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Conference Session
The 'Strengths' of Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Reihaneh Jamshidi, University of Hartford
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makes it challengingfor them to reflect on the comments and implement changes [9].The objective of the present work is to develop a method of providing feedback to students in aconcise and contextualized manner. The process involves searching students’ lab reports for theirwriting mistakes and sorting the relevant extracts into categories and identifying themes. Eachtheme consists of several errors that are clustered together under one particular construct. It isanticipated that by categorizing students’ mistakes into themes and providing feedback on eachof the themes, students find higher motivation for improvement compared to the situation wherethey are given individual comments on each and every one of their mistakes in an unsorted
Conference Session
Building Success in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jiehong Liao, Florida Gulf Coast University; Galen I. Papkov, Florida Gulf Coast University; Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University
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performance. Also, student perception of the BlendFlex modelof instruction with LA support is reported.This study was reviewed and approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board.MethodsSubjects and SurveysAfter each exam, students were given an Exam Wrapper to reflect on their preparation andperformance in terms of foundation, course involvement, study habit and activities, and sourcesof error (see Appendix, Table A1 and A2). The purpose of the reflection activity is to highlighthabits that are helpful to continue and reveal some areas that could be adjusted. This reflectionhelps students plan what to do differently and better to prepare for the next exam and asksstudents what instructors or assistants can do to support their learning. Exam
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brad Gregory Davis, United States Military Academy; Kevin Francis McMullen, United States Military Academy; J. Adam Pegues, United States Military Academy at West Point
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engineering (FE) exam. Thestudy presented in this paper details the approach taken to replace in-class quizzes with regularout-of-class homework assignments in an introductory engineering mechanics course. Theobjectives of the study were to: 1) provide students with a variety of problems to apply both newand previous knowledge; 2) encourage engagement with the course material outside of in-personlessons; and 3) teach students to reflect and self-assess their own learning. Eighteen homeworkassignments were added throughout the thirty-lesson course. Each assignment consisted of twoparts; practice problems from previous lessons and conceptual responses based on preparation forthe next lesson. At the beginning of each class, students were given the
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yonghee Lee, Purdue University at West Lafayette ; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Jeffrey F. Rhoads, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Edward J. Berger, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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, images,audio, and video, which supported her different learning needs. Amber highlighted how variousonline videos and resources (italicized words in the quote) helped her solve confusing problemsthrough reflection, “Oh, well, you have to start with this. And since you know this, this is howyou do it.” Overall, the combination of the lecturebook and online video resources coveringexamples, homework, and class lectures enabled students to access multiple, flexible, andcredible multimodal resources. Moreover, similar accounts were given about how the onlinevideos supported a student to solve homework problems; participants searched for Freeformresources with multiple representations by writing texts, drawing pictures, and watching videosas follows
Conference Session
Hands-On in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Wodin-Schwartz P.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kimberly Lechasseur, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Caitlin A Keller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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students to discuss, critically analyze, and reflect upon the hands-on activitieswith their peers, it was necessary for students to complete the hands-on activities, to the best oftheir ability, before the live HOLD session. Each week, students were given a list of suppliesneeded for that week’s activities and a set of instructions. Students took selfies of completedactivities to document their individual work. They then attended the in-person HOLD sessionsand began by sharing their selfies and discussing their setups. They would reflect upon differentchallenges that arose and the pros and cons of different supply choices. Groups were givenchallenge questions to help them think beyond the activity and better understand the underlyingphysics within
Conference Session
Hands-On in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Md Rashedul Hasan Sarker, University of Indianapolis; Najmus Saqib, University of Indianapolis; George D. Ricco, University of Indianapolis; Megan Hammond, University of Indianapolis; Alexander Quinn Ruble, University of Indianapolis; Bill Faton, University of Indianapolis; James T. Emery II, University of Indianapolis; Kenneth Reid, University of Indianapolis
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Indianapolis Najmus Saqib is an Assistant Professor in the R.B. Annis School of Engineering at the University of In- dianapolis (UIndy). Saqib received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado School of Mines (CSM), focusing on ”Optical Diagnostics of Lithium-Sulfur and Lithium-Ion Battery Electrolytes using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy”. He likes to use innovative pedagogical techniques to facilitate student learning.Dr. George D. Ricco, University of Indianapolis George D. Ricco is an assistant professor of engineering and first-year engineering coordinator at the University of Indianapolis. He focuses his work between teaching the first two years of introductory en- gineering and
Conference Session
Hands-On in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohammad Shafinul Haque, Angelo State University
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Excitation) that generates non-identical data maintaining the originality of the learningprocess.Later it is identified that experimental learning serves only a part of the learning cycle. Acomplete learning cycle comprises three phases (predict-observe-explain) that can be achievedby hands-on inquiry-based learning activities (IBLAs) [8]. In an IBLA module, students areprovided with physical models and asked to predict the outcome of an activity. Afterward, theywork in groups to perform an experiment (observe) and explain the results.Kolb stated that experiential learning includes all modes of learning cycle and ensures effectiveknowledge acquisition [9]. Experiential learning includes four modes: Concrete Experience(CE), Reflective Observation (RO
