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Conference Session
Two Year College Tech Session II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
; • experiences or incidents that reflected ideas discussed in class; • thoughts, feelings, and values derived from their service activities; • what was learned.These weekly reports formed the basis for each team’s final written project report and oralpresentation to the entire class. Each student presented a portion of the final team report andincluded operations and procedures that were characteristic to their site, as well as theirpersonal reflections on the activity. Finally, an open forum was provided for the entire classto discuss their ideas and exchange lessons learned during the project. Students completingthe project were recognized in front of the entire class and were presented with certificates ofappreciation.Because of liability
Conference Session
Two Year College Tech Session I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Jonassen, University of Missouri; William Miller, University of Missouri; Matthew Schmidt, University of Missouri; Matthew Easter, University of Missouri; Rose Marra, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
fully incorporate the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills comprised in RPTwork. This belief is supported by Dauer and StGermain’s (2006) assertion that traditionalapproaches to radiological training may not be enough to facilitate deep learning. Theywarn that adherence to traditional educational approaches may result in workers withknowledge and skills deficits. They encourage the exploration and evaluation ofalternative learning philosophies that use such learning strategies as: inductivediscussion, self assessments, case studies, demonstrations, projects, prompting andcoaching, interactive lectures, and guided reflection. We have attempted to incorporatemany of these strategies into our theoretical and instructional design framework
Conference Session
Two Year College Tech Session III
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
learning community, and also aided in the management of the supervised study sessions. Thefaculty members met daily with Study Leaders to coordinate course assignments with afternoonactivities. Page 13.1227.3Enrollment AnalysisAn overview of the application and enrollment history of the EDGE Program is presented inTable 1. The trend in student participation reflects an evolving focus on the composition of thecurriculum and the readiness of our target population. More detailed analysis by gender andethnicity the 2007 program is given in Table 2. There are no apparent trends in the applicationdata. Gender and ethnicity distributions have remained