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Displaying results 181 - 210 of 262 in total
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marialice Mastronardi, University of Texas at Austin; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas at Austin; Risa D. Hartman, University of Texas at Austin
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Pre-College Engineering Education
the small sample size and the need to account forsample variation between pre- and post-surveys. Statistical significance, including the Bonferroniadjustment, has been reported. Responses from open-ended questions were also included in theanalysis.4. Results4.1 RQ1: To what extent did the program impact teachers' self-reported confidence in theirresearch-related skills? Table 1shows pre- to post- confidence change for research-related statements. The tableshows an overall increase in confidence for all the statements with some statistically significantimprovements. “Understanding content of technical/research journals” confidence shows astatistically significant increase (p ≤ 0.003), reflecting the effort placed in helping teachers
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan M. Letourneau, New York Hall of Science; Dorothy Bennett, New York Hall of Science; ChangChia James Liu, New York Hall of Science; Yessenia Argudo, New York Hall of Science; Kylie Peppler, University of California, Irvine; Anna Keune, Ruhr-University Bochum; Maggie Dahn, University of California, Irvine; Katherine McMillan Culp, New York Hall of Science
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Pre-College Engineering Education
Bennett, New York Hall of Science Ms. Bennett currently serves as Director of Creative Pedagogy at the New York Hall of Science, respon- sible for developing and implementing new initiatives that reflect NYSCI’s core pedagogical approach known as DESIGN, MAKE, PLAY —a child-centered approach to STEM learning that inspires curiosity and playful exploration, builds confidence with new skills and tools, and fosters creative problem solving and divergent thinking. Drawing on 30 years of experience in informal and formal education, she helps translate this approach into practice by creating professional development experiences for our young mu- seum facilitators and K-12 educators, developing apps to stimulate STEM
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 15
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Stacy S. Klein-Gardner, Vanderbilt University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
outcome-oriented and driven by a need to complete a particular tasks, requiringsome expertise to do so [7]. Part of becoming an engineer is learning how to participate inengineering discourse and this process is complex, interactional, and non-trivial [7]. Thesecommunication processes are also reflective of professional engineering practices [8]. Onedesired aspect of having students participate in engineering design challenges is that they learnan age-appropriate engineering design process to support the growth of routines in engineeringdiscourse.McCormick, Wendell, & O'Connell [9] remind us that engineering offers the chance for students“to work toward important goals that teachers already have for children: to become betterdecision makers
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 13
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marcelo Caplan, Columbia College
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Pre-College Engineering Education b) Live broadcast. The Live broadcast is done through the social networks of the Municipality of Lima-Peru. While the facilitator presents the activity, the group members read the chat and comment/respond /interact with the participants (Figure 2). Figure 2. Live transmission example Closure of activity. After participating in the activity, the group members share their reflections and attend to the participants' questions and communications through the Facebook Live chat (Figure 3). Figure 3. Close of the live transmission with the members of the
Conference Session
Informal Engineering Education with Secondary Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcelo Caplan, Columbia College, Chicago; Evelyn Oropeza, Columbia College, Chicago
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Pre-College Engineering Education
students areasked to perform real-world tasks to demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledgeand skills." Following this line, Shridaran and Mustard [8] explained that authentic assessmentsare comparable to real-world task or assignments, where individuals or teams are able to use anyresources available and at their disposal, such as other colleagues, experts, and access tomaterials and resources, with the goal to accomplish the task at hand.Forms of authentic assessment include portfolios, reflective journals, oral presentations, workintegrated learning, self and peer evaluation, performance assessment, and so on [9]. Larkin [14]supports that in the STEAM subjects, there is a need to provide students with different ways toprepare and
Conference Session
Modeling, Inquiry, Engineering Literacy & Argumentation
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Roxanne A. Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael Helms, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marion Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Pre-College Engineering Education
model of what is occurring in different classrooms or different schools for a diverse set of schools. Modeling those systems, they can then look at the attributes of the teachers, school, school district, and figure out what enhances or detracts from the successful deployment of EarSketch from a sustainability stand point, sustaining the project beyond the grant.This team member understands that modeling helps to develop theories about bothimplementation (P3) and sustainability (P4.) This is reflective of the initial goals ofthe modeling effort set forth in the proposal development, where the intent was toidentify barriers and enablers to intervention sustainability.Some of the members of the team articulated a more