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Aidsa I. Santiago-Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Edward Fritz Hillman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Gerald Luciano Figueroa, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Isamarie Vega Morales, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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demands. Because the data is derived from a standardtreatment of Statics topics, this work has potential to benchmark rate of student learning, t0discover of key points of difficulty, and to provide critical reflection on recalibratingexpectations and approaches.2. Learning CyclesThere are various interpretations and uses of “learning cycles” in engineering and scienceeducation that are implemented at the scale of classroom activities and lessons within courses2.1 Access the Concept Warehouse at Vertical curriculum spirals [16] are also cyclic, but this scale is beyond the scope of this article.Perhaps most frequently cited is the Experiential Learning Cycle developed by David Kolb
Conference Session
Engaging the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jacob Matthew Cook, Oregon State University; Thomas W. Ekstedt, Oregon State University; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Milo Koretsky, Tufts University
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vectors and graphed parameters. Further work will include analyzing studentsurvey data to explain student perceptions and to determine how student comprehension andlearning compares between remote instruction vs. in-person.AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge the support from National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants DUE1821439 and 1821638. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] J. D. Bransford and A. L. Brown, How People Learn: Body, Mind, Experience and School. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Behavioral and Social Science and Education, National Research Council, 2000.[2] J. Engelbrecht, C. Bergsten, and O. Kågesten
Conference Session
Bringing a Different Perspective
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew R. Sloboda, Bucknell University
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statistically significant(p=0.056). This increase is unlikely to do with the “dynamics in one week” curriculum, andprobably reflects gains made by students over the course of the entire semester. However, onecould argue that the fact that this change only verges on significance suggests students were in arelatively strong position after only the first week.The student open-ended comments (see Appendix A) complement the quantitative results. Mostof the second week comments focus on details of classroom management/topical coverage orindicate that the pace of instruction seemed fast (definitely true!). However, a few commentsindicate that students appreciated the instructional approach even early on. One student wrote: Honestly, the first week
Conference Session
Engaging the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicolas Ali Libre, Missouri University of Science and Technology
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usually last an hour, but theinstructional videos were intentionally short (average ~ 7 min), having been adapted to suitstudents' relatively shorter attention spans while watching educational videos online. To promoteproblem solving skills and higher level thinking, students were required to attempt severalpractice problems after watching the instructional videos. Zhang et. al. [14] reported that studentswho used interactive video content showed 20-30% higher achievement of learning outcomes inpost-gain tests, compared to students who did not use video, or used video without interactionand reflection. This aligns with the observations of this study which indicated that the diversifiedresponsiveness and interactivity of learning tools are
Conference Session
MASS: Mastery, Assessment and Success of Students
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amie Baisley, University of Florida; Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University
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of students Statics 3 FA19−FA20 105 105 50 8 268 Dynamics 8 SP17−FA20 127 207 142 38 514 Deformable Solids 8 SP17−FA20 154 240 155 47 596The population data is broken down by the final grade received in the course to allow us to show how thecourse grade reflects on mastery. Note that during a semester the students are given feedback based onhow they are progressing in their mastery of each objective, never a letter grade. This mastery-gradingapproach is cumulative throughout an entire semester which often takes students until
Conference Session
Bringing a Different Perspective
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Josué Njock Libii, Purdue University Fort Wayne
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penalties on late homework caused that the perception of the students to perceive the instructor as not being very instructor by the students suffered helpful to them. These feelings were reflected on the every semester of the study, due evaluations of the course by the students. The course- to the enforcement of the penalties evaluation instrument that was used consisted of many on late homework. Table 1 line items, one of which asked the students to score the 13. extent to which they perceived the instructor as being helpful. In semester 1, the score given was 3.78/4; in semester 2, that score
Conference Session
The ABCs of FBDs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sheryl A. Sorby, University of Cincinnati; Sylvie Vieau; So Yoon Yoon, University of Cincinnati
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problems in engineering mechanics.This paper outlines key findings from this Work-In-Progress study and makes recommendationsfor future work in this area.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation in the U. S.under grants number DRL-1535307 (PI: Perez) and DRL-1818758 (PI: Sorby). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] D. H. Uttal, and C. A. Cohen, “Spatial thinking and STEM education: When, why, and how?,” Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 57, 147–181, 2012.[2] L. G
Conference Session
Hands-On in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Matthew Parsons Fuentes, Everett Community College
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mechanics courses are likely to proliferate in the coming years as the abrupt shifts toonline learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many students, faculty,departments, and institutions to revisit beliefs and assumptions about online courses. The authorsbelieve in the potential of hands-on models to support student learning in mechanics and hopethis paper will provide an opportunity to learn from our experiences and adapt other hands-onapproaches for online implementation.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grantnumbers DUE #1834425 and DUE #1834417. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
