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Adrian Ieta, State University of New York at Oswego; Rachid Manseur, Oswego State University College; Thomas E. Doyle, McMaster University
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New Engineering Educators
their preparation for real jobs6, 7. The choice of one- or two-semester capstonecan make a difference in what students experience and what can be achieved. Most engineeringschools opt for a two-semester capstone8. In addition, the experience obtained is in tune withABET accreditation requirements9, 10. Moreover, close interaction with students offers theinstructor an invaluable chance to mentor them and initiate them into research and design in aninformal and actually more effective manner than in traditional courses. It was reported thatpromoting creativity in engineering classes leads to student retention and better student-professorinteractions11. Therefore students are also likely to understand the instructor‟s guidance from amore
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Sean Moseley, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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, making enforcementof this requirement possible.Sometimes there are multiple valid ways of solving a problem but not enough class time todemonstrate each method. In these situations, demonstrate one method in class and screencastthe other method(s).In a software skills-focused course, there is rarely time to cover all of the useful features thatstudents might find useful in the future. Screencasts demonstrating some of the advancedfeatures could be used as a resource for the more advanced students who desire an additionalchallenge above and beyond the basic material.Screencasts can help answer student questions outside of classScreencasts can be an effective method of answering student questions. When teaching a classthat involves the use of
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Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University; Barry Wayne Peddycord III, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
example "explain ... In your own words" or "give an example not found in the class notes or textbook" or "construct a diagram of ..." These are harder to grade but students consistently tell me they learn more in my classes than in any others.Use questions from other sourcesA few textbook publishers come out with new problems in between editions of a textbook. Oneof our respondents noted that the publisher of a textbook (s)he uses came out with a “FourthEdition, revised,” which was the same as the “Fourth Edition,” except that the problems weredifferent. “Students mistakenly purchase the wrong version and create a problem forthemselves,” the instructor commented. Several others noted, however, that new problemswould be of
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Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University - San Marcos
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information without visual reinforcement.I would recommend using student projects to develop video content to eventually “flip” a course(or at least move some of the lecture to before the class period). The approach presented here isa work in progress, but the author hopes this information is useful and inspiring for other newengineering educators.References 1. Swartz, Brian. (2012). “Building a Classroom Culture that Paves the Way to Learning.” Proceedings of the 119th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. San Antonio, TX: American Society for Engineering Education. 2. Bergmann, S. & Sams, A. (2012). Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day. International Society for Technology in Education
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- Training and Support for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Canan Bilen-Green, North Dakota State University; Roger A. Green, North Dakota State University; Christi McGeorge, North Dakota State University; Elizabeth J. Birmingham, North Dakota State University; Ann Burnett, North Dakota State University
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New Engineering Educators
Science and Engineering 2006; Washington D.C.: NRC Press.3. Bickel, J., Clark, V. Encouraging the Advancement of Women. Medical Student JAMA 2000; 283: 671;Wunsch, M.A. Giving Structure to Experience: Mentoring Strategies for Women Faculty. Initiatives 1994: 56 (1): 1-10.4. Ragins, B.R., McFarlin, D.B. Perceptions of Mentor Roles in Cross-gender Mentoring Relationships.Journal of Vocational Behavior 1990: 37: 321-339.5. Zachary, L. The Mentor's Guide 2000. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.6. Mark, S., Link, H., Morahan, P.S., Pololi, L., Reznik, V., Tropez-Sims, S. Innovative Mentoring Programsto Promote Gender Equity in Academic Medicine. Academic Medicine 2001: 76: 39-42.7. Baugh, S.G. & Scandura, T.A. The Effect
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- Training and Support for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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Chirag Variawa, University of Toronto; Sherif N Kinawy, University of Toronto; D. Grant Allen, University of Toronto; Chris Damaren, University of Toronto; Susan McCahan, University of Toronto; Bryan Karney
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New Engineering Educators
theircollaboration with former teaching assistants who have helped run the program in past years andmaintained reports on seminar topics, student feedback, and performance.BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Norris, P. M., & Palmer, S. C. (1998). Effectiveness of the Woodruff School Doctoral Teaching Intern Program.Journal of Engineering Education, 87(3), 223-226.2. Wankat, P. C. (1999). Educating engineering professors in education. Journal of Engineering Education, 88,471-476.3. Wankat, P. C., & Oreovicz, F. S. (2005). Teaching prospective engineering faculty how to teach. InternationalJournal of Engineering Education, 21(5), 925.4. Utecht, R. L., & Tullous, R. (2009). Are we preparing doctoral students in the art of teaching? Research in HigherEducation Journal
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- Best Methods for NEEs
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
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James C. Squire, Virginia Military Institute; Turk McCleskey, Virginia Military Institute; Elizabeth White Baker, Wake Forest University; Anthony Evan English, Western New England University
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New Engineering Educators
Technical Analysis: Matching Time-Displaced Generalized Patterns,” Eastern Finance Association 2001 Annual Meeting, Savannah, April 13-16, 2011.36 Maguire, S. Writing Solid Code, Microsoft Programming Series, Washington, 1993.37 Hara N., Solomon P., Kim S.L., and Sonnenwald D. “An Emerging View of Scientific Collaboration: Scientists' Perspectives on Collaboration and Factors that Impact Collaboration,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54(10), pp. 952–965, 2003.38 Boice, R. Advice for New Faculty Members: Nihil Nimus, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, p. 184, 2000.39 ibid, p. 188-189.40 ibid, p. 183-186.41 Boyer E. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate, The
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John Marshall, University of Southern Maine
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New Engineering Educators
. Page 23.960.103. Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences, New York, Basic Books.4. Spense, L. (2000). Maybe Teaching is a Bad Idea. On line: www.teachingexcellence.org downloaded October 12,2000.5. Dutch, B.J., and Allen, D.E., and White, H.B. (1998). Problem-based Learning: Preparing Students to Succeed inthe 21st Century. “Essays on Teaching Excellence”. Center for Teaching, University of Southern Maine. Vol. 9, No7, 1997 – 1998.6. Bound, D. & Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-Based Learning (p. 13). New York: St. Martin’sPress.7. Albanese, M.A. & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-Based Learning: A Review of Literature on Its Outcomes andImplementation Issues. Academic Medicine, 68. 52-81.8
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- 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Beverly Kristenson Jaeger, Northeastern University; Kerri Liss, Northeastern University; Bea van den Heuvel; Ellen Wilson, Northeastern University
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New Engineering Educators
improvement, consideration, considerations for grading representative(s) ~20 min Instructor clarification and the futureMotivation for further explorationBy guiding peers in their own course activities, Quality Managers offer a unique viewpoint in theclassroom; this study explores the QM perspectives as both assistant educators and as students.Quality Managers are the pivotal elements in the success of this peer-educator initiative becausethey provide a bridge between the professor and the general students. A deeper understanding ofthe QM experience from the Quality Manager’s perspective can be a step to ensuring an efficientand successful