measurement of engineering identity was accomplished using an adapted version of Godwinet al.’s (2016) measure of identity. Godwin et al. concludes that an engineering student’sengineering identity is a function of four attitudes relating to interest, performance, recognitionand agency. Interest is the student’s innate attraction to the subject material surroundingengineering, such as math, science and physics. Performance is an academic self-efficacyconstruct measuring how much a student believes in their ability to positively perform inacademically in engineering coursework. Recognition is how a student believes they arerecognized as an engineer, particularly by meaningful others such as parents or professors.Finally, agency or as Godwin et al
. The Atlantic. Retrieved from to-professors/487400/Cawyer, C. S., Simonds, C., & Davis, S. (2002). Mentoring to facilitate socialization: The case of the new faculty member. Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(2), 225-242.Chun, J. U., Sosik, J. J., & Yun, N. Y. (2012). A longitudinal study of mentor and protégé outcomes in formal mentoring relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33, 1071-1094.IMPACT MENTORING PROGRAM
R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Perspectives on motivation (Vol. 38, pp. 237-288). Lincoln: university of Nebraska Press.Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11, 227-268.Deci, E. L., Vallerand, R. J., Pelletier, L. G., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective. Educational psychologist, 26, 325-346.Ediger, Marlow. (2000). Vocational Education in the Elementary School. (ED442979) Opinion PapersGibbons, S., Hirsch, L., Kimmel, H., Rockland, R., & Bloom, J. (2004). Middle School Students Attitude
teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego Susan M. Lord received a B.S. from Cornell University and the M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford Univer- sity. She is currently Professor and Chair of Integrated Engineering at the University of San Diego. Her teaching and research interests include inclusive pedagogies, electronics, optoelectronics, materials sci- ence, first year engineering courses, feminist and liberative pedagogies, engineering student persistence, and student autonomy. Her research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. Lord is a fellow of the ASEE and IEEE and is active in the engineering education
practical projects.Since the publication of those documents, very little has happened in terms of concrete solutions,mainly due to the large number of bureaucratic hurdles and the amount of effort required toimplement the proposed changes. Meanwhile the economy is still increasingly demanding morequalified engineers both for industry and nowadays for so called technological entrepreneurship,which happens when a technological idea is combined with a business opportunity, a way tomarket it and escalate its growth. To support this process, resources in the form of capital andtalent are paramount. Among the talents necessary is engineering, which has been one of its mostimportant driver3.Implementing a new curriculum to develop the student´s abilities
hisor her research abilities. For example, while a student in Category 1’s reliance on authority andconcrete rules might be less sophisticated than a more self-directed, self-assured approachevident in Category 3, learning from experts in the field and developing a familiarity withfoundational knowledge and skills in engineering is a key step in being able to progress as anindependent engineering researcher. Though students’ responses at a particular point in time maybe best represented by one category, it is possible and likely that students’ level of researchprocess sophistication will change over time as a result of their experiences.Though our process for classifying graduate engineering students’ research processsophistication was an
for the students to apply and reflect on their developing leadership abilities.Experts in the engineering leadership programs however expressed concern about the ability ofcurrent engineering faculty to deliver effective leadership programs and the difficulties ofidentifying external and suitably qualified staff.Graham et al.’s study also identifies strong themes in engineering leadership education. Theglobal theme was found to be particularly strong within U.S. programs: the ability to workeffectively across cultures in an international sphere was seen by many as an increasingly vitalattribute of an engineer-leader, and is reflected in many of the programs. Another strong themewas student empowerment in their own leadership
information and other information for students. They are not content specific.”Program Planning & 53 (30.1) “The STEM advisors stick with our s STEMExecution Support Academy students from the day they arrive until they transfer. They have rapport and relationships with the students. It really helps.”College & Program 51 (29) “We have a host of developmental courses. ThePerformance Support kids need them but they complain about not getting credit for them. Especially when they have to pay