Conference Session
Building Success in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hayden K. Richards, US Air Force Academy; Phillip Cornwell, United States Air Force Academy
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predictive effect on team assignmentperformance. Finally, the transition to remote learning (in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic)had a negative effect on student performance, and this negative consequence disproportionatelyaffected students who were already poor performers.IntroductionThe ability to work in teams has long been recognized as a critical skill for all engineeringgraduates as reflected in accreditation criteria specified by ABET [1]. Criterion 3, studentoutcome number 5 states that students must have: “An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.”As a result, there have been
Conference Session
The ABCs of FBDs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amir H. Danesh-Yazdi, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Shraddha Sangelkar, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Eric Constans, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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∗ (11) ME,z ∗ ∗ We now have to evaluate whether the ARCs ME,x and ME,z are required for static equilibrium. From Table 2, since we currently have as many equations as unknowns, the ARCs will be needed for static equilibrium and thus, should be treated as needed reaction couple, as reflected in the final equations/unknowns Table 3. Table 3 Final equations/unknowns table for Example 1 Equations Unknowns (7) RE,x (8) RA,z (9) RE,z
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anna K. T. Howard, North Carolina State University at Raleigh
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learning.Three Small Lessons Learned1) There is a huge value in having someone else look over all your materials, especially someonewho is not an engineer. Being forced to justify the design decisions for a course that I’ve taughtfor almost fifteen years solidified which ones were important.2) It was interesting how resistant I was to the scroll of death. Reflection has shown that myexperience with dial-up internet has lingered in how I see web design. Working with youngerpeople led to a course design that was closer to what my students needed.3) Having a common lexicon with young graphic designers needed intentional communication.We were six weeks into design before we settled on what load, phase, and cycle would mean. (Itwas also very entertaining to
Conference Session
Bringing a Different Perspective
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Eli Broemer, Michigan State University; Geoffrey Recktenwald, Michigan State University
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case studies, reflections, portfolios and projects.” [6].The U.S. Military Academy at West Point ended its second chance program, returning to a policywhere cheating results in expulsion from the Academy [7]. Even video game companies aretrying to find ways to stop non-academic cheating. Call of Duty recently banning 60,000 userswho were cheating in its online gaming platform [8]. Cheating, and specifically cheating withChegg, was significant enough to warrant an extensive article in Forbes Magazine titled, “This$12 Billion Company is Getting Rich Off Students Cheating Their way Through COVID” [9].Solutions to the problem of cheating can be daunting. Research suggests that the best cure forcheating is building a culture of strong academic
Conference Session
The ABCs of FBDs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matthew Runyon, Texas A&M University; Vimal Viswanathan, San Jose State University; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University; Tracy Anne Hammond, Texas A&M University; Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
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, Microsoft, and others. Hammond holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and FTO (Finance Technology Option) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and four degrees from Columbia University: an M.S in Anthropology, an M.S. in Computer Science, a B.A. in Mathematics, and a B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Physics. Hammond advised 17 UG theses, 29 MS theses, and 10 Ph.D. dissertations. Hammond is the 2020 recipient of the TEES Faculty Fellows Award and the 2011 recipient of the Charles H. Barclay, Jr. ’45 Faculty Fellow Award. Hammond has been featured on the Discovery Channel and other news sources. Hammond is dedicated to diversity and equity, which is reflected in her publications, research, teaching, service, and
Conference Session
Using Technology to Support Learning in Mechanics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Keith D. Hjelmstad, Arizona State University; Amie Baisley, University of Florida
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futureprojects after receiving their feedback from CP 1.The decrease in scores for CP 3 can be attributed to the type of project it is compared to the other projectsin the course. It is the truss analysis program that introduces some linear algebra concepts that studentshave not had much exposure to, and the code theory does not follow the same method as handcalculations for trusses. Also, the route for verification and exploration is more open-ended than the otherprojects (at least that is how students view it) and this is reflected in their overall scores. The value of thisproject, however, can be built upon in future courses for more complex system analysis and often studentsreflect on this project as they get into those upper-division classes.There
Conference Session
Bringing a Different Perspective
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Agnes Germaine d'Entremont P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Andrea S. Webb, The University of British Columbia; Sean Maw P.Eng., University of Saskatchewan; Jennifer Kirkey, Douglas College
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some engineering disciplines at the larger schools also study rigid body dynamicsat the second-year level. Two instructors (Region 1) were funded by BCcampus, and workedclosely together. The third instructor (Region 2) was funded by the Association of ProfessionalEngineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS), the provincial professional engineeringregulator. We also focused on different strategies and priorities for problem creation: a largebank of fundamental questions (Site 2) versus fewer, more complex questions (Sites 1A and 1B).This is reflected in our estimates for problem cost: excluding learning objective development andother start-up time, Site 2 estimated $16 CAD/problem in student and faculty time, while Sites1A and 1B