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Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Military and Veterans
, theoretical, and analytical skills associated with theirdevelopment. In the model, sophomores engage by learning the skills associated with directleadership of individuals and small teams and the management of duties. In a sophomore-leveltechnical writing course (required of all engineering and computer science majors), sophomore-level leader development was assessed using the institution’s criteria. These small teams had ahands-on, technical assignment that lasted several weeks. There was a difference in leadershipskills and communication skills observed between the traditional students with their formalleadership curricula and the student veterans. Student peers consistently rated student veteranshigher in all areas of the leadership attributes
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 2: Veteran Identity & Inclusion
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Military and Veterans
understanding, and make clear toveterans and their classroom peers the relevance of military writing for all kinds of writing, evenconventional academic prose [9].Instructors can and should address military service in a way that can be comfortable andgenerative through knowledge of military writing experiences. Hadlock notes that despite theirstated discomfort in a writing classroom, veteran students often have previous training in writingconcepts, but they can also fail to connect previous training with the kind of assignments foundin college writing classes [9]. Veteran students need to know how the elements taught in acomposition class are expansions of ideas to which they have already had exposure. TWCinstructors with a military background may be
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel
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Military and Veterans
Paper ID #30239Assessing Department of Defense Demand for Veterans During and AfterDegree CompletionDr. Alyson Grace Eggleston, The Citadel Alyson G. Eggleston is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Fine Arts, and Communica- tions at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, where she teaches STEM-focused technical writing and communication, writing-intensive courses for international students, and linguistics. She re- ceived her PhD from Purdue University in Linguistics, and she has a BA and MA in English with concen- trations in TESOL and writing pedagogy from Youngstown State University. Her
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven F. Barrett, University of Wyoming; Cameron H. G. Wright P.E., University of Wyoming; Marty Martinez
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Military and Veterans
Coordinator• Veterans Affairs representative, Associate Dean of Students• Various information sources including “Combat2College” [2]The discussion and background research resulted in a list of potential course topics. The coursetopics were grouped by area and organized into course goals. The goals of this course wereestablished to provide returning veterans:• A smooth transition to college life (time management skills, financial management, wellness skills);• Basic tools for academic success (basic writing skills, library skills, oral presentation skills, and advising);• Information on resources available to returning veterans (VA benefits, academic services, career services);• A sense of community, camaraderie, and belonging (interaction
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian J. Novoselich, U.S. Military Academy; Jakob C. Bruhl, U.S. Military Academy; Matthew Scheidt, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Christina Nicole Willis, University of Utah; Michael Scott Sheppard Jr., Arizona State University
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Military and Veterans
served as a primerto begin thinking about veteran issues and areas where ASEE can add support. After the affinitymapping exercise, a brain-writing [30] exercise was conducted, followed by a group discussion.In attendance during the sessions were a total of four session “scribes” that took detailed notes tocapture the conversation that occurred during the session. Three of those four people are co-authors of this paper.Centering the participants on veteran engineering educationThe workshop attendees, including the authors, participated in a modified affinity mappingexercise as a centering tool for veteran engineering education. As part of this effort, we co-constructed different ideas, policies, and concerns surrounding student veteran engineer
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Raymond Vetter, United States Military Academy
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Military and Veterans
, technology failures created significant resistance to widespread adoption [2, p. 29]. Theability to have robust communication and interaction between students and educators is essentialto getting buy-in from both parties. This section explores the current technologies in use fortoday’s online courses, current and emerging grading technologies, and considers the keyemerging technologies required to enable online learning to continue to improve its deliverymethods and expand in scope. The current online learning environment relies heavily on technology to enable thesharing of information and to provide feedback to students. For students to interact with facultyas well as peers, the proliferation of conference call and video conference call
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas E. Mertz, Kansas State University - Polytechnic Campus; William E. Genereux, Kansas State University - Polytechnic Campus; Troy Harding, Kansas State University - Polytechnic Campus; Tim Bower, Kansas State University - Polytechnic Campus; Katrina M Lewis; Michael Lee Oetken, Kansas State University
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Military and Veterans
weconceived of the studio courses, the intended aims were: • For faculty to help students connect the dots between the various content courses that students take during the semester and help them see how their learning fits into a broader perspective. The hope was that these connections between courses and their relation to the students’ career fields would result in a transformative learning experience [9]. • For computer students to form a cohort of peer learners early in their academic career. Many studies have shown that students who belong to a community of learners tend to be more engaged and are more likely to be successful in the program [10], [11]. Because military veteran students
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jerry Lynn Dahlberg Jr, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Jae Hoon Lim, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Peter Thomas Tkacik, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
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Military and Veterans
) enrollments over the past six years (2013-2019)[2] in contrast to the minor decline inother student groups. This growth has resulted in over 1060 military affiliated students enrolled inFall 2019[2]. The university Veteran Service Office (VSO) supports these veterans and familymembers through a wide variety of student services. The office has many programs which includea veterans specific orientation programs, counseling sessions (individual and group), and GreenZone Training for faculty. The office also maintains a veteran lounge and conference room. TheCollege Of Engineering veterans program, Veteran Education Continued Through EngineeringResearch (VECTER), provides additional services to veterans which include peer to peer tutoring,a faculty
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Nathan E. Canney, CYS Structural Engineers Inc.
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Military and Veterans
viewsocial responsibilities related to the engineering profession and perceive negative feelings fromtheir peers related to the ethics of military service? (3) How do engineering students with ahistory of military service view social responsibilities related to the engineering profession andperceive negative feelings from others related to the ethics of military service? The first RQ wasexamined using the results from two large surveys of engineering students attending 17institutions with about 3300 respondents, including 222 students attending one of the U.S.military academies. The professional connectedness element of social responsibility wasmeasured using 19 Likert-type items with a 7-point response scale. It was found that the