et al.’s discussion of naming, setting thecontext, and reflecting to better fit the age of our participants and their instructional context.MethodsThis study explores if evidence exists to show that K-2 students can engage in meaningfulproblem scoping while participating in introductory problem scoping activities from a STEM+Cintegration curricula.ParticipantsUsing purposeful sampling, data from six different classrooms out of 17 were selected to beanalyzed. These six classrooms (two kindergarten, two first grade, and two second grade) wereidentified based on how well the educator followed the curriculum and the amount of interactions(students to teacher and student to student) captured. All of the teachers participated in a
equitable opportunities by allowing the students who are English learners toenvision futures for themselves as engineers. [S]tarting early allows the students to bridge the opportunity gap by having shared experiences and picturing themselves and as engineers and problem solversAffordance 7: Engineering activities provide unique opportunities for English learners to applytheir science content knowledge in meaningful ways, even if they learned that science content inanother language.Engineering activities can invite or require students to draw upon science content knowledge, inwhatever language they learned it. They can demonstrate their understandings through artifactsor multiple modes of communication. Applying the concepts in an engineering
effective in building and honing students’ leadership and teamwork skills.Finally, robotics activities were not deemed to be universally applicable for all science and mathconcepts. Additional methods that teachers used to identify the suitability of robotics lesson aresummarized in Table 3.Table 3: Methods used to identify the suitability of robotics lessons. S. No. Methods used to identify the suitability of robotics lesson Analyze various aspects of a lesson to establish if a robot can perform a role to effectively 1. contribute to the lesson’s objective. Assess and ensure that the robotics activity is appropriate for the grade level and aligns 2. with the learning
length and direction of the line drawn by the marker indicate? o Why does the spring oscillate? Using another known physics principle, propose a modification to the accelerometer car that would make it more accurate and/or precise. Explain how it would be an improvement and how it would work. Each group will write a report detailing: o Identified limitation(s) and why they exit. o Drawings indicating any suggested modification(s). o Detailed scientific explanation of the modification(s).3.2. Integrated and automated micro-physiological systems for monitoring organ-on-a-chip cultures and a lesson on 3D printingOrgan on a chip technology is being explored for the application of tissue
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moreclosely with industry partners in order to meet their workforce expectations and develop curriculathat align with the workforce of tomorrow based on cloud computing job roles.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1801024. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] S. Fayer, A. Lacey and W. Watson, A. “BLS spotlight on statistics: STEM occupations- past, present, and future,” U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistic, 2017. [Online]. Available:
of GIS Virtual Learning Environments for Interactive Visualization Using Desktop Virtual Reality (VR) & iSpace”, in ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 25-29, 2016.[4] F. Castronovo, S. Yilmaz, A. Rao, W. Condori Jr, K. Monga, H. Gooranorimi, “Board 63: Development of a Virtual Reality Educational Game for Waste Management: Attack of the Recyclops’, in ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 23-27, 2018.[5] F. Castronovo, D. Nikolic, S. Mastrolembo, V. Hroff, A. Nguyen, H.P. Nguyen, S. Yilmaz, R. Akhavian, C. Gaedicke, “Design and Development of a Virtual Reality Educational Game for Architectural and Construction Reviews”, in ASEE Annual Conference and
of wheels, and 3D printing [26] Entrepreneurship: business planning, business model canvas [27], product development process, market analysis, product market matrix [28], Porter’s 5 forces [29], technology S- curve [30], venture capital, crowd funding, grants, social entrepreneurship, and managing intellectual propertyCorresponding to each lesson on fundamental concepts, participants worked on hands-on learningtasks in teams. VEX Robotics Clawbot kit [31] and Arduino UNO microcontroller [32] were usedfor building the chassis of the robot and the microcontroller circuitry of the robot, respectively.The research team introduced participants to operating principles, electrical schematic, coding, andmicrocontroller interfacing of
