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Conference Session
Integrating Systems Engineering into the Capstone Project
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fred J. Looft, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Multidisciplinary Engineering, Systems Engineering
engineering students aware of the role of their professions in society. The importance of such an understanding has been reinforced by the ABET Engineering Criteria 2000, which require that engineering programs demonstrate that their graduates have "the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global societal context."  The IQP is by design interdisciplinary. Students obtain practice in dealing with unstructured, open-ended, interdisciplinary problems, opportunities to work independently with peers and extensive experience in writing about previously unfamiliar concepts utilizing new terminology.The second project is completed in the fourth year of study and for engineering majors
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Learning Outcomes and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kamran Iqbal, University of Arkansas, Little Rock; Gary T. Anderson, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
student outcome were met, but were within 3% of beingunsatisfactory. Table 1: Assessment instruments used to assess student outcomes Assessment Instrument Student Outcomes Assessed a b c d e f g h i j k Homework Problems x x x x x x x Exams x x x x x Capstone Project Assessment x x Peer Evaluations x Video and Exam x Capstone Reports x x x x x
Conference Session
Integrating Systems Engineering into the Capstone Project
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Armand Joseph Chaput, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering, Systems Engineering
mission simulation. The semester ends withpresentation of competitive team proposals at an Alternate System Concept Review (ASCR) andsubmittal of substantiating design and SE documentation. Down-select is based 50/50 onpresentation and design documentation quality including SE related topics such as requirementcompliance and decision documentation and implementation. Student grades are based onindividual student exam and project grades combined with individual shares of team gradesbased on team peer evaluations of individual student contributions. Figure 2: ASCR reviewers include the instructional staff and local industry/former students who evaluate proposal briefings to defined exit criteriaAt the beginning of the 2nd semester
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Learning Outcomes and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peizhu Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology; Douglas A. Bodner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Richard Glenn Turner, Stevens Institute of Technology; Ross David Arnold, Stevens Institute of Technology; Jon Patrick Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Systems & Enterprises)
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
of program elements (via testing/tuning)  Develop artifacts to be populated with simulation output to provide learner insight into current and previous program status  Develop non-player characters and state-based dialog whereby the learner can query the NPCs to discover additional information (or be distracted by inconsequential minutia).  Embed challenges and landmines into simulation models and NPC dialog.  Develop/write desired artifacts (e.g., program background material, learner decision/recommendation forms, etc.).  Write scripted feedback to learner based on alternate learner decisions, linked to program outcomes  Integrate artifacts, simulation models, NPC dialogs, and learner