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Displaying results 151 - 154 of 154 in total
Conference Session
Research on Diversification & Inclusion
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Brewer, University of Georgia; Nicola Sochacka, University of Georgia; Joachim Walther, University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, New Engineering Educators, Student, Women in Engineering
Methods MAutoethn nographyAutoethn nography (a combination n of autobiog graphy and eethnography) is a qualitaative approacch toresearch and writing that “seeks to t describe anda systemattically analyyze personal experience iin [10]order to understand u cultural c expeerience” . In this papeer we use auttoethnographhic techniquues tosituate Michael’s M periences as a freshman engineering student in thhe context oof engineerinng expprogramss that, we arg gue, are in tu urn nested within w and coonnected
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Margaret Bates, Northeastern University; Brittany Damon, Northeastern University; Alison Reppy
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
towards their learning, and therefore inclined towant more involvement in the process. They also want to relate learning to their life experiences,understanding that education is for life. Young learners, on the other hand, have little experience to drawon, and therefore tend to be dependent on the instructor for guidance. They are also motivated to learnmore by reward and punishment, i.e. good grades, failing grades4. Typically, the traditional lecture isbased on the pedagogical model, with the professor providing information to the student, while theandragogical model allows for more interaction and cooperation between the student, peers, professor,and subject matter (active learning). With both approaches, effective learning can occur. Yet
Conference Session
Best of the NEE
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy James, Oklahoma State University; Stacee Harmon, Oklahoma State University; Richard Bryant, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
into causing particular classes to be a part of degreerequirements or lead to inclusion of topics in a course’s content goals. On the micro level,instructors’ plans are influenced by the decisions at the macro level, but they still make thechoices of specific lesson plans, contents of daily/weekly/monthly instructional objectives,activities for students, methods of instruction, and forms of evaluating students.4 In analyzingcurriculum planning, Colin J. Marsh and George Willis write Teachers are, of course, the final planners, and, in practice, many daily lesson plans are not written out but remain in the heads of experienced teachers. In fact, many of the numerous decisions made daily by classroom teachers are the
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade in Teaching II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Foster, George Fox University; Justin R. Vander Werff P.E., Dordt College
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
experiencededucators looking for fresh ways to engage students. As a result of the authors’ experiences andreflection, a collection of tips for success in implementing specific teaching strategies is provided. Page 22.1415.2IntroductionThe requirements on a new engineering educator’s time are many and varied. In addition toproviding a fantastic learning environment for future engineers, the instructor may be asked todefine a scholarship avenue, write grants, and serve various entities within and outside theuniversity all the while with tenure looming. With all these demands on the new instructor, timeoutside of work is extremely limited. Clearly, time