emphasized in general chemistry classes. MSE-20 was also taken out of thescale because some of the course instructors did not believe the reflected content that wasadequately covered during the course (time constraints in certain sections of
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Spencer Seung-hyun Kim, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST)
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3 during the periods. Them-POGIL laboratory practices require the students to work for meaningful learning activities bythe guided inquiry and thus, students think about what they are doing in the activity assigned.These positive attitudes for active learning environment reflected the effectiveness of learning invarious lab activities. The m-POGIL method expects students to use knowledge to solve any kindof problem. The average of learning outcomes increased from 67.0% to 92.9% during theperiods. The study reported an increased level in all areas surveyed and provided strongconfidence to use a proper skill level in practices with growth.In the results of the assessment and evaluation, the study found that the process cycle proposedin Figure
Conference Session
Materials Science Education for the Future
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Todd C. Hufnagel, Johns Hopkins University; Michael J. Reese Jr., Johns Hopkins University
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employed. At severalstages in the course groups of students spent class time working out detailed problems thattraditionally might have been presented as part of a lecture. For example, the students determinedthe appearance of a single-crystal electron diffraction pattern using an Ewald sphereconstruction. The instructor walks through the classroom as students work asking questions toencourage students’ critical reflection while also answering student questions. Twocomputational modules were also integrated into the course, in which students either usedsupplied software or developed software tools (using MATLAB) to model equilibrium structuresof materials.To facilitate the active learning approach, the course in fall 2012 was located in a
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.); Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.)
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systematicallycollecting feedback from students. Improving learning through formative assessment dependsbasically on three key factors (1) effective feedback to students; (2) active involvement ofstudents in their own learning; and (3) adjusting teaching to take into account the results ofassessment. In exams for all course offerings, an entering knowledge test on sustainability andeco design will measure what students are expected to know prior to taking the course, while thefinal exam will reflect content objectives and expected student knowledge acquisition from thecourse. The predetermined assessment criteria will be communicated to students at the beginningof the instructional period. A Likert type scale questionnaire will measure how students feelabout
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anu Osta, Rowan University; Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University
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results of Aluminum andSteel specimens for different cases of loadingꞌ, promoted critical thinking and communication.Therefore the essential motivation was to re-confirm to the well-established perception thatꞌhands-on experiences will always outperform traditional or passive learning methodsꞌ. Howeverhands-on activities should be done in a way to provide sufficient opportunities for reflection,metacognition and a deeper understanding of the principle or physical phenomena underlying theexperimental activity. Poorly designed experiments would negate the benefits of hands-onlearning. In order to explore the effectiveness of a modeling tool as a substitution for hands-onactivity the project for spring 2016 was conceived. The ambit of tasks was much
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiao Zhang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andre Schleife, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Ferguson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Pascal Bellon, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Timothy Bretl, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Geoffrey L. Herman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jessica A. Krogstad, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Robert Maass, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Cecilia Leal, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dallas R. Trinkle , University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jian Ku Shang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Matthew West, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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and atti-tude. While this reflects the trend reasonably well, it is largely subjective. In the future, moreobjective data, such as information about the grades of the exams/homeworks in both the SIIPclasses and computational focused classes should be included to support the survey data.7 ConclusionIn this paper, we evaluate the efficacy of the implementation of computational modules into theMatSE curriculum through critical assessment of student feedback. The feedback illuminates in-creased student awareness of the importance of computational skills in materials science as theyadvance through the undergraduate program. It also suggests a demand for increased computa-tional content and the delivery of this content earlier in the
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alina Kononov, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Pascal Bellon, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Timothy Bretl, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andrew L. Ferguson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Geoffrey L Herman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kristopher Alan Kilian, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Jessica A. Krogstad, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Cecilia Leal, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Robert Maass, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Andre Schleife, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Jian Ku Shang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dallas R. Trinkle , University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Matthew West, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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tests,students in MSE 440 use MATLAB to apply the analysis methods described in 6 and determinethe Johnson-Cook parameters for a Ti-Al-V alloy. Using these parameters, they then predict theyield strength of the alloy for a different set of experimental conditions.5. Impact of Curriculum ChangesSurveys administered in each course assessed students’ attitudes toward and reflections on thecomputational curriculum. Preliminary results derived from these surveys and an evaluation ofimpact on exam-based performance are discussed in 15;16 . Here, we describe new results obtainedfrom studying students’ perspectives on the computational curriculum and their owncomputational competency as they progressed through the undergraduate program.5.1. Students