Conference Session
Elementary Students: Computational Thinking, Reasoning, and Troubleshooting
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emilie A. Siverling, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Elizabeth Suazo-Flores; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Pre-College Engineering Education
when solving the engineering problem. Studies withpublished pre-posttest results generally show positive learning gains in science content (e.g.,[11], [14]) and practices (e.g., [15], [16]) as a result of implementing these types of curricula.However, studies that provide an in-depth look at students’ engineering design decisions havemixed results with regards to the amount and quality of students’ application of science andmathematics to the engineering challenge (e.g., [17]–[20]). Some research has shown thatstudents have difficultly justifying their design solutions with science and/or mathematics [18],though guided reflection and evaluation about benefits and trade-offs helped them thinkscientifically [17]. Other research demonstrated that
Conference Session
Energy & Technology in Pre-College Engineering Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Jonathon Douglas, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ian Scott Steenstra, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Joe H. Chow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Chien-fei Chen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Meng Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jeffrey Braunstein; Elizabeth S. Herkenham, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Anne L. Skutnik, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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Pre-College Engineering Education
campregistration is free, with the instruction and materials support paid for by the NSF ERC program.Out-of-state students who need to stay on campus could do so by paying a room-and-board fee.To apply, a student needs two letters of recommendation. If qualified, a student would beadmitted on a first-come first-serve basis. For the past 3 years, the student population hasconsisted of 70% of male and 30% of female.3.2. Structure of ActivitiesOne of the aims of the camp is to reflect the research activities in the CURENT ERC. However,it would be impractical to cover the CURENT research activities in great technical details, whichare the products of graduate student research. As such, the instructors mostly provideintroductory materials to the camp students
Conference Session
Professional Development for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy Dylan Smith M.S., Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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Pre-College Engineering Education
0 II Preparation Preparation for first use 2 III Mechanical Use Use w/o reflection 1 IV A Routine Reliable use with few changes 4 IV B Refinement Continual adaption & improvement 3 V Integration Collaboration w/ others to improve 3 VI Renewal Large improvement & reevaluation 0Teacher’s Creative AchievementsCreative achievement was found to be low with the sample of RET teachers in the first cohort.The second cohort included much more lifetime creative acheivement and recognition, with twoteachers scoring over ten on the instrument. While the overall
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew M. Johnson, Penn State University; Amber Cesare, Penn State Center for Science and the Schools; Gabe Knowles, Center for Science and the Schools, Penn State University; Taylor S. Wood, Penn State Center for Science and the Schools
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Pre-College Engineering Education
Conference Session
Engineering Design for Elementary Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Miel, Tufts University; Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University; Emily Fuller, Tufts University; Kelli Paul, Indiana University; Euisuk Sung, Indiana University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
study cited interest or skill in building or putting things togetheras reasons they could not become an engineer, suggesting that some students see engineering asfor builders or makers, but not for them. Other students said they could not become engineersbecause they were not creative or didn’t know how to ideate. Several students said they couldbecome engineers but would not because they planned to pursue another career of interest. It ispossible that all of these students might find engineering more appealing if they saw their ownskills and interests reflected in engineering. For example, we note that six girls and one boyplanned to become veterinarians; perhaps these students would be drawn toward engineering ifthey were aware of ways to
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 15
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Hug, Colorado Evaluation and Research Consulting; Suzanne Eyerman, Fairhaven Research and Evaluation; Trina L. Fletcher, Florida International University; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University; Michael A. Soltys, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Pre-College Engineering Education
3 Teaching 101 Facilitation Strategies 4 Cultural Responsiveness 5 Project Management/Project Preparation 6 Reflection Table 2. The 2019 Ambassador workshop outlineAn element of support that is built into the Ambassadors program is the development of the“sponsor” role. Ambassadors apply with their sponsors, who are asked to fill out a separatedocument at the time of the Ambassador’s application. Sponsors are expected to serve as localsupport for Ambassadors in their outreach endeavors and are invited to attend SWE alongsidetheir Ambassador. In some cases, sponsors are family members, though other sponsors
