theirknowledge and interest in the field. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of this course overthree years in two areas: (1) fostering interest in civil engineering among high school students,motivating more students to pursue this path in college, and (2) training graduate students (futureengineering educators) on best practices for student engagement, knowledge transfer, and coursedesign. Many data sources are reviewed for this study, including student artifacts, instructorlessons, and pre-and post- course reflections. These longitudinal data include the period impactedby COVID-19. As such, this evaluation also considers the effects of transitioning to online-onlydelivery, in-person teaching with COVID-related restrictions, and traditional on
Paper ID #37280Pairing Self-Evaluation Activities with Self-Reflection to EngageStudents Deeply in Multiple Metacognition StrategiesAnu Singh, University of Nebraska, LincolnProf. Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Heidi A. Diefes-Dux is a Professor in Biological Systems Engineering at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Food Science from Cornell University and her Ph.D. in Food Process Engineering from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue Univer- sity. She was an inaugural faculty member of the School of Engineering Education at Purdue
,qualitative and quantitative assessment methods and findings are explained, which overallindicate that students may have experienced both cognitive and affective benefits from theapproach. Finally, a discussion and conclusion offers additional details and reflections about theuse of IE and transmedia in undergraduate engineering.The Development & Delivery of EGR 340Geotechnical Engineering (EGR 340) is a technical elective offered by the Picker EngineeringProgram at Smith College. Established in 2000, the Picker Program is the first engineeringprogram at a women’s college in the United States and one of only a small number of 2engineering programs
teaching.Theoretical FrameworkA reflective teaching framework guided the framing of this article. In this adopted reflectiveframework, the instructor “focuses on themselves, their beliefs, and personalities, and how theseinform their classroom practices.” [1, p. 3]. In addition to this, the evocative theoretical approachto autoethnography in which the author carries out a systematic self-introspection and recall oftheir personal story is adopted in this study[2], [3]. Auto-ethnographers recall their livedexperience to understand and relate them [3].When writing this article, the first author reflected on her classroom experiences of whatpedagogical strategies have worked in the classroom. To further explore the first author's livedteaching experience, a team
Engineering Connect,was designed for the first-year students in an engineering department with the idea of increasingstudent success, engagement, and retention. The program was implemented into a CornerstoneEngineering Design course being offered for first-year students in the engineering department.The students were assigned to complete weekly reflections on the course Canvas space onmatters related to their learning and campus experiences as an engineering student. The inputsfrom these weekly reflections were analyzed by faculty each week and an engagement plan wasset in place with the students who were identified as needing help and guidance on courseworkand/or campus related matters. Also, the students having a successful week were
(intervention group allowing students to choose from the instructor-led activities),RQ2: What themes emerge when instructors and students are asked to reflect on the pros andcons of offering student choices in selecting course activities?The results of this study will help better TA training and help create a teaching developmentworkshop for the STEM instructors interested in adopting a student involvement strategy byoffering students choices.MethodThis mixed-method study is spread over two terms (Fall 2022 and Winter 2023).Context: To study the effects of student involvement in the choice of course activities on studentexperience, the instructors of ExpecTAtions, also the collaborators, permitted redesigning theircontent and intervention within their
Reflection on Faculty DevelopmentAbstractMany engineering faculty have been involved in some form of engineering education research(EER) during their professional career. This may range from a relatively superficial participationas a collaborator on a small departmental education initiative to a larger role in a leadershipposition as a principal investigator on a multi-institutional research grant. Regardless of the levelof involvement, each engineering educator must evolve and invest substantial time to acquire alevel of EER knowledge that is commensurate with their desired degree of participation. Forthose educators who are motivated to fully immerse themselves into a potentially rewarding EERprogram with the expectation of perpetuity, their
