offered additional proof that developing and delivering at a distance a Dynamicscourse, using instructional design best practices, is equivalent to a F2Fcourse as reflected by thestudent outcomes and perceptions.Reference[1] J. Bourne, D. Harris and F. Mayadas, "On-Line engineering education: Learning anywhere, anytime," Journal of Engineering Education, 2005.[2] S. Huang and J. Mativo, "Impact of interventions on students’ conceptual understanding of dynamics, principles and self-efficacy.," in ASEE, Paper #12469, Seattle, WA, 2015.[3] L. G. Gary, F. Constanzo, D. Evans, P. Cornwell, B. Self and J. L. Lane, "The Dynamics Concept Inventory Assessment Test: A Progress Report and Some Results," in ASEE, Portland, OR, 2005
, and positive student comments in Appendix C), instructorsmust excite students to take ownership of the questions and work independently on modeldevelopment. One way to do this is to introduce applications right from the dynamics or, fluidscourse which students regularly use or, have seen before, and prepare a mathematical modelaround it [18]. Note that the first two questions in Appendix A are attempting just that. Sincestudents would not recall the speed of sound and Mach number (M) check for incompressibility,the second question provides the value of the limiting airspeed of 102 m/s. It does give theinstructor opportunity to address the M < 0.3 limit while discussing the solutions with students.The location of stagnation points, the
., 2014, "The Effects on Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Electric Circuitsof Introducing Virtual Manipulatives Within a Physical Manipulatives-Oriented Curriculum," Cognition andInstruction, 32(2), 101–158.[17] Hofstein, A. and Lunetta, V.N., 2003, "The Laboratory in Science Education: Foundations for the Twenty-FirstCentury," Science Education, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 28-54.[18] Abdulwahed, M. and Nagy, Z.K., 2009, “Applying Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle for LaboratoryEducation,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 98, No. 3, pp 283-293.[19] Menekse, M., Stump, G.S., Krause, S., and Chi, M.T.H., 2013, “Differentiated Overt Learning Activities forEffective Instruction in Engineering Classrooms,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 102
Inventory Assessment Test. In: Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. ; 2003:8.1202.1- 8.1202.12. Gray GL, Costanzo F, Evans D, Cornwell P, Self B, Lane JL. The Dynamics Concept Inventory Assessment Test : A Progress Report and Some Results Introduction. In: Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. ; 2005:10.1278.1-10.1278.16. Richardson J, Steif PS, Morgan J, Dantzler J. Development of a Concept Inventory for Strength of Materials. In: Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. ; 2003:29-33.8. Sweeney S, Englund R, Edwards R. Direct Assessment of Mechanics of Materials Learning with Concept
100% rational and easy to follow solution process, Meets Minimum including required diagrams and figures Competency Incorrect answer due to one or two minor errors II 80% but supported by a correct solution process as described in Level I Does Not Meet Minimum III 0% Incorrect answer due to conceptual error(s) CompetencyIn Level II scores described in Table 2, there are two necessary conditions for classifying anerror as minor: 1. The mistake is a minor algebraic error, computational error, error in units or significant digits, or other human mistake such
integral was introduced by Gottfried Leibniz in 1675. The integral Page 12.806.5symbol he used, " ", was derived from an elongated letter S, standing for summa (Latin for "sum"or "total"). Newton was at times a very nasty man. Following the death of Leibniz, Newton isreported to have declared that he had taken great satisfaction in "breaking Leibniz's heart."Newton seemed to be characterized by a lack of publishing for much of his life. This may havebeen due to the fact that he was very sensitive to criticism. For example, the conflict he had withRobert Hooke over optics resulted in his ceasing all publications until after the death of Hooke
comprehensive review of this literature here, wecite and discuss selected works that have influenced our thinking.A large body of research evidence suggests that active learning techniques – broadlytaken here to mean any form of instruction that engages students beyond passivelyreceiving information – promote learning10,11. A particularly convincing study conductedby Hake in the 1990’s demonstrated that physics students exposed to some form of“interactive engagement” developed higher levels of conceptual understanding than thosein “traditional” instructional settings12. Active learning grounds the SCALE-UP projectat North Carolina State University13, many of the integrated engineering curricula thatemerged in the 1990’s14, and some of the emerging
)Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Another author (SB) was supported by a StanfordVice Provost of Graduate Education (VPGE) Graduate Fellowship.Bibliography[1] Mazur, E. (1996) Peer instruction: a user’s manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.[2] Smith, K., Sheppard, S. D., Johnson, D., Johnson, R. (2005). "Pedagogies of engagement: Classroom-basedpractices" Journal of Engineering Education, 94 (1): 87-102.[3] Bucciarelli, L. L. (1999). Design delta design: Seeing/seeing as. Presented at the Design Thinking ResearchSymposium 4, Boston, MA, April 23-25.[4] Prudhomme, G., Boujui, J. F. O., and Brissaud, D. (2003). Toward reflective practice in engineering designeducation. International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (2): 328-337