size does not make modern cruise ships impregnable. The Guardian. Retrieved from not-impregnable-size8. Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, Marine Causalities Investigative Body. (2013, May). Report on the safety technical investigation. Retrieved from Concordia_-_Full_Investigation_Report.pdf9. Carnival Corporation. (2015). Mission & history. Retrieved from c=200767 &p=irol-history10. Gabel, S. (n.d.). What is included in a Carnival cruise? USA Today. Retrieved from http://traveltips.usatoday. com/included-carnival-cruise-107048.html11. Dake
of papers implementing surveys started in 1994by Todd and Magleby et al. [4] that was followed up by Howe. S. et al. in 2010 [5] and 2015 [6],[7] respectively. The work from Howe, which can be found in the ASEE database, is more recentand relevant to this work. In 2015 Howe did both a qualitative and quantitative analysis ofsurvey results from 256 ABET accredited institutions executing Capstone projects in 464 distinctdepartments for a total of 522 respondents. This work looked at many aspects of the Capstoneexperience. One interesting reported observation was how various programs and institutionsvalued “process vs. product” in the final outcomes of a Capstone experience. Howe alsoexamined the number of semesters to complete, age of Capstone
dataanalyses across themes are summarized in Table 1 by frequency distribution.Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Themes in RICHES Stage 1 Research Theme Frequency Example Quote (type of (%) (from interviews) pedagogical practice) College Attending 72 (40.9) “At our campus, we have career counselors that Support double as transfer counselors. They provide financial aid information and other information for students. They are not content specific.” Program Planning & 53 (30.1) “The STEM advisors stick with our s STEM Execution Support
Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM), VT-NETS is a scholarshipprogram and research project focused on improving collaboration efforts between Virginia Techand two community college partners. The primary objective of VT-NETS is to determine how allthree partners can increase the success and efficiency of engineering transfer through communitycollege-to-bachelor’s degree pathways, thus increasing attainment of A.S. and B.S. degrees inengineering. VT-NETS works toward increasing access to co-curricular programs, streamliningand aligning advising between institutions, and developing a cohort mentality among the pre-transfer students at the community college. One intention of this
research. International Journal of Listening. 22 (2), 141-151.[4] Trevelyan, J. 2014. The Making of an Expert Engineer. CRC Press.[5] Crumpton-Young, L. Pamela McCauley-Bush, L Rabelo, K Meza, A Ferreras, B. Rodriguez, A. Millan, D. Miranda, M. Kelarestani, 2010, “Engineering leadership development programs: a look at what is needed and what is being done.” Journal of STEM Education, 11 (3/4), 10-21[6] Wikoff, K., J. Friauf, H. Tran, S. Reyer, O. Petersen. 2004. Evaluating the communication component of an engineering curriculum: A case study. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Session 2004-2532, 8 pp.[7] American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2019. Civil Engineering Body
(s) Source STEM area Population focus Design conception Social justice conception Educational focus Non-formal education: “advocacy for those in our society who areAcharya 12 medical practitioners Training in contextual L Health sciences User-centered economically, socially, politically
filter is set to “2020–21,” each state is included in thegraph except for State_1, which was only able to provide data for the 2018–19 school year.Changing the school year to “2018–19” then causes State_1’s data to show up in the graph whilealso causing State_5’s data to disappear since they did not provide data for that year.Figure 4: Example visual from the data dashboardOther differences in the data between states are more problematic and not as easily resolved. Forexample, one state originally provided us with data on students’ race and ethnicity usingcategories that were not mutually exclusive, which we had to exclude entirely from thedashboard until they were able to recompile their data and provide us with mutually exclusivecounts. Other
