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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 67 in total
Conference Session
Concept Inventories in Mechanics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ann Reimers, University of Virginia; Stefen Beeler-Duden, University of Virginia
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instruction to improve students’ grasp of the material.The Rotational Kinematics Inventory (RKI) is a peer-reviewed, validated assessment tool formeasuring students’ conceptual understanding of rotational kinematics. It is provided forteachers’ use by PhysPort, a website maintained by the American Association of PhysicsTeachers (AAPT) and supported by the National Science Foundation [3]. PhysPort gives theRKI a “silver” rating, its second highest ranking of research validation. This rating was grantedbecause the tool was developed through student interviews, expert review and statistical analysis,tested by multiple research groups at multiple institutions and the results were peer-reviewed [3].Development and testing of the inventory were reported by
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianno Coller, Northern Illinois University
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,they may implement it through an interface called the SpuPilot. Below, I provide a briefoverview of the interface so that when I present logs of student work, later in the article, thereader can understand what they are doing. Figure 6. GUI where students write mathematical equations for the thrust signal.One of the windows in the SpuPilot provides a graphical user interface (GUI) where students can Page 24.851.8write mathematical equations for the thrust signal to be sent to the spuCraft. See Figure 6.Variables that students can use to write their equations are: m, the spuCraft mass; mFeet, themass of only the feet of the spuCraft
Conference Session
Statics Online
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devin R. Berg, University of Wisconsin, Stout
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Participation in the Engineering ClassroomIntroductionThe use of Twitter (, a micro-blogging platform, in the higher educationclassroom has expanded in recent years as educators come to realize the benefits of social mediause as a tool for faculty-student communication or for inter-student communication 1 . While theliterature on the use of Twitter in the classroom is emerging, recent studies have found theplatform functional for promoting concise expression of ideas, critical reading and writing skills,stronger student-teacher relationships, self-learning in an informal environment, andaccountability among other benefits 2 . Further benefits have been found in relation to askingstudents to communicate the content of a given
Conference Session
Teaching Statics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Devin R. Berg, University of Wisconsin - Stout
Tagged Divisions
and potentially improves course performance 6,7 . While the literature on the use of of Twitterin the classroom is emerging, recent studies have found the platform functional for promotingconcise expression of ideas, critical reading and writing skills, stronger student-teacherrelationships, self-learning in an informal environment, and accountability among other benefits.Conversely, using Twitter in the classroom has potential disadvantages such as distracting Page 24.550.3content, overly constraining character limitations, and privacy concerns 8 . Each of these itemsmust be considered when assessing the use of Twitter in the classroom and
Conference Session
Mechanics, Hands-on Demo - Show & Tell!
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sinead C. MacNamara, Syracuse University; Joan V. Dannenhoffer P.E., Syracuse University
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institutions, statics is typically taken in the fall ofsecond year for civil, environmental, mechanical and aerospace engineering students. Theonly engineering course that the students have taken before statics is the first yearcornerstone course, an experience that is dwarfed by the rest of the first year load of basicscience and mathematics pre-requisite courses. The statics classroom can be one of thefirst true acculturation experiences for these future engineers. This is one of the firsttimes these students are amongst only their departmental peers and are being taught by aprofessor from their home department. Thus, the statics course has a significant role toplay in setting the tone for the years to come, and in introducing students to
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Teaching of Mechanics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Serge Raymond Maalouf, University of Maine; Olivier Putzeys P.E., University of Maine
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new material. In the activity sessions, students work on hands-onexperiments, computer simulations, and/or problems with support from the instructor andteaching assistant. The new aspects of this statics course are: (1) the blended format; (2) thedevelopment of novel activities for the classroom and laboratory; (3) the use of a “lightboard”, inwhich the instructor writes on a glass board while facing the video camera, to record the mini-lecture videos; (4) the flexibility for the instructor to “flip” any desired percentage of thesemester’s lectures; (5) the collections of videos and activities are available for instructors acrossmultiple campuses. Direct assessments and student surveys indicate that the blended format wasgenerally effective
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Josue Njock Libii, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Tagged Topics
