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Displaying results 361 - 390 of 620 in total
Conference Session
Network Administration and Security
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ron McKean, Ferris State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
courses is alsoECNS 225 Networks 4 upgraded through industry sponsorship and equipment donation. A net simulation and design software program available for student also improves significantly.ECNS 315 Network Greater lab emphasis on WAN network implementations.Theory and TestECNS 325 Wireless The Control Networks course topics are significantly modified toNetworks reflect graduate needs for greater wireless network knowledge. GPS and Cellular theory are also introduced. As industry shifts to primarily TCP/IP and other non-proprietary protocols, the material is omitted. CAN topics moved to digital courses. Course also
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech
reporting thenumber of positions currently staffed at their own institutions, 33% of respondents indicated zeroor one staff member. Their comments also reflected a perceived lack of available positions: It will be desirable to have someone help us with some of the above mentioned type of positions listed in question 3. But we do not have the luxury of hiring anyone for these positions due to the lack of funds. Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to staff any of the positions you list. My answers were, in effect, "what if" answers. As Associate Dean, I do most of the other tasks mentioned in Q3. We are seldom explicitly seeking individuals to fill such positions. We just do not have these types of
Conference Session
Integrating Research Into Undergraduate ECE Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jan Allebach, Purdue University; Edward Coyle, Purdue University; Joy Krueger, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
semester.Question 1: What are the three most valuable non-technical things you have learned bybeing a member of a VIP Team?When asked, “What are the three most valuable non-technical things you have learned by being amember of a VIP team,” the 19 VIP participants responded with sixty-one (61) authenticcomments reflecting nineteen categories. Seventy-four percent, forty-five (45) of the sixty-one(61) comments, fell within the following seven categories and forty-four percent of thesecomments related to teamwork; a fundamental component to the VIP Program. ‚ Teamwork (20 Comments) ‚ Interpersonal Communication (6) ‚ Public Speaking and Related Skills (5) ‚ Personal Responsibility (4) ‚ Time Management (4) ‚ Problem Solving (3) ‚ Accessing
Conference Session
K-12 Activities
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dean Aslam, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
reflected light and the card is thrown inthe basket in the front (see Figure 8). However, when a white cardis placed on the belt, the sensor receives the reflected light and theRIS is programmed to reverse the motor for 1.5 seconds. Thus, thecard is thrown in the rear basket. The RIS was also used to study Newton's laws in a number ofexperiments (see a sample of a manual for one such experiment inAppendix A). The experiments include distance measurement(Figure 9), velocity measurement, acceleration measurement, valueof gravitation constant, spring constant, etc. A rotation sensorattached to one of the wheels of the robot is used for distancemeasurement. The RIS can be used to measure the area of a circle, a triangle ora shape made of right
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Drushel, Case Western Reserve University; John Gallagher, Wright State University
each other’s notebooks and to discuss any concerns, especially about notebooksthat scored badly, or which were at grade borderlines.Only three scores show significant grader effects. Differences in extra session entries is entirelydue to the fact that Drushel always recorded this non-graded statistic, Chiel did sometimes butnot consistently, and Beer never did (personal communications). Thus, only the mean value inthe Drushel sample (2.36 ± 0.22, S.E.M.) is a valid indicator of the probable frequency of extrasession records in the entire student population. Differences in the software design and neatnessscores likely reflect professional and personality differences among the three instructors. Sincetheir magnitudes largely offset, and since
Conference Session
Student Misconceptions and Problem Solving Abiltiy
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Prince, Bucknell University; Margot Vigeant, Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
understanding in engineering and (3) the lack of inquiry-based educationalmaterials for engineering applications similar to those shown to be effective in physics.Each of these issues can be addressed. For example, there is a growing awareness of the benefitsof active-engagement methods in engineering education as reflected by the literature [1, 14-16].The benefits of active learning have been broadcast with increasing frequency and there are clearsigns that the message is being heard [17].With respect to assessment tools, there has been significant work recently to develop conceptinventories for engineering. Concept inventories provide an excellent example of howassessment practices can lead to improvements in student education [18], because they
Conference Session
Professional Development Programs for Teachers
