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Displaying results 5341 - 5370 of 34727 in total
Conference Session
Research in Engineering Education I
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra Loree Dika, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Jae Hoon Lim, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Research We reviewed a total of 13 studies for the second component of our critical analysis.First, we reviewed classic retention studies by Astin 4,29 and Tinto 30, which have been frequentlycited as germinal research linking the construct of social engagement to college student retentionand/or academic success. Nora et al.’s study6 was reviewed as an example of more recentempirical investigations using an extensive national dataset. Next, we analyzed 10 empiricalstudies that examined relationships between peer-oriented social engagement and measures ofcollege student adjustment/persistence (e.g., retention, GPA, other persistence measures) inengineering education. We specified four criteria for the inclusion of a study in our review: a
Conference Session
Methods of Teaching and Learning in Construction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Godfrey Ochieng, Liverpool John Moores University ; Andrew David Price, Loughborough University; Ximing Ruan Ruan, Robert Gordon University; Yassine Melaine, Liverpool John Moores University
Tagged Divisions
has always been believed that if there is a “fit”between the learner‟s preferred teaching style and method of instruction, the outcome wouldbe happier and more academically successful learners, although research often fails to sustainthis theory6 . As observed from the reviewed literature, one of the main problems inassociating the magnitude of data to successful learning is that knowledge is augmenting at anexponential rate7, 5. If teaching concentrates merely on content and opportunities to developmeta-cognitive strategies are limited, alumni will experience significant difficulty keeping up-to-date with their respective disciplines5. Whilst joining in with the debate, Kolb8 saw learningas a cyclical process comprising of a series of
Conference Session
Retention of Women Students
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann M. Blasick, Georgia Institute of Technology; Christine Valle, Georgia Institute of Technology; John D. Leonard II, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
graduation rate, assuming continuous enrollment).Ohland et. al. [4] present an extensive analysis of retention measures and studenteducational experiences at the undergraduate level. This paper uses the large, multi-institution dataset MIDFIELD (Multiple-Institution Database for InvestigatingEngineering Longitudinal Development) which contains records of over 75,000 studentsin engineering during the years of 1988 through 1998. Ohland and his colleagues [4, 7]determined that eight-semester persistence is highly predictive of six-year graduationrates. But, using eight-semester persistence can underreport the persistence of women tograduation. In general, it is shown that paths of persistence are nonlinear, gendered andracialized, so that it‟s
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen J. Krause, Arizona State University; Jacquelyn E. Kelly, Arizona State University; Dale R. Baker, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
onReflections. Some quotes on the personal impact of filling in Meta Reflection on Reflections areshown below. Some quotes include:Wrap-up on Points of Interest: Across a semester what was the impact of Interest Points on your attitude & interest?"Relating things to my daily life helps me to retain info better"Wrap-up on Muddiest Points:Did your responses to Muddiest Points help you identify your issues on content andconcepts?"The muddiest point helped me realize what I may not be aware of"Did discussing Muddy Point(s) at the start of next class help your understanding (or not)?"Questions other people asked helped because, many times they were questions I didn't think toask"Wrap-up on Learning Points: Did your responses on Learning Points help you
1998 Annual Conference
Fred Weber; Daniel C. Yoder; Christopher D. Pionke; J. Roger Parsons
also how the direction of the force is related to the direction of the movement. If wepull straight up on the box and the upward force is less than the box’s weight we will reduce the contact force of the floor on thebox, but will do no useful work moving the box across the floor. If the force pulls directly in the direction that the box moves theforce does the most useful work. The work is therefore W = F s = F *s * cos(), where F is the size of the force, s is thedistance the object moves, and is the angle between the direction of the force and the direction of motion. Note the F s,which is read as “F dot s”. This is not the same as F * s (F times s), but is rather called the “dot product”. In general, A B =A * B * cos(), where A and B
Conference Session
Student Division (STDT) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vivian H Nguyen, City Colleges of Chicago ; Anthony Jesus Blanco, City Colleges of Chicago; Andrew Steppan, City Colleges of Chicago; Juan Munoz, City Colleges of Chicago ; Guadalupe Pina-Castillo, City Colleges of Chicago; Shlesha Patel, City Colleges of Chicago; Melvin Cabrera, City Colleges of Chicago; Tobias Wimmer; Doris J. Espiritu, City Colleges of Chicago
Tagged Divisions
Student Division (STDT)
importance of creating theseopportunities for college retention.VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-1832553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. The authors would like to acknowledge Jason Osei-Tutu, Dr. RuzicaTodorovic and Bridget O’ Connell for supporting our research and facilitating the Center ofExcellence for Engineering and Computer Science at Wilbur Wright College, City Colleges ofChicago. This research is derived from the research “Building Bridges into Engineering andComputer Science” that is approved by the City
