reflects culture and includes the diversity characteristics inextricablylinked to culture. Architecture inherently possesses a certain formal nature, which can beevaluated. The approach to identifying diversity-defining characteristics is intended to revealkey indicators inherent to primary form responses. These indicators, in part, grow out of basicarchitectural determinants of form and may be simplified into the following taxonomy of threegroupings of factors: external (PLACE), internal (PEOPLE) and the in-between(ARCHITECTURE) indicators. External indicators present opportunities for integration ofcultural and contextual diversity. Internal indicators provide opportunities for the domain andspecific detailed user or people related diversity
insists that the terminal voltage of the "We refuse tocircuit is 2V, while the right source insists that compromise."the same voltage is 3V. In Figure 2b, the upper (a) (b)source insists that the branch current is 10 mA, Page 13.293.2while the lower source insists that the same Figure 2: Impossible Source Combinationscurrent is 15 mA. Since ideal sources lack the ability to compromise, such cases either reflect atheoretical stalemate, or a situation in which at least one of the sources has to either becomenon-ideal or non-functional.The
Problem-solving • Analytical SkillsThis indicates a high level of interest and effort in the class throughout the semester.Besides igniting interest in robotics for the students in the class, we had an unintended effect ofexciting a class of about 24 preschool children who came to participate in a final testing stage.During the official DARPA Urban Challenge on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007, the students heldtheir own mini Urban Challenge in the lobby of the student dorm. Although it was interesting foronlookers, results were not as hoped due to the early date. In one case, the robot traversed theentire route, but didn’t detect another vehicle at an intersection. The obstacle didn’t reflect theultrasound back to the robot’s sensor. In another
education forengineers.2,3 This is reflected in current ABET accreditation standards that require “anunderstanding of professional and ethical responsibility” as well as other competencies related tounderstanding engineering’s role and impact in the wider world. This has by no meansguaranteed that ethics education for U.S. engineering undergraduates is of a uniform content,quality, or depth.4 Nonetheless the movement appears to be clearly in the direction of morecoverage, whether in the form of stand-alone ethics courses or ethics modules embedded inexisting courses; at the very least, engineering programs must show that their graduates havebeen exposed to ethics content to a level adequate to satisfy evaluators.The underlying presumption of such
under the grant EEC-0634279 (programmanager Dr. Mary Poats). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNational Science Foundation.References1. Gabbert, U. and Tzou, H. S. (2001). Smart Structures and Structronic System, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.2. Song, G., Qiao, P. Z., Binienda, W. K. and Zou, G. P. (2002). “Active Vibration Damping of Composite Beam using Smart Sensors and Actuators.” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, July 2002, 97-103. Page 13.1086.123. Inman, D. J. (1994
provide a well rounded exposure to a subject, enhancing student learning by exposingstudents to multiple view points, etc.In my experience, which is based on personal observations and student feed back, this model issuccessful when the two instructors have been working together for a long time and havecompatible goals and pedagogy or if team teaching is proposed as a benefit to the students ratherthan to accommodate the needs of the faculty members. In the latter case, the team must committo regular meetings to coordinate lecture and homework assignments in order to minimizeoverlap in material and provide a smooth transition from one instructor to the next. In reflection,the requirements of team teaching are no different than the team building
away from theory. In developing the modified lecture with activities format, the authors triedto choose assignments and divide class time to reflect the needs of the students. Currently, themodified lecture with activities format contains elements of traditional lecture, IBL and PBL. Page 13.284.7The authors are continually seeking ways to improve the modified lecture with activities format.The challenge for improvement rests in the desired outcomes for this particular linear algebracourse. The pre-engineering majors need computational skills as well as the ability to know whento apply linear algebra techniques. In essence, linear algebra
) motivating students in the applications of themathematical concepts that reflect realistic problems in their prospective engineering careers, 2)integrating these complicated applications into the tight schedule of engineering courses, 3)leveraging the overwhelming complexity so that the students are not intimidated, and 4)compensating for the lack of physical models required in most engineering applications Theauthors considered these challenges in the development of modules and agreed that a frameworkfor module development was required. The authors began preliminary research to develop sucha framework centered on the concept of abstraction.The authors began by exploring resources developed by other colleagues, reviewing the existingdigital library