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly Bradley, University of Kentucky; Janet Lumpp, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
commitment to studentassessment, and teacher and program accountability, the Kirkpatrick evaluation model provides arigorous way to address the complex demands of today’s professional development models.Successful teacher education initiatives create a set of experiences that encourage participatingteachers to become genuine "learners” in situations intended to model a proposed instructionalapproach.13,14 Like students, teachers must be actively involved in learning, with opportunities todiscuss, reflect upon, and try out instructional approaches. Positive, self-sustaining curricularchanges are most likely to occur when teacher learning takes place within a professionalcommunity that is nurtured and developed from with the school and beyond
Conference Session
Manufacturing Education Program Innovation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Waldorf, Cal Poly State University; Sema Alptekin, Cal Poly State University; Robert Bjurman, General Motors Global Engineering
Tagged Divisions
relations effort is needed to make this happen. • Consider alternative program options (5) Among the suggested programmatic changes are to change Manufacturing Engineering from an independent major to a minor or a subfield of Mechanical Engineering and to change the name to Production or Product Engineering.Although the ideas and suggestions collected in all three categories during the brainstormingsession form a very useful template for improvement in the field of manufacturing engineering,many of the ideas were not necessarily new or innovative. Many of the composite ideas are adirect reflection of the ideas that the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET) have been prescribing in their assessment
Conference Session
FPD6 -- Early Intervention & Retention Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carrie Slater, Virginia Tech; Whitney Edmister, Virginia Tech; Bevlee Watford, Virginia Tech; Jean Kampe, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
participating as mentees increased from 126 in 2004 to 384 in2005. In addition, the number of upper level students serving as mentors jumped from 32 in 2004to 79 in 2005.This paper will outline the design and implementation of a large-scale peermentoring program focusing mostly on the freshman programs of AHORA, BEST, GUEST andWEST. Lessons learned throughout implementation will be discussed as well as the firstsemester Grade Point Averages (GPAs) of first-year students participating in the program.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber DUE – 0431646. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Gaughran, University of Limerick; Thomas Waldmann, University of Limerick; Niall Seery, University of Limerick
elements fully.Index of Learning StylesThe index of learning styles instrument formulated by Felder and Silverman 12 was usedto form the basis for the research tool. This questionnaire assesses the preferentiallearning styles of students on four dichotomous style dimensions. The slightly modified(due to cultural differences) questionnaire was used to assess students’ preferences for theActive/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Verbal/Visual and Sequential/Global styles13. TheILS instrument comprised of 36 questions, each question gave two possible answers thatwere polarized to each of the styles within that mode. The instrument was scored on thenumeric difference between each opposing style mode, which ascertained the studentspreference for each
Conference Session
Using Teams, Seminars & Research Opportunities for Retention
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carolyn Vallas, University of Virginia; Anaïs Miodek, University of Virginia; Larry Richards, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
researchers.One area in which the REU needs improvement is in recruiting female faculty to work withstudents. There are not many women faculty currently collaborating on the UVa REU (see Table3). Progress in this area is mitigated by the lack of women faculty currently part of the UVaEngineering faculty. This is also reflective of the low proportion of women in Engineeringnationwide. However, female faculty serve as important role models for the participants and it ishelpful to the male as well as the female participants to see a gender balance among theirmentors. The most important aim regarding the faculty remains to have them serve as supportivementors for the participants, regardless of gender or ethnicity, since “faculty can discouragewomen with
Conference Session
Civil ET Curriculum
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Tito-Izquierdo, University of Houston-Downtown; Alberto Gomez-Rivas, University of Houston-Downtown; George Pincus, University of Houston-Downtown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
allowed to take the Fundamental Engineering (FE)examination as the first step to become a Professional Engineer in Texas. The Departmentencourages students to apply for the FE exam and offers a tutoring class, free of charge, forinterested students.ConclusionsThe Structural Analysis and Design program offers a modern and effective method of teachingengineering technology courses, reflecting current wishes of engineering and construction firms.Moreover, it combines theory, computer software, and laboratory work to maximize studentunderstanding of theory and integrate theory with real-life practical applications. This approachincreases enrollment in the program, reinforces the understanding of engineering principles, andimproves job opportunities
