FormatTo facilitate the easy distribution and collection of the exam results, students took the examusing an online testing tool hosted inside a standard web browser. Only those students enrolledin the course were given access to the exam. Individual exam results were automaticallytabulated and sent to the course staff once each exam was completed. In addition, if a studentencountered a technical difficulty with the exam that prevented him/her from completing it, s/hewas given an opportunity to take it again and each attempt was logged separately. Fortunately,this only happened to a small number of students and there was no effect on the overall examresults.3.2 Testing SampleThe exam was initially given to a group of approximately 350 students in
inspections to reduce errors in program development, 1976, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 15, No 3, Page 182-211. ( Page 22.1242.5• [Fagan, 1986] Fagan, M.E., Advances in Software Inspections, July 1986, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 7, Page 744-751. (• [Humphrey 2000] Humphrey, Watts S., Introduction to the Team Software Process, Addison-Wesley, 2000.Teaching Notes:• This case module could be used in different level courses (from a software level introductory course in software engineering to an upper level or graduate course in requirements
Construction Engineering and Management and Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. He is a former U. S. Navy SEABEE Officer and has managed projects and programs worldwide. He has been accepted as an expert by the U. S. Court of Federal Contract Claims in the areas of Cost and Schedule. He is a former executive with Hill International and FTI Consulting and has been associated with the construction of Boston’s Central Artery Tunnel, Dubai Mall in the United Arab Emirates, and the U. S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford, Washington
(if their focus was on businessapplications). With the development of microprocessors in the 1960’s, the character of thelandscape began to change. Technology changed, creating demand for engineers whounderstood the hardware and electronics underlying the chips but also were conversant with andcapable of developing the software components of a system. It was not possible to adequatelytreat the topics needed for education of these engineers in the context of a specialization areawithin an electrical engineering program of study. The first computer engineering program wasaccredited by the EAC of ABET in 1971, and between about 1970 and 1990, computerengineering emerged as a separate discipline. The last decade of the twentieth century
, Texas Tech UniversityGregory W Hislop, Drexel UniversityRichard Stansbury, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach Richard S. Stansbury is an assistant professor of computer science and computer engineering at Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. His current research interests include unmanned aircraft, certification issues for unmanned aircraft, mobile robotics, and applied artificial intelligence. At Embry-Riddle, his teaching activities include the capstone senior design course for computer and software engineers. He received his BS and MS degrees in Computer Engineering (2002 and 2004 respectively) and PhD in Computer Science (2007) from the University of Kansas. As a graduate research
common terminologyand practices. A description of the Agile Software Development course project using Scrum asthe development methodology for Android phone application development follows. The reportconcludes with the challenges and opportunities when using Scrum for student teams in softwareengineering courses and capstone projects.Scrum BackgroundScrum is an incremental and iterative process framework that, while typically associated withsoftware development, can be used for managing projects in a variety of domains. Scrum as asoftware development framework was jointly developed and introduced by Jeff Sutherland andKen Schwaber [11] in the early 1990’s. It was inspired by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonakain a 1986 publication [12] that
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AC 2011-705: MULTIPLAYER ON-LINE ROLE PLAYING GAME STYLEGRADING IN A PROJECT BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TECH-NOLOGY CAPSTONE COURSEJames N. Long, Oregon Institute of Technology James Long is an associate professor in software engineering technology. Courses and interest are Soft- ware Engineering Project Course, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Embedded Systems and ap- plications. James is the program director for the Embedded Systems Engineering Technology program.Linda Sue Young, Oregon Institute of Technology Professor Linda S. Young has taught at the Oregon Institute of Technology since 1983. She earned her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Washington in 1997, and has a master’s degree