of Engineer- ing Education (ASEE) and National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). To contact Dr. Long, email: Leroy.Long@erau.edu.Trevion S. Henderson, University of Michigan Trevion Henderson is a doctoral student in the Center for Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE) at the University of Michigan. He recently earned his master’s degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs at The Ohio State University while serving as a graduate research associate with the Center for Higher Education Enterprise. Trevion also hold’s a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineer- ing from The Ohio State University, where he served as a research assistant in the College of Education and Human Ecology Center for
Institute of Technology Dr. Angelo J. Perna is professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Director of the NJIT McNair Program A Fellow of ASEE and AICHE he is the co-author of over 100 publications and pre- sentations. He has been the recipient of numerous awards on both a National and International level. In addition he has been recognized with the distinction of Master Teacher by NJIT.Dr. Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Assistant Director for Research, Evaluation and Program Operations for the Center for Pre-College programs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Dr. Hirsch has a degree in educa- tional psychology with a specialty in Educational Statistics and
papersthat were reviewed: 5 in pre-college, 25 in college, and 6 in post-college. A code sheet was developed using the categories necessary to answer the two researchquestions. The categories for the code sheet were ethnicity, race, gender, language(s), generationin the U.S., generation in college, and institution (college-only). When reviewing each article,the authors noted how each category was used for the purpose of data analysis. Additionally, inthe review of each article, the authors also noted the main conclusions of each study as theserelated to the status of Latinxs in engineering. After reviewing the majority of the assignedarticles, the authors met to review the preliminary findings and patterns they saw in theirrespective notes
the criminal justice system. Dr. Barringer has been PI or co-PI on grants in excess of one million dollars. He is truly committed to the area of diversity and all of its associated benefits. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 A Case Study on Moving the STEM Fence: Exposing STEM to Minority Youth Who are Oftentimes Not Aware of Such OpportunitiesAbstractFlorida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in partnership with the NAACP of Collier County hosteda two-week, on-campus, STEM camp during summer(s) 2014, 2015, and 2016. The programobjectives were to improve students’ skills in mathematics; expose students to real-world mathand its application in related career fields; increase the
engineering studentparticipation but the association with success outcomes for non-Black student members is also afuture area of interest. Additional insights into quantitative relationships can be gained by graded categorizationof NSBE membership that accounts for factors such as number of years of involvement, whenthey first joined the organization (e.g. freshman vs later years), level of involvement, and otherstudent success outcomes (e.g. GPA). Exploring how and why particular associations exist canalso be supported by more rigorous qualitative explorations of NSBE members decisions topersist or leave engineering and/or the organization and what unique role NSBE played in thesedecisions.References[1] D. E. Chubin, G. S. May, and E. Babco
, MATH 1348 Analytical Geometry,Year-2 PHYS 2425/2426 Physics I/II, CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chemistry I MATH 1316 Trigonometry, MATH 1348 Analytical Geometry, MATH 3320Year-3 Differential Equations, PHYS 2425 Physics I, CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chemistry I Identify Concept(s) to be Develop Draft Module Identify Bottleneck Covered Each Week including Sample Problems/ Concepts According to Teaching Examples and Solutions (Course Instructor) Schedule
careers to solvesocietal challenges that mitigate and prepare for climate change and its global implications forsustainability. Attached below is the survey instrument developed and currently undergoing validatingand reliability testing.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesABET. (2013). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, 2014 - 2015. Retrieved from http://www.abet.org/eac-criteria-2014-2015/Allenby, B., Murphy, C., Allen, D., & Davidson, C. (2009
