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Conference Session
TUESDAY PLENARY & Corporate Member Council Keynote Speaker
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Idalis Villanueva Alarcón, University of Florida
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Corporate Member Council (CMC)
. At the time of this writing, they all work in a large, Southeastern research-intensive R1higher education institution in the United States. Some of the authors do not self-identify asLatiné/x but rather by their home country (Villanueva et al., 2022). All authors have differinglevels of educational experiences, both in their home country and in the United States. All havecommonly migrated to the United States as part of their professional growth. Each of themconsiders themselves to be insiders of their Latin heritage and culture but outsiders to theexperiences the other authors have faced. All recognize that their identities are non-Monolithic
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bono Po-Jen Shih, Pennsylvania State University; Sarah E Zappe, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
process, for example, by orienting them to the expectations of an engineering ethicsconference or journal.Our Present WorkAt the time of writing, we have only begun Step 1 of the ABCD approach. When surveyingfaculty assets, we consider faculty in our university instead of limiting them to the College ofEngineering because some engineering programs are offered in other colleges. We also recognizethat other colleges have faculty who carry out research or have experience relevant toengineering ethics from the perspectives of history, sociology, political science, law, data andinformation sciences, business, etc. In the long run, it would be desirable to recognize theirexpertise when mapping faculty assets in engineering ethics.Because our faculty
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division (EP2D) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rodrigo Cutri, Maua Institute of Techonology; AIRTON EIRAS; Octavio Mattasoglio Neto Neto
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics Division (EP2D)
, Waves, andElectromagnetism. As a requirement, all projects must include mathematical modeling andanalysis of experimental data.Methodology:Table 1 [23], [24] presents the evidence that the proposed approach intends to collect inrelation to the competences to be developed by the students.Table 1 – Competences and evidences Competences Evidences Develop knowledge The students will collaborate with their peers and teachers to conduct a survey and define the theme of their project. Synthesize The project must be written in scientific language. knowledge Communicating Additionally, the students are required
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tarik Eltaeib, Farmingdale State College ; M. Nazrul Islam, State University of New York; Qinghai Gao
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology Division (CIT)
, IT Essential II) MCSA and MCSE certifications, making him officially Microsoft certified. Engaging Online Learners Grant Writing with Farmingdale Qualtrics CircleIn Application and Software Professor Eltaeib has been invited as a Judge for Poster Presentations and is part of the IESC 2021 Organizing Committee: International Energy & Sustainability Conference 2021 (IESC 2021). This honor is a feather in his cap, acknowledging his skill and mastery of the subject and provides exposure to the broader academic community, not only for himself but also his department and school. He enhanced his career whilst studying by working in the private sector as a software developer in several companies and the Enterprise
Conference Session
Strategies and/or Approaches to Engage Students in Agricultural, Biological, or Similarly Named Programs
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lucie Guertault, North Carolina State University
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Tagged Divisions
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Division (BAE)
of the subject. They also found that the coursehad a broad application to their remaining core courses in chemical engineering.In addition to being more relevant to students’ goals and interests, tailored courses offered by thehome department provide opportunities for students to develop connections with peers andprofessors in their major and to create a sense of belonging to the program [15].In the biological engineering program at North Carolina State University, BAE 200 – ComputerMethods in Biological Engineering is a 2-credit hour course taken by 2nd year undergraduatestudents in the Biological Engineering Program. The course was created to replace theintroductory computer programming course that students used to take in the computer
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 3: Student Experiences and Support
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Anna Brown, Utah State University; Marissa A Tsugawa, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Student Division (STDT)
students visualize code more effectively compared to their 2Dcounterparts (e.g. Scratch) [13], [14]. Not only was the visualization of components effective, butstudents reported higher levels of active listening, active learning, and peer collaboration whenusing LEGO® robotics.Using a LEGO® SPIKE™ robot and block-based coding, teachers can overcome challenges theyface such as motivating students by giving them a physical tool that represents visual codingpractices [13], [14]. This physical and visual tool can also assist in structuring game-basedproblem-solving challenges while minimizing syntax and code structure difficulties [15]. Using aproper game-based approach to teaching computer science using a LEGO® SPIKE™ robot, willsupport high school