,TheSaltRiverProject,NeuroTinker,Inc.,PurdueUniversityCollegeofEngineering,TheArizonaDepartmentofEducation,DelawareStateUniversityReferences [1]NationalAcademyofEngineering.(2008).ChangingtheConversation:Messages forImprovingPublicUnderstandingofEngineering.WashingtonDC:National AcademiesPress. [2]Noddings,N.(1992).GenderandCurriculum,fromtheHandbookofResearchon Curriculum,editedbyP.W.Jackson,NewYork:Macmillan. [3]Matyas,M.L.&Malcolm,S.(1991).InvestinginHumanPotential:Scienceand EngineeringattheCrossroads.AAAS,Washington,D.C. [4]Rosser,S.V.(1990).Female‐FriendlyScience.PergamonPress,Elmsford,NY. [5]Rosser,S.V.(1995).TeachingtheMajority:BreakingtheGenderBarrierin
their own work resides in their own investment and dedication, c) Leadership skills and team management 4) Participants have a change in their behavior and attitude towards learning understanding that learning is more than pass a test, is the path to develop their own personality, exploring their strong capacities as well as improving those that they are not so strong.It is important to note that is the believe of the instructional team implementing both programs,that the success to accomplish the outcomes mentioned above relies in the fact that theinstructors became mentors, developing a strong personal relation between each participant andthe mentor/s. The teens are in need of strong role models that also are available
members iscritical in producing a test-ready bridge on time.Figure 4: Bridge Design and Competition Photos The lock and dam module challenges high school students with designing and building amodel of a lock and a dam, using a large plastic tub, PVC trim boards, and modeling clay, asshown in Figure 5. Unlike in the previous exercise, student teams need to come up with theirown designs, with assistance from the instructor. Hand saw, power drill, and drill press are usedto shape PVC trim boards, and large board sections recycled from previous year(s) can be reusedto expedite the building process. The instructor and at least one undergraduate student helperwho is proficient with power tools need to be present during the entire laboratory
Saturday mornings,and students were expected to work independently and submit the week’s assignments byThursday evening. Office hours were held on Tuesday evenings for students to ask questions andget help on their designs. Overall, students had much more freedom as to the schedule andamount of time/effort put into the program. The weekly schedule is shown in Table 4. Table 3: Fall Young Scholars Program Moodle Modules Learning Module(s) Description/Activity Schedule Introductory Module • Introduction to ASSIST Center Week 1 • Faculty Research overview Engineering Design • Explain and
wide range of projects. I am interested in exploringavenues to democratize this form of education to help more students from all backgrounds haveaccess to these opportunities. References [1] Vosniadou, Stella. How Children Learn. Educational Practices Series, I nternational Bureau of Education, 2001. [2] S. Bell. Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future, The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 83:2, 39-43, 2010. [3] Y. Li, A. H. Schoenfeld, A. A. diSessa, A. C. Graesser, L. C. Benson, L. D. English, and R. A. Duschl. Design and Design Thinking in STEM Education. Journal for STEM Education Research, 2: 93–104, 2019. [4
Videos can be found on the NEWT Curriculum website. Excerpt of one lesson found on the NEWT website!ret-curriculum-2018/g2zjr Engineering Self Cleaning Hydrophobic SurfacesGrade level: 9th Subject area(s) Biology, Life Sciences, Physical Science Estimated Time Required: 50 minutesMaker Challenge Overview: The biomimetic engineering challenge introduces students to the field of nanotechnology and the topicof biomimicry which refers to human-made devices or systems that imitate nature. Participants will explore how materials can bemodified at the nanoscale to provide features such as waterproofing and stain resistance. Working in teams, students will
during the year(s), in a way that alsoenhances their leadership abilities. The students select the topic they want to present, preparetheir presentation, and develop their own strategy to accomplish the goal of the workshop. Forthe leadership of the above mentioned OST programs, the conference provides an opportunity toimplement an authentic assessment of the learning process of the participating teens.After each session, the workshop’s attendees filled an exit survey in which they shared with thepresenters their impressions regarding the presentation. Participants data and analysis of the exitsurveys of the past three conferences will be discussed in the paper.Overwhelming anecdotal data from the presenters states that one of the main reasons