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle G. Gipson, James Madison University; Robert J. Prins, James Madison University
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developmental platform oflife-cycle and systems thinking introduced in the freshman and sophomore years. The moduleproject concentrated on analyzing and comparing the lifecycle phases of a wooden pencil versusa mechanical pencil to determine ecological impacts and to answer the question as to which wasmore of a sustainable product.Other changes to the project in FA13 further reflect changes to the course content. With theRapid Prototyping Laboratory coming online in the summer of 2013, the production of aconceptual prototype via 3D printing was added. The addition provided an opportunity forstudents to practice using CAD software and to become familiar with the capabilities of thelaboratory.An economic feasibility study was also added in FA13 to
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aisling Coughlan, University of Toledo; Tanya A. Faltens, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kerrie A Douglas, Purdue University, West Lafayette; David R. Johnson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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encourage post-lab reflection on the results and to address Learning Objective 6,students are also required to submit individual assignments the week after the lab session. Inthese reports, students are asked to discuss the results from both the standard tensile tests andnanowire simulations and to complete a simple problem related to calculating the Schmid factorfor FCC slip. Specifically, the following questions are asked:1. How does the yield stress of a copper nanowire compare to the yield stress of copper sample? Why is there a difference or similarity in strength? Hint: refer to your group worksheet.2. How does the Young’s modulus of a copper nanowire compare to that of the macroscale copper sample? Why is there a difference or similarity
Conference Session
Teaching Methods for the 21st Century: Part 2
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University
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3.4 3.7Scores: 1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-ExcellentThe scores reflect the mean values for the entire class and indicate their level of confidencewith 1 being Poor and 5 Excellent at their ability to apply the design attributes tounstructured problems. In the areas of planning, idea generation, feasibility analysis anditeration it appears that both the freshman and juniors, who have experience with PBLdesign activities, feel more confident in their abilities. Overall the juniors, who have hadthe most experience with applying the design method, demonstrate the highest levels ofconfidence across all of the attributes.The survey data for the freshman cohort is still being analyzed to see if there are anystatistical
Conference Session
Teaching Methods for the 21st Century: Part 1
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University; Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University; Jonathan Stolk, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
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broader impacts of engineering, enhances systems thinking, reflects sustainable engineeringpractices, and helps prepare students to make an impact in the global community. Project-basedlearning approaches that emphasize student learning rather than instructor teaching may be a keyto successful development of “global engineers.” Evaluations of project-based courses showincreases in student motivation, problem-solving ability, communication and teaming skills,knowledge retention, and capacity for self-directed learning. Despite these reported benefits,curriculum-wide implementations of project-based learning are rare, probably partly due to thetraditional emphasis on technical content acquisition in upper-level courses and a lack of clearmethods
Conference Session
Materials Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nitin Sukhija, Mississippi State University (Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems and Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering); Tomasz A. Haupt, Mississippi State University; Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, Mississippi State University
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Engineering Department at Mississippi StateUniversity. The paper discusses the rationale for the course, the course description, the gradingprocedures, and survey-based course assessments. The surveys showed that the students’reaction to the class was very positive. The impact of this course was evident in students learningoutcomes that were published online on ICME Wiki. The majority of the students were awardedthe top grade for the class, reflecting their performance, interest and effort.IntroductionIntegrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) is an emerging discipline that aims tointegrate computational material science tools into a holistic system than can accelerate materialsdevelopment, transform engineering design optimization, and
Conference Session
Active Learning and Demonstrations in Materials Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam J. Kardos, University of Colorado, Denver; Stephan A. Durham, University of Colorado, Denver; Wesley E. Marshall, University of Colorado, Denver
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(both design firms and ready-mixed concrete producers), more time to allow for a fieldplacement of the student project mixtures, and a student reflection session. The authors plan to pursue greater industry collaboration in future offerings of the course.The industry collaboration will be even more important in reviewing the technical report and oralpresentations as well as the potential for a field placement. The value in having industryinvolved in reviewing the technical reports and oral presentations is the feedback they canprovide. Individuals involved in the concrete industry can suggest modifications to the studentsin addition to commenting whether their design is “practical” would have the potential for beingused in the field