in computer aided design." 1999 ASEE Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, Jun 20th-23rd, 1999. [3] Chester, Ivan. "Teaching for CAD expertise." International journal of technology and design education 17: 23-35, 2007. [4] Bloom, Benjamin S. "Learning for Mastery. Instruction and Curriculum. Regional Education Laboratory for the Carolinas and Virginia, Topical Papers and Reprints, Number 1." Evaluation comment 1.2 (1968): n2. [5] “Entrepreneurial Mindset” (accessed January 2nd 2024).
engineering troubleshooting process.Through continuous adaptation of these problem-solving methodologies, engineers caneffectively address troubleshooting problems and propel innovation. We hope that this workoffers insights and guidance for engineers approaching troubleshooting, while also providingeducators with valuable tools and frameworks to prepare the next generation of engineeringprofessionals.References[1] A. Schaafstal, J.M. Schraagen. “Training of troubleshooting: A structured, task analytical approach” Cognitive task analysis: Psychology Press; 2000. p. 71-84.[2] K. Duncker, L. S. Lees. On problem-solving. Psychological monographs. 1945;58(5):i.[3] Schaafstal A, Schraagen JM, Van Berl M. Cognitive task analysis and innovation
Statics course course course course s course Before Before After Before After Before After Before After change After change change change change change change change change (n=122 change (n=197 (n=107 (n=178 (n=103 (n=227 (n=147 (n=252 (n=183 ) (n=44) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )% Summer Yr 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 2% Fall Yr 1 69 86 40 53 3 34 56 81 43 77% Winter Yr 1 25 12 43 34 87 55
. If a car had finished several laps during its two minutes of time, then the besttiming was considered for the lap. The first team was from The Citadel with timing of 10.73 s,the second team weas from The Citadel again with timing of 11.45 seconds and third team wasfrom Military Academy with timing of 12.16 seconds. Figure 5. Amazon DeepRacer car running on the track [7]PerformanceWhen training of the model is finished in the simulator, the results can be evaluated in theevaluation section. Figure 6 shows the results of two sample models, the left one is a highperforming model, and the right one is a low performing model. These graphs have three distinctlines. The green line represents the value of the reward variable and
activities integrated withentrepreneurially minded learning. Students practiced and exercised engineering design processduring the second (spring) semester with an engineering entrepreneurial mindset through variousclass activities and design projects with selected topics. This also exposed the students to anengineer’s role in a society and the related responsibilities along with creation of new innovativeideas.Erdil et al. [10,11] studied a curricular model to develop an entrepreneurial mindset inengineering students which emanated from the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network(KEEN)’s 3C’s, of curiosity, connections and creating value. The study spanned across all fouryears of all engineering and computer science programs. Flipped classroom
clarificationand/or ask what the students think about what a question is asking. With the remaining classtime, students work in their groups and complete their team contract, which is due at the nextclass. The team contract helps the team to reflect on past teaming experiences and setexpectations for their current team.The following week, students have work days when the instructor moves from team to team tohelp out and direct their work. During this week, the instructor invites students who have alreadycompleted HT to come back and talk with the current students. They could be a senior(s) whocompleted the class and/or a graduate(s) who indicated the value of the course structure to theirlearning. (The instructor started inviting former students after a
manufacturing program,” The Tuscaloosa News. engineering-school-opens-manufacturing-program/5934091001/ (accessed Jan. 23, 2023).[6] S. Mittal, M. A. Khan, D. Romero, and T. Wuest, “Smart manufacturing: Characteristics, technologies and enabling factors,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 233, no. 5, pp. 1342–1361, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.1177/0954405417736547.[7] P. Zheng et al., “Smart manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0: Conceptual framework, scenarios, and future perspectives,” Front. Mech. Eng., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 137–150, Jun. 2018, doi
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Laboratory Experiment Paperpresented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana.10.18260/p.26679[4] Dickrell, P. L. (2017, June), Five-Minute Demonstrations: Minimal Faculty Investment forMaximum Learning Impact Paper presented at 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition,Columbus, Ohio. 10.18260/1-2--28366[5] Funke, L., & Hylton, J. B., & Sawyers, D. (2019, June), Work in Progress: IncorporatingMicroprocessors across the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum Paper presented at 2019 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2—33630[6] Harib, K. H., & Sivaloganathan, S., & Hamza, R. K. M., & Aziz, M. A. (2020, June),Foundation Mechatronics Laboratory Course for Mechanical
Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 43-54, 2013.[5] M.N. Fried, "History of mathematics in mathematics education,” In M. R. Matthews (Ed.), International handbook of history, philosophy and science teaching (pp. 669–703). Springer.[6] K. M. Clark, T. H. Kjeldsen, S. Schorcht, and C. Tzanakis, “History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education – An Overview”, Mathematica didactica 42 (2019) 1.[7] E. Brue, “An Integral Approach to Teaching History across the EngineeringCurriculum”, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, June 20 ~ 23, 2004.[8] G. Voland, “Engineering by Design”, Pearson; 2nd edition, December 18, 2003
mastery isn’t a bad thing with the 80%s needed but the exams on the same day is a lot of pressure. Maybe a different way of retakes.Additional Survey Comments from students who did not have to retake any exams: 1) The structure felt perfect for this class. 2) Retakes are good minimum passing grade is too black and white in terms of students grasping the content 3) I think a pass/fail system is ok if the threshold is lower. 80% is a bit too high, at least on exams where one single mistake can mean a failing grade. 4) Use Canvas!! Pass/fail on quizzes makes no sense since one wrong is a fail. 5) Only down side (to me) is that Canvas doesn’t reflect actual grade. 6) Trying to understand the grading was brutal. It took a
Desktop Learning Modules," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1536-1549, 2022.[17] A. Khan, "Khan, A, Reynolds, OM, Thiessen, DB, Adesope, OO, Van Wie, BJ, Dutta, P, Design, Fabrication, Testing, and Implementation of a Low-Cost Venturi Meter, 39 (4), 1- 15, 2023," International journal of engineering education, vol. 39, no. 4, 2023.[18] O. Reynolds, "Development and Implementation of a Low-Cost Desktop Learning Module for Double Pipe Heat Exchange," Chemical Engineering Education, vol. 56, no. 2, 2021.[19] R. K. Shah and D. P. Sekulic, Fundamentals of heat exchanger design. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.[20] S. Kakac, H. Liu, and A. Pramuanjaroenkij, Heat exchangers: selection
the present with FIRST and robotics, they can also become useful inmy future career paths. For instance, in college, students will most likely be expected to worktogether in group projects, providing an opportunity for them to exercise their communicationskills. Even outside of school, employees may be expected to work in teams to completeprojects. Teamwork is an extremely important quality that is often made commonplace in many,if not all, collaborative environments as it can result in effective collaboration betweensubordinates due to the presence and flow of diverse ideas and perspectives. Since I, similar tomany others, was able to develop these skills through the FIRST program(s), I am now able toexercise these skills in practically
equations in their symbolic formwithout any algebraic manipulation. This approach enables students to concentrate on thefundamental physics of the problem rather than on the algebraic manipulation needed to isolatethe required solution variable(s). The authors recommend using a commercial program equationsolver for solving the equations, except for the most straightforward problems, which should beverified. This method allows for a natural extension to design, as all equations are in symbolicform and can be entered into modern engineering tools for validation and repetitive analysis. Byincorporating a computer equation solver with the raw symbolic equations, the method enhancesengineering productivity, reduces the chance of algebraic errors, and