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selection will be addressed along with project identification,scheduling, and the presentation of outcomes.During the admissions process, students are divided into sections that range from 16-24 studentseach. Every section has a different theme in the STEM fields, centered in the area of expertise ofthe faculty lead instructor, which can range widely in subject. Students rank their top twosection topics in the application and nearly 80% of students are offered their first-choice section.Since 2014, a section entitled, ‘Racecar Design through Engineering Experimentation,’ orRacecar, has been offered with section enrollment around 25 students, which representsclassroom and laboratory capacity. Unlike most other sections, Racecar i s taught
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mathematicalmodeling and developing specific content knowledge, and how engineering can provide avaluable context for the application of mathematical modeling.Introduction Mathematical modeling is a critical component of math, science, and engineeringeducation [1]–[7]. Both the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and theNext Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize the importance of mathematicalmodeling [1]. Mathematical modeling in the classroom helps to develop the critical thinking andmath skills required for engineering [2]. It allows students to “revise their preconceptions and…understand the underlying principle[s] of mathematics” [8] and integrate topics similar toprofessionals in the field [1]. Students are expected to
UP instructor. It began as a small idea tosomehow work more closely with the neighboring high school. It has become a full-fledged partof his everyday activities.The program has deepened relationships between STEM faculty at HS and UP, and it has exposed39 students to a school down the street that few of them had ever considered.After three years of the program, the students feel more at home on a college campus, and perhapsmore excitingly (for the instructor), I feel incredibly at home in a classroom of high schoolstudents.References[1] L. S. Nadelson and J. Callahan, "A Comparison of Two Engineering Outreach Programs for Adolescents," Journal of STEM Education, vol. 12, no. 1&2, 2011.[2] X. S. Apedoe, B. Reynolds, M. R. Ellefson and
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, etc.) ratio can also be a way to make sure all students in thiscourse are equally exposed to the technology and engineering topics.References[1] P. Plaza, E. Sancristobal, G. Carro, M. Blazquez, F. García-Loro, S. Martin, C. Perez, and M. Castro, “Arduino as an educational tool to introduce robotics,” in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Dec 2018, pp. 1–8.[2] Z. Pei and Y. Nie, “Educational robots: Classification, characteristics, application areas and problems,” in 2018 Seventh International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT), Dec 2018, pp. 57–62.[3] M. Petre and B. Price, “Using robotics to motivate ‘back door
Possible Solutions Solutions Test and Select Best Evaluate Possible Solution(s) Solution(s) Construct PrototypeFigure 2: Design Process Model Utilized with Participating TeachersData CollectionWe focus this evaluation on analysis of surveys (T-STEM), content knowledge tests (DTAMS),and focus groups completed both before and after professional development, as well as teacher-generated engineering design lesson plans and observations as teachers implemented lessons intheir classrooms. We conducted
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Foundation GK12 grant and is sustainedthrough the active engagement of over 75 volunteerundergraduate and graduate students andstudent organizations per year. Now reachingover 1,200 K-12 students annually, thisinstitutionalized program has become ahighly sought-after annual experience forBoston and other local school districts.Demographics for 4th – 8th grade studentswho attended field trips in 2019 are shown inFigure 1.To initiate planning and reservation of aSTEM Field Trip, teachers indicate theirinterest and desired date(s) through theCenter’s website. They are instructed to Figure 1. Demographics of field trip students in 2019prioritize topics in which they would like to (n=1,200).engage their students. Most current offeringsintroduce
work in the evaluation data collected. It is important,however, that all sites function under the same framework (i.e. cross-camp collaboration, finalpresentations, etc).AcknowledgementsThis work is sponsored by NASA under it’s 2015 Competitive Program for Science Museums,Planetariums and NASA Visitors Centers Plus Other Opportunities (CP4SMPVC+). We wouldlike to thank the Principal Investigator Darlene Koenig for her leadership and exceptionalmanagement. We would also like to thank all the museums/science centers who have helpedexecute this program at their venues. Lastly, we would like to thank all the high school teachersand students who provided their valuable feedback as the IMEET camp participants.References[1] Basalyga, S. (2003