& Electronic Technology, Mathematics Faculty Member and Full Professor at Northern Essex Community College.Prof. Lori Heymans, Northern Essex Community College Page 23.606.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 First-year Project-Based Engineering: The Secret to Student SuccessAbstractThis paper describes a project-based first-year introductory course at a community college whichemphasizes working in teams on hands-on projects that require using EXCEL and MATLAB.Assignments involve graphing data for Ohm‟s Law and the speed of sound in air, distancemeasuring using ultrasound
rates.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0969474. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 23.39.13References1 Hossler, D., Shapiro, D., Dundar, A., Ziskin, M., Chen, J., Zerquerra, D., & Torres, V. (2012). Transfer mobility:A national view of pre-degree student movement in postsecondary institutions. Herndon, VA: National StudentClearinghouse Research Center. Retrieved fromhttp://www.studentclearinghouse.info/signature/2
). Educational Benefits of a Paperless Classroom Utilizing Tablet PCs. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.10. Price, E., Malani, R., & Simon, B. (2005). Characterization of Instructor and Student Use of Ubiquitous Presenter, a Presentation System Enabling Spontaneity and Digital Archiving. 2006 Physics Education Research Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, 893, 125-128.11. Bazylak, J., McCahan, S., & Weiss, P. (2012). Effects of Lecture Capture on a Large First-Year Engineering Course. Proceedings: 2012 American Society of Engineering Education Conference and Exposition, San Page
the Mechanical Engineering Program.Senior Design has a prerequisite of most other senior-level classes, and a hold is placed on thatclass that can only be lifted once the Intent to Graduate form has been signed, and theDepartment has certified that a student is in their final semester of classes. For simplicity’s sake,then, students enrolled in Introduction to Engineering are referred to as freshmen, those enrolledin Introduction to Computational Methods are referred to as juniors, and those in Senior Designare called seniors.The nineteen-question survey administered contains the 8-question Grit-S survey [4], theparticipant’s gender, age, name, whether they are a first generation college student, racialidentity, marital status, the number of
personnel dedicated full-time to the MESA Center at our college havebeen supported by grants from the National Science Foundation or Department of Education, andthis support has been essential to implement the full spectrum of program components. TheMESA model includes learning community clusters of linked math, science and engineeringclasses, academic enrichment workshops to supplement student learning, tutoring and mentoringassistance, participation in national science and engineering related organizations, opportunitiesfor NSF S-STEM and other scholarships, and an Industry Advisory Board.MESA Center activities include:1) Development of individual student academic plans for MESA students;2) Assistance in applying for S-STEM or other science and
materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1 Rice, T. J. (2008). Riding out the waves: Community college transfers graduating with bachelor's degrees.Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, ID.2 Dougherty, K. J. (1987). The effects of community colleges: Aid or hindrance to socioeconomic attainment?Sociology of Education, 60, 86-103.3 Smith, P. (2010). You can’t get there from here: Five ways to clear roadblocks for college transfer students.Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.4 Laanan, F. S. (2001). Transfer student adjustment. In New Directions for Community Colleges, 114, 5–13. San
] Rubrics courtesy of W S U, Pullman, WA.Topic studied: Advanced Engineering Mathematics.Student Population: A junior level course with 18 students participating in the study.Background: The students have had two semesters of college level calculus. Assessment of Four Features (Spring 2012) MEDIAN MODE
community college experience did notadequately prepare them for the rigor and pace in the engineering curriculum.Some of these issues can be addressed by better advising. Hence we have identified a specificadvisor in each department to deal with all the transfer students; these advisors are also betterequipped to handle personal/family problems. Other issues are addressed in the successseminar so transfer students are more aware of university procedures and resources. We haverecommended that all transfer students be offered the opportunity to take the seminar.We are also working with area community colleges to address these issues. These schools canprovide orientation session(s) for students transferring to 4-year schools. Community collegefaculty
research in the areas of recruitment and retention. A SWE and ASEE Fellow, she is a frequent speaker on career opportunities and diversity in engineering. Page 23.1265.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 The Transfer Experience for Upper Division Engineering and Computer Science StudentsAbstractSince 2002 an academic scholarship success and professional development program has beenheld at Arizona State University for transfer and non-transfer students supported by NationalScience Foundation CSEM and S-STEM grants for scholars in engineering and
, "Practical Proposals for Motivating Students" In R. J. Menges and M.D. Svinicki (eds.), College Teaching: From Theory to Practice. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, no. 45.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass4 Wyckoff, S. C. (1999). The academic advising process in higher education: History, research, and improvement.Recruitment & Retention in Higher Education, 13(1), pp. 1-35 Habley, W.R. and McClanahan, R., 2009, “What works in Student Retention”, American College Testing6 PLTL Progressions Newsletter v3, 12, p10 and v4, 11, p77 Quitadamo, I.J., Brahler, C.J., Crouch, G.J., 2009, “Peer-Led Team Learning: A Prospective Method for IncreasingCritical Thinking in undergraduate Science Courses”, Science Educator, 18, 1 (Spring), 29-39