, then (1) provide as precise of a geo-location as possible in order to enable the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) expert to respondto the exact location and (2) provide as much information as possible on the located object(s) toan EOD subject matter expert (SME) on shore. The goal of providing this information was toenable the SME to assess if the object was potentially dangerous, not dangerous, or potentially sodangerous that perhaps divers should not be in their vicinity. It is important to note that the toplevel objectives provided to the student team were purposely generalized and not directive innature, in order to encourage non-traditional and out-of-box solutions and to avoid driving thestudent team toward a specific solution. Finally
. Table 10. Responses to End-of-Course Survey Question(s) Average Survey Prompt Score (1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree) (n = 12)1. I enjoyed the Three Levels course project this semester. 4.582. Whether I liked the project or not, it was valuable for my learning. 4.833. Whether I liked the project or not, it was academically rigorous. 4.334. I believe that I gained skills from this project that I can apply later in my life and
. Page 11.309.32.0 Case Studies2.1 Inland Storms: The Edmund FitzgeraldSevere weather has threatened vessels on the Great Lakes for years. For example, during theGreat Lakes Storm of 1913, at least 19 ships sank, killing 248 aboard.7 In the 1970’s, perhaps themost mysterious of Great Lakes shipwrecks occurred, the wreck of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald.When the Edmund Fitzgerald set out for Zug Island on November 9, 1975 there was a galewarning issued by the National Weather Service. Winds were reported at speeds greater than 50knots, and waves were estimated to be over 10 feet high.8 The Fitzgerald continued to move outinto the storm, which proved deadly. They were out of sight and off the radar in just minutes.The members of the ship did not send
presentation: The final presentation is the last official schedule of the Program in the Netherlands.Students are supposed to present for twelve minutes. The presentation includes a problem statement,research question(s), methodology, and analysis if they have done any, research activities and progressmade while they were in the Netherlands, and the plan for research completion for three months beforesubmission. As mentioned earlier, students are required to finish their research work and submit areport and poster by the end of summer, August 31st (the research travel is completed at the end ofMay). In this sense, the final presentation is not for presenting their final results but it can be consideredas a follow-up of the second research progress
Danske Maritime Fond 28.november 2011. Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber, ATV. 3. Andersen, I.M.V., Nielsen, U.D., & Lützen, M. (2012). The Maritime Engineering Education: meeting industry demands. Mercator, (Marts). 4. Perrenet, J.C., Bouhuijs, P.A.J., & Smits, J.G.M.M. (2000). The suitability of problem-based learning for engineering education: theory and practice. Teaching in higher education, 5(3), 345-358. 5. Alcober, J., Ruiz, S., & Valero, M. (2003). Evaluación de la implantación del aprendizaje basado en proyectos en la EPSC (2001-2003). Paper presented at the XI Congreso Universitario de Innovación
experiential learning to beginbuilding patterns in their minds about how water moves past objects.Hands-On Demo. The streamline visualization activity is described to students asDesign-Build-Test-Communicate (DBTC) practice: • Design: a visual that shows how water flows around an ROV to help determine center of drag (aka center of pressure) • Build: prototype using dominoes falling as the ”streamlines” around the ROV • Test: use a rod to start all lines of dominoes falling at once; record video; note where the dominoes fall “slower” around the ROV; interpret how the shape and orientation of the ROV contributes to “slower flow” and increased drag • Communicate: make 1-2 slides on why you chose this design; picture(s) of the
easily. It can provoke interest to related field by experimenting directlywith understanding of simplified system. Also, it provides students an opportunity to apply theknowledge they learned in class.2. The vehicle that replace FCC by GCS loads only GPS does not require expensive inertiasensor or air data sensor, can make by cheap price. Also, It is possible to achieve small size andlight weight because required loading space is decrescent. And It is enable direct application toMAV.Bibliography1. S. Morries and M. Holden, “Design of Micro Air Vehicle and Flight Test Validation”, Conference on Fixed,Flapping and Rotary Wing Vehicles at Very Low Reynolds Numbers, University of Notre Dame, June 20002. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 4th
