instructionalmethods to maintain students’ interest in the topic(s) beyond the 15 minutes.Inductive teaching and active learning have been acknowledged as efficient instructionalstrategies that increase undergraduate student performance as well as their interests in science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines [7]. Inductive teaching usesexperiments, case studies, and real-word problems as challenges to stimulate students’ interestsin the course material and encourage the students to approach to higher level of learning domain[5]. Active learning is defined as instructional methods that engage students in the learningprocess through interactive learning activities in class [8]. Hake [9] compared the results ofconceptual understanding
the FBD instrument to be given in fall of 2017.Bibliography1. Gentner, D, & Stevens, A. L. (1983) Mental models, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.2. Reference (added once final information is included)3. Duit, R. (2009). Bibliography – Students' and teachers' conceptions and science education (STCSE), Retrieved January 17, 2011, from Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer, G. (1992). Force concept inventory. The Physics Teacher, 30(3): 141- 151.5. Danielson, S., Kadlowec, J., Mehta, S., Masters, C., Magill, M., and Steadman, S. (2005). Work in progress – A statics skills inventory. Proceedings of the 2005 Frontiers in Education Conference.6. Steif, P. (2004
utilization of the plots by adesign engineer (see supplemental section S.1 for full project description). The purpose of this design project was to give students an opportunity to compute thedistribution of safety factor over a changing design parameter, and make engineering decisionsbased on the information obtained. For this project students were expected to use concepts theylearned in previous classes (specifically statics, solid mechanics and computational methods). Figure 1: Picture of scenario for Design Project 1 showing a crate supported by three cables.Project 2 – Kinematics of a Linkage System The second design project involved a kinematic analysis of a linkage system. The projectwas done in the context of the practical
familiar estimationof standard deviation from range values. Although the Tabular Method is simple to use, it hassome disadvantages4. First, the range estimation of standard deviation is an approximation and issometimes inefficient. Second, it is sometimes desirable to obtain confidence intervals on thesources of measurement variation5, and that is not easily accomplished with the Tabular Method.Third, a gage capability study is truly a designed experiment so the principles of goodexperimental analysis should be applied. It is noteworthy the D. Montgomery, a leading author inthe field of quality control, has removed the Tabular Method from recent editions of histextbook(s).The later Design of Experiment Method applies those good principles of
on our strongpower program with a high national and international reputation in education and research andusing a grant funding from the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM)program, we establish a scholarship program for recruitment, retention, and mentoring of futurepower engineering leaders in electric energy and smart grid. Our specific objectives are toincrease the number of students in the following groups in power engineering by 50%: (i)Bachelor’s, (ii) Master’s, (iii) underrepresented minorities, and (iv) women, by providingopportunities for lower division students, community college students, and four-year universitystudents to study in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.IntroductionIt is well recognized
helpthem transition into these jobs. We plan to add more services and recruit customers to providemore real-world clients. We are measuring the impact of these jobs on the youth’s technical skilldevelopment and identity as an engineer. The strategies employed in this research to create asuccessful print shop can be replicated in many other formal and informal making programs(including high schools, libraries, and other maker spaces).References 1. Blikstein, P. and Krannich, D. (2013). The Makers’ Movement and Fablabs in Education: Experiences, Technologies, and Research. Interaction Design and Children ‘13, 613–616. 2. Buehler, E., Grimes, S., Grimes, S., and Hurst, A. Investigating 3d printing education with youth designers and
. Inaddition, this experiment can be used to obtain thermodynamics data, specifically the enthalpy ofvaporization as well as a portion of the phase diagram for the chosen liquid.In the future I plan to work to improve this experiment. The first problem to explore is that theflask needs to be jostled to maintain boiling, likely due to the surface tension of methanol. Thismight be overcome by either using a shaker table or using a different fluid. In addition, it willlikely be beneficial for students to use addiitonal liquids so that they can build a “consensus” andbe even more convincing that boiling cold is not only possible but quite normal with a widevariety of applications.References[1] T. S. Kuhn and D. Hawkins, "The Structure of Scientific