Conference Session
Lean Manufacturing Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Merwan Mehta, East Carolina University; Richard Monroe, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
RangerLean Manufacturing SimulationSimulation using one of the kits mentioned above is usually carried out in three or four rounds.The general pattern that has been found most practical is to let the first round be completelychaotic to reflect manufacturing conditions in non-lean manufacturing companies. This isfollowed by a second simulation round wherein the participants are given the leeway to makeimprovements based on their past learning and experience. This is then followed by a final rounddemonstrating how a cellular lean pull system can be instituted. In some simulation setups, anextra fourth round is included to not crowd in the introduction of all the lean principles into asingle round.In the first round of simulation, products are released
Conference Session
Innovation in Teaching Engineering Economics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Cunha, University of Alberta
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
inherent to most oil and gas prospects. This project showed the existing probabilistic approaches in reserve determination and the difficulties for implementation of such methods. Main points discussed were uncertainty in capital investment, operating costs and well productivity. Economic Analysis of Athabasca Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Project; A project closely related to Canadian oil industry that discussed the main risks involved in that production technology. It included a model of the project as well as key technical drivers that directly reflect on project’s profitability. A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the
Conference Session
Achieving the Civil Engineering Body of Knowlegde
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Karlin, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Andrea Surovek, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
any given project in my work as a civil engineer, I can identify sources where the global and societal 3.2 4.2 < 0.0001 impacts of my project are discussed. I can identify the appropriate governmental regulatory bodies and general policies concerning the global and 2.8 3.8 0.00011 societal impact of my work as a civil engineer.Each Speaker’s ContributionUsing the same 1 to 5 scale, the seniors in the Professions course were asked, in the post-survey,to rate the degree to which they agreed with statements reflecting the individual speakers’ aid inincreasing the students’ understanding of global and societal issues, as summarized in Table III.Speakers one through four spoke in
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Wankat, Purdue University
work together on personalizing the course based on the standard curriculumpacket. The mentor attends the new instructor’s classes, discusses performance, and readsthe new faculty member’s reflections and self critiques on teaching performance. Once pastthis rigorous training, the work load to teach a course drops significantly; however, allfaculty receive performance evaluations that are used to help develop improvement plans.Since part-time faculty are hired on a course-by-course basis, under-performing faculty areusually not retained.Gary Berg, the author of reference 2, participated in the training program and taught a coursefor the University of Phoenix. He stated, “While many traditional universities have a processfor faculty orientation
Conference Session
International Engineering Education II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mulchand Rathod, Wayne State University; Mary James Legatski, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Tagged Divisions
outreach agenda in their respective careers were recruited tojoin the board. BDO believed that, in the context of the organizational change underway withinASME, “diversity” is a strategy and that its placement within the Society should reflect that fact[5]. The primary mission of the BDO was to provide advice to the senior leaders within theSociety on how to achieve and benefit from an inclusive and diverse membership, not toadminister specific programs or activities. There is a simple diversity axiom: CEOs that “embrace diversity” have organizations that“leverage diversity” [8]. The CEO’s diversity belief system is significant in shaping howdiversity is positioned to impact the business and its sustainability [8, 9]. The diversity
Conference Session
Non-Technical Skills in ET
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay Bhatt, Drexel University; Vladimir Genis, Drexel University; Joshua Roberts, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
databases, electronic books and journals, and other resources thatsupport research and scholarship both in the Libraries and online2. W.W. HagertyLibrary presently houses nearly half a million books, periodicals, microforms, and non-print materials. The collection’s strengths reflect the curricular strengths of the UniversityCity campus: engineering, computer science, business, information science, and mediaarts and design, as well as general science, humanities, and social sciences.Library staff members at each of the three locations are available to help library patronsat all times. Reference and subject librarians are available to assist individuals doingresearch and using the library or to provide organized classes covering specialized