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marialice Mastronardi, University of Texas at Austin; Audrey Boklage, University of Texas at Austin; Risa D. Hartman, University of Texas at Austin, NASCENT Center; Darlene Yañez, University of Texas at Austin, NASCENT Center; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas at Austin
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Pre-College Engineering Education
in Table 5 in the pre- andpost- surveys on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1=Extremely Not Confident to 5= Extremely Confident.The arithmetic mean of the responses for each cohort was calculated and the Mann-Whitney testwas run to determine statistical significance between pre- and post- survey data.The data analysis shows an overall increase in confidence for almost all the statementsthroughout the years, with a few statistically significant improvements. For the 2016 cohort,“Using tools in the lab”, “Collecting data” and “Analyzing data” significantly increased (p ≤0.05) from pre- to post- survey. This result reflects the focus of the program on providingstudents with the opportunity to perform daily laboratory research, contributing to an
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 11
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joanne Baltazar Vakil, Ohio State University; Paul E. Post, Ohio State University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
2). The current use of the words technologyeducation in the program name reflects a reduction from its popularity in 2001 where almost59% of the programs included those terms [36]. Courses titled “Industrial Technology” (11%)differentiated from the less frequent program “Industrial Arts” (1%). This marked movementaway from “Industrial Arts” was also captured in Sanders’ [36] survey which reported 20% ofthe programs titled “Industrial Technology” and only 9% “Industrial Arts.” Respondents alsospecified the name of their program in the “other” text box. These alternative program namesincluded “RAMTEC,” Industrial Technology/STEM,”“STEAM,” and “ConstructionTechnologies.” Currently, 6% of the Ohio programs refer to their program as
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 15
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nicole Alexandra Batrouny, Tufts University; Kristen B. Wendell, Tufts University; Chelsea Joy Andrews, Tufts University; Tejaswini S. Dalvi, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Christine M. Kelly
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Pre-College Engineering Education
.” International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 6(2), 4-13.[12] Cunningham, C. M., & Kelly, G. J. (2017). Epistemic practices of engineering for education. Science Education, 101(3), 486-505.[13] Jonathan D. Hertel, Christine M. Cunningham & Gregory J. Kelly (2017) The roles of engineering notebooks in shaping elementary engineering student discourse and practice, International Journal of Science Education, 39:9, 1194-1217[14] Wendell, K. B., Wright, C. G., & Paugh, P. (2017). Reflective decision‐making in elementary students' engineering design. Journal of Engineering Education, 106(3), 356- 397.[15] Kelley, T. R., Capobianco, B. M., & Kaluf, K. J. (2015). Concurrent think-aloud protocols to assess
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rebekah J. Hammack, Montana State University; Toni Ivey, Oklahoma State University; Juliana Utley, Oklahoma State University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
(e.g., pre/post assessment of impacts ofprofessional development). Further, they could be used as a self-reflective tool to provide astarting point for educators to engage in discussions around personal conceptions of the work ofengineers. Next steps include further examination of participant responses to explore theirconceptions of engineers and their use of mathematics and science. This exploration can provideuseful information for teacher educators and professional development providers to use whendesigning engineering- focused instruction for K-12 teachers.References[1] National Research Council. (2012). A framework for K–12 science education: Practices,crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 8
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anthony E. Felder, University of Illinois at Chicago; Miiri Kotche, University of Illinois at Chicago; Amna Hoda, University of Illinois at Chicago
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Pre-College Engineering Education
experience with the design cycle by designing a helmet to protect the brain. Students iteratively design the helmet using practical arts and crafts materials and engage in testing to determine the performance of their design. Students also reflect on their designs to influence further iterations. On day 3, students use the engineering design cycle to iteratively design surgical tools. Students evaluate their tools by performing mock surgeries on gelatin models to remove embedded masses. Students evaluate their tool performance and use that to inform further design improvements. On day 4, students revise their tools to enhance performance and prepare for day 5 challenges. The day 5 competition includes
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Alexandra Batrouny, Tufts University; Kristen B. Wendell, Tufts University; Tejaswini S Dalvi, Univerisity of Massachusetts, Boston
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