would like to acknowledge financial support from The Leona M. and Harry B.Helmsley Charitable Trust through funding of the Consortium to Promote Reflection inEngineering Education (CPREE), a collaboration of twelve educational institutions.Additionally, the author(s) express gratitude toward co-directors of the faculty learningcommunity (FLC) held at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology during the summer of 2015 fortheir leadership and guidance on the subject of reflection. Thanks is given to ChemicalEngineering faculty who reviewed reflections. Much appreciation is given to Janie Szabo and theOffice of Learning and Technology for creating the Moodle tool for ranking reflections and tothe Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and
the table, we see that the three families engaged in activities that mapped to allseven computational thinking competencies.Table 1. CT Problem solving phases Problem Scoping CT Competency Definition General Example(s)Problem Breaking down data, Identifying the sub-components ofDecomposition processes or problems into the task by asking questions like: smaller and more Where to build? How? What to do? manageable components to Who should do what? What we solve a problem. need?Pattern Recognition Observing
a deployable device(s) that can be used at the site of a disaster relief effort. They should be suitable for quick deployment and set-up, and should be operable by everyday citizens, including victims of disaster.”Procedure. Participants completed a one-page demographic survey at the beginning of the studyto collect information regarding gender, classification (undergraduate/graduate), and major andwere then instructed about the study procedure. For the first task, the participants were given thedesign problem and asked to generate as many possible solutions as they could think of in the 25minutes allotted. They were asked to speak out loud, verbalizing any thoughts they had as theywrote notes and/or sketched solutions
mathematical abilities [2]. Therefore, students who did not have the necessarymathematical abilities to be successful in engineering courses needed help to pursue theirengineering majors and complete their engineering degrees. In order to retain and supportengineering majors, many universities have offered bridge programs in mathematics for students[3][4]. Such programs were common in the 1990’s and have increased again recently as the needhas been recognized widely. Bridge programs aimed to increase engineering students’ retentionby strengthening their mathematical competencies. There are many types of bridge programs indifferent disciplines, especially science and mathematics. Bridge mathematics programs weremore common in mathematics than science
Specifications (Details on the following items), a. Operating System (Linux as is used on almost all of these clusters), b. Overall System Components Summary, c. Compute nodes, d. High-memory nodes, e. Graphics Processing Unit nodes, f. Management node(s), g. Storage node(s) - parallel?, h. High-speed network for message passing, i. Management network, j. Racks and power distribution, k. Software 2. Extended Warranty: Details of what you and your institution and/or funding agency requires. Carefully consider components that are more likely to fail and if some components are warrantied by the original equipment manufacturer. What is the
1993-1998 Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County Mechanical Engineer 1989-1995 EEC Consulting Rockville, MD President, Dome Enterprises 1989 - 1993 Bethesda MD HONORS AND AWARDS Best Presentation Award, ICESEEI 2016 : 18th International Conference on Educational Sciences and Effective Educational Instructions. Paris France 2016 Outstanding Service and Commitment to the En- richment of the Science and Technology Program, Eleanor Roosevelt H.S., Greenbelt MD, 05/2003 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. A. Bouabid, B. Bielenberg, S. Ainane, N. Pasha, ”Learning Outcomes Alignment across Engineering Core Courses”, 18th International Conference on Educational Sciences and Effective
measured by the REFERENCESstudents GPA after Introduction to Engineering. Studentswere divided into two groups according to their nationality, [1] J. L. Hieb, K. B. Lyle, P. A. S. Ralston, and J. Chariker, “Predictingand divided again according to which version of the course performance in a first engineering calculus course: implications forthey took. The interaction effect between nationality andFirst Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference July 31 – August 2, 2016, Columbus, OH W1A-3