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yvonne Ng, College of St. Catherine; Lori Maxfield, College of St. Catherine
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
student were losing interestor verve in the work. A good preceptor would be able to work with students, through variousactivities and discussions, to help them see themselves as future participants in the field.Theoretically, this is the role of the modern advisor in today’s colleges.Attributes of the Curriculum of Identity allow students to: • reflect on their skills and interests as they relate to the discipline, • develop awareness of their modes of working as they relate to the modes of the operation characteristic of the discipline, • reflect on the impact of the discipline in the world and of self in the discipline, • think about the impact of the discipline on the lives of others in the wider world, • examine the
Conference Session
Manufacturing Education Innovation and Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Priya Manohar, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
: internet, videos, class exercises, discussions, and case studies • Informal classroom learning environments where diversity is accepted Most of the students at RMU are regional, commuter students who work whileattending school, which means that the flexibility for organizing activities outside of thescheduled class times is quite limited. In addition, students often say, “Our friends in artsand management have fun and still get A grades, why do we have to work so hard to getgood grades in engineering?” In other words, some students feel that the faculty sets thebar too high in engineering, and therefore the grade does not always reflect the hard workthey put into the learning process. Further, the lecture rooms are typically equipped
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Beverly Withiam, University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown; Susan Dawkins, University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown; Robert Martinazzi, University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown
its inception the Engineering Technology Division has conducted a seminar for freshmanstudents. Topics offered have evolved over time reflecting trends in industry and education. Inrecent years the Academic Support Center staff has become involved with the ET seminar andpresented several of the topics directly related to their area of expertise. These efforts werecoordinated by an ET faculty member responsible for the freshman seminar and served as the“Commission.”While both the ET faculty and Academic Support Center possess different abilities and aptitudes,they share the same student centered commitment and the common goal of preparing students foruniversity level classes. Transitioning the traditional ET freshman seminar into the
Conference Session
Computed Simulation and Animation
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Maixner, U.S. Air Force Academy
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Aeronautics at the UnitedStates Air Force Academy for his assistance in explaining various aspects of the Thermal FluidsToolbox during the author’s work. Many faculty at the Academy graciously agreed to review andcomment on an early draft of this manuscript and on preliminary versions of the variousspreadsheets. As always, feedback from cadets in the thermal fluids systems engineering coursesat the Academy was essential in the grooming of the various worksheets.DisclaimerThe views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position ofthe U.S. Air Force, Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.References1Caretto, L, McDaniel, D., and Mincer, T., Spreadsheet Calculations of Thermodynamic Properties, 2005 ASEEAnnual
Conference Session
Innovative Partnerships
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Theodore Branoff, North Carolina State University; Pooneh Lari, North Carolina State University; Michelle Hsiang, Research Triangle Institute
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
instructors typically connected from either home or work (Figure 5) using ahigh bandwidth connection (Figure 6). Figures 7 and 8 illustrate that participants felt that theywould use Centra again and that it met their expectations. Page 11.1029.8 Figure 5. Location From Which Students Connected. Figure 6. Bandwidth of Student’s Connection. Page 11.1029.9Figure 7. “I Would Be Interested in Using Centra Again”. Figure 8. “Centra Met My Expectations”.Reflections and ConclusionsAlthough the first cohort has not finished the fifth course, preliminary data give some indicationof the effectiveness of the program. Comments here
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelley Racicot, Washington State University; Charles Pezeshki, Washington State University
sponsors anopportunity to participate easily with helping students manage schedule and timing ofdeliverables, and serves as a platform for discussing student performance and work habitsover time.Evaluation of student Basecamp performance is done in a variety of ways. Averagefrequency of student entries vs. promptings by the class professor is plotted, and othermeasures of interaction frequency are explored. Additionally, students are interviewed atthe end of the semester for their views and reflections on the utility and ease of use of thesoftware.IntroductionIn order to fulfill ABET certification requirements, a Senior Capstone Design class mustbe taught that integrates students’ experiences gained over an entire course of study in themechanical