mastery of 21st-century skills isimportant to promote the advancement of STEM education and learners’ success in thisfield (Bybee, 2010; Eguchi, 2016). In other words, if a teacher can develop students’ 21st-century skills, the students are more likely to be successful in STEM fields in the future.RQ2: How situational are teachers’ subjective theories of troublemaking behaviorand troublemakers? According to participants, “being defiant” is an all-agreed troublemaking behavior.This indication was supported by P2’s perceptions that students now have more behaviorissues, and that teachers are losing respect from students or parents. Previous researchersalso pointed out that disobedience was the most unacceptable student behaviors forteachers (Sun
instructors might want toemphasize the importance of breaking down concepts as students learn them, asking questions,and/or make sure to acknowledge the hard work and time their students are putting into learningnew concepts. This might provide students with positive feelings or attitude when learning aconcept. On the other hand, when it comes to participants P1 and P2’s intrinsic feelings aboutbeing excited to learn, it is unclear how to make other students feel the same way. However, P1’snote about appreciating when instructors engage students more frequently during class may be ashort-term way to keep students engaged. Although this is not an intrinsic desire to learn, it mayhelp keep students more involved in the learning process, and this may
• Students learn to manage a project and manage a project timeline • Reinforces that programming is a tool that allows practitioners to implement solutions and designs and is far from the end all and be all of CS • Makes collaboration to learn from peers natural impacting overall learningWhen students have more agency over the project, they are empowered to become owners oftheir learning process.References[1] S. B. Jenkins, “The Experiences of African American Male Computer Science Majors in Two Year Colleges,” University of South Florida, 2019.[2] L. J. Sax, H. B. Zimmerman, J. M. Blaney, B. Toven-Lindsey, and K. J. Lehman, “DIVERSIFYING UNDERGRADUATE COMPUTER SCIENCE: THE ROLE OF DEPARTMENT CHAIRS IN PROMOTING GENDER AND
in food andfood safety, (vi) beverages & stimulants, and (vii) historical and current uses of medicinal plants.Many students in non-STEM majors take TDOC or FSFH to fulfill in part their science andengineering general education requirement. Figure 1 shows a breakdown of students’ majorcategory at the time that they actually took the respective course. From 2014 to Fall 2023, a totalof 12,194 students took TDOC, while 13,510 took FSFH. The distribution of majors was alsocomparable, with economics and biology in the top two. Here, the College of Agricultural andEnvironmental Sciences (AE&S) includes animal science, food science, plant sciences, nutrition,and environmental science & management, all of which are classified as STEM
investigating engineering seniors’ SDT levels anddetermining whether and which SDT constructs are significant predictors of students’ likelihoodto pursue engineering or non-engineering jobs after graduation. References[1] M. Jackson and B. Holzman, “A century of educational inequality in the United States,” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 117, no. 32, pp. 19108–19115, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1073/PNAS.1907258117/SUPPL_FILE/PNAS.1907258117.SAPP.PDF.[2] D. Bloome, S. Dyer, and X. Zhou, “Educational Inequality, Educational Expansion, and Intergenerational Income Persistence in the United States,” Am Sociol Rev, vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 1215–1253, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.1177/0003122418809374.[3] A
younger (n = 129, 75%) at the time of admissionand that a relatively diverse mix of races and ethnicities is represented in the sample.Additionally, it is found that a significant proportion of the respondents (80.62%) reportedbeing FTIAC students, while the remaining respondents (19.38%) reported transferring fromanother institution and that the most common academic majors were in the College ofEngineering and computer science. It is also observed that many respondents had highacademic standing, with a large percentage reporting a high school or previous institutionGPA of 3.0 or higher. When asked about the highest level of education achieved by their parents/guardians, asignificant proportion of students (26.16%) reported that their parent(s
spring and didn’t have a summer camp [14]. Within the engineering sector, summer camps have shown to provide an outlet for children ofvarying age levels, racial, and ethnic backgrounds, with similar interests, to interact with one another [15].This is particularly important as studies have shown that with engineering awareness certain children groupsneed more exposure to the topic. Within those who do enter engineering, white female, African American,Latino, and Native American high school students traditionally have had little encouragement in pursuingcareers related to these subjects [17-18]. Given early 2000’s work, there has been an increase in women’srepresentation in all STEM fields, yet they remain significantly underrepresented