other educators and researchers. The data collected through the DEFT system will then beused to develop a pedagogical framework for engineering design.References[1] Ball, J. and Ormerod, T. C. Structured opportunistic processing design: a critical discussion. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(1):131—151, 1995.[2] Guindon, R. Designing the Design Process: Exploiting Opportunistic Thoughts. Human- Computer Interaction, 5(2):305—344, June 1990.[3] Fricke, G. Successful Individual Approaches in Engineering Design. Research in Engineering Design, 8(3):151—165, 1996.[4] Atman, C. J., Adams, R. S., Cardella, M., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., and Saleem, J. Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert
underrepresented minorities.References[1] Puccinelli, TJ, Fitzpatrick, M., Masters, G., Murphy, JG, The Evolution of the Freshman Engineering Experience to Increase Active Learning, Retention, and Diversity--Work in Progress. American Society for Engineering Education, 2016.[2] B. M. Olds and R. L. Miller, "The effect of a first-year integrated engineering curriculum on graduation rates and student satisfaction: A longitudinal study," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, p. 23, 2004.[3] S. S. Courter, S. B. Millar, and L. Lyons, "From the students' point of view: Experiences in a freshman engineering design course," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 87, pp. 283-288, 1998.[4] D. W. Knight, L. E. Carlson, and
. Edwards, R. P. Ramachandran and U. Thayasivam, ``Robust Speaker Verification With a Two Classifier Format and Feature Enhancement’’, submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, May 28—31, 2017.6. Y. Mehta, R. Dusseau and R. P. Ramachandran, ``Conducting State-of the-art Research in an Institution with a Strong Undergraduate Education Focus”, ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, Georgia, June 23--26, 2013. (with)7. S. Davis, M. Frankle, R. P. Ramachandran, K. D. Dahm, and R. Polikar, “A Freshman Level Module in Biometric Systems”, IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Beijing, China, May 19–23, 2013.8. R. P. Ramachandran, R. Polikar, K. D. Dahm
and the College ofDesign provided a 3-year contract for a shared faculty appointment and funds for travel,maintenance, and upgrades to the program with the the goal to be self-sustained and/or supportedin large part by external funds and grants.Session OverviewAs of June 2017, FLEx has delivered a total of 171 sessions both on campus and around the stateof Iowa (Figures 3 & 4). The number of sessions have continued to increase each year, with2017 poised to exceed 2016’s previously record total. Notable sessions and locations include theIowa State Fair, 4-H, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), Precollegiate Programs forTalented and Gifted, Upward Bound, and Science Bound.Sessions begin with a short 15-minute presentation on design
manipulated the physicaltools. Based on their observations, participants confirmed or changed their predictions madeduring the verbal explanations phase by using PMT. Figure 4 shows the sequential steps duringthe test of predictions by using PMT phase. Figure 4. Sequence of the testing predictions by using PMTParticipants explained what they felt/observed using the PMT, and based on their observation-they were asked to confirm or change their answers from the prediction phase. If a participantwanted to change her/his prediction, s/he were asked to elaborate what was wrong with theprevious response and why they think their new idea is better.Exit feedbackThe exit feedback allowed learners to share their final thoughts, comments, and
component areas: research,interdisciplinary curricula, entrepreneurship, global experience, and application of engineering tomeet social needs. Each student chooses her own unique set of experiences, to achieve thedistinction of Grand Challenge Scholar, endorsed by both the university and the NAE. Amajority of the experiences must also be aligned with the Grand Challenge(s) they have chosento dedicate their efforts toward solving. At ASU, students choose one of five grand challengetheme areas (Education, Energy, Health, Security, Sustainability) or one of the 14 NAE GrandChallenges [2]. Students are admitted to the GCSP as freshmen, and most start work on theprogram requirements in their first semester. Prior to starting their first semester
sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.[2] Marra, R. M., Rodgers, K. A., Shen, D., & Bogue, B. (2012). Leaving engineering: A multi- year single institution study. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), 6–27.[3] Eris, O., Chachra, D., Chen, H. L., Sheppard, S., Ludlow, L., Rosca, C., Bailey, T., & Toye, G. (2010). Outcomes of a longitudinal administration of the persistence in engineering survey. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(4), 371–395.[4] Dweck, C. S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.[5] Sandoval, W. A., & Bell, P. (2004). Design-based research methods for studying learning in context: Introduction. Educational Psychologist