artifacts from more classrooms and conducting a similar analysiswith additional steps to establish the trustworthiness of our coding methods.AcknowledgementsSpecial thanks to our collaborating teachers and their students for their participation in this study.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1657218. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] NGSS Lead States. (2013). ​Next Generation Science Standards: For states, by states.Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.[2] Capobianco, B. M., Ji, H. Y., & French, B. F. (2015
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly Christian, Stony Brook University; Angela M. Kelly, Stony Brook University; Monica Bugallo, Stony Brook University; Keith Sheppard, Stony Brook University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
experience of science in society and the workplace [1]. Consequently, central to the structureof the NGSS is an emphasis on science and engineering practices [1]. Additionally, the NGSSare designed around a unique three-dimensional approach. Dimensionone focuses on the science andengineering practices that scientistsand engineers employ in developingknowledge and solving problems.The second dimension identifies thecrosscutting concepts, or themes,that are reflected throughout alldomains of science. Dimensionthree identifies essential scientific Figure 1: NGSS structure and impacts on teaching and learning science.knowledge required for basicliteracy in science. Thisorganizational shift away from conventional
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew L. Gillen, Virginia Tech; Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech
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Pre-College Engineering Education
(NSF) as a research grant (NSF-EEC-1647928) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesBoynton, M. (2014). People not print: Exploring engineering future possible self development in rural areas of tennessee's cumberland plateau. (PhD Dissertation), Virginia Tech.Carrico, C., Matusovich, H. M., & Paretti, M. C. (2017). A qualitative analysis of career choice pathways of college-oriented rural central Appalachian high school students. Journal of Career Development. doi:10.1177/0894845317725603Carrico, C., Murzi, H., & Matusovich, H. (2016). The roles of socializers in career choice decisions for high school students in rural central appalachia: "Who's doing what
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Miel, Tufts University; Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University; Kelli Paul, Indiana University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
under Grant No.DRL-1657519. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions are recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation .References[1] E. Iversen, “Engineering Outreach on Campus,” Washington, DC, 2015.[2] C. Gartland, “Student ambassadors: ‘role-models’, learning practices and identities,” Br. J. Sociol. Educ., no. September, pp. 1–20, 2014.[3] A. V. Maltese and R. H. Tai, “Eyeballs in the fridge: Sources of early interest in science,” Int. J. Sci. Educ., 2010.[4] R. H. Tai, C. Q. Liu, A. V. Maltese, and X. Fan, “Planning early for careers in science,” Science. 2006.[5] M. B. Ormerod and D. Duckworth, “Pupils
Conference Session
Informal Engineering Education with Secondary Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Schetema Nealy, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Erica J. Marti, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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Pre-College Engineering Education
in a STEM outreach program, it stands to reason that STEM outreach programs canbe helpful in strengthening grit in younger female students as grit is best when developed at ayounger age [18].AcknowledgmentsOpinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Thismaterial is based upon work that was partly funded by the National Science Foundation undergrant number IIA1301726.References[1] Kuenzi, J. J. (2008). Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education: Background, federal policy, and legislative action. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.[2] National Academy of
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education in the Formal Classroom
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cara N. Morton, Washington State University; Kira J. Carbonneau, Washington State University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
small groups (60 min total). Results from the Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance (RM-ANOVA) demonstrated that participants reported higherperceived ability to engage in scientific learning processes (d = .17) and in science learningbehaviors (d = 0.15). Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.Objective Self-efficacy is the judgement an individual makes regarding their ability to performvarious tasks and this judgement is domain and task specific (Bandura, 1977, 1982). Since theway in which people act, think, and feel, is a direct reflection of their own beliefs in theircapabilities, learners’ beliefs promote both engagement and learning (Linnenbrink & Pintrich,2003), as well as long-term achievement (Parker
Conference Session
Modeling, Inquiry, Engineering Literacy & Argumentation
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherina V. Tarnai-Lokhorst, Camosun College
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Pre-College Engineering Education
measures. In this way, teachers maximize studentengagement and creation of physics knowledge, building on what was learned in previousclasses. The purpose of this method is to allow students to play with applying physics knowledgein new relatable ways. The small groupsreport on their work by answeringdiscussion questions designed to guidetheir reflection on both the process and thelearning they acquired (Figure 2). In thefinal phase, which may occur in afollowing class period if the cohort needsmore time during the session for their teamwork, the teacher facilitates a large-groupdiscussion of the outcomes, generating Figure 1: Facilitating the discussion on student-based contexts
