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- Curriculum Development and Teaching Models in NRE
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Sheldon Landsberger, University of Texas at Austin; Rose Stiffin, Flroida Memorial University; Dimitri Tamalis, Florida Memorial University; Michael elliott, Flroida Memorial University; Ayivi Huisso, Florida Memorial Univeristy
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Nuclear and Radiological
increasingly used as a safety management tool in the nuclear power industry through the 1980’s and 90’s. This capability is of central importance in the domestic nuclear power industry in the new century. PRA provides answers to four important questions: (i) What can go wrong? (ii) How likely is it? (iii) What are the consequences? and (iv) How do uncertainties impact the above answers? There are three levels of PRA analysis in the commercial nuclear power industry: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 1 consists of an analysis of plant design and operation focused on the accident sequences that could lead to a core damaging event, their basic causes and their frequencies. Key figure of merit is the Core Damage
- Conference Session
- Research and Education in Radiation and Radiologic
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
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Shripad Revankar, Purdue University
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Nuclear and Radiological
modeling. The paper highlights the experience inhandling the undergraduate students for research participation and presents students’ experienceworking in nuclear engineering program. The undergraduate participation in research providedunique opportunity in recruiting students in the nuclear engineering program for graduateprogram.IntroductionSince the beginning of the nuclear industry, early 1960s, chemical engineering has been asignificant discipline within the U. S. nuclear industry1. Traditionally the chemical engineershave made and now continue to make significant contribution in the areas of fuel fabrication,isotope separation, fuel reprocessing, and waste management. Chemical engineers monitor thechemistry of the coolant and cleanup systems
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- Research and Education in Radiation and Radiologic
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Mitty Plummer, University of North Texas; Lee Peddicord, Texas A&M; Jerome Davis, University of North Texas; Charles Bittle, University of North Texas; John Poston, Texas A&M University
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Nuclear and Radiological
requirements during construction andcommissioning of a nuclear power plant. T H O U S A N D S O F W R O K E R SSteps in executing the plan: The work of preparing the workforce falls to many Texas institutionsas seen in the following list: 1. Wharton County Junior College will lead a program to establish a two-year Power Technology Program. Graduates from this program will be prepared to enter into accelerated accredited training as mechanics, electricians, and chemistry technicians. 2. Hill College will be the lead institution to create a two
- Conference Session
- Research and Education in Radiation and Radiologic
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Lisa Marshall, North Carolina State University; Mohamed Bourham, North Carolina State University
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Nuclear and Radiological
13.873.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 Matriculating Nuclear Engineering Students – The North Carolina State University Case Lisa Marshall and Mohamed Bourham Department of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State UniversityAbstractFirst-year nuclear engineering students typically complete a common freshman year thatdoes not include courses(s) in nuclear engineering. How then does a department engagestudents who have expressed their intent to major in nuclear engineering but haven’tmatriculated into the discipline as of yet? Through an analysis of matriculation trends anda survey of current nuclear engineering students, we will report on why students choosenuclear
- Conference Session
- Curriculum Development and Teaching Models in NRE
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Erich Schneider, University of Texas at Austin
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Nuclear and Radiological
animationshows the assignment of the individual source terms for neutrons traveling in the directionassociated with each ordinate from the collision density and scattering kernel. Intensity ΩN/2 Ordinate Set I0 … On mesh ΩN/2 Ω1 interval i… … Ω1 S1(xi)=ΣsI(xi) Assign s1i,n Neutron given Σs(Ω•Ω’) Beam I(x)=I0e-ΣΣx ≡S1i [n/cm3/s] Figure 2. Animated Illustration
- Conference Session
- Research and Education in Radiation and Radiologic
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- 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Shripad Revankar, Purdue University; Felix Mbuga, Otto H. York Department of Chemical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
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Nuclear and Radiological
on theprogress of the work. It is important that faculty and Graduate mentor attend studentpresentations and make important positive comments.Bibliography1. Boyer Commission on Education of Undergraduates in the Research University. 1998. Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America’s Research Universities. New York, New York2. K. B. Schowen, K.B. 1998. Research as a critical component of the undergraduate educational experience. Assessing the Value of Research in the Chemical Sciences. National Research Council Report, National Academy Press: 73–81.3. A. L. Zydney, J. S. Bennett, A. Shahid, K. W. Bauer Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering Journal of Engineering Education 151-157