Conference Session
Practice/Partnership/Program Issues
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Davis, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
asoften as once a year and/or whenever new members have been recruited. Page 11.327.6Commitment to Inclusivity and DiversityA university organization such as an advisory board should respect all people’s race, religion,ethnicity, gender, age, social status, sexual orientation and ability. The board should: • Reflect the diversity of your organization and the broader community. • Conduct its business in facilities that are accessible to persons of all ability levels. • Act in a way that furthers opportunities among individuals and the community. • Act in ways that are consistent with the mission of the program and university.12At the
Conference Session
ChE: Experimental Design & Error Analysis
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
of the report. Forexample, human error was frequently cited as a source of error in experimental procedure – withthe implication that this is acceptable, legitimate, or unavoidable. In the laboratory, studentsfailed to use techniques to reduce experimental error when necessary. Data were often notreported correctly to reflect uncertainty in measurement, and simple statistical techniques wererarely used to analyze error.A variety of methods for the introduction of error analysis to lower level engineering studentshave been described by other educators. Sterrett and Helgeson2 used parametric computersimulations to introduce error analysis to sophomores in a design course. Reardon3 introduceslinear regression and propagation of error analysis
Conference Session
International Exchange/Joint Programs in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Rowe, Sheffield Hallam University; Tim Mulroy, Sheffield Hallam University; Ian Robinson, Sheffield Hallam University; Boon Han Lye, Kolej Bandar Utama International College
Tagged Divisions
formal recognition of HE asa tradable good in the 1997 Dearing report6 advising the UK government on the future direction ofHE. This idea is also reflected by official acknowledgement of what Malaysia requires overseassuppliers of education and training to offer: • international recognition of quality at all levels • quality assurance systems that demonstrate the appropriateness of study to purpose • an international reputation in key subject areas • a wide range of specialists, types of service, training options and modes of delivery • appropriate training for employment • practical examples of educational reform and functioning systems • substantial experience of producing goods and services for overseas
Conference Session
Building Blocks for Public Policy in Curricula
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Fayerweather, University of Toledo; Sorin Cioc, University of Toledo; Douglas Oliver, University of Toledo
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
bemost significant, represented as columns that reflect the number of students that sharedthat particular response. Here are the statements the students were asked to respond to: 1. Compared to a standard approach, this project demonstrated better that thermodynamics affects contemporary issues. (Average = 4) 2. This projected demonstrated how economic, environmental, and societal concerns must be included in the design process. (Average = 4.4) 3. This project helped me communicate more effectively. (Average = 3.4) 4. This project took too much time. (Average = 2.5) 5. I enjoyed this project more than a standard lecture/homework/quiz approach. (Average = 3.7) 6. I learned a lot of new
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary and Liberal Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
the Bridge) reflect his determination to define and demonstrate structural art.His most recent issue, the Innnovators, moves beyond specific civil works to focus on theevolution of American technology, organized to emphasize both key technologicaldevelopments and the individuals who played central roles in their development. Thus,through a history of technology approach which includes a strong biographical character,Billington provides opportunity for a multidsciplinary representation of technology, asseen from his chapter sequences summarized in Table 4Table 4 Engineer-Technology associations in The Innovators8______________________________________________________Engineer TechnologyNewcomen (steam engine)Watt
Conference Session
Teaching Innovation in Arch Engineering II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gouranga Banik, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
reasons like sick. It is reflected because some studentscan take undue advantages by submitting their assignments later.Q10. She/he accepts lower standard for class performanceAn examination of the survey data revealed that 77% of respondents were certainly against theidea of a faculty accepting lower standards for the class performance. About 7% respondents,however, would evaluate a faculty positively if faculty accepted a lower standard for the classperformance.Q11. She/he provides ample office hoursProviding of a generous quantity of office hours ranks very high at Southern Polytechnic StateUniversity, and perhaps in other higher institutions in the USA. About 76% respondentsindicated their desires for out-of-class discussions and guidance in