who might not have had other chances to learn aboutengineering. One female counselor noticed that girl campers were less confident speaking if boycampers were present and worked with another female counselor to “all show each other girlscan do it”. Two counselors were interested in applying for the job as a means of challenginginjustice by providing the camp opportunity to “students like them”. Participants spoke about nothaving such camps available when they were in middle and high school, and how they wouldhave benefited from such programs. One shared that she chose to be a counselor to be a “spark ofinspiration” for “underrepresented kids” because she “really like[s] the message”. Anothershared what it meant to him to be able to be a
addressing the challenges of providing hands-on, experientiallearning in the context of distance learning. By implementing the recommendations arising fromthis study, institutions can help ensure that African American students in laboratory-basedengineering technology courses receive the necessary support and resources to succeed in theireducation and future careers.References [1] S. Bernadin, T. Mulay, and H. Chi, "Creating a Virtual Learning Environment for Increasing Awareness of Blockchain Technologies at a Minority Serving Institution," in 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2022.[2] I. E. Allen and J. Seaman, Online report card: Tracking online education in the United States. ERIC, 2016.[3] S. Asgari, J
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feelings offailure, and redirect their energies to a positive outcome (even if it involves a change in direction).Mentors whether minoritized or otherwise must recognize, acknowledge and attempt to mitigate racialstress endured by minoritized mentees. This study can inform STEM departments how to effectivelyguide and encourage minoritized students, which can help increase their persistence and completion. ReferencesAchat, H., Kawachi, I., Levine, S., Berkey, C., Coakley, E., & Colditz, G. (1998). Social networks, stress and health-related quality of life. Quality of life research, 7, 735-750.Blake‐Beard, S., Bayne, M. L., Crosby, F. J., & Muller, C. B. (2011). Matching by race and gender in
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climate, including norms, values, and prac�ces,the study suggests that the experiences of Black engineers are shaped by the prevailing a�tudes withintheir workplace. This includes the extent to which diversity and inclusion are embraced, the degree ofsupport provided by leadership, and the presence of inclusive policies that consider the uniquechallenges faced by Black professionals (Lukas, Goodman, 2015; Ray, 2019).S�ll, Black wellness is not priori�zed. Research by Dobbin and Kalev (2016) sheds light on the persistentchallenges related to diversity ini�a�ves within organiza�onal structures, par�cularly regarding Blackwellness. The study iden�fies systemic shortcomings that contribute to the neglect of Black well-being,exacerba�ng challenges
industry mentor(s) over time sothat they could build a relationship with the mentor(s) and feel comfortable enough to ask questions onany range of topics. These sessions, moreover, were designed such that mentor(s) responded to theinterests and needs of the REM students in what we called a “Mr. Roger’s” fashion – inviting a friendof theirs to talk with the students for a little while about an interest they expressed (i.e., EngineersWithout Borders).Interactive Talks with Industry Professionals. The purpose was to give the REM students insight intothe daily life of an engineer working in the energy sector and hear what they are doing around all thedifferent energy sources (e.g., gas, oil, wind, solar), and how their companies are innovating
main stakeholder impacted by the desired outcome? 4. What are the DEI indicators or metrics associated with this desired outcome? 5. What action verbs make this goal specific, measurable, and attainable? 6. What are the accepted definitions of the DEI indicators identified? 7. What aspect of the DEI framework does this outcome relate to?Table 2: DEI Action Plan MatrixGoal Partner Goal / Stakeholder Indicator / Action RECIPES Shared Definition (s) DEI Type Objective Metric Verb (s) CategoryA In Network Increase the Students Power Increase the ability to control
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minoritizedcommunities, SIRI offers a unique opportunity to explore how greater intentionality in programrecruitment and ensuring diversity across all aspects of programming supports the graduatementoring experience.Acknowledgements:The SIRI program and this material are based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under NSF Grant Numbers CNS-1836900 and CNS-1836952. Any opinions,findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. We thank all of theundergraduates, graduate mentors, and faculty mentors for participating in the SIRI program andlead PI Meeko Oishi for her leadership on the project.References[1] L. S. Behar
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