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division (EP2D) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Morphew, Purdue University; Amirreza Mehrabi, Purdue Engineering Education; Ben Van Dusen, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Jayson Nissen
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics Division (EP2D)
an accessible and reliable assessmentsystem for assessing conceptual STEM understanding for colleges and universities that aligns withSTEM curriculum and uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) based assessment methods. Table 1: Operational Definition of Terms Term Operational Definition Example(s) Proficiency The proficiency of a person reflects the probability • Percentage correct on of answering test items correctly. The higher the static exams. individual’s proficiency, the higher the probability • Theta estimate on CATs. of a correct response. Different fields refer to proficiency as ability, latent trait, theta. Content
Conference Session
Using technology in engineering ethics education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy Anne Hammond, Texas A&M University; Pauline Wade, Texas A&M University; Shawna Thomas, Texas A&M University; Hillary E. Merzdorf, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
(Instructor 1: M = 4.79, SD = 1.64; Instructor2: M = 6.12, SD = 1.30). On average for both sections, students’ lowest ratings were for thebenefits that videos would have had during their sophomore year (M = 5.22, SD = 1.77).Figure 1 shows the distribution of student ratings for each question in the survey. Distributionsfor Questions 1, 2, and 4 were negatively skewed as students rated these aspects highly. For bothsections, distributions were similar for Question 1, “Helped in being knowledgeable aboutcurrent ethical issues in computing” and Question 4, “Picking your own ethics topics.” Instructor2’s section gave higher ratings to the importance of analyzing ethical implications of capstoneprojects. The two sections were somewhat opposite in rating
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 17
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sakhi Aggrawal, Purdue University ; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
pedagogical strategies that harness the strengths of agile frameworks to enrich the educational experience of students. References[1] D. Lopatto, “Undergraduate research as a high-impact student experience,” Peer Rev., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 27–31, Mar. 2010.[2] J. O. Shanahan, E. Ackley-Holbrook, E. Hall, K. Stewart, and H. Walkington, “Ten Salient Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentors: A Review of the Literature,” Mentor. Tutoring Partnersh. Learn., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 359–376, Oct. 2015, doi: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126162.[3] G. D. Kuh, “High-Impact educational practices.,” Peer Rev., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 30–31, Sep. 2008.[4] S. Aggrawal and A. J. Magana, “Undergraduate Student Experience with Research Facilitated by Project
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI) Technical Session 8
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mehrube Mehrubeoglu, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; Lifford McLauchlan, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; David Hicks; Adetoun Yeaman, Northeastern University; Maria Vasilyeva, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering Division (MULTI)
defined as a limit of Riemann sums. White down the limit form and then decide 𝑏on the units of ∫𝑎 𝑓(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 .Fancier version: assume g(s,t) is a function of two variables, where s is measured in v units and tis measured in w units and g is measured in o units (for output) .Write down the limit and difference quotient that is used to find ∂g/∂s.What does that make the units of ∂g/∂s ? 𝑏 𝑑What would be the units for the double integral ∫𝑎 ∫𝑐 𝑔(𝑠, 𝑡)𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ?Reflection: 1. Did you remember how to obtain units on derivatives and integrals? (Please elaborate) 2. Does this exercise refresh your understanding of calculating units from Calculus I or Linear Algebra
Conference Session
Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Construction Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Eduardo Abril; Miguel Andres Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
Murzi, H., 2023, “Board 2A: WIP: Opportunities in Cultural Dimensions between Architecture and Civil Engineering Students in Ecuador,” 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.[10] Shaaban, K., 2013, “Practical Teaching and Its Importance in Teaching Civil Engineering,” Global Innovators Conference 2013, Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press), College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, Doha, Qatar,.[11] Cai, H., “A Practical Teaching Model in a Civil Engineering Course.”[12] Emzain, Z., Qosim, N., Mufarrih, A., and Hadi, S., 2022, “Finite Element Analysis and Fabrication of Voronoi Perforated Wrist Hand Orthosis Based on Reverse Engineering Modelling Method,” J. Appl. Eng. Technol. Sci. JAETS, 4
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bhuvaneswari Gopal, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
