outperformed by 16other industrialized nations in science, and by 23 nations in mathematics (only 30 nationsparticipated). Narrowing the curriculum is not advancing the U.S.’s educational system and isinadequately preparing students to compete in a 21st century world.Lateral TransferRather than reduce the curricula, research indicates that systematically pairing specific subjectsmay improve both learning and motivation. For example, research consistently demonstrates astrong correlation between second language (L2) learning and increased first language ability onstandardized achievement tests. L2 learners have greater: syntactic awareness (Bialystock, 1988,Galambos & Goldin-Meadow); phonological awareness (Bruck & Genesse, 1995; Campbell &
AC 2010-171: EXCEL IN MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS OF CALCULUSCynthia Young, University of Central Florida Cynthia Young is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics in the UCF College of Sciences and a Co-PI of the NSF-funded S-STEM program at UCF entitled the "Young Entrepreneur and Scholar(YES) Scholarship Program" as well as the NSF-funded STEP program entitled "EXCEL:UCF-STEP Pathways to STEM: From Promise to Prominence." Dr. Young's research interests are in the mathematical modeling of atmospheric effects on laser beams. She currently has projects with the Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory investigating atmospheric propagation in the marine
to the academic and career goals of thestudent. This began the active learning process. An example of “The Frame” is illustrated in Figure 1. The student has an interest in howdiseases spread. The student’s career goal was to go into a biomedical field. The studentresearched the process and found a set of differential equations that model the spread of diseasefor a particular and general case.5,6Figure 1. “The Frame” utilized in the context of the spreading of disease. Susceptible βI Infected g Recoveredβ = transmission rate, B = birth rate, d = death rate, R0 = reproductive rate (rate that infectedpersons cause new infected persons), g = recovery rate, S, I and R are the populations of thethree
. (Note that no data areavailable for Exercise 12 or for survey item number one for Exercise 9.)Survey Statements1. This exercise was an appropriate use of class time.2. This exercise had a clear learning objective.3. This exercise was successful in meeting its associated learning objective(s).4. I recommend DISCONTINUING the use of this exercise in future semesters.*5. Please provide any additional comments you may have regarding this exercise:6. This exercise was an effective learning tool.*** “Discontinuing” was listed in all capital letters for exercises 3 through 11.** This survey item was only posed for exercises 7 through 11.Table 2: Statements for surveys administered to students following completion of each exercise.Analysis indicates
curriculum. Paper presented at the ASEE Conference, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006.4. Boardbridge, P. & Henderson, S. (2008). Mathematics education for 21st century engineering students: Final report. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute.5. Green, .R., Harrison, A. S., Podcock, D. & Ward, J.P. (2004) The role of CAA in helping engineering undergraduates learn mathematics. Maths CAA Series: Nov 2004. Downloaded from http://ltsn.mathstore.ac.uk/articles/maths-caa-series/nov2004/index.shtml#abstract6. Cetty, M. (2000). A scheme for online Web-based assessment. Engineering science and education journal, 9(1), 27-32.7. Nahi, H.B., Charturvedi, S., Akan, A.O. & Pickering, J.W. (2007
willtake the first four zeros. We also need to find the values for λ n and J 0 λ n r. The first fourzeros of the Bessel function of order zero are given by: By Hand (Tables) Using Maple a 1 = 2. 404825558 >BZ:=[evalf(BesselJZeros(0, 1 .. 4))]; a 2 = 5. 520078110 a 3 = 8. 653727913 a 4 = 11. 79153444 α We now calculate the λ ′n s = an : By Hand (Tables) Using Maple λ 1 = 2. 404825558 π = 1. 530959499 >L1:=evalf(BZ[1]/(Pi/2)); 2 λ 2 = 5. 520078110
) distributedhandouts of Linksman’s characterizations and recommendations for each super link.Also in this study, (5) students were shown previous student projects submitted in the earlierMATH 131 courses to introduce each new topic visually and (6) were required to complete amuch more comprehensive project component (hence the term Project-Directed Mathematics).The authors discovered that students’ documented super links did not confirm the previousassumption, that most designstudents by nature would be visual 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 M ATH 1 3 1 St u d e n t s' Le a r n in g Pr e f e r e n ce sor tactile right-brained learners, thus ( n = 37
, “The researchers have observed students entering the Professional Pilotprogram at Kansas State University at Salina lack the necessary prerequisite mathematics skillsfor success in subsequent higher mathematics courses. Using an introductory appliedmathematics course coupled with applied aviation exercises and engaging pedagogical methodsin mathematics courses could engage students and enhance their mathematics learning skills.” Afall 2009 Kansas State University at Salina (KSU-S) aviation faculty survey, albeit small,supports this hypothesis.The researchers’ observed presumption is that present day students possess more technologyunderstanding and rely on audio/visual feedback stimuli. One approach modifies methods ofinstruction to
the effort to develop the post-test for the lesson. Awell-defined template is used by the Fellow to create the lesson, which can be disseminated onthe project’s website soon after its implementation. This template consists of the followingblocks: 1) Summary – goal to be achieved by students; 2) Objectives – skills to be acquired bystudents; 3) Standards to be addressed; and 4) Lesson Information – Grade Level, Subject Area,Duration, Setting, Materials Needed, Background Knowledge, Lesson Plan(s) details, andAdditional Resources (learning objects, timelines, assessment rubrics, surveys, etc.). Item 4includes detailed information provided via hotlinks. The Fellow submits the final lesson to theGrant Coordinator for checking and approval before
. pp. S.16-24.8. Dunn, J. W., and J. Barbanel. “One model for an integrated math physics course focusing on electricity and magnetism and related calculus topics.” American Journal of Physics, August 2000: 68.8.9. Froyd, J.E., and M. W. Ohland. “First-year Integrated Curriculum Projects - Supplemental Information for the Paper: Integrated Engineering Curricula.” Journal of Engineering Education, 2005: 94.1.10. Froyd, J. E., and G. J. Rogers. "Evolution and evaluation of an integrated, first-year curriculum." Proceedings of the 27th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change, 1997, vol. 2. pp.1107-1113.11. Jeffrey E. Froyd, and Matthew W. Ohland. “Integrated Engineering
enabled the solutions of differential equations but also raisedmany perplexing and wonderful problems. Over the next century, the finest mathematiciansexplored these problems. Dirichlet, Cauchy, Cantor, Riemann, Weierstrass and others, in theirstudy of continuity and convergence of series, invented ingenious, counterintuitivecounterexamples and produced analytical techniques which culminated in Lebesgue’smagnificent theory of integration about 1906.During the 1700’s, developments in mathematical theory were dominated by Leonhard Euler.Euler had more mathematical insight, made more mathematical discoveries and had moremathematical fun than anyone else either before or since except maybe Erdos. However, theviews of Euler on the nature of
Page 15.107.11classes (Introduction to Business and Supervisory Management) during the 2008 fall semesterrepeated in the fall 2009 semester indicate that students at K-State in Salina like stories as apedagogical tool. The poll asked students to rank ten different presentation/learning methodsutilized in class based on the student’s order of importance. Ten different teaching tools werelisted on a single page and here is how students ranked the items: 1. Class Discussion 2. Stories Ranked #2 3. Class Lectures 4. PowerPoint 5. Handouts 6. Group Projects 7. Videos/DVD’s 8. Textbook(s) 9. KSU Online (Classroom program like Blackboard, WebCt, etc) 10. Homework.Business