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done ingroups during lab sessions and it is the writing of the lab reports that is done outside of the lab.However, in lecture courses, which constitute the vast majority of credit hours (about 95% in thefour ABET accredited engineering programs in our college), students are not ordinarily requiredto work in groups. In the case of commuter students, where other life commitments are such thatthey must spend limited time on campus outside of scheduled classes, using lecture assignmentsas a means to give students an opportunity to work together presents a good opportunity forcommunity building. Our experience is that, if the groups are small, three to four members, andample time is allowed between the date when work is assigned and the date when
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Aidsa I. Santiago-Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Edward Fritz Hillman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Gerald Luciano Figueroa, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Isamarie Vega Morales, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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versions of the same topic multiple times until they pass, or “master”, the topic, corresponding to “A” quality work. Learning cycles therefore occur as students repeat the same topics, and their progress is assessed by passing rates and by comparing evolving responses to the same test topics. • Concept questions that elicit qualitative responses and written explanations are deployed with each topic. The learning cycle here consists when students respond to a ConcepTest accessed via the Concept Warehouse1, typically before class, observe the range of answers and comments from other students, receive feedback and/or participate in a peer discussion, and re-attempt
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Benson Tongue, University of California, Berkeley
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class, you’ll need to have a digital camera with you, preferably a DSLR (forspeed) but any will work. The goal is to take a picture of everyone and associate their names withthe appropriate picture.Done incorrectly, this process can take an inordinate length of time. When the author first begandoing so, he would have each student come up to the front and write down his name on a paper,then have his picture taken. Just a single experience with this approach was enough to show thatthere had to be a better way. The time to pick up the pen, write his name, and then get ready forthe picture was far to long. Multiplied by the number of students in the class, it becauseenormous. Worse, the process of matching the picture to names was tedious and
Conference Session
Active Learning & Laboratories in Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anu Osta, Rowan University; Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University
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the ABET learning objectives as well as its effectiveness on peer collaborationand team work. The survey results when compared with the final course grades shed somevaluable light on the relationship between a student’s perception of the effectiveness of thisactivity on learning, and the actual student performance on the exams. This paper will present thedescription and outcomes of this project in detail.1. IntroductionDynamics is universally regarded as one of the fundamental courses for undergraduate studentsmajoring in mechanical and civil engineering among others. It is often a basic prerequisite forsubsequent courses and one upon which advanced curriculum concepts are based. Since the early1970s substantial work has gone into developing
Conference Session
Computer Tutors, Simulation, and Videos
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Moe Tajvidi P.E., Utah State University; Ning Fang, Utah State University
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. Limited research studies involve rigorous assessments of the effects of CSA moduleson students’ learning and problem solving15, 16.It has become a widespread practice to use computer-based tools to enhance learning. However,using computers just for the sake of using computers or to appear “modern” can be adisadvantage to teaching engineering mechanics. In spite of significant progress in computer-assisted teaching, most students need to draw free-body diagrams and then write equilibriumequations, kinematic constraints, etc., to grasp different concepts of engineering mechanics. Forthis reason, the most successful methods, such as computer-aided instruction problems andinteractive computer tutorials, are an augmentation of the traditional context7
Conference Session
Mechanics and the Internet
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shahnam Navaee, Georgia Southern University
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Academic Development through Prescribed Undergraduate ProjectsAbstractIn this paper a methodology for enhancing the academic development of sophomore-levelengineering and engineering technology students using undergraduate projects is outlined anddiscussed. The specific sample project presented in the paper involves the development ofMATLAB script files and LabVIEW Virtual Instruments (VIs) for solving several EngineeringMechanics problems. The development of the solution for these problems involves theutilization of a number of valuable programming tools and powerful techniques. The selectedstudents will be guided to write a proposal to seek funding for the project through the CollegeOffice of Undergraduate Research (COUR
