Paper ID #16937Implementation of Materials Science in the High School ClassroomDr. Alison K. Polasik, The Ohio State UniversityProf. Glenn S. Daehn, The Ohio State UniversityMichelle R. McCombs, The Ohio State University Michelle R. McCombs is the Program Manager and Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF MRSEC, CEM, at The Ohio State University. She received both her B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry at Western Kentucky University and M.A. in Science Education at the Uni- versity of California, Davis. In addition to conducting evaluation for this Math and Science Partnership Program, she
rubrics and exemplars, and an assessment tool is being developed to provide tuningfeedback in order to refine the laboratories in future years.References:1. Bartolo, L. (2008), The Future of Materials Science and Materials EngineeringEducation, Workshop on Materials Science and Materials Engineering Education, NSF,September 2008.2. Olson, G. B. (2000). Designing a new material world. Science, 288(5468), 993-998.3. Feisel, L. D., & Rosa, A. J. (2005). The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineeringeducation. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 121-130.4. Feisel, L.D., and Peterson, G.D.,(2002). The Challenge of the Laboratory in EngineeringEducation,” Journal of Engineering Education, 91(4), 2002, pp. 367–3685. Edward, N. S
, andsupersaturation is possible. However, in the right graph there is no solid region where oneelement could be soluble in the other in the solid state. With no solid solubility, a supersaturatedsolid solution cannot be created. So the underlying reason(s) for difficulty in understanding thefirst explanation could lie in poor chart reading ability, vocabulary, or in the meaning ofsolubility limit or all. The response addresses all issues with the two graphs, but could have beenimproved with better labeling on the diagrams.Fig. 3. Faculty response on white board to students’ Muddiest Points on age hardening Al alloys. The comments in Muddy Points 2–5 all relate to difficulty in reading the graph, whichplots metal hardness (a measure of strength) as a
and technology teacher, as well as several years of electrical and mechanical engineering design experience as a practicing engineer. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Swarthmore College, his Master’s of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Doctorate in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Dr. Louis Nadelson, Utah State University Louis S. Nadelson is an associate professor and director for the Center for the School of the Future in the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education at Utah State University. He has a BS from Colorado State University, a BA from the Evergreen State College, a MEd from Western
; Exposition, Louisville, KY. Krause, S., Decker, J., Niska, J., & Alford, T., & Griffin, R. (2003). Identifying student misconceptions in introductory materials engineering classes. Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN. Krause, S., Tasooji, A., & Griffin, R. (2004). Origins of misconceptions in a materials concept inventory from student focus groups. Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT. Krause, S., & Tasooji, A. (2008). An intervention using concept sketching for addressing dislocation-related misconceptions in introductory
their specimens, a benchtop mechanical tester (MTestQuattro; ADMET,Inc., Norwood, MA, USA) was used by the students to deform their specimens in tension at afixed deformation rate of 0.5 mm/s until failure was observed. Engineering stress-strain curveswere constructed from the resulting data, and the students determined the Young’s modulus (E),yield stress (σy), and strain at failure (εf) for each specimen. A full list of materials, step-by-stepinstructions, discussion questions and a glossary of engineering terminology is publicallyavailable.8 While only one deformation rate is investigated here, activity extensions could beperformed to investigate the effect of rate on the deformation response. As many polymericmaterials are viscoelastic
the new course format in acquiring those skills.Bibliography1. National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004).2. National Science Board, Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education (Arlington, VA.: National Science Foundation, 2007).3. Gretar T. and Diran A., Re-Engineering Engineering Education for the Challenges of the 21st Century, Journal of Engineered Materials (JOM), pg. 14, (2006).4. Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A. & Sullivan, W. M., Educating Engineers: Designing the Future of the Field, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008).5. Howard, I. and Smith, B., Hands-on Development of Communication