observations, like those of the zebra mussels described above, have ledto many questions which the team is interested in exploring. For example, students haveobserved plant material scattered, sometimes densely, about the underside of the ice roof. Theyhave questions such as; what species of plant(s) are represented, how the material migrates to theice roof, and what happens to it over the winter and into spring?More information about this team’s work is presented on the HSE website:http://www.enterprise.mtu.edu/highschool/currentteams/traverse-city-central/index.html. Theteam also posts many videos on its own Vimeo pages: http://vimeo.com/user1446488/videosSummary and ConclusionsThis paper has focused on one HSE team using ROVs to excite and motivate
American coastalengineers is to foster a coastal engineering program(s) at an HBCU and that is precisely therationale for support of this PhD Engineering degree with a coastal engineering emphasis area.The number of MS and PhD Engineering graduates (and those projected for the next two years)along with those in the Coastal Engineering emphasis area are shown in Table 1.Academic MS Engineering. MS Engineering PhD Engineering PhD Engr. Year Graduates (Coastal Engr. Graduates (Coastal Engr. Area) Area) Projected Graduates
surface data encompassed a roughly0.5m×3.5m swath. Three different wave frequencies were tested with wave periods of T = {1.1,1.2, 1.3}s and a sequence of images was taken for each wave period. Figure 6 shows a MATLABinterpolation of the Cartesian data from the T=1.1s experimental run. As mentioned earlier,texturizing the water surface with sufficient mist or spray is essential to getting good results.Figure 7 shows the Periodogram of the averaged data from Figure 6. The peak corresponds to apredominant frequency wavelength of 1.71m for this run. The average wavelength for the entiresequence of images was 1.93m; this shows excellent agreement with the wave gauge wavelengthof 1.90m.In another experiment, a series of stereo images were taken along
Paper ID #10561Architecture of a Dynamic Position Autonomous VesselMr. Jonathan Edward Paquette, US Coast Guard I am a Coast Guard Ensign serving in Cape May, NJ. I received my BS in Electrical Engineering from the Coast Guard Academy.Thomas Robert CogleyDr. Tooran Emami, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering, Electrical Engi- neering Section, at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. She received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Dr. Emami was an adjunct faculty member of the
Paper ID #12041Hex-Oid Habitat Design Challenge: Teaching Engineering Design in a Multi-disciplinary Role-Play ScenarioDr. Robert H. Mayer Jr., U.S. Naval Academy Dr. Mayer is a professor of ocean engineering at the U. S. Naval Academy. He is a past chairman of the Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Department and currently teaches courses in ocean engineer- ing design, probability & statistics, and underwater search & recovery operations. His research interests relate to the application of statistics, operations research methods and computers to the management, en- gineering and construction of ocean
OF STUDENTS = 32 1 2 3 . . . . . . CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : 1 : Strongly Disagree; 5 : Strongly Agree1 Concept Mapping 3 4 3 . . . . . . 32 Structured Content 3 4 4 . . . . . . 4 Data Collected by Mysore Narayanan.APPENDIX E : Bar chart generated based on EXCEL Spreadsheet data
. Nagchaudhuri, A., Mitra, M., Zhang, L., & all, e. (2013). AIRSPACES: Air-propelled Intrumented Robotic Sensory Platform(s) for Assateague Coastline Environmental Studies- A Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning and Research Project at a Minority Serving Land Grant Institution. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (pp. 1623-1625). IEEE.4. Lego Mindstorms NXT. http://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms/?domainredir=mindstorms.lego.com5. Dexter Industries DGPS. http://www.dexterindustries.com/dGPS.html6. Vernier Sensors. http://www.vernier.com/products/sensors/7. ARCGIS website. http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis8. IDETC 2013. http://www.asmeconferences.org/IDETC2013/index.cfm
expertise, through working on long-term problems ofimportance to the Navy, so that an adequate pipeline of new researchers, engineers, and facultyexists to meet anticipated future needs and opportunities. Seven key science and technology(S&T) emphasis areas for the program were identified: ship design tools, ship structuralmaterials, hydromechanics, advanced hull designs, ship propulsion, ship automation, andsystems integration.Following a workshop in 2002, several university consortia, consisting of teams ofcomplementary universities were formed under an ONR BAA to work with the newly formedCenter for Innovative Ship Design, NSWC-CD (CISD) (see for example, Keane et al.1). TheFAU Consortium consisted of Florida Atlantic University, University