Conference Session
Assessment Strategies in Mechanics
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Geoffrey Recktenwald, Michigan State University; Tamara Bush, Michigan State University; Ron Averill, Michigan State University
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builds a framework for grading based on motivating students to develop thesepractices as their study habits.The method was developed and tested over a 3.5-year period in a Mechanics of Materials course.The results were very promising, with student improvements of at least one standard deviationwhen compared to their peers in traditional courses. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate thatthe method can be applied to more than just the original course. For this study the authors haveadopted and implemented the SMART method for a different course, Introduction to Dynamics.While the course is still part of the engineering mechanics curriculum, it has several importantfeatures that make it worthwhile to demonstrate the versatility of the SMART
Conference Session
Enhancing the Statics Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly B. Demoret P.E., Florida Institute of Technology; Jennifer Schlegel, Florida Institute of Technology; Matthew J Jensen, Florida Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
online solutions and peers when completinghomework problems [7].The problem of students copying from online sources is pervasive [7] and not just an issue forstandard problems from popular textbooks. In 2016 one of the authors created an all-new staticsproblem on aircraft center of gravity using an adapted image from an FAA website, and within aweek the solution was available online for copying. The instructor was alerted to this factbecause the online solution included a calculation error that appeared on 5 of 50 student papers,even though the syllabus prohibited the use of online resources to complete homework.Experiences like this make one question if customized paper homework is worth the significanteffort involved.Online homework reduces
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew West, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Geoffrey L. Herman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
model instructor Table 1: Timetable of reform development, implementation, and planned future work for the three courses Introductory Dynamics, Introductory Solid Mechanics, and Introductory Statics. Work in 2014 is planned, while work prior to 2014 is completed at the time of writing. See Table 2 for a list of specific reforms.pedagogies as faculty teach different content, do not collect data, or resist the implications of datathat they did not collect. By creating joint course ownership, faculty are able to participate in animplement-evaluate development cycle. This cycle begins by identifying areas for improvement.Then faculty implement targeted reforms and evaluate whether these reforms produce
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ning Fang, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
documented aswell [12] [13] [14] [15]. The most significant scientific contribution that the present study makesis the development of an unconventional method of implementing clickers in the classroom. Inthis method, clicker technology is employed in class for multiple times to detect and assessstudent understanding of the same learning topic until student misunderstanding is corrected.To the best of our knowledge, this unconventional method has not been reported in existingclicker-related literature.In the present study, clickers were used as a tool to collect real-time data, as computers are usedas a tool to write papers and essays or pianos are used to play music. Through the use ofclickers, the present study reveals that many engineering
Conference Session
Statics Online
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University; Anna Dollár, Miami University
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 should  be  learner-­‐centered.  In  addition,  it  is  well  established  that  assessment  should  be  integrated  into  the  learning  process1.  In-­‐class  assessments,  such  as  peer  teaching,  minute  papers,  muddiest-­‐point  exercises,  and  other  classroom-­‐based  assessments  2,  can  give  insights  into  student  progress.  Computer  technology  can  further  integrate  assessment  into  the  learning  process  by  offering  students  individualized,  timely  help  and  feedback,  which  is  known  to  be  beneficial  3-­‐5.  One  effort  to  embed  such  individualized  assessment  into  learning  materials  for  an  entire  engineering  subject  has  been  the  Open Learning Initiative Engineering Staticscourse.    The OLI
Conference Session
Computer Tutors, Simulation, and Videos
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colin Engebretsen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
instruction to lead to equivalent outcomes13, and in some cases even improved outcomes14.In this paper we describe a controlled study testing how students who used truss tutor forhomework performed on examinations in comparison with peers who did handwrittenhomework.  1. Description of computer tutorThe tutor has been described previously8. As seen the screenshot in Figure 1, the user can definemultiple subsystems, by selecting bars, partial bars, and pins.   Page 26.384.2   Figure 1. Screen shot of full display of tutor for
Conference Session
Learning Environments for Statics, Dynamics, and Mechanics of Materials
