- Conference Session
- Statics Online
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- 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Peggy C. Boylan-Ashraf, Stanford University; Sarah L. Billington, Stanford University; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University
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Independent Study Presentations Solve equilibrium problems and Peer Review based on friction forcesLectureClass was held two times per week for 110 minutes each period. Lectures, in general,covered about 20 minutes of class and were planned with a minimalistic approach,focusing on the essential points. The remainder of class period was designed for in-classactivities, including problem-solving as well as hands-on lab experiments.In-Class ActivityIn-class activities were based on active-learning strategy, in which students worked on aproblem posed by the instructor –at times individually and other times in pairs or ingroups, before participating in a class-wide discussion. The motivation of
- Conference Session
- Alternative Methods of Teaching and Learning Mechanics
- Collection
- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Amie Baisley, University of Florida
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, similar to an exam. The students spend the class period solving theproblem and do peer grading at the end (to familiarize them with the grading rubric). Theproblem is the same level of difficulty as the module assessment, so it serves as practice (hencethe name ‘rehearsal’). The rehearsal exam environment is the same as recitation—theinstructional staff are all there, students work in groups, and students can use their notes andexamples.The last 10 minutes of the rehearsal exam period are spent peer grading another student’srehearsal exam. The students exchange exams with their peers and grade while the instructordiscusses the solution to the problem. The students are given guidance on how to grade the exam.The peer grading is an important
- Conference Session
- Mechanics Division Technical Session 3
- Collection
- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ghada M. Gad, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Giuseppe Lomiento, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Yu Sun, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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complexity, ease of administration, quality of information, etc. Examples of these include theVARK catalyst which divides input modes into four areas: visual (V), aural (A), read/write (R),and kinesthetic (K). Visual learners are these that prefer pictures and diagrams; aural learners arethe ones who prefer spoken words; read/write learners prefer the words being written down; andfinally, kinesthetic learners can accommodate other modes but prefer real hands-on experiencessuch as demonstrations and real-life examples (Driscoll & Garcia, 2000). The Index of LearningStyles (ILS) is another popular instrument used to assess students’ styles based on four dimensionsof Felder-Silverman learning style model. These include sensing/intuitive, visual
- Conference Session
- Teaching & Learning Dynamics, Vibration, and Mechanics More Broadly
- Collection
- 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Geoff Rideout, Memorial University of Newfoundland
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Desire2Learn® (“D2L”) online teaching and learningplatform, via which most courses have “D2L shell” web pages for instructor postings,gradebooks, homework submission, quiz administration, and discussion boards. Students areaccustomed to logging into D2L for other courses, so use of this tool does not introduce anyoverhead from a student perspective.To generate explanatory videos and fill in gapped lecture notes for easy web posting, the authoruses a Windows-based tablet PC with open-source CamStudio® and PDF Annotator® software.PDF Annotator allows the user to write directly on PDF documents with a variety of pen coloursand thicknesses. CamStudio overlays voice narration with screen recording of any openapplication. The author prepared gapped handouts
- Conference Session
- Mechanics Division Technical Session 4
- Collection
- 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Josue Njock Libii, Purdue University Fort Wayne
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done ingroups during lab sessions and it is the writing of the lab reports that is done outside of the lab.However, in lecture courses, which constitute the vast majority of credit hours (about 95% in thefour ABET accredited engineering programs in our college), students are not ordinarily requiredto work in groups. In the case of commuter students, where other life commitments are such thatthey must spend limited time on campus outside of scheduled classes, using lecture assignmentsas a means to give students an opportunity to work together presents a good opportunity forcommunity building. Our experience is that, if the groups are small, three to four members, andample time is allowed between the date when work is assigned and the date when