in this article are those of the authors and do notreflect the official policy or position of the Air Force, Department of Defense or the U.S.Government.1 Overbeek, R. J. The Sensitivity of Radioactive Fallout Predictions to Source Term Parameters. Master’s Thesis,AFIT/GNE/ENP/06-05. Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology (AU),Wright-Patterson AFB OH, March 2006.2 Kim, W. S. Determining Source and Shield/Scatter Geometry Using Spectra Collected From a Portable HighPurity Germanium Detector. Master’s Thesis, AFIT/GNE/ENP/06-05. Graduate School of Engineering andManagement, Air Force Institute of Technology (AU), Wright-Patterson AFB OH, March 2006.3 Schueneman, R. A. Oxidation at Surfaces of
4 teams composed ofbetween 4-5 students. Table 4 lists the titles of the problems selected by each team.Table 4: Problems identified by each team in OLS 350 (Fall 2007)Team 1 (5 members): How to Deal with Workplace BulliesTeam 2 (4 members): How to Improve Student Retention at Purdue University CalumetTeam 3 (5 members): How to Improve Parking Concerns for Students with Disabilities at PurdueUniversity CalumetTeam 4 (4 members): How to Improve Teachers at Purdue University CalumetThe author will discuss Team 3’s problem solving case study, “How to Improve ParkingConcerns for Students with Disabilities at Purdue University Calumet.”1. Facts Surrounding the ProblemHistorically, Purdue University Calumet, along with many other universities
yes), did you likepartnering with the juniors (83% said yes), do you plan to continue in the engineering program (85%said yes), and if not why (most students leaving the program didn’t like the work, workload or rigor ofthe course(s)? An attrition of 15% is significant, but in recent years it has been decreasing as theuniversity attracts stronger students.ConclusionFreshman students worked along side juniors in a seven-week project that included benchmarking,brainstorming, concept development, prototyping, solid modeling, CNC machining, machine testing,and a final competition. Each of the six junior teams mentored eight to nine freshman teams, and theresult was a significant transfer of knowledge and skills for the freshman. The juniors also
Congress. 14. 395.10. Weinberg, J. B., Engel, G. L., Gu, K., Karacal, C. S., Smith, S. R., White, W. W., Yu, X. W. (2001). AMultidisciplinary Model for Using Robotics in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 2001 ASEE Annual Page 14.428.11Conference & Exposition.11. Ahlgren, D., Verner, I. M. (2008). Building Self-Efficacy in Robotics Education. Proceedings of the 2008 ASEEAnnual Conference & Exposition.12. Ciaraldi, M., Cobb, E., Cyganski, D., Gennert, M., Demetriou, M., Looft, F., Michalson, W., Miller, B., Rong,Y., Schachterle, L., Stafford, K., Trygvasson, G., Van de Ven, J. (2008). The New Engineering BS Program at
program and provide a means for undergraduate andgraduate multidisciplinary research and senior design projects. In addition, the formative andsummative assessment will continue and be used to provide feedback on areas for programimprovement. An outreach and dissemination component of the program will also beimplemented so that the students can participate in university recruitment efforts and to publicizethe successes of the program.Bibliography1. FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology,, accessed 3/15/2009.2. Botball Educational Robotics Program,, accessed 3/15/2009.3. Matson, E. and DeLoach, S., “Using Robots to Increase Interest of Technical Disciplines in
14.67.6functional units: a 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC), an 8-bit reduced instruction set(RISC) architecture processor with an 8 MHz clock rate, an H-bridge to drive the DC motor, andthe actuator moving the mechanical arm. Figure 6. Robotic system: main functional unitsThe requirements adopted for the design of the system are: 1) the arm needs to extend 19 mmbefore it reaches the egg’s membrane, 2) the velocity with which the arm reaches the eggs’membrane is 27mm/s and 3) the force with which the egg’s membrane is hit is 10N. Figure 7summarizes the basic algorithm used to control the robotic arm. The processor used toimplement the algorithm is an Atmega8 RISC microcontroller manufactured by Atmel
those of the authorsand do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Koretsky, M., M. Bothwell, S.B. Nolen, D. Montfort and J. Sweeney. (2016) Shifting Departmental Culture to Re-situate Learning. (2016) ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. New Orleans, LA. 10.18260/p.26183.2. Sweeney, J., M. Koretsky, M. Bothwell, S.B. Nolen, D. Montfort, and S. Davis. Re- Situating Community and Learning in an Engineering School. Paper and presentation at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June, 2017.3. McMurtrie, B, (2016) How to do a Better Job of Searching for Diversity, The Chronicle of Higher Education, September.4. Reed, T