, has gained attention from the computingeducation community over the last few years [1]. The focus in PI is active student engagementthrough discussion, involving students in the answering and discussion of multiple-choicequestions. This is typically accomplished by obtaining real-time student feedback through theuse of student response systems in class as the students learn the topic.SOLID is an acronym that denotes five basic principles widely used in designing software builton the .NET platform. S stands for SRP (Single Responsibility Principle), O for OCP (OpenClosed Principle) L for LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle), I for ISP (Interface SegregationPrinciple) D for DI (Dependency Inversion Principle). The main purpose of these
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD) Technical Session: Engineering Leadership in Industry
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
Paper ID #44107Whistle While You Work: Drivers and Impacts of Happiness at Work forEngineersMr. Seth Claberon Sullivan, Texas A&M University Seth Sullivan is the Director of the Zachry Leadership Program in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the university, he worked in consulting in the private sector and as an analyst in the U.S. Government. Heˆa C™s earned ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Whistle While You Work: Antecedents and Impacts of Happiness at Work for EngineersAbstract This research explores the
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Design Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; James Loren Christian, University of Michigan; Seda Yilmaz, Iowa State University; Colleen M. Seifert, University of Michigan; Richard Gonzalez, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
improving the set of concepts available for furtherdevelopment in the design process.AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to Jamie Phillips for inviting us to his classroom to work with his students. Thiswork is funded by The National Science Foundation, Engineering Design and Innovation (EDI)Grant 0927474.References[1] Ahmed, S.; Wallace, K. M.; Blessing, L. T. M. (2003). Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks. Journal of Research in Engineering Design, 14, 1-11.[2] Cross, N. (2001). Design cognition: Results from protocol and other empirical studies of design activity. In C. M. Eastman, W. M. McCracken & W. C. Newstetter (Eds.), Design knowing and learning: Cognition in design
Conference Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Hug, University of Colorado, Boulder; Susan Jurow, University of Colorado at Boulder; Wendy C. Chi, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
you think about graduate school? FemProf Participant: Even though I already did research, I didn‟t really understand very well the whole entire master‟s/Ph.D. degree process. At the first school I was a tutor, and really enjoyed that. Since I‟m studying engineering, I just don‟t want to be a teacher in high school, and didn‟t understand how to become a professor. FemProf coordinators have given me seminars and how about grad school works, and I have talked to them individually about their experiences in the doctoral degree, as the doctoral degree sounds like a super-hard thing but it‟s actually not as scary as it seems.Program directors highlight ways women can support one another in their
Conference Session
Mentoring First Year Students
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daina Briedis, Michigan State Univesity; Nathaniel Ehrlich, Michigan State University; Colleen McDonough, Michigan State University; Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University; Thomas Wolff, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF). The authors also wish to thank Karen Clark, Research Assistant,Institute for Public Policy and Survey Research, Office for Survey Research at MSU for hertimely and efficient programming, survey administration, and data retrieval. We are alsoindebted to Mr. Timothy Hinds, the instructor of EGR 100, who has generously allowed us touse his class as a contact point for the CF program.Bibliography1. Seymour, Elaine and Nancy M. Hewitt (1997). Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.2. Keller, J.M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. Instructional-design theories and models: An
Conference Session
Issues and Answers in Mathematics Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter J. Sherman, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
traditional formative frameworkassociated with K-12 education, but rather, in relation to what one might deem, the positiveoutcome framework associated with students majoring in STEM areas at the university level.The motivation for this approach is based on an argument that, while university students inSTEM disciplines are considered as STEM education achievements, fundamental flaws in basicconceptual mathematical knowledge persist; flaws that if more aggressively addressed at the K-12 level could result in attracting more youth to pursue STEM interests. The argument is basedon personal anecdotal evidence associated with the author‟s experiences. Hence, it does not havea rigorous foundation. Nonetheless, it is an argument that will hopefully resonate
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics of Materials & General Mechanics
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Freeman, University of Texas, Pan American; Horacio Vasquez, University of Texas, Pan American; Martin Knecht, South Texas College; Taylor Martin, Univ of Texas at Austin; Arturo Fuentes, University of Texas, Pan American; Joan Walker, Long Island University; Araceli Ortiz, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
: Summative instructional events are now presented. Knowledge and learner centered. Go public: This is a high stakes motivating component introduced to motivate the student to do well. Learner and community centered.Challenge 2…NThe following progressively more ambitious challenges enable the student to increasinglydeepen their knowledge of the topic being explored. Repeat the complete legacy cycle for eachchallenge.Reflect BackThis gives student the opportunity for self-assessment. Learner centered.Leaving LegaciesThe student is asked to provide solutions and insights for learning to the next cohort of students,as well as to the instructor(s). Community centered. The legacy cycle contains steps or activities that appeal to