and C. Galperti, “An adaptive system for optimal solar energy harvesting in wireless sensor networknodes,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1742–1750, Jul. 2008.10. V. Raghunathan, S. Ganeriwal, and M. Srivastava, “Emerging techniques for long lived wireless sensor Page 24.876.12networks,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 108–114, Apr. 2006.11. H. Yang, Wu, H.; He, Y.: Architecture of wireless sensor network for monitoring aquatic environment ofmarine shellfish. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Asian Control Conference, Hong Kong, August 2009, pp. 1147-1151.12. R.M. Felder, and R. Brent
-based environment in which the students experienced in the ESP class. In particular, we explored how “Ocean Engineering” can be used as an application domain for enhancing math and science teaching.At the beginning of the workshop, all the teachers were given a pre-workshop survey [5] that consists of thefollowing nine questions:1. What subject(s) have you taught? Page 14.93.4 2009 ASEE Southeast Section Conference2. What are the key concepts or ideas that the students should learn in these subjects?3. What methods or techniques work well for you in explaining these key
-up research fund as well as GraceTsai’s SUT scholarship fund. Thanks to Dr. Joseph A. Morgan and Prof. Mike Willey forteaching this student group through capstone project courses. We would also like to thank NT^2capstone team for the initial floating buoy concept and its prototype.References[1] D. L. Hamilton, “Methods of conserving underwater archaeological material culture,”Conservation Files: ANTH 605. Conservation of Cultural Resources I. Nautical ArchaeologyProgram, p. 9., 1998[2] S. A. Unger, and A. P. Schniewind, and W. Unger, “Conservation of Wood Artifacts. AHandbook,” Natural Science in Archaeology, 2001.[3] N. H. T.ehrani, and et el., “Development, depth control and stability analysis of anunderwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV
speed controller powered by a 3S LiPo battery pack. Costs for the propulsion systemwere approximately $60 for the motor, controller, transmission shaft, and propeller with anadditional $30 for the battery pack. Parts were connected through machined couplers and shafts.These were made by students in the campus machine shop to increase student exposure to theequipment and reduce costs. These are expected to provide a speed of 4 MPH (1.8 m/s) and anendurance of 30 min. Future work will determine the real-world speed and endurance of thevessel.The environmental scientists currently use a package from Vernier Software and Technologyincluding a LabQuest 2 DAQ and three Vernier probes. The Vernier package is extremelyexpensive relative to the rest of
) 𝐵𝐵𝜃𝜃̇ M(t) Figure 1: Top View of Ship and the Associated Free Body Diagram (right)The ship has a mass moment of inertia about its vertical axis I, and is subject to a turningmoment M(t) from the ship’s rudder. The angle of the ship relative to the earth’s cardinal(inertial) directions is θ. The ship also experiences damping from the water, which here isapproximated as a linear function of the angular velocity 𝜃𝜃̇. The differential equation of motionfor such a system may be developed using appropriate techniques1, and is given as equation (1). 𝐼𝐼𝜃𝜃̈ + 𝐵𝐵𝜃𝜃̇ = 𝑀𝑀(𝑡𝑡) (1)A transfer function relating the transformed input moment M(s) to the transformed
] Farzam S. Maleki, Gail M. Stephens, “A case study on gender gap in Massachusetts MaritimeAcademy”, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition,2017[2] https://www.maritime.edu/career-statistics[3] https://www.maritime.edu/meng-learning-outcomes[4] GourangaBanik, “Employer's Expectations of the Performance of CM Graduates”, AmericanSociety of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2008[5] Ngat-Chin Lim, “Towards an integrated academic assessment: closingemployers’expectations”, Education + Training, Vol. 57 Issue: 2, pp.148-169, 2015[6] Troy Harding, Thomas E. Mertz , William E. Genereux, Sue A. Guzek and Timothy Bower,“Reinventing a Computer Technology Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Students and
, S., “The Digital Classification of Ancient Near Eastern Cuneiform Data,” available online at: http://www.english.bham.ac.uk/staff/tom/research/cuneiform/tuscany/index.htm, accessed 2008.9. ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, 2007-2008 Criteria for accrediting engineering programs, Baltimore, MD, 2007.10. Sherman, B., McCue, L.S., Bi, P., and Milgram, J., “Assessing the effectiveness of dynamic deck motion limit Page 13.1066.7 systems,” Conference Paper No. PRADS2007-20290, 10th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Houston, Texas, October, 2007.