university students’ academic performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychol Bull. 2012. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/bul/138/2/353/. Accessed February 1, 2017.5. Conley D. Redefining College Readiness. Educ Policy Improv Cent. 2007. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED539251. Accessed February 1, 2017.6. Geiser S, Santelices M. Validity of High-School Grades in Predicting Student Success beyond the Freshman Year: High-School Record vs. Standardized Tests as Indicators of Four-Year. Cent Stud High Educ. 2007. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED502858. Accessed February 1, 2017.7. DesJardins S, Ahlburg D, McCall B. The effects of interrupted enrollment on graduation from college: Racial, income, and ability
women STEM faculty. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 21, 141-157, doi:10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2015011275 (2015).2 Herring, C. Does diversity pay?: Race, gender, and the business case for diversity. American Sociological Review 74, 208-224 (2009).3 Yoder, B. ASEE College Profiles. (American Society of Engineering Education, 2014).4 Locks, A. M., Hurtado, S., 1957-, Bowman, N. A. & Oseguera, L. Extending Notions of Campus Climate and Diversity to Students' Transition to College. Review of higher education 31 (2008).5 Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C. M. & Holder, A. Racial microaggressions in the life experience of Black Americans. Professional Psychology: Research and
failed to benefit from their mentor. The selection processused to pick mentors and mentees was also investigated with the research questionnaire to furtherunderstand student preferences and specific needs of those majoring in STEM fields.The sixty-four (N=64) participants represents a diverse sample of graduate students who pursueundergraduate STEM degrees. Students reported their mentors helped with the following: 1) providingfunding, setting goals, providing positive and constructive feedback on their work, and being supportiveof ideas which allowed the mentee to follow his/her own ideas for their work. Alternatively, someparticipants reported unmet expectations by their mentor(s), such as wishing the mentor had: 1)provided more exposure to
, chemistry, and mathematics. Each respondent alsomet the following requirements: 1) The student identified his/her race/ethnicity as Black/AfricanAmerican on his/her application to Tech College; 2) The student stated that s/he was educated ina high school either in the U.S. or in a sub-Saharan African country; 3) The student enrolled atEC prior to transferring to Tech College; 4) The student was at least 18 years of age at the timethat s/he participated in the research study. A roster of Black transfer students was generated by the Admissions office at LandingUniversity (Landing University is the main campus on which Tech College of Engineering andseveral other academic colleges is housed). After obtaining this roster, undergraduates who
interested in STEM majors atTAMU and community college representatives interested in building relationships for theirstudents to transfer into STEM majors at TAMU. The STEM Conference program includedresource roundtables for students and one-on-one sessions with faculty and staff forrepresentatives.Other activities such as the NSF Scholarship in Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics (S-STEM) were used as both recruitment and retention strategies. The S-STEMsprovided community college transfer students research opportunities, academic and professionaldevelopment seminars, scholarship money to assist in funding students’ education without themhaving work commitments, and establishment of cohorts and the resulting social community tohelp
on student attitudes towards careers and research inSTEM and has increased their awareness of the skills needed for success in STEM careers.However, students seem to be less confident in the skills that they need for a career in STEMafter participating in research work. Further investigation is needed to determine the cause of theloss in confidence.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the Department of Education Minority Scienceand Engineering Improvement Program under Grant No. P120A140051. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Education.BibliographyBauer, K., & Bennett, J. (2003
student’s self-efficacy and expectedacademic outcomes. Brown observed two key findings that should be noted here. First, theresearchers found that high school performance measures (i.e. GPA) appeared to have a moresignificant contribution towards predicting a student’s self-efficacy beliefs than academicaptitude measured by standardized test scores (z=15.16, p from http://www.engr.psu.edu/AWE/ARPresources.aspxRobbins, S. B., Lauver, K., Le, H., Davis, D., Langley, R., & Carlstrom, A. (2004). Do psychosocial and study skill factors predict college outcomes? A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 130(2), 261–288. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.130.2.261Sass, T. (2015, January). Understanding the STEM pipeline (Working Paper