Conference Session
Faculty Reward System Reform
2005 Annual Conference
J.W. Bardo; Gary Bertoline; Eugene DeLoatch; Duane Dunlap; Albert McHenry; T.G. Stanford; S.J. Tricamo; P.Y. Lee; H.J. Palmer; Michael Dyrenfurth; Dennis Depew; Donald Keating
Session 2155An Emerging Template for Professionally Oriented Faculty Reward Systemsthat Supports Professional Scholarship, Teaching, and Creative Engagement in Engineering Practice for the Development and Innovation of Technology D. A. Keating, 1 T. G. Stanford, 1 J. W. Bardo, 2 D. D. Dunlap, 2 D. R. Depew, 3 G. R. Bertoline, 3 M. J. Dyrenfurth, 3 A. L. McHenry, 4 P. Y. Lee, 5 E. M. DeLoatch, 6 S. J. Tricamo, 7 H. J. Palmer 8 University of South Carolina 1 / Western Carolina University 2 / Purdue University 3 Arizona State University East 4 / California Polytechnic State
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education
2004 Annual Conference
Joseph LaLopa; Mara Wasburn
the atmosphere. One protégé's mentor was described as"more interested in blowing his own horn than in any meaningful interaction." Another protégéagreed: "I have a lot of anger about my interaction with my mentor. All he did was offend andtalk and never listened to the protégés."7The Montclair State program described above relies heavily on the group as mentor, anetworking mentoring model discussed above.2, 3 As will be seen below, that approach stands insharp contrast to the Purdue's Faculty Mentoring Network program's reliance on the dyadicinteractions of mentor and protégé(s).The Faculty Mentoring Network at Purdue UniversityThe Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) was conceived and implemented by the TeachingAcademy at Purdue University. The
Conference Session
Data Analytics in Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A. Verleger, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
 the  best  word(s)  to  branch  on  at  each  point  to  reduce  the  overall  error.  The  result  tends  to  be  a  more  accurate  tree  (as  each  branching  word  is  explicitly  chosen  to  reduce  the  classification  error),  but  for  a  non-­‐trivial  increase  in  the  amount  of  time  needed  to  identify  the  appropriate  words.    Each  item  took  between  8  and  10  hours  for  this  algorithm  to  identify  the  final
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division - General Technical Session 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacob P. Moore, Virginia Tech; Michel Paul Pascale; Christopher B. Williams, Virginia Tech; Chris North, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Foundation. The authors would also like to acknowledge Lauren Gibboney, JosephLuke, James McIntyre, John Nein, and Joshua Rush for their work developing the Adaptive Maptool.6. References[1] T. L. Russell, The No Significant Difference Phenomenon. North Carolina State University, 1999.[2] D. F. Dansereau, “Node-Link Mapping Principles for Visualizing Knowledge and Information,” in Knowledge and Information Visualization, vol. 3426, S.-O. Tergan and T. Keller, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 61–81.[3] G. W. Ellis, A. Rudnitsky, and B. Silverstein, “Using concept maps to enhance understanding in Engineering Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 20, pp. 1012–1021, 2004.[4] M. W. A
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 5: Self- Efficacy
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Myers, Rowan University; Matthew Currey, Rowan University; Luciano Miles Miletta, Rowan University; Darby Rose Riley, Rowan University; Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Student Division (STDT)
Foundation, 2018.[2] T. Jungert and M. Rosander, “Self-efficacy and strategies to influence the study environment,” Teaching in Higher Education, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 647–659, Dec. 2010.[3] A. Ahmad and T. Safaria, “Effects of Self-Efficacy on Students’ Academic Performance,” Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013.[4] R. W. Lent, S. D. Brown, J. Schmidt, B. Brenner, H. Lyons, & D. Treistman, "Relation of contextual supports and barriers to choice behavior in engineering majors: Test of alternative social cognitive models," Journal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 458–465, 2003.[5] D. R. Schaefer, S
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 8: Peers as Mentors & Instructors
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan Matutes, University of Indianapolis; Shelby Hacker, University of Indianapolis; Patricia Snell Herzog, Indiana University Indianapolis; Stephen J. Spicklemire, University of Indianapolis; Kenneth Reid, University of Indianapolis; Joan Martinez, University of Indianapolis; Brett Leonard, University of Indianapolis; Joseph B. Herzog, University of Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
and gaining leadership experience. Also, peer mentors thought it was a funthing to do. Some wanted to give back and signed up because they cared about the success oftheir peers and younger students, and it was a good way to meet other people. Once selected, the peer mentors created a one-paragraph bio that included interestsoutside of class. The bios of all the peer mentors were then shared with all of the incomingfirst-year students. Next, a preference survey was sent out to all the first-year students to indicatewhich peer mentor(s) they were interested in being paired with. In the survey, it was noted thatthese groups were not intended to be groups of majors (i.e., all mechanical engineers), but ratherstudents were encouraged to