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Boyet, Louisiana Tech University; Jonathan Walters, Louisiana Tech University; Christian Smith, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Divisions
Mathematics Division (MATH)
a coursewhich was themed around a three-part core of logic, area under a curve, and limits whileintegrating algebra and trigonometry review. Emphasis is placed on exploration, rigorousderivations, and proofs to develop mathematical thinking.In fall 2022 the pilot was administered to six sections of Precalculus. The progress of thestudents from each section was tracked through the 2022-2023 academic year. Data from examsin their subsequent calculus courses was collected and compared to their peers from non-pilotsections of Precalculus to determine if there were statistically significant differences inperformance. This paper will outline and detail the curriculum. Statistical results from apreliminary study of effectiveness will be presented
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division (IND) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Amani, Texas A&M University; Dianna Morganti, Texas A&M University; Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University; Lance Leon Allen White, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering Division (IND)
University teaching research-informed writing and publication practices to PhD students throughout the College of Engineering. She brings a focus on information literacy to the critical review of scholarly communication practices in the classroom.Dr. Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University Dr. Kristi J. Shryock is the Frank and Jean Raymond Foundation Inc. Endowed Associate Professor in Multidisciplinary Engineering and Affiliated Faculty in Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University. She also serves as Director of the Craig and Galen Brown Engineering Honors Program. She received her BS, MS, and PhD from the College of Engineering at Texas A&M. Kristi works to improve the
Conference Session
WIP: Student Success and Sustainability
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nagma Zerin, The Johns Hopkins University; Sakul Ratanalert, Columbia University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering Division (ChED)
follows:“At the end of the workday, you realized that you failed to reach your target antibiotic productiondue to an issue with the oxygen supply in the fermentor. You would have to repeat the experimenttomorrow again. You feel demotivated and frustrated. Watch the following video on dealing withobstacles (the video link was provided to students [5]). How would you respond to your failedexperiment? Write your response in your own words (maximum 150 words), based on the lessonsfrom the video.” The group research presentation provided students the opportunity to not only learn about theapplications of the course contents in advanced research areas but also receive the professor’sfeedback to improve the quality of their presentations before the
Eman Hammad, Texas A&M University; James K. Nelson Jr. P.E., Texas A&M University; Yuehua Wang, Texas A&M University - Commerce; Heather Manley Lillibridge, Texas A&M University; Chris Scarmardo, Texas A&M University
are: • Oral student presentations via in-person at Texas A&M and via webinar to remote participants at the end of the 10-week onsite program. The students’ presentations provided an overview of the research projects, research questions, approach, observations, testbeds, and results, and students proceeded to demo parts of their projects for attendees. • Student research papers (“mini-thesis”): Students and faculty mentors formatted the research project outcomes as research papers, and students were trained on the skills of technical writing, peer review, proper citation, scientific rigor, etc. A few of the students opted to continue working on the research projects. One student extended the OT
M. Ginger Scarbrough
for students as a part of the curriculum. To fill this gap, out-of-classactivities, such as design contests, can be a valuable supplement to the undergraduate curriculum.Polmear et al. observed that out-of-class activities can help students develop attributes that are notsufficiently covered in the curriculum13. They reported that students who engaged in out-of-classactivities more strongly believed themselves to have achieved the attributes of The Engineer of 2020(outlined in the National Academy of Engineering’s list of 10 desirable attributes for engineers14)than did their peers who were not involved in out-of-class activities. These attributes includeanalytical skills, ingenuity, creativity, communication, business and management skills
Huseyin Bostanci; Nourredine Boubekri
, maximize productivity, and minimize waste; (b) train engineeringstudents with professional skills in these areas; and (c) provide outreach and education opportunitiesto nonparticipating SMEs. This paper describes the overall UNTIAC training process forparticipating graduate and undergraduate engineering students from recruitment to graduationthrough examination and certification. The experiential education approach includes orientation andsafety training, participation in assessments, and specific technical report writing. Additionaltraining covering smart manufacturing, cybersecurity, and decarbonization are also described. IntroductionThe University of North Texas Industrial Assessment Center (UNTIAC
