Paper ID #243602018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Section Spring Conference: Washington, District ofColumbia Apr 6Enhancing Engineering Lab Report Writing Using Peer Review AssessmentDr. Rocio Alba-Flores, Georgia Southern University Rocio Alba-Flores received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Tulane University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University. Her main areas of interest include control systems, robotics, embedded systems, signal and image processing, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering
Paper ID #38796Board 317: Improving Undergraduate STEM Writing: A CollaborationBetween Instructors and Writing Center Directors to Improve Peer-WritingTutor FeedbackDr. Robert Weissbach, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis Robert Weissbach is currently chair of the department of engineering technology at IUPUI. From 1998 - 2016 he was with Penn State Behrend as a faculty member in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology. His research interests are in renewable energy, energy storage, and engineering education.Ms. Ruth Camille Pflueger, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend Ruth Pflueger has been the
group member receives an accolade or achieves a particular goal, it is celebrated withwithin and without Group. Introductions to new colleagues and championing of each other’sabilities and successes where appropriate are integral aspects of Group.Group has been particularly beneficial for members when it comes to academic writing. Groupmembers have peer-reviewed each other’s writing, particularly in cases where the members havepreviously written for, or been awarded funding from, the same or similarorganizations/opportunities. Other mechanisms to support each other’s writing has come inmultiple forms of peer accountability: expecting reports on daily or weekly writing productivity;meeting for smaller “writing groups” where members use time
Writing through the Writing Studio ModelAbstractThis paper presents the results of a pilot collaboration between the University Writing Centerand a senior-level Electrical Engineering course. To address the growing need forengineering students to improve their written communications skills, the professor added aresearch project to their class. Students then participated in a required writing studio, awriting group of five to seven students who provide feedback to one another on their writingprocesses throughout the semester. The writing studios are facilitated by the UniversityWriting Center undergraduate peer tutors, some of whom are also engineering students.Research in writing studies show that simply assigning
College. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2020 WIP: Virtual Writing Group Participation: Surprises & Unintended Outcomes Dr. Lisa B. Bosman, Dr. Erin McCave, Dr. Molly Goldstein, and Dr. Kelli ChelbergIntroduction & BackgroundThis work-in-progress paper emerged from the shared experience of participation in a VirtualWriting Group (VWG) composed of early career engineering education researchers (EER) in avariety of positions at different institutions. In general, this particular group of EERs had limitedresources and access to a peer community at their respective institutions, therefore, the VWGwas formed with the intention to spur EER scholarly activity
, Ireland. Page 26.1776.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Writing and Implementing Successful S-STEM ProposalsAbstractFor over 10 years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has been funding S-STEM proposals.The S-STEM program “makes grants to institutions of higher education to support scholarshipsfor academically talented students demonstrating financial need, enabling them to enter theSTEM workforce or STEM graduate school following completion of an associate, baccalaureate,or graduate-level degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics disciplines1.”Currently
women to engagesocially, evidence suggests that women are more likely to have negative experiences with groupwork [5]. Negative experiences in team settings may cause women to feel less valued, different,and or emphasize the fact that they don’t belong, all factors that can lead to women leavingengineering [5]. Furthermore, women often “report feeling that they must work harder than theirmale peer to get teams to acknowledge the work they’ve done” [5]. In fact, men tend tounderestimate their women peers’ competence and knowledge in the classroom [6] and are likelyto dismiss what they view as female-typical speech acts [5]. Other research suggests that incollege courses, writing specifically is undervalued or invisible when compared to
community and they know that I would never ask them to participate in ademonstration in which they will look foolish in front of their peers. In no time, I will havestudents jumping up out of their seats to take part in a demonstration. I also let them take outtheir phones and take pictures when we do demonstrations. Students really enjoy this.Example from Physics 230 (Changing Views of the Universe)The second and third short writing examples come from the Physics 230 course and were givennear the start of the Spring 2020 semester. These examples are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.The example shown in Figure 2 was distributed on the first day of class. Students wereinstructed to submit their responses electronically prior to the second day of class
. She worked on the PowerEN Technology, a blur between general purpose and networking processors and hardware accelerators. She identified and studied workloads at the edge of the network that required high-throughput and fast deep-packet processing. Since 2012, her research has been focused on Computer Science Education, especially in the area of peer collaboration, scaling techniques for large courses, auto-graders and learning analytics. She is also working on software that can be used for teaching and learning. She is investigating techniques and best practices on broadening participation in Computer Science. Women and minorities need to be more involved in tech innovation as companies and teams perform
Paper ID #22319Social Network Analysis: Peer Support and Peer Management in Multidisci-plinary, Vertically Integrated TeamsJ. Sonnenberg-Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology Assistant Director, Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program, Georgia Institute of Technology; Doc- toral student in Education at Georgia State University, with a concentration in Research, Measurement and Statistics; Master of Education in Education Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.Dr. Randal T. Abler, Georgia Institute