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wonki Lee, Purdue University; Nathan Mentzer, Purdue University; Amiah Clevenger; Andrew Jackson, University of Georgia; Scott R Bartholomew, Brigham Young University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
engineering students. 11 References[1] R. W. Bybee, “The BSCS 5E instructional model: Personal reflections and contemporary implications,” Sci. Child., vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 10–13, 2014.[2] S. Rodriguez, K. Allen, J. Harron, and S. A. Qadri, “Making and the 5E Learning Cycle,” Sci. Teach., vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 48–55, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.2505/4/tst18_086_05_48.[3] R. P. McCurdy, M. L. Nickels, and S. B. Bush, “Problem-based design thinking tasks: Engaging student empathy in STEM,” Electron. J. Res. Sci. Math. Educ., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 22–55, 2020, Accessed: Jan. 25, 2024. [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 24
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel B. Gavitte, Tufts University; Milo Koretsky, Tufts University; Jeffrey A. Nason, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
the group encountered in the virtual laboratory was to decide whatparameters to use for their first experiment. In this encounter, the group is confronted with and addressesthis gap. 1 Blue: So, now we have to pick the range. 2 Red: So, the first six, do you want to do a higher range? 3 Green: 5, 10... 15, 20, 25- 4 Red: Well, it would be up to 25 because one's a control. Right? So, we only have five. 5 Green: Well, we want to go up to a maximum of 100, right? That's the goal? 6 Red: We can do that. So, do you want to do obviously 10, but... 20's? That would give us the wide range for zero to 100 for the first run. 7 Green: We could
Conference Session
ELOS Technical Session 2 - Beliefs, Motivation, and Pedagogy
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel Sharpe, University of Colorado Boulder; Heidi G. Loshbaugh, University of Colorado Boulder; Kai Amey, University of Colorado Boulder; Karen C Crouch, University of Colorado Boulder; Janet Yowell, University of Colorado Boulder; Nick Stites, University of Colorado Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division (DELOS)
(CEAS), the Integrated Teaching and LearningProgram (ITLP) emerged in the 1990’s from student demand and with college recognition thatattrition was a concern. At the time, CU offered hands-on experiences only in select junior- orsenior-design courses. “‘From an engineering perspective, lab classes are good because they giveyou a feeling for what you’re learning, and if you’re a visual learner, ITLP can help you learnfaster and better,’ said Eric Peers, an electrical and computer engineering senior,” who chairedthe student movement to launch more access to hands-on learning [28]. Envisioning an approachthat was more targeted for specific populations was not yet on the table.Improved student retention and satisfaction were early ITLP outcomes [29
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eliot Bethke, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; Ali Ansari, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer R Amos, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Joe Bradley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University; Holly M Golecki, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering Division (BED)
and developed tools to study the alignment of products and services with organizational processes as an organization seeks to address needs and bring new products and services to the market.Dr. Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University Dr. Ruth S. Ochia is a Professor of Instruction with the Bioengineering Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Her past research interests have included Biomechanics, primarily focusing on spine-related injuries and degeneration. Currently, her research interest are in engineering education specifically with design thinking process and student motivation.Dr. Holly M Golecki, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Dr. Holly Golecki (she/her) is a Teaching Assistant Professor in
Conference Session
Transfer Issues Between 2-Year Colleges and 4-Year Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Yowell, University of Colorado Boulder; Heidi G. Loshbaugh; Nick Stites, University of Colorado Boulder; Chris Anderson, University of Colorado Boulder
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
, Aurora University, United States – Illinois, 2018. [Online]. Available:[3] H. Jabbar, L. Schudde, M. Garza, and S. McKinnon-Crowley, “Bridges or barriers? Howinteractions between individuals and institutions condition community college transfer,” TheJournal of Higher Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 375–398, Apr. 2022. [Online]. Available:[4] J. Koyama and S. Desjardin, “Building bridges and borders with deficit thinking,” Educ.Real, vol. 44, p. e86415, Apr. 2019. [Online]. Available:[5] “Dismantling Deficit Thinking: A strengths-based inquiry into the experiences of transferstudents in and
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE) Technical Session 13: Attitudes & Prespectives of Teachers
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abeera P. Rehmat, Georgia Institute of Technology; Alexandra A. Towner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Meltem Alemdar, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael Helms, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dyanne Baptiste Porter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Roxanne Moore, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jeffrey H. Rosen, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marc Weissburg
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division (PCEE)