Engineering Education, 2019 Reflections on Eight Years of Undergraduate Research at Our Community CollegeAbstractSince 2010, San Antonio College (SAC) has been the center of a continuously increasing familyof undergraduate research projects hosted by Texas’ first Math, Engineering, and ScienceAchievement (MESA) Center. A paper presented at the 2012 ASEE Conference in San Antoniodescribed the start of this program at this community college. It has been widely reported thatundergraduate research programs at four-year institutions increase retention, improve students’success, and produce higher quality graduates. Results demonstrate that two-year institutions canalso initiate and maintain successful
from one of the state colleges in our state. In order to create a shared understanding of the assetsthat transfer students bring to our institution, two faculty worked closely with two undergraduate studentsand one adviser. Data collection involved guided reflection writing by the two students and adviser ontopics as informed by the theoretical framework. These reflections bring to light some psychological,social, cognitive, and environmental resources that students in transition can draw on to maximizesuccess and minimize the transfer shock phenomenon.IntroductionTransfer students and their transitions to four-year institutions from two-year/community collegeshas been the focus of many investigations and programs. Research has shown that
methodology [14], [15] to determine the kinds ofpathways AM programs in rural Northwest Florida community and state colleges enabled fortheir students. We conducted a detailed AM program origin story analysis of five AM programcases.Participants. Figure 1 shows an outline of this case study program design and details.Figure 1. AM programs reflected in the study’s casesThe cases illustrated in Figure 1 reflect both one community college and four state college AMprograms located within Northwest Florida. The historical and political context is important tobriefly review when considering the institutional profiles of community and state colleges in thestate of Florida. The four state colleges each historically originated as a community collegebefore
graduates.The Needs of IndustryIn order to maintain a strong focus on industry needs, both RCBC and RU have engaged industrypartners in skills inventory activities that have identified the most important non-technical andtechnical skills. These identified skills were then used as the basis for the new degree programs,with appropriate competencies strongly linked to the course and program outcomes.This important information was gathered through activities such as a technology conference inwhich 59 participants, including academic and industry partners, discussed the critical skills andcompetencies that are needed in industry and should be reflected in the new MET curriculum.Additionally, the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator have
] indicates is one way to ensure robust qualitative research.The research team also wrote analytic memos after each interview and openly discussed broadthemes that emerged from discussions with transfers. Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña [36]assert that analytic memos allow scholars to “reflect on and write about how [they] personally[relate] to the participants” (pp. 34-35). All transcripts were systematically and inductivelycoded individually by at least two members of the team; after coding transcripts individually, theteam then convened as a group of two or more to openly discuss and categorize themes thatcaptured crucial elements of participants’ experiences.In consideration of prior studies involving underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities
fastest-growing segment reaching 30% of the U.S. populationwhile becoming the youngest group comprising 33.5% of those under 18 years by 2060 [14].The demand for skilled workers in STEM fields will be met when workers reflect the diversity ofthe population [15], therefore more students—of all ages and backgrounds—must be broughtinto community colleges and supported through graduation: a central focus of communitycolleges everywhere [16] [17]. While Latinx students are as likely as Caucasian students tomajor in STEM, their completion numbers drop dramatically [18] as Latinx students often havedistinct needs that evolved from a history of discrimination in the educational system [19] [20][21].HSIs do not by default support Latinx students in
. • REU Collaboration: The REU program joined another REU program site to build unity, professional skills, and share research. The REUs were then exposed to different types of research as well as receive feedback from a different perspective. • Electronic Portfolios (e-portfolios): Students used e-portfolios to document their deliverables, experiences, and research throughout the ten weeks. The REU Program selected the Portfolium platform due to its similarity to other social media sites. Students created ten posts that focused on reflection. Posts included descriptions, teammate tagging, and the skills learned. The intention was for students to develop stronger transferable skills [3
– Proposed New Courses/Modules for Certificates/AS DegreeIs This Approach a Possible Solution?Shown below in Figure 4. are the basic enabling technologies of IoT applications that exist acrossvarious fields of technology including non-electronics based fields (e.g. smart agriculture, civilengineering, etc.). This figure shows that at the very center of these technologies is a complex,networked, electronic systems. The application itself is reflective of the specific discipline that theIoT application is designed for. An e-healthcare application might be to gather an individual’s vitalsigns in their place of residence and wirelessly transmit them to a central location where they canbe monitored. A smart home might be gathering data about solar panel
collaborate effectively for academic and careersuccess of students. The following is a summary of the lessons learned: Learning in an undergraduate CS/CE program requires, at a minimum, a programmatic sequence of required courses (some of which are the gateway courses) that reflect a focused and conceptually-coherent development of disciplinary principles and practices. In turn, conceptually coherent courses provide students with the prerequisite knowledge necessary for success in subsequent courses within the CS program. Many students lack adequate and relevant background knowledge necessary to successfully complete those gateway courses that are required prerequisites for entry into a degree program in CS. With such
. 13In summary, the REU program experience was positive and accomplished the key programmaticobjectives: (1) taught students about communication, (2) research kills, and (3) for a couplestudents, it provided ideas about a possible future in research.Of the nine participants, three (33%) (REU1, REU2, and REU7) said that they will likely pursuea graduate degree. REU4 said that he intends to look for other research opportunities. REU5and REU6 felt that they would like to enter a career in research, while REU8 said that the area ofwater treatment might be an option. For REU9, the experience had provided general knowledgeof what graduate school would be like. REU3 was not sure about what his plans would be.These reflections indicated an increased