observed a significant change in society since the early 1980’s when the first PCwas introduced. The widespread impact of e-commerce, e-mail, and digital music is Page 11.717.4undeniable and still growing. Although a typical freshman has not experienced such adrastic difference in their life, they still experience a slow metamorphosis every daybecause of new and clever uses of computers. Instead of exploring the ever-changingimpact of computers using a few sources, we spread the discussion throughout thesemester, and based it on our personal experiences, as everybody is likely to have a storyto tell. We preferred to use other engineering marvels for the
? Paper presented at the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN.6 McCall, R.B. & Appelbaum, M.I. (1991). Some issues of conducting secondary analyses. DevelopmentalPsychology, 27, 911-917.7 Boyatzis, R. E. (1998). Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development. ThousandOaks, CA: Sage Publications.8 Eliot, M., Neal, R., & Turns, J. (2005). Recognizing need: The analysis of qualitative data to inform web sitedesign. Paper presented at the International Professional Communication Conference (IPCC 2005), Limerick,Ireland.9 Turns, J., Eliot, M., Lappenbusch, S., Yellin, J.M.H., Neal, R., Allen, K., et al. (2005). How can user-centereddesign help us think about the challenges of engineering
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? How ultimately with that distributionimpact questions of peace and security? Such questions seem of pre-eminent importanceand need to be more fully addressed.Engineering within the context of a morally deep philosophy offers hope and a designmethodology using the morally deep paradigm will be presented in the following section. Traditional Cradle to Engineering Design Cradle Design Methodology Comparis on of Methodology Des ign Methodologie s Eco-effi
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post 60’s educational world, it is in vogue to pass over the fundamentals andlaunch students at a very early age into the holistic writing process. The idea is the fundamentalsof how to write a sentence will be absorbed by little insights and little on-demand discussionswith teachers about nouns and verbs and at some point in time the light will go on and everythingwill come together,” Henderson explains. “Well, sadly that rarely happens. It is particularlybothersome to the engineering mind, because the engineering mind knows that process just isn’tgoing to work. At the very get go. So the engineering mind is desperately wanting somebody tosit down and share the fundamentals first. The other thing the engineering mind craves iswhenever
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engineering programs continues to be of great concern giventhe demographics of the US workforce that predicts that by 2010, 67% of the entrants into theworkforce will be women and minorities (see Figure 1).1 At the baccalaureate level, womendominate the ranks, earning 56% of the undergraduate degrees in 2002.2 Women earned nearlyhalf of all degrees in law (48%) and medicine (46%), 41% of the masters in businessadministration, 36% of Ph.D.’s in natural science, but only 18% of the engineering doctorates in2004.3 Why are women attracted to professions, many of which are math and science based, butrarely consider engineering as a career choice?Figure 1: Undergraduate Engineering Enrollment U.S. Undergraduate Engineering
Effectiveness of Active-Engagement Microcomputer-Based Laboratories,” American Journal of Physics, Vol. 65, No. 1, 1997, p.45.8. Laws, P., D. Sokoloff, and R. Thornton, “Promoting Active Learning Using the Results of Physics Education Research,” UniServe Science News, Vol. 13, July 1999.9. Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry by Daniel J. Jacob, Princeton University Press, 1999.10. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change by John H. Seinfeld and Spyros N. Pandis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.11. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive Domain by B. S. Bloom, New York: Longmans, Green, 1956.12. Clouds in a Glass of Beer: Simple Experiments in Atmospheric Physics by
applying interactive partsinto their decision making process in the simulation. As a part of preparation toward that end,they go through certain steps based on different teaching methods and performance measures allin WebCT. Those include reading a comprehensive syllabus (24 pages), understanding thecourse introduction and lecture summaries for each chapter (22 chapters in total), practicingexercise(s) such as QFD exercise in understanding how to create customer value, reading thesimulation documents (e.g., only student manual itself had 122 pages), reading quarterlyinformation (reviews, updates, comments, warnings, and fatal errors), preparing eight executivebriefing reports (one for each quarter), taking 22 online quizzes, and preparing two term
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. Finally, it is shown that students see a value infinding an overlap between their personal interests and the material they cover in class. Byproviding students with a choice on lab projects it was found that a course can be made to bettercater to students interests than the average class they take in their first year(s) of college.Plans are currently being made to expand upon the results described in this paper. Specifically,the goal of this future work will be to examine the effect of choice on student learning andproject performance.References1 Edwards, R., & Recktenwald, G. (2010). A Guided Inquiry Approach to Teaching Fan Selection. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, KY
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teaching and learning, and encompasses a wide range of file types (examples: videoand audio files in Quicktime or MP4, Matlab .m files, java applets, PDF files, etc.). The specificsof each multimedia asset depend upon context; we currently have files spanning a range ofdifferent teaching and learning tools, including: (i) lecture videos, (ii) video problem solutions,(iii) simulations/animations, (iv) Matlab .m files and other executables, (v) text-based resources inPDF. Many others are possible and the EGP can admit these and many other file types.Learning “content” is, however, not enough; we want students to understand the relationshipsamong seemingly disparate pieces of content. Since at least the 1970’s, there have been persistentcalls 5;6;7
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gains Page 23.433.11over the course of the semester, and work to address the ongoing challenges described above.Also, the labs must be implemented to the online delivery of the course. The online mechanicsof materials course is currently being developed and the first offering, including these labs, willoccur in an upcoming semester.Bibliography 1. Allen, I. Elaine and Seaman, Jeff, Class Differences: Online Education in the United States, 2010, Babson Survey Research Group, November 2010. 2. Fisher, F., Hadim, H., Esche, S., Ubell, R., and Chassapis, C. "Feasibility of a fully online undergraduate mechanical engineering