Assessment.. Proceedings of the 2013 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.[5] Ulrich, K. T., & Eppinger, S. D. (2011). Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill.[6] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, 15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[7] ABET, Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Technology Programs, ABET Inc., 2015-16 Accreditation Cycle, Criteria-05-04-15.pdf, Retrieved 2/10/2017.[8] Smith, J. H., & Nichols, S. A. (2004
develop hybrid educational modules linked to engineering grandchallenges to improve science and math concepts in k-12 curriculum.References 1. Ward, J. S., & Fontecchio, A. (2012, October). Work in progress: The NAE Grand Challenges, high school curricula and Graduate student research. In Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2012 (pp. 1-2). IEEE. 2. Davis, V., Raju, P. K., Lakin, J., Davis, E. (2016). Nanotechnology Solutions to Engineering Grand Challenges. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference. 3. Mote Jr, C. D., Dowling, D. A., & Zhou, J. (2016). The Power of an Idea: The International Impacts of the Grand Challenges for Engineering. Engineering, 2(1), 4-7 4. Thomas, J. W. (2000). A
. Page 26.826.4The class will act as a consulting group representing various interests: the community, the city ofGoodyear and the state of Phoenix. The City of Goodyear has strategic action plan found in thislink: whichcan be used a starting point.The class will be divided into three groups to advocate for three sectors: community citizens, cityadministrators and state officials. The groups will represent the transportation needs, plans andbudgets of their representative sector. Using a brainstorming visualization map (suggestion:Power Point Smart Art Graphics) brainstorm the elements of your group’s vision statement forthe City of Goodyear, Arizona. This vision
ecology draft or raw data tables could be set by faculty independently of the classes.References:Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. Paper presented at the ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.Mills, J. E., & Treagust, D. F. (2003). Engineering education—Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer. Australasian journal of engineering education, 3(2), 2-16.Mykleby, P. M., Lenters, J. D., Cutrell, G. J., Herrman, K. S., Istanbulluoglu, E., Scott, D. T., . . . Soylu, M. E. (2016). Energy and water balance response of a vegetated wetland to herbicide treatment of invasive Phragmites australis. Journal of Hydrology, 539, 290-303.O'Connor
Division of Undergraduate Education(DUE) award numbers 114010, 1431302, 1431410, and 1431446. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Special thanks to laboratorygraduate students Verol McLeary, Niya King, Janie Locklear, Tameka Coly, and Benard Chola.References1. Novotney, A., Engaging the millennial learner. Monitor on Psychology 2010, 41(3), 60-61.2. Yadav, A.; Lundeberg, M.; DeSchryver, M.; Dirkin, K.; Schiller, N. A.; Maier, K.; Herreid, C.F., Teaching Science with Case Studies: A National Survey of Faculty Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of Using Cases. Journal of College Science
various disciplinessometimes, but that “… it doesn’t go deep enough to be ‘truly’ multi-disciplinary.” Theobstacle mentioned by Student B was that academic approaches often isolate one probleminto one discipline, whereas perceiving them into a “holistic system thinking” will providemore complete solutions.Everyone agreed that ‘multidisciplinary’ should matter to a university, because:“This is where new discoveries are made.” Student Dand:“Real-life problem(s) cannot be solved by single professionalism or viewed by one aspect,students need to know how to communicate or cooperate with others in order to solve theissues.” Staff AHowever, some disagreed that the university puts enough effort on multidisciplinary matters:“On the classroom level
://[Accessed 2 December 2018].[3] E. S. Agency, "Exomars," ESA, [Online]. Available:[Accessed 2 December 2018].[4] A. Jones, "Here's where China is looking to land its 2020 Mars rover," The Planetary Society, 21 November2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2December 2018].[5] SpaceX, "Mars," SpaceX, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 December 2018].[6] May, Sandra, "NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge," 1 December 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 10 December