well beyond the half-sample frequency, and on the lower half of the unit-circle.The periodicity of the D-T magnitude plot is somewhat disguised by the fact that the frequency-axis is log-scaled, but the point clearly lies on the magnitude curve above the 50Hz "reflection". Figure 16. Selection of a frequency beyond the half-sample-rate frequency.4. ConclusionIn order to create plots "on-the-fly" at the lectern, ultimately, program instructions must beentered into a computer. Although applications such as Matlab® have made plot creation fairlyeasy, it is nonetheless challenging to quickly create and format plots in such a way that they areeasily readable in a classroom, and also easily and clearly demonstrate important points of
same admissionsrequirements.” While it is true that medical schools have come to expect a standard array ofbasic science courses prior to matriculating, it is also true that some medical schools indicatehaving no requirements of particular classes; the MCAT is their principal measure of mastery ofbasic sciences. Indeed we have seen no evidence amongst our graduates that any medicalschools reject students for lack of a particular undergraduate class.One reason for this may be reflected in another free-response: “Be certain that this plan of studyis strongly endorsed by UVa’s premed advisor. Med schools are guided by that endorsement.”Most institutions have the equivalent of an office of pre-professional studies. We work closelywith advisors in
inclementweather and teacher schedules that impacted the consistency of administration. Within eachschool section below, the reader is provided with an overview of instrumentation and the mostsalient aspects of the data collected. The complete set of evaluation results is available uponrequest from the authors.In an ideal world with a perfect project all the data would yield results that are undeniablyconclusive. Social science researchers evaluate results from projects that reflect the complexityof human beings and human organizations. Thus, it did not surprise the authors to find resultsthat were encouraging, puzzling, and sometimes mildly disappointing. In the following sectionsthe authors have tried to provide a balanced reporting of the results from
area of engineeringdesign research that relates in some design model to the latter phase of reflective practice (Schön,1983). Studying the relationship between product quality and diagnostic reasoning is a fruitfularea of future study. The results of this case-study comparison preliminarily suggest thateffective diagnostic reasoning may be related to better product design, since such a capabilityenables designers to learning more from product testing. When effective diagnostic reasonsersperform more design iterations, they may achieve greater insights into their devices and discovermore features to improve while still working within the time-constrained setting in which mostdesign work takes place. Disparities between intended function and
4and 5 also show the laser-based illumination setup used for the current testing. A 500mW solidstate laser was mounted vertically on an adjustable support platform. The platform providedlateral displacement adjustment and tilt adjustment degrees of freedom for aligning the lightsheet with the plane of the smoke streams. A simple cylindrical lens optic produced the desiredsheet of light for illumination of a section of the test section. The top of the test section, as wellas the side-walls, are of Plexiglas for optical access. Not all of the flow field could be viewed atthe same time with the current optical setup due to the spreading of the laser light sheet. Forsafety reasons, precautions were taken to minimize stray laser reflections. Test
break times. Many students chose to stayin the classroom and continue refining their bridge designs. This suggests that the group wasactively engaged, and will perform higher on their post camp test. The test scores reflect thisobservation. Building Bridges to the Future subject areas such as mathematics had an averageincrease of 1.68 or (11.2%), science had an average increase of 1.35 or (13.5%), and an overallincrease of 3.4 or (8.6%). This observation of active engagement of the students is validated bythe student’s evaluations of Building Bridges to the Future. 94.5% of the Junior High studentsresponded that they would attend the camp the following year, whereas 100% responded thatthey would recommend Building Bridges to the Future to a
the process ofcreating a complete lab manual with pre-labs, experiments, and lab report questions. Evaluations(multi-method matched group evaluation7) will be carried out to assess retention, improvedattitude towards networking and other disciplines for which experiments are developed. Thus farwe have found that undergraduate students are very interested in the subject of sensor networks(given the demand for the new course and offered senior design projects).AcknowledgmentThis work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-0633576. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