context in engineering design, and the use of reflection to support learning.Soraya Grace BararDr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Dr. Jennifer Turns is a full professor in the Human Centered Design & Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of Washington. Engineering education is her primary area of scholarship, and has been throughout her career. In her work, she currently focuses on the role of reflection in engineering student learning and the relationship of research and practice in engineering education. In recent years, she has been the co-director of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (CPREE, funded by the Helmsley Charitable Trust), a member
on Formative Assessments in anIntroduction Programming CourseAbstractFor some faculty, it is an ongoing challenge to design assignments and course policies thatmotivate students to focus on the learning that can come from overcoming challenges. For manystudents, when the stakes are too high or their time is too strained, productive activities arebypassed for strategies that more quickly get to an answer without necessarily exercising criticalthinking skills. A variety of approaches have been taken to encourage students to productivelystruggle on formative assessments and then reflect on their results to further enhance learning [1],[2], [3]. These strategies often come with a tradeoff.The purpose of this work is to share additional
]. Subsequently, this pedagogical PDprogram was adapted for engineering GTAs, with an aim to enhance and support theirprofessional learning. For clarity, we use “PD program” throughout to refer to the programoffered to engineering GTAs that engaged them in professional learning about postsecondaryengineering pedagogy.This study was structured to investigate the GTA participants’ experiences and development inthe PD program intended to provide GTA opportunities to actively learn and reflect onpedagogical concepts and approaches as a community. This study was structured to investigatethe participants’ experiences in this program. The specific research questions that guided thisstudy were: ● What features and content of the program did GTA participants
Paper ID #41746A Tool for Gaining Insight into Students’ Self-Directed Learning SkillsMiss Toluwalase Opanuga, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Toluwalase Opanuga is a second-year Ph.D. student specializing in Engineering Education Research and a research assistant at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her research areas include self-reflection, self-directed learning, faculty development, global competence, and
engineering codes of ethics are taught bymore than half of the instructors [8]. Engineering design projects (70%), in-class discussions(58%), case studies (58%), examples of professional scenarios (57%), and lectures (55%) wereused to teach ESI [8]. Group-based written assignments (47%), individual reflections (33%), andindividual homework assignments graded with a rubric (31%) were used to assess ESI learning[8]. Sixty-two percent of survey respondents believed that capstone design taught undergraduatestudents about ESI [8].This paper proposes a novel approach to incorporating ethics into engineering education coursesby having students choose a case from a list of recent case studies and create a video about it. Tofacilitate in-depth student
. Lab instructors prefer to pre-assign groups to make sure that women are not isolated and to represent the skill sets of both majors in each group.Know your capacityThe choices instructors make are limited by their personal capacity and the capacity of anycourse staff. It is more manageable for instructors of smaller classes to organize group formation,monitor team functioning, and respond to group member concerns. Instructors of larger courses,or courses with multiple course staff members, may find it useful to utilize tools to ease thegroup assignment and/or feedback process. CATME [16] is a useful, if long, survey tool that cansort students into groups. There also exist other reflective surveys and writing exercises thatserve a
benefits, traditional grading faces significant challengesthat warrant attention. One of its shortcomings lies in misrepresenting learning, as gradesoften reflect only the maximum points available, creating a disconnection between gradesand actual growth. False positives and negatives are common occurrences, leading to aninaccurate portrayal of a student's learning level. The use of numerical points to evaluatestudent work is also a limitation, as grades are categorical data representing quality ratherthan the result of a measurement. This poses challenges when attempting to applymathematical calculations, rendering grades less useful than more conventional data sets.[2]Furthermore, traditional grading systems are criticized for their inequitable
., vertical versus lateral reading), but also toevaluate and incorporate sources written by non-subject-matter experts (e.g., how one mayutilize research journalism and news reporting versus scientific and technical publications).Natural language processing (NLP) models such as ChatGPT are also included in the sourceevaluation exercises, reflecting emerging concerns about how they will affect research andwriting.This paper argues that source evaluation is a skill that must be taught in all STEM classrooms;the stakes for society of producing STEM graduates with a poor research foundation are simplytoo high. Just as STEM students learn to flex their critical-thinking skills to make reason-basedprofessional judgments, they can apply those same critical