less often. In contrast, the IEEE articles had thegreatest author presence, with personal pronouns appearing at the greatest frequency of the threedisciplines. While one IEEE paper made use of no pronouns whatsoever, on average the sample setemployed the use of pronouns at a rate 50% than that used in the ASME papers.In the development analysis, it was found that ASCE and ASME articles were similar in terms of their useof charts and figures—about one-third of total article space—and also employed a similar number ofequations: a value in the high teens for ASCE and in the low 20’s for ASME. This slight deficit in thenumber of equations in the ASCE papers is roughly offset by the presence of additional space devoted tocharts and figures, making
somemeasure of resource modeling in this situation?Via our focus on the individual, we have come to know our students much better than we haveever done before. While this provides us with the knowledge to be better mentors, it alsorequires that we learn to be good mentors. It also amplifies each student’s setbacks andsuccesses.We continue to look forward to these challenges.Bibliography[1] C. Roberts, D. Morrell, R. Grondin, C.-Y. Kuo, R. Hinks, S. Danielson, and M. Henderson, Developing a Multidisciplinary Engineering Program at Arizona State University’s East Campus,” 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Potland, June 2005.[2] William G. Perry, Jr. Forms of Intellectual and Ethical
] Smith, K. and Waller, A., “New Paradigms for Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 1997 Frontiers inEducation Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 1997.[7] Clark, M.C. et al., “The evolution of Curricular Change Models Within the Foundation Coalition,” Journal ofEngineering Education, January 2004.[8] Duerden, S. and Green, M., “Enhancing Freshman Engineering Education: Integrating Freshman EnglishComposition with Engineering, Math, Physics, and Chemistry,” found on the internet at Page 11.459.8 Appendix I
and only then formatted in terms of requirements and demands beforebeing presented to students in the first week of classes.The academic and pedagogical coordinators defined a set of projects with a view to the course asa whole, and as this was done in a very intuitive way, it was easily assimilated even by thoseteachers with no knowledge of mechatronics. Initially the course was designed in accordancewith the general profile of mechatronic engineers and their work environment as well as theparticularities of the region. On this basis, axes of knowledge were created and the necessaryskills defined, while taking into account the government‟s curricular guidelines.The formal disciplines provided the knowledge base and some practice, but were
(1)were known except , so the effective magnetic field could be solved as a function of the gap,and an equation could be fitted to the plotted vs. gap data to be used in subsequent designs.The resulting design called for nine coils of AWG24 wire, 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.125-inch rare-earthmagnets.The load for the generator was an automotive light bulb rated for 20 W. At a maximum designspeed of 1500 rpm ( 157 rad/s) the expected torque on the generator was /0.13 before adding any friction losses. An estimate of the overall torque and rotationalspeed needed to be coordinated between the teams so that the mechanical system would deliverthe necessary speed and torque to the generator shaft, and that the structure was designed
. Shetty, J. Kondo, C. Campana, and R.A. Kolk, Real Time Mechatronic Design Process for Research andEducation, Engineering Education.9. R. Isermann, Mechatronic Systems – Innovative Products With Embedded Control, IFAC Symposium onMechatronic Systems, 2005.10. V.S. Vasić, Standard Industrial Guideline for Mechatronic Product Design, Mechatronics, 2008, pp. 103-108.11. C. Koch, A. Spröwitz, and T. Ströhla, Project course - Design of Mechatronic Systems, ICM 2006, 2006, pp.2-5.12. J. Bathelt, C. Bacs, S. Dierssen, and M. Meier, "Applying the new vdi design guideline 2206 on mechatronicsystems controlled by a plc," International Conference on Engineering Design iced 05 Melbourne, August 15-18, 2005.13. S.K. Gupta, S. Kumar, and L. Tewari, A Design
who received humanities education tend to have better performance” in the workplace,based on pre-and-post surveys given to employers of graduates.In a recent blog post for Science [11] on the reasons to include the Humanities in careerpreparation, and even though writing about science careers, not engineering, Albert brings forthten enumerated reasons, many of which are relevant to engineering practice as well. Reason 2 isthat “[s]tudying the humanities allows you to become familiar with and use the creative ideasfrom great minds outside of science. As a poignant example in support of this argument, considerthe application of art-inspired mathematics to the applied chemistry of an oil-spill clean-up,presented at the Bridges 2012: Mathematics