yourecharge the 5 Ah battery to maintain the mote in the operational condition.The understanding of the concept of EM wave propagation is one of the fundamental topicsincluded in physics and physical science textbooks. Participant of this study indicated that theytook at some point a university physics course so they could explain this question based on theirprevious knowledge. It is also possible that participants gain an understanding through directexperimentation with the Tmote devices and some of the responses can reflect that. To teststudents’ understanding of electromagnetic waves propagation they were asked the questionwhether it would be feasible to try to increase the speed of transmission of EM signal usingwater as the media where the wave
software (Autodesk Inventor 2008©). They then develop initial energy models oftheir coasters using Excel, use their results to find design problems, and revise their design. Oncethey have approved revisions, they begin to build their coasters. Upon completing the coasterrequirements, students document their final design, including a revised Excel energy model. Inorder to validate their designs, students use eight custom-made speed sensors that they attach tothe coaster track to measure the speed of the coaster car at critical locations along the track.Speed measurements are captured in LabVIEW, analyzed, and submitted in a final report asevidence of how well the Excel design model reflected the actual behavior of the roller coaster.The project
some minor modifications, the voice of students as reflected in their evaluations can also be incorporated into this methodology. However, such a modification is outside of the scope of this paper and is not discussed here. The House of Quality is the principal tool used in QFD. It is depicted in figure 1.Figure 1: The House of Quality (QFD)The customer requirements are entered in the left column and are translated into coursecharacteristics under technical requirements. The customer requirements are prioritized under thecustomer importance column. An interesting feature of using this approach is to comparecharacteristics of the course with similar courses available at other institutions so as to be able toattract more students
13.1320.7 level based upon the analysis of the pre and post questionnaire results. The reasons could be o Students did not have time to do the research work on the case studies. o Students had so many things going on when it was near the final exam week. o Students were overwhelmed by the questions during the question session of the presentation. o Post questionnaires were taken right after the presentation. Students might not have time to reflect on their responses towards Engineering after questions asked by the instructor and other teams.In conclusion, the results obtained at HU
Page 13.1220.2academic learning. These programs comprise co-op jobs, internships, apprenticeships, and othermethods that integrate experience in the world with experience in the classroom. Theseapproaches are becoming increasingly relevant in a work culture characterized by the need tocontinuously reflect and learn from ongoing experience.2 A 1998 census of cooperativeeducation found that approximately 250,000 U.S. students were placed in cooperative educationjobs that year.3 In 2006, the career publisher reported in its third Internship Surveythat some 62% of undergraduate students completed an internship that year.4In terms of outcome studies from co-op, the majority of research was conducted in the 1970’sand 1980’s due to the
Next Week: Trade, Gender and Poverty.WEEK 7: Topic: Developed Countries & Developing Countries Discussion: Different socio-economic priorities of Developed Countries & Developing Countries. Are countries homogenous? What is the feasibility of Developing Countries creating and supporting a national SDO system? What is the significance for standards development in ISO? ASTM? What are the unique issues, if any, for island nations? How are these reflected in the SDO process?WEEK 8: Break, no classWEEK 9: PROJECT - PART 1 DUE. Topic: Standards Development – How? Discussion: This is the mundane part of the course. However, it is necessary to understand
full-project drawings for a small project while going throughschool. The experience of preparing a complete set of drawings gives the students an opportunityto reflect on cost, and constructability issues. It is possible to have the students go through thisexperience in a capstone project. The EAC and TAC criteria for accreditation of engineering andtechnology programs call for programs to graduate students with requisite skills of theirprofession. In the opinion of the author, graphic skills for engineering and technology graduatesare the most fundamental skills, and will enable them to produce more complete and accurateproject drawings.ConclusionThe accuracy and precision of shop drawings is vital to the success or failure of an
approaches of hand calculation or simplified modeling techniques. Consequences of such dependence is that when, as inevitably occurs, a problem appears that does not fit into the capabilities of the package, the user is at a dead loss at how to progress to a solution or alternatively shoe horns the problem into a form that can be solved but which does not accurately reflect the original problem. Avoidance of Analysis Software Problems and generally good design practice. Pre-Analysis Analysis : This paper advocates a process whereby before any software is assigned to a task the student engineer is required to generate ‘ball park’ solutions using only pencil and paper. To make students proficient at this, design