Conference Session
Middle School Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emilie A. Siverling, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Tamara J. Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Pre-College Engineering Education
to be more generalizable. Finally, we did not analyze anystudent data, including their audio or written artifacts. Future work could include comparingstudent use of scientific and spontaneous engineering terminology throughout an engineeringdesign-based unit with that of the teacher in order to ultimately determine how a teacher’s use ofengineering terminology affects student conceptions about engineering.AcknowledgementsThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number NSF DRL-1238140. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations conveyed in this studyare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] T. J. Moore, K. M. Tank, A. W
Conference Session
Best Practices in Out-of-School Time
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris San Antonio-Tunis, Museum of Science, Boston; Joelle Clark, Northern Arizona University; Christine M. Cunningham, Museum of Science, Boston; Cathy P. Lachapelle, Museum of Science, Boston
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Pre-College Engineering Education
this study, these video data provedindispensable, allowing us to observe and analyze the interactions and behaviors of the youth asthey navigated through their engineering successes and failures.The eight groups of youth captured on video were also asked to participate in a brief focus groupat the conclusion of their final activity. Having spent considerable time working together, weasked participants to reflect as a group on their engineering experiences. Researchers facilitatedthe focus groups and captured them on video. These conversations shed light on youths’perceptions of their engineering work, and their thoughts about engineering as a possible careerchoice.A survey of youths’ engineering interests and attitudes (EIA) was also completed
Conference Session
Engineering Design Process Activities with Secondary Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Briscoe, American Society of Naval Engineers; Leigh S. McCue, George Mason University; Dale A. Lumme, American Society of Naval Engineers
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Pre-College Engineering Education
where students design their ships and can analyze data likeweight and center of gravity.The designers of FLEET ensure every aspect of the game is authentic to the work of engineers.As shown in Figure 2, the flow of the FLEET interface reflects the cyclical nature of engineeringdesign processes. Students first receive an overview of the mission, then design a ship in thedrydock to meet the mission requirements and objectives. Students proceed to test their shipeither in the full mission or in shorter tests focused on different aspects of ship capability. Testsand missions end with a summary screen giving data on ship performance, such as time spent,number of collisions, and points scored. Students use this data to improve their ship design
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University; Jorge Americo Acosta Feliz
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Pre-College Engineering Education
developing grounded theory (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: SAGE.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1222566. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 13
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amber Simpson, State University of New York at Binghamton; Jing Yang, Indiana University Bloomington ; Peter N. Knox, Binghamton University (State University of New York); Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University-Bloomington
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Pre-College Engineering Education
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] E. P. Cunningham, “A typology of mathematical moments in kindergarten classrooms,” Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate College, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 2018.[2] E. R. Banilower, P. S. Smith, K. A. Malzahn, C. L. Plumley, E. M. Gordon, and M. L. Hayes, Report of the 2018 NSSME+. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc., 2018.[3] C. N. Lippard, M. H. Lamm, K. M. Tank,and J. Y. Choi, “Pre-engineering thinking and engineering habits of mind in preschool classroom,” Early Childhood Education Journal, vol. 47, pp. 187-198, 2019.[4] B. L. Dorie, T. R. Jones, M. C
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cathy Burack, Brandeis University; Alan Melchior, Brandeis University; Matthew Hoover, Brandeis University
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Pre-College Engineering Education
analysis, controlling for Gender, Race, Honors Courses at Baseline, Family Income, and ParentalSupport for STEM with added interaction variable for female program participants.B. Interest in Majoring in STEM-related FieldsThe positive impacts on STEM-related attitudes were also reflected in reported interest in STEMmajors at college, though with a clear distinction between Engineering and technology-relatedmajors and other STEM fields. Exhibit 7 shows the percent of all first year college students whoare “very interested” in majoring in the specified field (i.e., reporting a 6, 7, or “alreadydeclared” on a 7-point scale measuring interest in specific college majors). The calculations ofstatistical significance and the odds ratios are based on a