N000141512438.References[1] US Congress Joint Economic Committee, “STEM Education: Preparing for the Jobs of the Future,” 2012.[2] R. B. Freeman, “Does Globalization of the Scientific/Engineering Workforce Threaten U.S. Economic Leadership?,” in Innovation Policy and the Economy, 2005, no. Vol. 6.[3] A. Carnevale, N. Smith, and M. Melton, “STEM: Science Technology Engineering Mathematics.,” 2011.[4] The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, “THE OECD JOBS STUDY Facts , Analysis , Strategies (1994).,” 1994.[5] “The U. S. STEM Undergraduate Model,” Business-Higher Educ. Forum, 2013.[6] V. Bertram, “Better STEM Education with Project Lead the Way,” Manufacturing Net News, 2012.[7] J. P. Holdren and
Paper ID #20240Enculturation of Diverse Students to the Engineering Practices through First-Year Engineering ExperiencesDr. Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University Dr. Richard got his Ph. D. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989 & a B. S. at Boston University, 1984. He was at NASA Glenn, 1989-1995, taught at Northwestern for Fall 1995, worked at Argonne National Lab, 1996-1997, Chicago State, 1997-2002. Dr. Richard is a Sr. Lecturer & Research Associate in Aerospace Engineering @ Texas A&M since 1/03. His research is focused on computational plasma modeling using spectral and lattice Boltzmann methods
within a sp pecific colleege or departtment; and shhort-term prrograms are characterizeed asintensivee one-time acctivities, succh as confereences or trainning meetinggs. Figure 1 illustratesprogram commonalitties with regard to program durationn, target grouups, departm ment- ordisciplinee-specificity y, and exposu ure of particiipants to teaaching and mmentoring at other instituutionsvia formeed partnersh hips and collaaborations. The particippant selectiviity of clusterr programs, tthelongest inn duration——often lasting g up to two years, y is soleely based onn membershiip in targeteddgroups, such s as havin ng PhD-stud
national commu- nity, Dr. Peeples has made an impact on improving the STEM pipeline through personal commitment, local partnerships, institutional leadership and effective collaboration. Dr. Peeples has mentored a di- verse group of high school, undergraduate and graduate students including three high school students, 64 undergraduate and 13 graduate students, and three postdoctoral fellows in her biochemical engineering laboratories. Five of her current and former doctoral students are underrepresented minority students who are also U. S. citizens, and four are U.S. women. Several of her graduate and undergraduate student re- searchers have won local, regional and national awards for their work. As the first Associate
directly linked to student persistence. The factors outlined in thisframework will be central to understanding student success at HBCUs and enable the connectionof the present study’s findings to existing literature.MethodsThe researchers implemented an iterative, descriptive research model by including the followingaction items: (a) engaging research participants; (b) developing data collection strategies; (c)defining variables and constructs; and (d) gathering information and investigating researchquestion(s). This paper focuses on the data collected currently from one institution. The presentresearch study findings are informed by quantitative data. Data from additional HBCUs will becollected and analyzed subsequently.ParticipantsParticipants
summers. This paper clearly demonstrates that the program can more thandouble the engineering graduation rate for the student population with 17-25 ACT Math scoresand the majority graduate in four years. To date, 100% of the 232 students in the bridge programare African Americans (not required).BackgroundA detailed analysis of the cause(s) for low (15%) Engineering graduation rates clearly revealedthe problem was challenges with mathematics. The majority of first time freshman engineeringmajors were struggling with mathematics and changing majors, largely due to poor preparation.Most did not meet the College Readiness Benchmark for Mathematics. A summer bridgeprogram was developed for the ACT Math score of 17-25 because the preponderance (70
understand the rigor and intensity of anengineering curriculum before committing to the engineering bachelor degree.ChallengesSimilar to most academic programs, even successful AS/BE programs experiencechallenges that require monitoring. Notable challenges that can impact a dual/jointprogram include having consistent data, alignment of curriculum, providing adequatesupport services, and supporting student with academic difficulties.Data ConsistencyThe lack of conformity with regards to data poses significant challenges when dealingwith different institutions. One major question is whether a joint/dual degree programstudent should be classified as such when s/he first enters into a program at thecommunity college or at some defined stage afterwards