blockThe results of the calibration procedure using an angle-beam probe are presented in Fig. 7. Page 13.1033.6 Fig.7. Results of the calibration procedure using an angle-beam probeAfter calibration of the instrument, students place the transducer at various positions on the IIWblock to display reflections from sound path distances and sensitivity relationships to side drilledholes.REMOTE CONTROL OF THE NDT EQUIPMENTOne of the main objectives of the project is to develop a videoconference teaching NDT facility,which will provide greater program delivery flexibility and offer non-traditional educationalsegments that expand student’s
tovisualize rotated three-dimensional objects are central to understanding and interpretingscientific, technological, and mathematical visual-based information.Six-12 students’ spatial visualization rotation abilities were assessed. This investigation utilizedthe Purdue Spatial Visualization Test to assess visual aptitudes prior to the onset of instructionand then again after the completion of instruction while implementing a technology educationscientific and technical visualization standards-based curriculum. Student participantsexperienced high degrees of spatial visualization enhancement measured by the Purdue SpatialVisualization assessment. Further Spatial Visualization data analysis uncovered interestingoutcomes. Male scores reflected higher
printer consists of cleaning the prototypewith compressed air in an enclosed chamber to remove the extra material that the machineleaves behind and applying sealant to enhance hardness and durability of the part (Figure 7).How to choose the best material and process for rapid manufacturing application?The material and process are chosen to reflect the best blend of the desired cost, quality, materialcharacteristics and timing. The material used to fabricate the mold is room temperaturevulcanizing (RTV) urethane which cures without using oven heating. RTV silicone molding is awell-recognized rapid tooling method for producing small quantities of production-likeprototypes of plastic molded parts.3,8 This provides short mold lead times coupled
assesses the project concept, discusses the professional involvement,institutional constraints, administrative support and the results of the five semesters work.Recommendations for improvements for implementation of similar projects at other institutionsare included.IntroductionEngineering projects are increasingly complex due to client needs, system integration efforts,advances in technology, and computer aided design tools. A common concern of nationaladvisory boards is that students must function better in team projects and improvecommunication skills. This is reflected in ABET requirements for multidisciplinary seniordesign activities. In many situations, these objectives are met by defining “multidisciplinary” asusing different skill sets
transition in student attitudes and perspectives from the beginning of thesummer term to the end of the summer. The following comments reflect some of this transition. After the First Week: There is a sink or swim adjustment to time management. I do like this program; however, it takes a little while to get comfortable with it. I’m exhausted! I think this program is very good and is a great idea except for the fact that the students have no free time to just relax because we’re in class all day and we’re doing homework all night. End of the Summer: The past few weeks I’ve had a blast. I have made so many memories and have grown as a person… I got the chance to get a handle on the campus, teachers, and college life. I am glad that I did
early December. A sample practice exam similar to past CCTexams is given to the class by the author usually a week or two prior to the official exam. Theexam is approximately the same number of questions as the CCT exam and students are given 4hours to complete the exam. Although this exam is graded and returned to the students, it hasonly a minor connection to the final grade. Those students who are preparing for the CCT examare understandably motivated and usually perform quite well on the practice exam. Thosestudents taking the class for college credit have not been motivated to perform well on thepractice exam and their scores reflect this lack of motivation. In future offerings of the class,those students taking the class for MET credit
creative and willingto change. Approaching a course such as Dynamic Modeling and Control is an interdisciplinarysubject and experience for the faculty as well as the students, but the rewards are well worth theadditional effort required to make it interesting and relevant to the students.AcknowledgementThe views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position ofthe United States Military Academy, the United States Army, or the Department of Defense.Bibliography Page 13.788.101. National Academy of Sciences, “Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century”, National