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Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Russell Richardson, College of the Canyons; Kathleen Alfano, College of the Canyons; Joseph Gerda, College of the Canyons; Floyd Moos, College of the Canyons
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
principles introduced in the TSW. Over a period ofweeks the adjuncts plan a lesson, which is then demonstrated in the real world classroom. Thisphase emphasizes reflective practice and culminates with a reflective paper written by theadjunct faculty member. Teaching in the Community College introduces participants to broaderteaching topics that go beyond the planning of an individual lesson. These topics affect theplanning of an entire course or propose the introduction of an entirely new approach or teachingpractice throughout a course. Each of these three will be described in greater detail below.The Teaching Skills Workshop is based on “microteaching” practices used nationally.Microteaching essentially requires teachers to teach 15-minute lessons
Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore Branoff, North Carolina State University; Duane Akroyd, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
after reflecting about what I see in classes, how students relate to me and to each other, and about how difficult this class is for me, I am more of a believer in the need for learning in community. The challenge for online education is to build that sense of community. • Self-directed learning to a large extent is the theory that is used in my classes. While andragogy is also used, the students must learn to rely on themselves to completely understand the material. • Since starting this program, I have learned more about learners and how they relate to different teaching styles. I hope to use this knowledge to provide instructional strategies that work for my classroom…. It has been worthwhile for me
Conference Session
Two year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College; Ellen Hause, AACC; Benjamin Taylor, Seminole Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
, 2006for a day and-a-half meeting prior to the start of the annual ATE conference. As before, thementors met separately before the rest of the project cohort joined the meeting. This shortmeeting focused on sharing the successes and challenges experienced by the mentoring team andthe sharing of ideas about how to overcome some of the problems encountered in the mentoringprocess. The rest of the first day’s meeting consisted of mentee/mentor progress reports,roundtable discussions about topics pertinent to technology education initiatives, andmentee/mentor meetings about the mentee’s action plans for year two. Aside from severalgeneral presentations about evaluation and STEM education, the next day’s activities weremostly reflective in nature
Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
student learning and immediate feedback on student performance. Research on learning theoryhas long shown that immediate feedback is an effective tool in increasing learning efficiency11.For the case study at hand, the effect of immediate feedback is reflected by the trend thatstudents in the fall 2005 class had highest improvement on quiz and homework scores. As aresult of solving problems in class with instructor’s guidance, the fall 2005 students not onlylearned material but gained confidence on the material such that they were more successful incompleting homework assignments and were better prepared for quizzes. Consequently, thecompletion and submission rates of homework assignments for the fall 2005 were observed to bemuch higher compared