. Gen holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a specialization in control systems. His professional journey spans nearly three decades, during which he has made significant contributions to the automotive and aerospace sectors, focusing on powertrain systems and a variety of embedded controls.Dr. Stephen Andrew Gadsden, McMaster University Dr. S. Andrew Gadsden is currently the Associate Chair (Graduate Studies) and an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University. He is the Director of the Intelligent and Cognitive Engineering Laboratory.Dr. Scott F. Kiefer, York College of Pennsylvania Scott Kiefer has spent the past twenty-one years teaching
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while doing VIPundergraduate research. We want to highlight not just what they learned in theory, but also the practicalskills they gained during their research. This close look will help us better see the actual advantages andreal-world uses that students get from being part of the VIP program. References[1] J. Gentile, K. Brenner, and A. Stephens, Eds., Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2017. doi: 10.17226/24622.[2] D. Lopatto, “The Essential Features of Undergraduate Research,” CUR Quart, vol. 24, Nov. 2002.[3] A. L. Zydney, J. S. Bennett, A. Shahid, and K. W. Bauer
discussions. students’ understanding of the course Inviting guest speakers. contents Including mid-term and final presentations. Conducting program evaluations using the MGUDS-S tool (quantitative) and gathering student feedback (qualitative). Figure 3 Strategies for enhancing students’ understanding of the course contents1.2. Research questionsThe authors have observed over several years that while most international students canarticulate their thoughts effectively in verbal discussions, their writing clarity tends to varysubstantially. Therefore
AI'scapability to tailor assessments to individual learning requirements and curriculum standards. Thisapproach deepens student engagement and advances educational strategies by equipping educatorswith dynamic tools that respond to the evolving educational landscape. The current studyparticularly emphasizes prompt engineering with AI, a critical element in optimizing AI’s utilityfor generating advanced, curriculum-aligned assessments. It assesses how effectively craftedprompts can guide AI to produce more relevant educational content, thereby enhancing learningexperiences. As effective prompts are developed, GPT-4’s potential to customize assessments tomeet specific student needs and address the complexities of material science theories ishighlighted
, #RecallRatherThanRecognition, #flexibility, #NotMinimalist, #NoErrorRecovery, etc.,) 5. In a paragraph explain the user’s goal/s using the product, the required procedures for users to reach their goal/s, and why you think the product fails to satisfy users’ needs. You should also refer to any human factors’ goals (enhancing performance, safety, and satisfaction) that the example may fail to satisfy. 6. Up to a paragraph, suggest or propose your solution/s. It can be simple or technical. (Try to find an innovative solution for improving the design, redesigning, or changing the procedures--you can be simple but creative)Instruction for contributing to other students’ cases: 1. Each student is required to read all other students' cases
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requires anencrypted connection to the server.Apart from issues with defective components, some groups, initially, were provided withRaspberry Pi 3’s instead of Raspberry Pi 4’s which resulted in slow response and irregular drivingby the RC cars. Through testing, it was seen that there were significant differences in drivingperformance on Raspberry Pi 3’s because they had only 1GB RAM. As latency increases, the carcan oscillate more. At high speeds, this can cause the car to drive off the track. This is why it isrecommended that a Raspberry Pi 4 with at least 4GB of RAM be used. In addition to running thedriving code, the Raspberry Pi is responsible for sending the sensor data and camera feed to theserver and receiving driving requests from a
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% 0% a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. (D) (E) Strongl y di s a gree Somewha t di s a gree Nei ther a gree nor di s a gree Somewha t a gree Strongl y a greeFigure 2. The student responses for the sub-questions of Question 2 (Table 2) for (A) CHEN 3302 (B) CHEN 4320(C) MENG 4349 (D) MENG 4312 (E) MENG 5330Next, we evaluated the responses for Q3, which gauged the students' understanding of the concepts relatedto sustainability in engineering. The descriptive statistics for each course are summarized in Table 5
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, counting for a minimum of 35% of total course evaluation in a threecredit-hour course, or its equivalent; (3) Instruction should include brief lessons on writing in theparticular discipline; (4) Each course should have at least one sustained or long-term writingproject, e.g., a research paper, an argument, a detailed lab results report; (5) The sustained projectshould synthesize some of the major objectives of the course; (6) At least one assignment mustinvolve instructor feedback on student drafts and opportunities for revision; and (7) Eachcollege/department should determine broad parameters for what constitutes acceptable writing inthe discipline(s).” [5].As a course directed towards engineers, most writing assignments are specific to
, includingthose outside engineering, allowing for comparison to our interdisciplinary-listed course. A tablesummarizing these offerings is shown in Table 1. Details relevant to these offerings followchronologically. Analysis for the courses are in the Analysis section. Table 1. Summary of course offerings including quarter course was held, course code(s), number of students initially enrolled and number of students enrolled after withdrawal deadline Quarter Course Course Code(s) # Students initially # Students enrolled after Offered enrolled withdrawal deadline Winter 2022 ASCI 10/ENGR 35 30 17 Fall 2022
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- identifier for each student the assessment instrument light and perform course- (name or ID) and then in- and assess in SpeedGrader level student assessment put course-level outcome (each instrument is as- scores sessed)Collection Department notes assign- No action required Faculty can attach theof Samples ments on spreadsheets and since rubrics are tied signature assignments(s) must save siganature as- to assessment instru- into SearchLight and signment in Google Drive ment/assignment. Sam- select which Sos and Pis ples (as
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