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Conference Session
Student Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Jane Kilpatrick, Iron Range Engineering; Emmy Sue Stage, Iron Range Engineering
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teaching, students become self-motivatedlearners.Being in a self-motivated learning atmosphere enables students to develop strong professional skills. Ways in whichthe IRE model promotes professionalism are: practicing professionalism, practicing teamwork, and working alongside peers and superiors.Practicing everyday professionalism that one would experience in the work place. Including social aspects, 40-hourworkweeks, business attire, and every day ethics.Practicing teamwork on teams of multi-disciplined engineering students. This allows students to gain differentperspectives of a shared focusWorking along side peers and superiors. Students are members of semester long project teams that are led byfaculty mentors.Freedom within this program
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Carl Becker P.E., Iowa State University; Joel K. Sikkema, Iowa State University; Nicole Lynn Oneyear, Iowa State University; Shashi S. Nambisan P.E., Iowa State University
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they were administered prior to, during, and after the event. An analysis of the 185 responsesthat were received reflects the event’s success: 94 percent indicated that the department shouldsupport the event in the future, and all respondents stated that the showcase was valuable for thepresenters. In addition, 75 percent of presenters reported that they had plans to present or hadalready presented their research at a professional conference. Although the inaugural competitionwas successful in catalyzing graduate student research dissemination, future efforts are needed totranslate participation in the departmental event to presentations at professional conferences andpublications through topical peer-reviewed outlets.IntroductionA catalyst is
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean Franey, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Anthony Gregerson, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Michael T. Braun, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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, Madison. When not slogging through lines of simulator code, he enjoys brewing award-winning beer.Anthony Gregerson, University of Wisconsin, Madison Anthony Gregerson is a Ph.D. student in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Wiscon- sin, where he recently won the 2012 Exceptional Service Award for teaching assistants. He is a member of the UW’s Teaching Academy and the Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning. He has eight years experience teaching as a tutor, Teaching Assistant, and instructor and occasionally writes about test- ing and assessment for When not teaching, he designs real-time processing systems for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.Michael T. Braun, University of
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kacie Caple D'Alessandro, Virginia Tech
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Graduate Studies, Student
form the framework for the ultimate purpose of this paper: to provide aresource for new graduate student instructors. Derived from my experiences, I focus on what Ihave learned based on four main themes: preparation, motivation, expectation, and reflection.Lessons on PreparationAs a graduate student teaching for the first time, it seems there is little time to prepare forteaching a course. However, it is important to make the most of what time you have to preparein between your own courses, research, and writing reports. Without proper preparation, youmake yourself vulnerable to late nights, coffee addictions, and possible embarrassment in theclassroom. In particular, if you are teaching a course as the primary instructor, it is essential