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owned business developing programs, performing external evaluation and consulting on research and practice in P12 Engineering Education. A graduate of the Missouri Institute of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), Elizabeth Parry is a part- ner in STEM Education Insights, a woman owned consulting company specializing in external evaluation, grant writing, curriculum development, engineering coaching and professional learning for P12 teachers and research. Previously, Liz held an appointment in various roles in the Dean’s Office at the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University. For the past twenty five years, she has worked extensively with students from preschool to graduate school
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Students3.1 (CIS-S) developed by The PEAR Institute: Partnerships in Education and Resilience [12].This survey, totaling 44 questions, captured STEM interest, enjoyment, career interest, careerknowledge, and identity. However, this study focuses on the first ten questions based on thesurvey developed by Noam et al. measuring interest in science across various informal settings[13]. Researchers undertook three testing phases, including stability over time, internal structure,and construct validity. For this study, Space Club students were involved in a more generalSTEM program that included technology, engineering, and mathematics in addition to science.Therefore, any mention of “science” in the 10-item survey was replaced with “STEM.” Forexample, “I
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to schools SHPE has formed a relationship with. Parents andcaregivers are invited to register their student(s) for participation through an online registrationform (JotForm) for each VSL. The registration form has been developed in English and Spanishto support registration for Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers. Caregiver and studentdemographic information is collected in order to be able to speak on communities served andimpact. Caregiver information collected includes name, address, email, phone number,education, demographics, and eligibility for free/reduced lunch. Student information collectedincludes name, address, birthdate, grade, and school information. Participants are selected on afirst come, first serve basis until the
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inclusion, and educational equity.IntroductionEngineering Education, Invention, and Intellectual Property Education are not only compatiblebut necessary to each other. This paper documents the intertwined story of the United StatesPatent and Trademark Office’s outreach into grades P-12 STEM education and one engineeringeducator’s efforts to include Invention and Intellectual Property Education in a high schoolengineering curriculum that she was mandated to construct, and how the resulting relationshipbrought benefits to both.The Story of the USPTO’s Engagement with STEM EducationWhile the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has been doing K-20 outreach since at least theearly 1980's, the USPTO’s U.S. Office of Education (OE) was not officially
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