1.8 67 5.2 Women 28 1.6 32 1.8 101 5.6 161 8.9 * Average number of excerpts per interview in each categoryConsidering the three needs separately revealed important nuance about what types ofexperiences seem most salient to faculty when reflecting on positive and negative workexperiences. Relatedness needs were addressed by far the most often, accounting for two-thirdsof all the fulfillment reflections and over half of all the need frustration comments. Of theremainder, competence needs (both fulfilled and frustrated) were identified slightly morefrequently than autonomy. When analyzed by gender, even more striking patterns emerged. Menand women described
experiments and activities that reflect authentic sci-entific practices and applications relevant to industry or research fields. For example, using thecommercial available software which students will use in their future career; integrating case stud-ies, simulations, or hands-on projects that mirror real-world problems and scenarios, alongsideincorporating modern technologies, equipment, and techniques used in industry settings. 22.1.3 Assessing student learning outcomesVarious indicators can be employed to assess and evaluate the learning outcomes, including stu-dents’ performance in laboratories, completion of homework assignments, and examination results.Designing homework assignments and quizzes
components: personal information management, personalknowledge internalization, personal wisdom creation, and interpersonal knowledge transferring.Information management consists of collecting, evaluating, and organizing information.Knowledge internalization includes analysis, learning, and reflection. Wisdom creation is ahigher order of thinking that adds problem-solving and creativity to the process. Finally,knowledge transfer includes sharing and communicating what was learned in the othercomponents.There are many overlapping concepts between PKM models and how Luhmann implemented hisZettelkasten. Jarche [4] offers the simplest model which is seek, sense, and share. The steps ineach system are key aspects of what faculty are expected to do for
of Computing in EngineeringThe need to learn computer programming is well understood in some engineering disciplines; forothers, the application of programming is less evident (Arjmandi, Woo, Mankelow, Loho,Shahbaz, Auckaili, & Thambyah, 2023). Coding builds independence, computational thinking,and the ability to reflect on and critique one’s efforts (Siu, 2022). For example, when studentslearn to debug code, they are learning the process of finding solutions to their errors and beingable to view things through a critical problem-solving lens (Siu, 2022) … just the things thatengineers need to know how to do. Therefore, this course familiarizes students withmicrocontrollers, an integral part of many modern, technological devices, with a
. IntroductionEngineering education faces the continuous challenge of incorporating the latestresearch findings into its curriculum to ensure graduates are well-equipped totackle current and future technological challenges. Traditional methods ofcurriculum development often struggle to keep pace with the rapid advancementof technology and emerging research areas [1, 2]. Current approaches tointegrating research into engineering education primarily involve the introductionof elective courses, predetermined laboratory classes, or the occasional inclusionof term papers from existing courses. However, these methods have limitations,including insufficient coverage of new technologies and the lag in updating coursecontent to reflect the latest research developments
students toidentify and prioritize the most relevant information in the textbook, though hopefully upper-level students have largely developed this lifelong learning skill as they approach graduation. A“progressive reading log” can develop student notetaking abilities through one semester: early inthe semester the log provides directed reading responses (like a CPA) with increasingly open-ended prompts toward the end of the semester (like a Structure Reading Guide (SRG))[32].SRGs adapt Cornell Notes[2] for STEM studies by creating worksheets with spaces fordefinitions, examples, proofs, analysis, reflections, and summaries[50]. SRGs may begeneralized for a particular course, requiring far less development effort for the faculty; however,SRGs often
equipment. The number of students making similar comments is also included in thetable. The majority of these comments reflected the value of learning both types of equipment totake advantage of their strengths. Several students noted that the measurement performance ofbenchtop equipment is superior and preferred it for that reason.Table 2. Summary of selected student comments on M2K and benchtop equipment grouped by category of response. Number of students providing similar comments is noted. # ofCategory Selected Student Comments
leveraging institutional data to support reflective teaching practices. She has degrees in Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.Eng.) from the Ateneo de Davao University in Davao City, Philippines, where she previously held appointments as Assistant Professor and Department Chair for Electrical Engineering. She also previously served as Director for Communications and International Engagement at the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, Lecturer at the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University, and Assistant Professor at the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Education from Virginia Tech.Carol Geary, Virginia