Paper ID #40759stEm PEER Academy: the Power of Human CapitalDr. Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University Dr. Jennifer Love is a full-time faculty member of Northeastern University’s College of Engineering, most recently in the First Year Engineering program. She is currently the Associate Director for the Center for STEM Education. She has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1993), a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Iowa (1997) and a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern University (2022) where she recently completed her
) as a publication and its review process, and 3) bestpractices in peer reviewing (i.e., organization, quality considerations, tips for writing reviews).Triads then attend a synchronous session together, and after an icebreaker activity and a briefoverview of the program, they conduct a mock review of a short, published manuscript togetheras a triad during the session. The mock review makes use of a Structured Peer Review form,which helps triads organize their reviews (strengths, weaknesses and recommendations) andprovides the team with insights on what participants are taking into consideration as they conducttheir review. (The Structured Peer Review form, which was developed by the project team, isshown in Figure 2.) The session concludes
foundational research in student retention and other evidence-based practices that engage, enroll, and graduate their women and BIPOC engineers.5. Professional Learning a. Provide a toolbox of resources to guide collaboration and partnerships at their respective institutions, with partners, and with each other (broader impact/broadening participation, proposal development, writing research papers, etc.). b. Expand PEERs’ understanding of national funding opportunities aligned with their institutional goals (NSF grants, national education grants, industry grants, etc). 1017
Paper ID #32312Bias in First-Year Engineering Student Peer EvaluationsLea Wittie, Bucknell University Lea Wittie is an Associate Professor in the department of Computer Science in the Engineering College at Bucknell University. She has spent the past 4 years coordinating the first year Engineering student Introduction to Engineering and over a decade participating in the program before that.James Bennett, Cornell University James Bennett is a biomedical engineer specializing in medical device design and development. He has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Bucknell University and is currently
Paper ID #242512018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and ComputingDiversity Conference: Crystal City, Virginia Apr 29A Review of Bias in Peer AssessmentJacklin Hope Stonewall, Iowa State University Jacklin Stonewall is a Ph.D. student in the Departments of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engi- neering and Human Computer Interaction at Iowa State University. Her research interests include: gender HCI, decision support systems, sustainability, and the creation of equitable cities and classrooms.Prof. Michael Dorneich, Iowa State University Dr. Michael C. Dorneich is an Associate Professor at Iowa State
, she collaborates with the Institute for STEM and Diversity Initiatives at Boise State to organize the RAISE summer program (Recreation and Academics In a Summer Experience) for incoming first-year STEM students. She also teaches courses for first-year engineering students. Ann graduated with her Masters in Materials Science and Engineering with an interdisciplinary emphasis in Public Policy and Administration from Boise State University in 2016.Mrs. Catherine Rose Bates Catherine Bates received a bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and Creative Writing from Florida State University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing with an emphasis in fiction from Arizona State University. She serves as the Program
, theoretical, and analytical skills associated with theirdevelopment. In the model, sophomores engage by learning the skills associated with directleadership of individuals and small teams and the management of duties. In a sophomore-leveltechnical writing course (required of all engineering and computer science majors), sophomore-level leader development was assessed using the institution’s criteria. These small teams had ahands-on, technical assignment that lasted several weeks. There was a difference in leadershipskills and communication skills observed between the traditional students with their formalleadership curricula and the student veterans. Student peers consistently rated student veteranshigher in all areas of the leadership attributes
a process orientation [14] to report writing, with studentscompleting various milestones throughout the semester that represented various sections of thereport (e.g., executive summary, objectives, methodology). Dr. Roesler was interested inadditional methods of providing feedback to students before milestone drafts were assessed bygraduate teaching assistants.Over the course of the Fall 2019 semester, WAES team members John Popovics, BruceKovanen, and Gail Scott worked with Dr. Roesler to develop a framework for peer review. Inthis case, peer review was implemented during class time and framed as an opportunity forstudents to explore alternative organizational structures for the report and to improve their own.For example, when assessing
students at SJSU. IntroductionIn Fall 2011, SJSU received a U.S. Department of Education grant, AANAPISI, to improve thewriting skills of Asian-American students at SJSU. This grant has several focus areas, one ofwhich is the improvement of writing and writing instruction in General Education (GE) classes.A significant percent of SJSU’s incoming freshmen are remedial in English or mathematics. PerCSU policy, students must clear their remedial status within one year or they are disenrolled fromthe CSU. A look into retention rates shows that there is a higher attrition among remedial studentsthan their non-remedial peers. Also, the time to graduation is typically lengthened up to two yearsfor students who need remedial classes.Many of these remedial
Paper ID #34637Visualizing Arguments to Scaffold Graduate Writing in EngineeringEducationDr. Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Kristen R. Moore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo. Her research focuses primarily on technical communication and issues of equity, inclusion, and social justice. She is the author of Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action (2019), in addition to a range of articles. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Joenk Award for the best