inaugural national workshop “, 120th ASEE Annual Conference,Atlanta GA, 2013[2] JG Hartzell, M Marshall, M Alley, KA Thole, C Haas, “Engineering Ambassador Network:Professional development programs with an outreach focus”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference,Atlanta GA, 2013[3] Beggs, J. M., Bantham, J. H., & Taylor, S. (2008). Distinguishing the factors influencingcollege students’ choice of a major. College Student Journal , 42, 381-394.[4] Kuechler, W. L., McLeod, A., & Simkin, M. G. (2009). Why don’t more students major inIS? Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education , 7, 463-488.[5] Anagnos, T., Lyman-Holt, A., Marin-Artieda, C. & Momsen, E., “Impact of EngineeringAmbassador Programs on Student Development,” Journal of STEM
Franklin Technology Partners Grant that established the ”Center of Excellence in Signal Integrity” at Penn State Harrisburg. He was a co-author for the Best Poster Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, for the paper ”Transmitter Pre-emphasis and Adaptive Receiver Equalization for Duobinary Signaling in Backplane Channels”. In addition, of Best Paper Award at the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 96, Seoul, Korea, for the paper ”Basis Matrix Representation of Morphological Filters with N-Dimensional Structuring Elements”.Dr. Sedig Salem Agili, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College Sedig S. Agili received his BS, MS
stakeholdersand students’ investment of time in their extracurricular Maker activities. Pines, et al. suggestthat establishing maker curriculum in addition to the traditional curriculum has allowed for thedevelopment of broader skillsets which cover knowledge beyond engineering, includingteamwork, creativity, innovation, collaboration, critical thinking, project management, andsystems engineering. These skills are highly valued in the technical workforce but not alwayspracticed or developed in formal education settings.Oplinger et al.’s “Making and Engineering: Understanding Similarities and Differences” [6]covers a general survey which shows that both making and engineering are perceived to beactive, project developing fields. Stronger correlations are
is, students reported parent(s)/guardian(s) completed a “bachelor’sdegree” or “master’s degree or higher;” 20% (n2 = 596) were first-generation college students(FGCS), that is, students reported both parents/guardians obtained “less than a high schooldiploma,” “high school diploma/GED,” or “some college or associate/trade degree;” and 8% (n3 =228) did not report their parent’s educational background. Students that did not report parent’seducation level were eliminated from the study. First, we tested the internal consistency of thethree constructs in each of the subject-related identity measures (i.e., performance/competence,interest, and recognition). Analysis yielded Cronbach alpha values of α = 0.89 for physics interest,α = 0.89 for
disciplinary identities of doctoral degree holders as they begin to engage in their professions.Ms. Shawnisha Hester LGSW, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Shawnisha S. Hester is an Evaluation and Assessment Coordinator. She earned both her BA in Psychol- ogy and MA in Applied Sociology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She went on to complete her MSW from the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Her research interests focus on using qualitative research methods that measure various phenomena and making connections via an interdisciplinary approach, qualitative evaluation and assessment measurements, increasing the number of minorities in STEM fields, and program development at the graduate
46 Wednesday 23 40 21 Thursday 48 48 47 Friday 24 48 24 Time Morning 26 63 45 Afternoon 95 97 69 Evening 24 0 24 Instructor B 24 40 0 D 26 24 44 F 23 0 23 KD 24 24 0 S 24 24 0 V 0 24 24 WA 24 0 23 WE 0 24 0 Y 0 0 24In the present study we adapted a belonging intervention developed by Walton and
measureable benefits. These benefits include increased confidence andinterest in science and engineering pursuits. Students also acquire a meaningful understanding ofthe engineering design process, and particularly its iterative nature. The communitycontextualization has been observed to provide further benefits by making the relevance ofSTEM a central feature of the student engagement. Further study is needed to determine if thisalso facilitates communication between students, families, and community members, positioningthese students as STEM ambassadors able to relate the value of engineering to their community.References1Kosovich,J. J., Hulleman, C. S., Barron, K. E., & Getty, S. (2015). A Practical Measure ofStudent Motivation: Establishing
quality of life B5: Identifies and addresses future community needs B6: Reflects social responsibility C1: Considers economic impacts of environmental design criterion C2: Considers economic impacts of a social design criterion C3: Considers trade-offs between social and environmental criteria Economic C4: Evaluates economic lifecycle costs and benefits C5: Considers affordability or demonstrates cost competitiveness or cost reduction X1: Uses and/or creates innovation(s) in its specific field to achieve