2006-2643: FIVE MILES IN FORTY-FIVE DAYS - REBUILDING THE I-10 TWINSPANSJohn Ryan, SE/ES, LLCGlenn Schexnayder, Boh Bros. ConstructionEd Scheuermann, Boh Bros. Construction Page 11.645.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 5 miles in 45 Days – Rebuilding the I-10 Twin Spans ABSTRACTThe five-mile bridge elevating Interstate 10 above Lake Pontchartrain between Slidell,Louisiana and New Orleans East has become an essential daily link for thousands ofcommuters since the late 1970’s. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina forced a stormsurge into Lake Pontchartrain causing the water level in the lake to rise 15 to 20
understanding of theimpacts of natural disasters on the infrastructure, the environment, the economy, and society as awhole; gain service learning experience by assisting recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast; anddevelop research skills by participating in hurricane damage assessment studies and contributingto a research paper(s). Appropriate assessment instruments, including an exit survey, will bedeveloped to measure each of these expected outcomes.It is anticipated that this course will serve as a model for the development and instruction ofother “outreach” engineering courses for engineering and non-engineering students alike. It israre for a non-engineering student to enroll in an engineering course, but that can change bycreating and teaching
for the Study of Technology. (2002). International TechnologyEducation Association.12. Sullivan, D., Zande, J., Butcher, S., Murphree, T., Ford, B. (2003). Using Marine Technology to Develop OceanLiteracy and Teach Workplace Competencies. Current: The Journal of Marine Education. Vol. 19, No. 3.13. Summary Evaluation of MATE: The Marine Advanced Technology Education Resource Center For the PeriodMay 1, 2004 – April 30, 2007, May 2007. 39 pp. Daniel Weiler Associates.14. Evaluation of MATE: The Marine Advanced Technology Education Resource Center For the Period May 1,2007 – April 30, 2008. June 2008. 38pp. Daniel Weiler Associates.15. MATE Center Annual Report to the National Science Foundation, January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009.Submitted
-depth contour. Six gates (shaped L as inverted "U"s) were placed around the pond on that contour, and a vehicle that passed through each gate (as determined by a diver tracking the AUV) was considered to have succeeded. Page 22.440.8Figure 2. The second arena used, at the Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida. The arm ofthis man-made lake that we used is a rough oval,200 feet by 300 feet. The bottom is mud and silt,and the depth is no greater than 11 feet. The armused for the competition is
. (2000). How People Learn. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, p. 163.18. Brookfield, S.D. (1990). The Skillful Teacher, on Technique, Trust, and Responsiveness in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, p. 192.19. Discovery Communications Inc. (2006). Deadliest Catch Season 2. Silver Spring, MD.20. Vancouver Sun, Friday December 1st, 200721. http://www.bc.net/2007-conference/keynote.htm22. McMillan J.S. and Schumacher S. (1993). Research in Education. (3rd ed.) New York: Harper Collins, p. 518.23. Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. and Cocking R.R. Eds. (2000). How People Learn. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press
project on afirst come, first served basis beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21. The Salvation Army will providemeals and lodging. Applications can be downloaded from the Community Service Website at www.sa.sc.edu/ocspand are available in the Russell House University Union, Suite 227. No group registrations will be accepted. Table 1. Chronology of Relief Effort in Biloxi, MS Date(s) in 2005 Action August 28 – 29 Hurricane Katrina strikes New Orleans, LA and other parts of Gulf Coast August 30 – University planning for relief effort September 16 University-wide announcement to USC faculty, staff, and students September 16
-948, Oct. 2006.[5] A. Gadre, D. Maczka, D. Spinello, B. McCater, D. Stilwell, W. Neu, M. Roan, and J. Hennage, “Cooperativelocalization of an acoustic source using towed hydrophone arrays,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, 2008.AUV 2008. IEEE/OES, Oct. 2008, pp. 1-8.[6] E. Marques, J. Pinto, S. Kragelund, P. Dias, L. Madureira, A. Sousa, M. Correia, H. Ferreira, R. Goncalves, R.Martins, D. Horner, A. Healey, G. Goncalves, and J. Sousa, “AUV control and communication using underwateracoustic networks,” in OCEANS 2007-Europe, June 2007, pp. 1-6. Page 22.986.13