2024 South East Section Meeting
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Deirdre D Ragan, The Citadel
regardingthe semester-long problem: “I am writing to inform you that the statisticians in this course havebeen asked to investigate several claims made by Mars, Inc. regarding the color distributions ofM&M’s®. Mars, Inc. claims that (1) the proportions of blue, orange, green, yellow, red, andbrown in plain packet is 24%, 20%, 16%, 14%, 13%, 13%, respectively and (2) the packets ofvarious types of M&M’s® have same color distribution and regardless of type, the number ofM&M’s® in each packet is the same. We request that you perform the appropriate analyses toinvestigate the distribution of colors, descriptive statistics, probability distributions, confidenceintervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, and chi-square and one-way
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Eric McKanna, Ohio Northern University; Firas Hassan, Ohio Northern University
Tagged Topics
student to progress through, the gamefeatures extremely helpful simulation and labeling tools that allow students to perform real-timeexperiments and debugging, all without needing to write a single line of a hardware descriptionlanguage. Figure 2 shows how wire has a flowing color depending on whether it is high (green) orlow (red). For colorblind users, the game also has moving segments that pass through the activewires, while the inactive (low) wires are static. All components operate on the same clock, and thegame provides a clock counter that students can increment to observe changes based on dynamicinputs. In the component development sandbox, the game also provides a delay score, a gate score,and a critical path highlight.Decoder
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Morgan Elaine Bartley, West Virginia University; Andrew C. Nix, West Virginia University; Brian D. Woerner, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
Laboratory, “About the EcoCAR EV Challenge,” Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions, 2022.[2] Dillon, H., & VanDeGrift, T. (2021, July), Creating an Inclusive Engineering Student Culture Through Diverse Teams: Instructor-led and Student-led Approaches Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Virtual Meeting.[3] Pucha, R., & Dunbar, T., & Yow, R. (2022, August), Role of diverse teams and socio-cultural aspects on students learning in freshman design course Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.[4] J. Martins, “Write Better
2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Yimesker Yihun; Lena Lamei
objectives. Students were organized into collaborative teams to work onthese projects, which encouraged teamwork and peer learning. During the implementation phase,the technical subject content was integrated with the three C's: Curiosity, Connection, and Creatingvalue, as defined by the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) [13]. This approachenabled students to engage with the research process, understand its various phases andinteractions, and synthesize information from diverse sources to address both local community andglobal challenges. Additionally, they learned to formulate and effectively communicate designrequirements and solutions, focusing on their societal benefits and economic feasibility. Thesebehaviors were in line with the
2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Seyram Kwame; Jay McAllister III
training due to demanding schedules. VR environments, by contrast, provide thebenefits of self-paced learning with immediate feedback, aligning with students' technologicalcomfort, and preference for flexible learning.In the late spring and summer 2024, the engineering and honors college librarian the emergingtechnologies graduate assistant at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville Mullins Libraryexplored two VR applications for soft skills development with a focus on helping engineeringstudents. At present, engineering disciplines do not emphasize soft skills development whencompared to other concentrations [4], [5] especially in areas where communication is paramount.These communication subsets consist of writing, presentation, empathy, and non
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 20
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lise Clara Mabour, Tufts University; Geling Xu, Tufts University; Brian Gravel, Tufts University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
many knowledge sources, practices, andmethodologies that inform how they design and conduct research and their future orientations inthe discipline. Both graduate student researchers co-designed with the end user to developprojects or products [1]. Graduate student researchers in engineering education constantly designresearch studies, tools, and environments with their advisors, peers, and other researchers.However, opportunities to co-design engineering projects with learners and educators are lesscommon for engineering education graduate students. Yet the work that graduate studentresearchers develop can influence K-12 educators and students and vice versa. Thus, graduatestudent researchers must have experience working with learners and
Conference Session
NEE Technical Session 3 - Courses: development, logistics, and impact
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Rajkumari Jayasekaran, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