Celotta, E. Curran, M. Marcus, and M. Loe. (2016).“Assessing the impact of a multi-disciplinary peer-led-team learning program on undergraduate STEM education.” Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(1), pp. 1-21. Available at:[15] F. Boch and A. Piolat (2005). “Note taking and learning: A summary of research. The WAC Journal, 16, pp. 101-113.[16] M.C. Everett (2013). “Reflective journal writing and the first-year experience. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 25(2), pp. 213-222.[17] A. Siegesmund. (2016). “Increasing student metacognition and learning through classroom- based learning communities and self
Paper ID #43872Poetry Writing as a Creative Task to Enhance Student LearningEmma S Atherton, University of Florida Emma S. Atherton is an incoming Management Consultant and a recent graduate from the University of Florida with a Master of Engineering in Industrial and Systems Engineering, with a concentration in Production and Service Operations. She additionally received her Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida, with a minor in Sales Engineering.Prof. Elif Akcali, University of Florida Dr. Elif Akcali is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and
, “ESL students’ experiences of online peer feedback,” Computersand Composition, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 443–461, Jan. 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.compcom.2007.03.002.[14] D. Boud and N. Falchikov, “Aligning assessment with long‐term learning,” Assessment &Evaluation in Higher Education, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 399–413, Aug. 2006, doi:10.1080/02602930600679050.[15] K. Lundstrom and W. Baker, “To give is better than to receive: The benefits of peer reviewto the reviewer’s own writing,” Journal of Second Language Writing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 30–43,Mar. 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.jslw.2008.06.002.[16] J. van der Pol, B. A. M. van den Berg, W. F. Admiraal, and P. R. J. Simons, “The nature,reception, and use of online peer feedback in higher education,” Computers
Paper ID #18835Designing a Course for Peer Educators in Undergraduate Engineering De-sign CoursesMs. Gina Marie Quan, University of Maryland, College Park Gina Quan is a doctoral candidate in Physics Education Research at the University of Maryland, College Park. She graduated in 2012 with a B.A. in Physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests include understanding community and identity formation, unpacking students’ relation- ships to design, and cultivating institutional change. Ms. Quan is also a founding member of the Access Network, a research-practice community dedicated to
Paper ID #31022Developing Inclusive Engineers: Teaching Peer-Mentors Principles ofEquity and InclusionDr. Jennifer Harper Ogle, Clemson University Dr. Jennifer Ogle is a Professor in the Glenn Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University, and a 2005 graduate of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. Her research portfolio focuses on transportation infrastructure design, safety, accessibility, and management. She is currently the facilitator for the NSF Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Depart- ments (RED) grant at Clemson, and is leading three transformation efforts
Paper ID #23310Supporting Student Learning Through Peer-led Course Support InitiativesJenai Kelley Brown, Clemson University Jenai Kelley Brown has a background in college life coaching as well as career counseling. Before com- ing to Clemson University, she was a Senior College Life Coach at Florida State University working primarily with first generation college students. Jenai is currently the Assistant Coordinator for Tutor- ing in Clemson’s Academic Success Center where she trains and manages approximately 60 tutors each semester. While her roles in Higher Education have changed, her primary goal has remained to help
, J., 2007, “Promoting advanced writing skills in an upper-level engineering class,” Journal of Engineering Education, 96(2), pp. 117-128.17. Ayar, M., and Yalvac, B., 2010, “A sociological standpoint to authentic scientific practices and its role in school science teaching,” Ahi Evran Uni. Kirsehir Journal of Education (KEFAD), 11(4), pp.113-127.18. Zhang, D., Peng, X., Yalvac, B., Eseryel, Deniz, Nadeem, U., Islam, Atiq and Arceneaux, D., 2015, “Exploring the Impact of Peer-Generated Screencast Tutorials on Computer-Aided Design Education,” 122nd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015.19. Arnold, J., Sias, J. and Zhang, J., 2002, “Bringing the library to the students: Using technology to
Paper ID #23278Successes and Challenges in Supporting Undergraduate Peer Educators toNotice and Respond to Equity Considerations within Design TeamsDr. Chandra Anne Turpen, University of Maryland, College Park Chandra Turpen is a Research Assistant Professor in the Physics Education Research Group at the Uni- versity of Maryland, College Park’s Department of Physics. She completed her PhD in Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder specializing in Physics Education Research. Chandra’s work involves designing and researching contexts for learning within higher education. In her research, Chandra draws from the
TransferabilityAbstractData show that underrepresented minority (URM) engineering students have lower rates ofcompletion and higher rates of attrition in their doctoral studies than their majority peers. Toaddress attrition and support students, we have developed a research-based intervention that wecall the Dissertation Institute (DI). As part of a five-year NSF-funded project, we havedeveloped and refined the DI as a one-week intensive writing and workshop experience for URMin the final phases of their engineering doctoral degrees. We have hosted two DIs to date (2017and 2018) and we are preparing for our third DI in 2019. The goal of the DI is to offer practicaland timely experiences for URM doctoral students to contribute to their degree success. At thesame time
improve technical writing instruction in laboratory courses, a multidisciplinary team ofprofessors in the departments of Writing and Engineering (1) developed a curricular frameworkthat integrates common practices of teaching technical writing in tandem with existing engineeringlaboratory courses and (2) trained a set of students to be Engineering Writing Fellows (EWF),undergraduate engineering students who tutored peers in their technical writing assignments. Thispaper will share the student and instructor opinions of these initiatives employed in the LinearCircuits Analysis Laboratory course. Analysis of the initiatives was conducted via student surveyand comparison of student writing pre and post EWF tutoring. Results show students