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Allen Evenhouse, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Rohit R. Kandakatla, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nick A. Stites, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nimit Patel, McKinsey & Company; Austin Zadoks, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Taylor Prebel, Purdue University; Claudio Cesar Silva de Freitas, Purdue University; Charles Morton Krousgrill, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Edward J. Berger, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Jeffrey F. Rhoads, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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two experienced Freeform instructors was video recorded over the course of the Spring2016 semester and subsequently analyzed with respect to instructor actions. Continuous videocoding analysis was used to capture how much time these two instructors dedicated to variousinstructional activities such as assessments, traditional lecturing, demonstrations, and writing notesor examples in real-time. The analysis provides a clearer picture of how and when these twoveteran instructors employed active, blended, and collaborative approaches in their classrooms.The implications of the analysis are two-fold. First, we strive to improve Freeform instruction atour institution by providing instructors with an opportunity to reflect on their
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brad Gregory Davis, United States Military Academy; Kevin Francis McMullen, United States Military Academy; J. Adam Pegues, United States Military Academy at West Point
Tagged Divisions
and representative example problems would be a valuable learning tool. In a recentcourse assessment, students highlighted the necessity of frequent assessment: “I felt that my class should have allotted more time to complete individual board problems. We did complete a board problem as a class each lesson, but I felt that I was lost when it came time to complete lessons on my own” “I learned the most during the beam lab when [the instructor] had us go to the boards in groups and went to help each group work through the problems to completion. I learned a lot from my peers that way. Going to board by myself doesn't help at all if I don't know what I'm doing”Students also struggled differentiating
Conference Session
Bringing a Different Perspective
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eli Broemer, Michigan State University; Geoffrey Recktenwald, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
important, individual instructors are not without tools, Anderman andKoenka suggest five things instructors can do to reduce cheating in their classes [2]. 1. “Emphasize mastery”, including retaking exams in order to improve. 2. “Don’t stress students out about grades”, don’t call exams ‘big’. 3. “Clearly communicate expectations”, and make grades fixed rather than relative to peers. 4. “Don’t publicize student grades”, even if anonymously. 5. “Talk about cheating”, define it, be clear on consequences, and talk about how it detracts from learning goals.Beyond the immediate objective of stopping cheating, professors should consider tackling thecheating problem as an educational one. College is a time when many students are
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Chloe Gibson
Tagged Divisions
formed and assigned one of the activities to work on during their tutorial and write anaccompanying report. These groups were later able to experience one of the other activities andasked to create a video report. After both activities and reports were complete, about two monthsinto the term, students were shown one of the videos during class. They were also directed to theother videos and encouraged to watch them on their own time outside of class. Once everyonehad an opportunity to watch the videos, a quiz was given based on the content of the activities,for which students answered questions only about the activities their group participated in duringclass. Around this time they were also sent a survey to provide their opinions about the
Conference Session
New Teaching Pedagogies: Methods and Assessments
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Benjamin W. Caldwell, LeTourneau University; Colleen M. Halupa, LeTourneau University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics
cumbersome, one student (14%) thought it was very cumbersome and57% had no problem submitting handwritten homework. For those that did have problems, itwas because they did not have a smartphone or scanner available to them at all times since some Page 24.86.9also were on vacation. One student had some trouble because he had a broken arm and had tohave his mother write out his assignments. All of the students (100%) noted the professor wasflexible and accommodating regarding this issue.Students were required to take their tests online in the Blackboard LMS and enter final answersonly. This test was timed to ensure academic honesty. Immediately
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Jiehong Liao, Florida Gulf Coast University; Galen I. Papkov, Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
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, either fall or spring. Although the course has been taughtby seven different instructors over the past several years, it is essentially a team-taught course.The instructors use the same textbook and syllabus, they assign the same homework, theycollaborate on writing quizzes and exams, and they use common grading rubrics. The courseinstruction closely follows the ExCEEd Teaching Model with the use of common board notesamong the instructors. Since the course is taught in the combined lecture/lab format, there isample time and opportunity for active, hands-on learning during the class period. Students spenda good portion of class time working in groups to solve problems under the supervision of theinstructor. All instructors require attendance