developments for the program.References1. Nelson, J., J. Carpenter, S. Napper, and B. Ramachandran, “Innovative administration support innovativeeducation.” FIE Conference 2008, October 2008, T2G-3-8.2. Benedict, B., S. Napper, and L. Guice, “Restructuring for Strategic Outcomes,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, April 2000. Vol. 89, No. 2, pp. 237-246.3. "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2013 - 2014." ABET. ABET-EAC, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2013. Page 23.220.9
Tropical Land-Use Change: Greenhouse Gas Emissionsfrom Biomass Burning, Decomposition and Soils in Forest Conversion, Shifting Cultivation andSecondary Vegetation”, Climatic Change, 46(1-2), p. 115-158, (2000).2 “The Revised 1996 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Guidelines”, P. M. Cox, R. A. Betts, C. D. Jones, S. A. Spall and I. J. Totterdell, “Acceleration of globalwarming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model”, Nature 408, p. 184-187(2000).4 M. Asif and T. Muneer, “Energy Supply, its Demand and Security Issues for Developed andEmerging Economies”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(7) p. 1388-1413, (2007).5 Department of Energy, “Green Technology
Census Bureau, Dec 2008.3. CPS Disability Data, Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Feb 2009.4. Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008-09 Edition, 2009.5. T. Cavanaugh, “The Need for Assistive Technology in Educational Technology,” Educational Technology Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, 20026. D. Schaefer, J. H. Panchal, S-K. Choi, F. Mistree, “Strategic Design of Engineering Education for the Flat World,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 247-282, Mar 2008.7. T. L. Friedman, “The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century,” Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2005.8. G. W. Skates, “Interdisciplinary project working
] Hsinchun Chen, Mihail C. Roco, Jaebong Son, Shan Jiang, Catherine A. Larson, and Qiang Gao. Globalnanotechnology development from 1991 to 2012: patents, scientific publications, and effect of NSF funding. Journalof Nanoparticle Research, 15(9), September 2013.[5] S Wansom, TO Mason, and MC Hersam. A rubric for post-secondary degree programs in nanoscience andnanotechnology. International Journal, January 2009.[6] N Chopra and RG Reddy. Undergraduate Education in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. JOM Journal of theMinerals, January 2012.[7] Roberto Cingolani. The road ahead. Nature Nanotechnology, 8(11):792–793, November 2013.[8] KS Martirosyan and D Litvinov. NanoScience Concentration Program for science, engineering and technologycurricula. (IEEE
D. 3 E. 3 d2 n d2 n d2n A n c2 n 4. Identify the example(s) below where interaction exists in the 22 experiment. 10 5 5 5 10 20 10 35 10 15 Ex A Ex B Ex C Ex D Ex E 5 0 5 5 5 15 5 15 5 10 5. The residual sum of squares used to estimate the variance of Y in regression is given by: n n
students about various stakeholders, asdesign projects often require students to think beyond the product and to pay attention to thepeople: users, suppliers, manufacturers, regulators, and so forth. P1’s Design Clinic team workedon improving a ceramic water filter for households in Nepal. P1 and her teammates travelled toNepal, talked to engineers, NGO workers, potters, and went into local residents’ families to seehow the existing water filters were used. “Users” is one of the key concepts emphasized in thefirst DIS studio course. In order to design an environmentally friendly replacement for plasticbags, students went out to interview customers in grocery stores about their shopping habits. Foranother project aiming at improving education
particular, the facilitator emphasized the importanceof setting a clear team mission and goals, achieving team motivation through the careful balanceof each team member’s interests, and a team culture that promotes and encourages contributionfrom each team member.Students then participated in a modified version of the fort-building activity, which was intendedto be more structured and reflective of the knowledge students had just been provided. To thisend, the goal of the second build was modified to "maximizing the team score, objectivelymeasurable by a given metric". The metric to be maximized was (n + s)(h – 4) – y, where n, s, h,and y were defined as the total number of towers, the number of square towers, the height of thetallest tower (in
engineering capstone educational outcomes. The timeline to bring the project and students up to speed is longer than for a traditional capstone, including multi-disciplinary ones, as the SE foundation has to be established o first, in terms of SE knowledge acquisition o second, for socialization to and the buy in needed from the students to work on the project in a meaningful systems engineering mode.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Researchand Engineering (ASD(R&E)) STEM Development Office. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect