as “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action andreflection as students work with others through a process of applying what they are learning tocommunity problems, and at the same time, reflecting upon their experience as they seek toachieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves.”It is essential therefore to provide a structured environment in which participants will be able todiscover their own styles of leadership, what works for them, new approaches to explore throughconstructive criticism from the learning communities that includes faculty, students (peergroups), and the community they serve.Service learning at Jackson State UniversityThe mission of the
respondents would be completing theirsenior year. The current investigation compares student attitudes as reflected in 2004 to those ofseniors in 2007. The research questions that guide this investigation are: 1. Is there a difference in students’ attitudes with respect to service learning activities as measured by CSAS from 2004 to 2007? 2. Can identified differences in student attitudes with respect to service learning be linked to the activities of the Humanitarian Engineering program?II. MethodsThis section describes the Humanitarian Engineering program at CSM, the courses in which datawere collected, the participating student population, and the analysis techniques.II.1. Humanitarian Engineering ProgramThe Humanitarian Engineering
Academy of Engineering (NAE), “The Engineer of2020” (1) and “Educating the Engineer of 2020” (2), were important resources. These reports,prepared by industry and academic leaders in engineering, are the result of an NAE initiative thatattempts to prepare for the future of engineering education by addressing questions such as: (1)• What will or should engineering be like in 2020?• Will it be a reflection of the engineering of today and its past growth patterns or will it be fundamentally different?• Can the engineering profession play a role in shaping its own future?• Can a future be created where engineering has a broadly recognized image that celebrates the exciting roles that engineering and engineers play in addressing societal
, the project investigators acted as content experts and constructed apreliminary set of assessment items. The external evaluator reviewed these items andprovided feedback for revision purposes based on the psychometric principles of validityand reliability. Paired t-tests were used to examine whether this measurement reflected astatistically significant difference in the participating teachers’ content knowledge frombeginning to end of the workshop.Second, a self-report survey was administered to teachers at the end of the summerworkshop. This instrument was developed by the institution as a common feedback formused across summer courses. Neither the investigators nor the evaluator influenced thequestions that were included on this survey. The
uninteresting. The central concept which I seek to convey tostudents is the realization that All science was new at some point.With the vast attention to detail in many engineering classrooms, this truism is easily forgotten.This is reflected in the often omission of historical context of topics in both engineering textsand lecture halls. Some texts1 make attempts to provide brief sketches of famous scientists whomade fundamental contributions to the discipline, yet these descriptions are often superficial incontent and rarely enter discussion in the classroom. The proposed course will use excerpts fromthe original publications written by the magnates of science and mathematics who have madefundamental contributions to modern science. Since this course
labeled emphasis). Accreditationwas renewed in 1994-95. In 1995, the current School of Engineering and Computer Science wasestablished, with its two units: the Department of Computer Science and the Department ofEngineering.Forming Options within the Initial ProgramGradually, as the number and strength of the engineering program faculty grew and the studentenrollment and course selection increased, there developed a greater identification of theprogram and its students (and faculty) with the two options. Continued development of the twooptions was influenced by the engineering profession through alumni and employers andconsiderations such as those reflected by the ABET general and program accreditation criteria.In the year before requesting the
courses in calculus and oneeach in economics and probability. The requirement for two courses in calculus appears to beunique to MIT and likely reflects MIT’s reputation as a leader in technical education. Dualdegrees are also an option with pairings available in MST/Master of Science in the Technologyand Policy Program, MST/Master of Science in Operations Research, and MST/Master of CityPlanning.Based on a preliminary review of the MIT program, it appears that the second option, where astudent is able to build a broader understanding of transportation and the disciplines involved, ismore likely to develop the skills and perspective that are desirable of a well roundedtransportation professional. This is the type of professional an
need to understand the effects of wind variability on turbineblade performance. Fluid mechanics will need to understand the impact that grid variations haveon generator performance. Solar power system engineers will need to have detailedunderstanding of both electrical engineering and heat transfer.To be sure, there are many places where engineers already work today across disciplinaryboundaries; recent calls for change in engineering education reflect this reality (see below). Thepoint here is that there will be no letup in the need for talented multidisciplinary engineers in thefuture. In fact, that need will accelerate. Narrow specialists are out. Specialists with broadknowledge of all engineering disciplines are in. Need liberal arts
reflected in publications such as1, 2, 3. Most recently, “AnInconvenient Truth” has captured the attention of the public, and has brought the environment,and the effects of human activities, to the forefront of many people’s minds4. Now, the media isroutinely filled with articles discussing these topics. Some of these have begun to focus ontechnologies, manufacturing practices, and the products which are produced. A few examplesinclude industrial chemicals5, green solvents6, green consumer products7, and environmentally-benign separations processes8. Page 13.935.2Not only is the public paying attention to environmental topics, but interest is
, computer, chemical,and agricultural engineering1.This breadth of entry points is reflected in undergraduate engineering curricula. MostABET accredited undergraduate engineering programs have at least one course incontrols systems analysis and design. The exception is civil engineering which generallydoes not require a controls course. (However, even there the environmental engineeringhcewnv{"cv"vjg"hktuv"cwvjqtÓu"kpuvkvwvkqp"jcxg"dggp"strongly encouraging students with aninterest in environmental engineering to take a controls course as it has a high degree ofrelevance for waste water treatment.) Thus, it should be clear that control systemsengineering is a basic engineering fundamental that is relevant for most (if not all)engineering disciplines
semester.The questions asked on both test were the same and reflect a sample of the various creativethinking issues, including team problem solving, covered in the course. Table 10 list the resultsfrom last semester’s pretest and posttest and Table 11 list selected questions asked on the pretestand posttest. Incidentally, the results from last semester’s pretest and posttest are consistent withthose of previous semestersTable 10: Results from the pretest and posttest for OLS 350 (Fall 2007)Pretest: Posttest:Number of students: 20 Number of students: 17Average Percent of Average Percent of Correct Answers: 58.7% Correct Answers: 81.5%Table
mounting approaches 10. Programmable verses hard-wired implementation Table 2: Topics to be covered in the Electrical Systems Fabrication CourseStudent achievement of the course outcomes is assessed using a competency-based grading system;this grading system is a version of mastery-based grading [4]. 33 competencies have been identified;most competencies are derived directly from the course outcomes and topic areas. Additionalcompetencies reflect desired student outcomes at a program level. These competencies are listedin the appendix. A student’s grade is determined by the number of competencies that they havemastered by the end of the semester. Students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate
provide a well rounded exposure to a subject, enhancing student learning by exposingstudents to multiple view points, etc.In my experience, which is based on personal observations and student feed back, this model issuccessful when the two instructors have been working together for a long time and havecompatible goals and pedagogy or if team teaching is proposed as a benefit to the students ratherthan to accommodate the needs of the faculty members. In the latter case, the team must committo regular meetings to coordinate lecture and homework assignments in order to minimizeoverlap in material and provide a smooth transition from one instructor to the next. In reflection,the requirements of team teaching are no different than the team building
assesses the project concept, discusses the professional involvement,institutional constraints, administrative support and the results of the five semesters work.Recommendations for improvements for implementation of similar projects at other institutionsare included.IntroductionEngineering projects are increasingly complex due to client needs, system integration efforts,advances in technology, and computer aided design tools. A common concern of nationaladvisory boards is that students must function better in team projects and improvecommunication skills. This is reflected in ABET requirements for multidisciplinary seniordesign activities. In many situations, these objectives are met by defining “multidisciplinary” asusing different skill sets
creative and willingto change. Approaching a course such as Dynamic Modeling and Control is an interdisciplinarysubject and experience for the faculty as well as the students, but the rewards are well worth theadditional effort required to make it interesting and relevant to the students.AcknowledgementThe views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position ofthe United States Military Academy, the United States Army, or the Department of Defense.Bibliography Page 13.788.101. National Academy of Sciences, “Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century”, National
, especially projects 1 and 2.Table 8. EXTREMESQuestion 4. From what material or method did you learn least?1. Project 2.2. The lectures.3. Again, difficulty with third presentation.4. Algorithms for image processing.5. The book itself. We had little motivation to open it. *6. N/A.7. --- Page 13.747.118. The book. ** Responses 5, 8 reflect the instructor’s implementation of the course, not the merits of the text.Table 9. OTHER. What other comments do you have on other aspects of the course?1. ---2. All in all, it was a
participants four months after thesession to determine the value and usage of the model to students. The post-test and sessionevaluation results (Table 2) reflected the attendees’ initial perceptions of the workshop and theAIR model. The usefulness of the workshop was directly related to the perceived relevance ofethical thinking in the student work. Not only are the statistics for Questions 1 (usefulness) and2 (relevance) exactly the same, but looking at individual responses, the majority of ratings forQuestions 1 and 2 were usually the same. While the results are positive, it still indicates thatsome students do not see any relevance in having a concrete ethical problem solving schema fortheir work in nanotechnology. The students also appreciated
13.1101.10 is shown.Use Cases Do not reflect Use cases are The purpose of the All sections are primary appropriate in UC case is clear appropriately business scope, but and there is completed: events and are superficial in sufficient detail to description, actors, not readily detail, not write good preconditions, basic derivable from providing requirements, but flow, alternative the work enough some key items are flows, exception context
ways, typical of the ______ curriculum. First, instruction inthe department is geared toward practical applications in all courses. Calculus, for example, istaught not as a stand-alone tool, but in the context of practical applications. Second, our studentsperform far more hands-on work than typical undergraduates. Partly this is a reflection of theUniversity’s emphasis on undergraduate education, but a big part is also due to a departmentalculture promoting hands-on experience as critical for our students. For example, all of ourstudents work with bomb calorimeters as part of an energy lab, build circuits and operationalamplifiers as part of an instrumentation course, and perform water quality tests as part of anenvironment lab. All students
setting of an engineering problem.The value of projects using the IPD is that students are introduced further to each of theabove characteristics and are able to “practice” engineering as a mentored beginner. Theauthor believes that better decisions about whether or not to continue in engineeringeducation will be made out of the experience of and reflection upon such practice Page 13.913.4Methodology for International Project Development (IPD) DesignThe IPD design methodology described in this paper is a series of steps that flowsequentially (Figure 1). The process includes initial brainstorming by the larger projectteam, preliminary design by the