Conference Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob Michael Wild, James Madison University; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Robert J. Prins, James Madison University
Tagged Divisions
the laboratory exercise created.The student was given the full Spring 2014 semester to develop the rotational mechanicslaboratory assignment as well as all of the equipment required to develop the assignment, the labassignment write-up, and a sample lab report representing what a student assigned the laboratoryassignment might ideally turn in as their report. The lab assignment write-up and the sample labreport are provided as Appendices 1 and 2, respectively.Coincidentally, it should be noted that the student was also enrolled in two technical electives,Introduction to Sensors and Solid Modeling & Prototyping. Through the student’s course workin Introduction to Sensors, the student was able to gain an understanding of how to work with
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sherrill Biggers, Clemson University; Marisa Orr, Clemson University
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straight-forward book, movingto in-class discussion and guided learning exercises, through solving more complex homeworkproblems on their own or in groups.Active Learning and Peer Instruction: Each class period is conducted using a modifiedSCALE-UP2 approach. That is, classroom instruction is focused on in-class learning exercisessupplemented by critical reading by each student prior to class, mini-lectures at one or moretimes during class, physical demonstrations, and short reading/attention quizzes using“i>clickers”12. With this approach, attention span become less problematic and students quicklylearn that to perform in class, they must both be alert during class and prepare by reading the textbefore class. We are fortunate to have a
Conference Session
What's New in the Mechanics of Materials?
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
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internal stresses in the member. If you cannot measure the structure, object or member, estimate the sizes to calculate the stress. For tension and compression, determine the change in length of the member due to your assumed loads. For beams, draw shear and bending moment diagrams of the member that is bending. STEP 3 – Describe and Evaluate your system, structure or object For each of your photographs: Write ½ to 1 page describing the object of the photograph. Include descriptions of where it is located, its function, and the material from which it was constructed or fabricated. Using your analysis results, state whether you think the design is a good one or not, and why (e.g. Was the material a good choice? Is the
Conference Session
Mechanics Classroom Demonstrations
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Josué Njock-Libii, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne
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bouncing ball using particle mechanics;  Apply the use of the conservation of energy in the analysis of a bouncing ball;  Apply the use of the conservation of linear momentum in the analysis of a bouncing ball;  Apply central impact, inelastic impact, and the coefficient of restitution to a real problem;  Design experiments;  Carry out their experiments and collect data using new software found on the web;  Interpret data and relate results to what analysis had led them to expect;  Write reports;  Present reports orally; and  Work in group.Part 3. What students gained [24]. They:  Engaged another dimension of learning by working on a hands-on project;  Discovered that, even though the project required
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Josue Njock-Libii, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
of linear momentum in the analysis of a bouncing ball. Page 22.218.11 • Apply central impact, inelastic impact, and the coefficient of restitution to a real problem. • Design experiments. • Carry out their experiments and to collect data using software found on the web. • Interpret data and relate results to what analysis had led them to expect. • Write report • Present reports orally • Work in group4.3. What students gained. They: • Engaged another dimension of learning by working on a hands-on project. • Discovered that, even though the project required a lot of time and energy, the project
Conference Session
Teaching Statics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Masoud Rais-Rohani, Mississippi State University; Andrew Walters, Mississippi State University; Anthony Vizzini, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
instructor is changed from one whoseprincipal task is to give lectures to one who coordinates the delivery of course content, managesthe emporium activities, and responds to students’ questions. As such, a more consistentlearning experience is provided to the students in different sections of the same course asstudents work toward reaching the uniformly specified learning milestones. Another importantconsideration is that the emporium model can accommodate a larger number of students percourse section than the traditional approach because during the emporium sessions the instructoris assisted by a group of learning assistants (graduate teaching assistants or peer tutors) that helpprovide a timely response to the students’ questions.The major cost