performance and attendance. Furthermore, the research can group students into thosewho engaged with the online materials and those who were completely disengaged. Theinstructor plans to incorporate online and HyFlex options in future course offerings and expandthis study by monitoring attendance and its impact on performance. This study provides a basisfor exploring the relationship between attendance and student outcomes and will pave the wayfor further research into its underlying mechanisms.AcknowledgmentsTo assist the writing process, the help of AIs was used; for example, we used Grammarly AI tocorrect grammar, check sentence formations, and improve writing.References[1] A. Verde and J. M. Valero, "Teaching and Learning Modalities in Higher
Conference Session
Hands-On Learning in ET II
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maged Mikhail, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
instance, the goal is to achieve harmony in the system at all costs as soon as possible. 6. Can you provide examples of the type of data that can be transmitted from a machine to its supervisor? a. PackTags (Machine Status) b. Commands/Recipe parameters (Temperature, Speeds) c. Current Operating Mode d. Alarms e. Machine Cycle Count 7. What are some examples of data that can be exchanged between machine peers? a. Machine Status b. Machine Mode c. Communication Status 8. Besides packaging or producing products, what are some other intended uses for a packaging machine? Can you give examples of packaging machine modes
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan David Yepes, Florida Atlantic University; Daniel Raviv, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Mathematics Division (MATH)
experiences. The effort covers various courses, including Physics/Mechanics,Calculus, Statics, Control Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Probability, Estima-tion, and Computer Algorithms. The larger scale project, as it relates to calculusconcepts, intends to develop and integrate engaging games, relevant 3D puzzles andbrain teasers, captivating animations, real-world intuitive illustrations and demon-strations, short video clips, hands-on activities (including virtual reality and aug-mented reality experiences), collaborative teamwork and communication exercises,small-scale inquiry-based research, as well as engaging presentations and peer-basedlearning. It should be noted that this work should be considered as work in progress. Itis intended
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Charity Obaa Afi Ampomah, Ashesi University; Heather Beem, Ashesi University
Tagged Topics
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation [14].When students engage in project-based learning, their need for autonomy can be met as theyactively engage in tasks that promote learning, develop their cognitive capabilities, fostercollaboration amongst peers, and when they receive the right scaffolding from faculty [15].This paper directly builds on a study carried out with the students of Ashesi University whoparticipated in a first-year design-oriented course in 2022 [7]. That study commenced anexploration of the three constructs brought into view – self-efficacy, self-determination andagency, and it revealed the need for relying more on existing validated surveys. Here, a revisedset of scales is used to explore the relevance of these constructs through a
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Carter Hulcher, West Virginia University; Akua B. Oppong-Anane, West Virginia University; Xinyu Zhang, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Lizzie Santiago, West Virginia University; Todd R Hamrick, West Virginia University; Atheer Almasri, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
these efforts, first-generation students are stillless likely than their peers to persist or graduate from college [4] and there is the need forcolleges to understand the skills that first-generation students bring to college, and the skills thatthey perceive to be important to help them succeed in their coursework.The low number of women studying engineering at colleges continues to also be a problem,despite the efforts to increase the representation of women. According to the 2022 AmericanSociety of Engineering Education (ASEE) report, women made up only 25.5% of the totalundergraduate engineering enrollment compared to men at 74.5% [5]. The retention rates forwomen undergraduate engineering students are also highly concerning, as 22.7% of
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Kapil Gangwar, Wentworth Institute of Technology
enablestudents to visualize and experiment with complex engineering concepts, conduct experimentsremotely, access interactive learning materials, collaborate with peers, analyze and interpret data,and develop programming skills. Through the integration of digital tools and technologies, first-year engineering students can benefit from hands-on learning experiences, gain opportunities forcollaborative learning and communication, and prepare themselves for the digitally focusedmodern engineering industrial world.1. Introduction:Over the past decade, there has been a significant evolution in technology, engineeringtextbooks, examples, and practice problems. This transformation has fundamentally altered ourapproach to thinking, analyzing, and solving
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin E Wandke, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Christopher D. Schmitz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Jonathon Kenneth Schuh, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Yang Victoria Shao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