Using a Flipped Classroom Model ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA. 10.18260/p.24811[5] Swift, T. M. and B. Jean Wilkins (2014). A Partial Flip, A Whole Transformation: Redesigning Sophomore Circuits. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN, ASEE.[6] Clemens, B. M., C. Nivargi, et al. (2013). "Adventures with a Flipped Classroom and a Materials Science and Engineering MOOC : “Fools Go Where Angels Fear to Tread”." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1583.[7] Marks, J., K. J. Ketchman, et al. (2014). Understanding the Benefits of the Flipped Classroom in the Context of Sustainable Engineering. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN, ASEE.[8] Mason, G. S., T. R
% Change Average Teacher Focused 2.75 2.75 0 Teacher Focused Average Student Focused 3.875 3.875 0 Student Focused Faculty 3 PRE POST % Change Average Teacher Focused 3.75 3.75 0 Teacher Focused Average Student Focused 2.875 3.5 21.7 Student FocusedTable 2. shows the results for the self-reported RTOP survey, and Table 3 presents the results forthe recently developed Faculty Teaching and Learning Awareness Survey.For all three surveys, it is clear that Faculty 1's self-reported results demonstrate a significantchange from the beginning to the
Course,”Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, 2011.8. Malicky, D., Huang, M., Lord, S.,” Problem, Project, Inquiry or Subject Based Pedagogies: What to Do?”, Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE 2006.9. Jayaram, S., “Implementation of Active Cooperative Learning and Problem-Based Learning in an Undergraduate Control Systems Course,” Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ASEE, 2013.10. Frank,M, Lavy,I., Elata, D., “Implementing the Project-Based Learning Approach in an Academic Engineering Course,” International Journal of Technology and Design Education: 13, (2003): 373-288.11. Petersen, O., Jordan, W., Radharamanan, R., “AC 2012-3655: Proposed Keen
students’ understanding and ability to both conceptualize and integrate information,further work will include textual analysis of reports and presentations, to identify the extent towhich students using the reasoning diagram develop syntactic coherence through identifying thelogical relationship between concepts, rather than through narrating the sequential relationshipbetween actions.References1. ABET. Criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Baltimore: ABET; 2014. 27 p.2. Novak, Joseph D. Learning, Creating and Using Knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge; 1998. 316 p.3. Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M., & Norman, M. K. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. San Francisco, CA
mechanism to deal with studentabsences. The format of CRs also motivates key principles of student learning, includingstimulating intrinsic motivation and curiosity, enhancing cognition and memory, and developingmetacognition and self-regulation. This system of complementary readiness assessments allowsfor students with different learning styles to use whichever suits their learning more.1 Velegol, S. B., Zappe, S.E., and Mahoney, E. 2015. The Evolution of a Flipped Classroom: Evidence-Based Recommendations. Advances in Engineering Education 4(3):1-37.2 Leicht, R.M, Zappe, S.E., Messner, J. I. and Litzinger, T. 2012. Employing the Classroom Flip to Move "Lecture"Out of the Classroom. Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering
field.V. ConclusionTo meet national workforce need, we developed different computational modeling modules andtaught the modules in two undergraduate materials science and engineering course, includingStructure of Materials course and Thermodynamics course. Students studied the computationalmodeling theory outside of the class. In the class, the instructor focused on hands-on practice.The module s covered various materials structure and thermodynamic topics, such as atom andbonding simulations, point defect formation energy calculations and diffusion simulations,chemical reaction simulations, Gibbs free energy equilibrium calculations, and phase separationsimulations. Student feedback was collected in consideration of the module
sharing the topic with current and future students. Our interdisciplinary approachgave us perspectives from each other’s disciplines we could not have gained by studying thesubject individually. Additionally, we are modelling this interdisciplinary behavior for ourstudents. REFERENCES[1] K. Frydenborg, Chocolate Sweet Science and Dark Secrets of the World’s Favorite Treat. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2015.[2] C. Teubner, The Chocolate Bible. Chartwell Books Inc, 1997.[3] S. Beckett, The Science of Chocolate. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008.[4] “Code of Federal Regulations Title 21” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, April 1, 2015.