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Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Benson Tongue, University of California, Berkeley
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class, you’ll need to have a digital camera with you, preferably a DSLR (forspeed) but any will work. The goal is to take a picture of everyone and associate their names withthe appropriate picture.Done incorrectly, this process can take an inordinate length of time. When the author first begandoing so, he would have each student come up to the front and write down his name on a paper,then have his picture taken. Just a single experience with this approach was enough to show thatthere had to be a better way. The time to pick up the pen, write his name, and then get ready forthe picture was far to long. Multiplied by the number of students in the class, it becauseenormous. Worse, the process of matching the picture to names was tedious and