encouragestudents to discuss their predictions of what will happen with their peers, rather than justanswering with iClicker, as this has been shown to further improve student learning [8, 14].Lastly, we plan to reshoot some of these videos utilizing best practices to improve theireffectiveness, such as showing demonstrations from a first-person perspective [14], writing outkey information as the demonstration is given rather than just displaying it [15], and focusing onvisual tabletop demonstrations [16]. We believe that these changes can further improve thequality of demonstration videos to improve the overall educational experience of our students byproviding high quality, exciting demonstrations to them in a course where they previously didnot have
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ruoshi Zhang, University of Louisville; Nathan George, University of Louisville; Dan O Popa, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
. Dr. Popa is the recipient of several prestigious awards and the author of over 300 peer reviewed conference and journal articles, mainly in IEEE and ASME publications. He has been very active in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), including extensive competition, workshop, conference, and journal service. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 [WIP] The Magic Orb: A mechatronics demonstration and course project to attract next-generation engineering studentsAbstractOpen-house events hosted at university labs for K-12 students, typically feature academicresearch which often requires prior knowledge of the field to fully appreciate its significance.This disconnection
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Technical Session - Effective Teaching 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela R Bielefeldt, University of Colorado Boulder
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
]. Thesedimensions are: physical, intellectual, mental/emotional, social, environmental, occupational,spiritual, and financial. Students are encouraged to think about activities that will help themmaintain their physical, psychological, and emotional wellbeing. For the final objective, the listof available resources on campus is shared in lecture, and links are embedded in the courseCanvas site. The health and wellness resources on campus include: counseling and psychiatricservices (individual and group), disability services (including accommodations), medicalservices, health promotion programs and workshops, peer wellness coaches, and others. I believethat including the mental health unit communicates that I care about student wellbeing.The module is timed
Conference Session
Equity and Belonging
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Felicity Bilow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Lucas Adams, Clarkson University; Mohammad Meysami, Clarkson University; Jan DeWaters, Clarkson University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education Division (EQUITY), Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
coursework, suggesting that as they become more aware of theimportance of non-technical skills (i.e. professional skills such as communication, writing,creativity) they may feel less like they belong in the engineering profession.Previous findings have indicated that coursework highlighting the broader social aspects ofengineering can help attract and retain women, who view the social aspects of engineering asmore important than do their male peers. While we found strong positive relationships amongself-confidence, understanding the broad nature of engineering, sense of belonging inengineering, and attitudes toward persisting and succeeding in engineering for all studentsregardless of their exposure to sociotechnical coursework, our findings suggest
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 18
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marino Nader, University of Central Florida; Michelle Taub, University of Central Florida; Sierra Outerbridge, University of Central Florida; Harrison N. Oonge, University of Central Florida; Hyoung Jin Cho, University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
transition issues, and articulation. Harrison holds a B.A. in Education (Kenyatta University, Kenya), a M.A. in Special Education (WVU), and Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (WVU). Short Bio: Dr. Hyoung Jin Cho is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Central Florida. His research interest is in miniaturized sensors and sample handling devices. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed journal and proceeding papers and has 12 and 6 patents granted in the U.S. and Korea, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2002, M.S. and B.S. in Materials Engineering from Seoul National University in 1991 and 1989. He worked
Conference Session
Computer-Supported Pedagogy and Assessment
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tammy VanDeGrift, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
exam problems involved writing short code snippets,applying algorithms, applying networking protocols, generating state diagrams, and writingproofs. The instructor watched the video reflections to gain insight into the solution-generationand solution-testing process of their students in addition to assessing students’ work. Theinstructor awarded the maximum grade of the written solution and the video reflection solution;therefore, students could improve their solution on the video and earn a better grade.Students completed an optional end-of-semester survey about all assessment practices in thecourses, including the exams and video reflections. The survey data was analyzed to evaluate ifexam reflection videos were perceived as supportive to