Circuit Design and thatboth engineering instructors reported applying the principles to other courses that they teach(outside of SOAR’s purview). We are also optimistic that these two courses are moving in theright direction as both instructors are methodically refining their redesign strategies, which theywill continue to implement this semester and in future semesters. Our goal is to continue ourefforts in both courses and hope to find the right formula for improving them – especially theDFW rate in Engineering Statics – as we move ahead with the project. We look forward toreporting our complete results at the conference in June as well the direction of futureengineering course redesign efforts at Temple University.ReferencesAmbrose, S. A
instruction: a review of the literature on effectiveness inprekindergarten through 12th grade classrooms” Rivier academic journal, volume 7, number 2,fall 2011[6] Schmidt, H. G. (1983). Problem-based learning: Rationale and description, MedicalEducation, 17, 1116. Spring 2017 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conference, April 7-8, 2017 MSU[7] Scarbrough H , Bresnen, M., Edelman, L., Laurent, S., Newell S. and Swan, J. A. The processesof project-based learning: An exploratory study. Management Learning, 35 (2004). 491-506.[8] Sullivan, J.P., Watkins, W.A., “A design/Build/Test Environment for Aerospace Education”,Proceedings of 30th SEFI Annual Conference, Firenze, Italy, 2002[9] Malmqvist, J., Young, P.W., Hallstrom, S., Kuttenkeuler, J., and
algae aquaculture systems with pumps, control, andsolar cells (Figures 4 through 8). The system is made out of clear acrylic plastic sheet (3 to 5mm thick). The sheet is cut with a Universal Laser Systems 40W CO2 laser using AutoCAD orSolidWorks source files. The acrylic is bonded with acrylic cement (Weldon 4052), but ingeneral, all adhesives and materials should be checked for toxicity to algae.The channel height (normal to incident sunlight) is about 1 cm. The widths of the channelsranges from 4 to 8 cm, and can be up to 1-2 m long. Flow rates range from 1 to 10 ml/s, whichcorresponds to a Reynolds Number of about 20 to 500, and a flow velocity of 1 cm/s, indicatinglaminar flow. Syringe pumps are gentle to the algae, and peristaltic pumps
measure andasking whether the solution defined by the student(s) satisfies one or more of the characteristicsin the diagram of figure 3. Figure3.Characteristicsofasuccessfulnaturalsystem[Biomimicry3.8] 43.0 Ask Nature strategy researchAskNature ( is a comprehensive catalog of nature’s solutions tohuman design challenges. This online library features summaries of more than 1,800 naturalphenomena and hundreds of bio-inspired applications both in the design and in the productphase.4 AskNature can be explored by function asking the
currently stands, we believe Recap’s technology glitches hinder true learninggains and have decided not to implement Recap during the spring 2017 semester. Plans to revisitthe technology later in 2017 to see what improvements have been made will determine future useand implementation decisions.References1 Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L. & Cocking, R. R. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. (National Academy Press, 2000).2 Fisher, D., Frey, N. & Rothenberg, C. Content-Area Conversations. (ASCD 2008).3 Brookfield, S. D. & Preskill, S. Discussion as a Way of Teaching. (John Wiley and Sons, 2005).4 Alexander, R. J. Towards Diologic Teaching: rethinking classroom talk. (Dialogos, 2017).5 Dreyfus
. Chandra,D.G.&D.B.Malaya(2012).Roleofcloudcomputingineducation.Computing,ElectronicsandElectricalTechnologies(ICCEET),2012InternationalConferenceon,IEEE. Hartmann,S.B.,Braae,L.Q.N.,Pedersen,S.,&Khalid,S.(2016)."ThePotentialsofUsingCloudComputinginSchools:ASystematicLiteratureReview."TurkishOnlineJournalofEducationalTechnology. Kumar,R.,Gupta,N.,Charu,S.,Jain,K.,&Jangir,S.K.(2014)."OpensourcesolutionforcloudcomputingplatformusingOpenStack."InternationalJournalofComputerScienceandMobileComputing3(5):89-98. Pierce,G.L.andP.F.Cleary(2016)."TheK-12educationaltechnologyvaluechain:Appsforkids,toolsforteachersandleversforreform."EducationandInformationTechnologies21(4):863-880. Reidenberg,J.,Russell,N.C.,Kovnot,J.Norton
activities was toengage the students in active, rather than passive learning (Romkey & Cheng, 2009;Viswanathan & Radhakrishnan, 2015). I generally served as facilitator, rather than a deliberateguide in these discussions, making sure students felt comfortable and had a chance to have theiropinions heard, but not explicitly directing the discussion (Jacquez et al., 2007).Along with the in-class SGMA materials, each weekly homework assignment included a SGMA-specific question, as did the midterm(s) and final exams. As shown in Table 2, these individualassignments also progressed through the Bloom’s Taxonomy hierarchy. They were generallymore open-ended than the typical homework problems (Jacquez et al., 2007) and incorporateduncertainties or