Canvas (due to campus-wide adoption of Canvas to replaceBlackboard) to do the same in Spring 2022 and Fall 2022. It takes time to set up such enhancedmulti-part problems on Blackboard or Canvas, but these problem sets are reusable, and thestudent responses are positive. This paper describes how to create such multi-part problems withrandom parameterization on Blackboard and Canvas, and presents the evolvement of studentperceptions from Fall 2019 to Fall 2022, to reflect on the impact of the pandemic.IntroductionActive learning is proven to be an effective pedagogy to improve student performance [1], wherethe students may be engaged in problem-solving, experiential learning, teamwork, a flippedclassroom, or other learning modalities. Timely
reverse engineering and experimental datacollection. It was decided upon that the project would be based around a 5 hp Briggs andStratton engine. In the projects students disassembled a set of engines and had discussions aboutthe material selection and engineering design choices made. Then, using an identical engine,performance measures were collected using a small engine dyno. In this paper, theimplementation of the project along with the learning outcomes from the project are presented.The results and conclusions drawn from a reflective assignment will be provided to express howstudents perceived their knowledge gained from the project specifically in the area ofengineering design and analysis.IntroductionIt is common knowledge that hands-on
weighting of each experience design.This work analyzes GSLC experiences to define the instructor's skill set for successfullearning. In addition, the objective is to reflect on the lessons learned and training needs offaculty enrolled in a GSLC to offer general recommendations for future programs.MethodologyThis research analyzes data from 20 GSLC experiences implemented during the last fiveyears between Tecnologico de Monterrey and Universities in Latin America and Europe,focusing on the instructor profile to identify specific skills that a professor must have for asuccessful GSLC preparation and implementation. In addition, we studied the information onprofessors, partners, course theme, teaching tools, and the percentage of students who
that I ran into while conducting thisproject is that the students believed the project was too much work for the amount of time theywere given, which was two weeks. After giving the project and reflecting on the results, I do notthink that the project was too much work, I believe the students were overwhelmed since it wasvastly different then the textbook particle kinematic problems they had been working on.In Mini-Project 2 the students found it interesting how dynamics principles can be used to designparts. In-class they have been learning about how to use kinematics to analyze the motion ofobjects but have not had the opportunity to look at it from the perspective of designing themotion of the object. While conducting this project I told
considerable lab and office spaces allotted as they were not quantified as a part ofthe package. They are typically discussed in negotiations as discussions occur, during interviewsand as on-site tours are conducted.Within Table III the means of the total packages and the standard deviations are described.Notably, the means vary from $234,747 to $398,418 in size but the standard deviations areperhaps the most interesting in CEE and MAE. The standard deviations of $85,994 within CEEcohort and $87,875 in the MAE cohort were large. ECE is close behind with a standard deviationof $65,735. MAE and ECE generated the most federal grant funding and CEE was third duringthe period [20]. The start-up package sizes don’t reflect the federal grant funding acquired
students. For both online and hybrid courses, the quiz was givenonline through the course management system. The quiz was given in class for the in-personmode. Online, the students had two chances to complete the quizzes so they could reflect on theirerrors. The in-class quiz was also administered twice: once to each student individually andagain in groups of four to six, where they had to debate the questions and answers beforedetermining the right response. The instructor was able to determine how well the studentsunderstood the pre-class material by administering this formative, multiple-choice quiz, whichalso allowed her to address any misconceptions directly after the quiz, or in the following classsession. The quizzes were appreciated by the
Turnitin that showed approximately 90% unique,managed using proper citations. All authors also reviewed the paper for completeness andaccuracy. It was observed that international graduate students lack knowledge with propercitation and consequences of plagiarism in the scholarly works. The future work is to use theinstrument to train undergraduate and graduate students to develop competencies about how todevelop scholarly works without any issues related to plagiarism. References:[1] Risku, Hanna. (2016). Situated learning in translation research training: Academic researchas a reflection of practice. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer. 10. 1-17.10.1080/1750399X.2016.1154340.[2] Masic I. (2012