Figure 4. Comparison of Conceptions of Mathematics Inventory (CMI) Results. CMI given at start of fall 2004 Calculus I and at end of spring 2005 Calculus II. Data collected for 48 students who took both fall 2004 and spring 2005 CMI . AVERAGE VALUES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I . N a tu r e o f M a th e m a tic a l K n o w le d g e 1 . C o m p o s itio n o f M a th e m a tic a l F a ll: 3 .8 7 S p r i n g : 3 .7 2 K n o w le d g e K n o w l e d g e a s f a c t s , f o r m u l a s, a n d
( x, 0 ) = 0, ( x, Y ) = f y =Y ( x, t ) ∂y ∂yWith Fint erior ( x, y; s ) and Fy =Y ( x; s ) denoting the Laplace transforms of f int erior ( x, y, t ) and f y =Y ( x, t ) , respectively, USFKAD expresses the Laplace-transformed solution asΨ = Ψ1 + Ψ 2Ψ1 = ∑ κ sin κ x x cosh κ x2 + sy A ( s; κ x ) x Page 11.188.7 π 2π 3πwith κx = , , ,... X X X 2A ( s; κ x ) = ∫ 0X dx sin κ x x M
school with advanced placement credits in mathematics to take additional mathematicscourses beyond the courses required for their major.Creating courses and tracts of interestOver the past few years the Rose-Hulman Mathematics Department has made several changes toencourage students to take upper level mathematics courses. One of the major changes was tochange the courses required to get a degree in mathematics. Until the late 1900’s Rose had onlyone tract for a degree or major in mathematics. We have now split this into four different tracts.Our first tract is for the traditional mathematics major who wants to go to graduate school andearn and masters degree or doctorate in mathematics. This tract is not a tract that would interestmost
. Taking thetransform of both sides of equation (2) and solving for the transform of x(t), we obtain X ( s ) = W ( s ) F ( s ) + W ( s ) mx′ ( 0 ) + ( ms + c ) x ( 0 ) (3)Here X(s) denotes the transform of the response x(t), F(s) denotes the transform of the input f(t), 1and W ( s ) = 2 denotes the so-called transfer function. Clearly, W(s) depends only on ms + cs + kthe system parameters, F(s) depends only on the input, and the term in brackets depends on thesystem parameters and the initial state of the system. Thus, the representation of the systemresponse given by equation (3) makes it easy to distinguish between the effects of systemparameters, input, and initial
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is a coherent rigorous verbal framework specifying aconcept. A discussion of the conflicts between the infinities of everyday experience and formalinfinities based on axioms can be found in reference 12.The interesting conversations13 of a knowledgeable father with his six-year old son, Nic, providean insight on how a child's intuition builds an image of the concept of infinity. In the beginningof the conversations Nic imagines infinity as a very huge number, much bigger than 10, biggerthan a million, probably bigger than a "googol" (1 followed by a hundred 0's). Nic's infinity canbe operated on like any other number in arithmetic ("infinity" + "infinity" = "two infinity", andthere is "half infinity" as well). Nic also invents a number