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Displaying results 511 - 540 of 1145 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan Tomko, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Melissa Wood Aleman, James Madison University; Wendy C. Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Julie S. Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
uses the theoretical stances for life-historyinterviewing [21] combined with focused, in-depth, interviewing rooted in phenomenology [22].This approach includes the participants engaging in three separate 90-minute interviews. In theseinterviews, the participants describe and reflect on their past and current experiences. This allowsparticipant experiences, in the specified domain (e.g., makerspaces, making activities), to beunderstood through the context of their lives and allows meaning to be distilled from experience[23]. Through the three-interview series, developed by Schuman [24], participants describe thecontext, articulate the details, and mull over the meaning of their experiences. A 90-minuteinterview structure is suggested to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chip W. Ferguson, Western Carolina University; Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University; Sudhir Kaul, Western Carolina University; Paul M. Yanik, Western Carolina University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the weekly meetings, the participantswere divided into groups of 4-5 where each group was issued several discussion prompts. Theinitial peer grouping of participants was more methodical with freshmen being equally pairedwith sophomores and juniors, or purely homogenous groups, while the later groupings of peerswere more organic in their formations, containing a mix of demographics. The individual groupswould report to the larger group at the mid-point of the sessions, where larger group discussionswould follow. The four program directors and graduate assistants also participated in thediscussions by sharing their viewpoints and knowledge.Outside-group journaling was used to encourage the participants to reflect on group discussions.A series
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Annelies Kamp, University of Canterbury ; Dave Brierley, Engineering New Zealand
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
industry. Yet, key components of mentoring that havebeen identified in the literature are often unfamiliar at the level of practice. The intent ofmentoring is that mentees, in our case the engineering student, arrive at their own solutionsthrough a process of reflection facilitated by their mentor.In designing the mentoring trial, we used a five-factor mentoring framework, drawing on theeducation literature. 1. The first factor is building rapport. Rapport is at the heart of mentoring [18]. Rapport is when the student and their industry partner feel comfortable communicating. Mentors and students can build rapport by learning a little about the other; mentors can encourage rapport by being attentive to body language and adopting a
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cassandra J. Groen, Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Marie C. Paretti, Virginia Tech; Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Tech; Ashley Shew, Virginia Tech
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the ways in which this identity is influenced by stu- dents’ academic relationships, events, and experiences. Dr. Groen holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.Dr. Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech Lisa D. McNair is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also serves as Director of the Center for Research in SEAD Education at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Her research interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures
Conference Session
ET Administrative Issues
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anne M. Lucietto, Purdue Polytechnic Institute; Lesley M. Berhan, University of Toledo
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
that the population in the United States is nolonger as diverse as it once was[5]. As people have emigrated from all parts of the world,cultural groups are represented in much different percentages than 10 years ago. Over the lastcentury much of the diversity evident in the early 1900’s has assimilated into what is referred toas a melting pot, constantly changing. However, universities do not reflect the type and level ofdiversity of the current population[2, 3]. Both of the engineering and engineering technologyprograms, despite higher levels of one underrepresented group or another, still has much higherlevels of white students. Thus the general population that was once in the minority are moving toa more balanced number as related to the
Conference Session
Accreditation and the BOK
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Tara Hornor, The Citadel; Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C. Bower P.E., The Citadel
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
20258 which states that civil engineers are “Entrustedby society to create a sustainable world and enhance the global quality of life, civil engineersserve competently, collaboratively, and ethically…”9. The CIVIL Department adopted thefollowing Student Outcome in response:Student Outcome #15: Apply standard of professional and ethical responsibility to determine anappropriate course of action.With this student learning outcome in place, it was easy to incorporate the requirements of theQEP into the existing curricular design. The curriculum design is as follows: 1. Freshmen – describe the ASCE and the NSPE ethical canons and reflect on them using a vignette. 2. Sophomores – explain the ASCE and the NSPE ethical canons; description of
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech, Ateneo de Davao University; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Paper ID #23465Faculty Perceptions of the Teaching and Learning Experience in Fundamen-tal Mechanical Engineering CoursesMs. Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech, Ateneo de Davao University Michelle Soledad is a PhD candidate in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests include faculty development and data-informed reflective practice. Ms. Soledad has degrees in Electrical Engineering (BS, ME) from the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) in Davao City, Philippines, where she continues to be a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department. She also served as Department Chair and was
Conference Session
Literature and Research Perspectives on Engineering Leadership Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth Lamb P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Werner Zorman, Harvey Mudd College; Alicia M. Kinoshita, San Diego State University; Natalie Mladenov, San Diego State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
, phone call), appreciating the differences amonggenerations. The conversation then turned to key attributes for leaders, and this groups stated,keywords such as consistent (stable), fair, open-minded, willing to question everything, and tocorrect errors early (which requires courage & trust), and recognize mistakes. This groupsuggested that to teach these attributes, the team needs to meet often and debrief after a project –take time to reflect on the process and make suggestions for improvements. Instructors couldcomplete this process through role-playing at the undergraduate level.A partner at a construction firm quickly mentioned the importance of self-awareness and socialawareness as key attributes of new hires as well as seasoned
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Romance, Florida Atlantic University; Ali Zilouchian, Florida Atlantic University; Michael Vitale, East Carolina University; Lisa Greenberg, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Each CourseFaculty were divided into three math focus groups (leaving College Algebra for the end) wherethey specifically addressed main learning outcomes for the course, the core ideas upon whicheach course is grounded, and the supporting concepts that make up the core idea(s). Thisapproach builds upon a theoretical framework resulting from the work of numerous groups (i.e.,Mathematical Association of America - [MAA]) and individuals, such as Bransford et al., (2000)who, in his National Research Council commissioned book, How People Learn, providedrecommendations based on extensive work addressing learning and teaching in mathematics.Guiding their discussions were a series of questions such as (a) does the course outline reflect thedesired
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 2: Identity and Sense of Belonging
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Golding, University of Texas, El Paso; Celena Arreola, University of Texas, El Paso; Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas, El Paso; Crystal Fernandez-Pena, University of Texas, El Paso; Helen Elizabeth Geller, University of Texas, El Paso; Giselle Andrade, STEMGrow; Diane Elisa Golding, University of Texas, El Paso; Hector Erick Lugo Nevarez, University of Texas, El Paso; Pedro Arturo Espinoza, University of Texas, El Paso; Hugo Gomez, University of Texas, El Paso; Herminia Hemmitt, University of Texas, El Paso; Melissa Stearns
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
.” “EduGuide helped me to learn how to concentrate.” “More positive about things and better relationships.” “I learned how to keep encouraging myself and others like my friend especially my family.” “It has helped me personally with relationships with family and friends as well as improvement on my school work.” “It helped me stay on track.” “It helped me to reflect on what I have overcome. It has also motivated me to keep trying and help others along the way.” “(It) helps keep a positive mindset.” “I have been more conscious on what I want to do, on what I do and what I don't do. This has helped me improve in my personal and professional aspects.” “I feel like I have gotten a bit more motivated especially
Conference Session
Course Tools and Practices
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ekaterina Koromyslova, South Dakota State University; Carrie Steinlicht, South Dakota State University; Teresa J.K. Hall, South Dakota State University; Albena Yuliyanova Yordanova, South Dakota State Univeristy ; Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
; Profes- sional Diploma in Architecture (1991). Currently teaching at South Dakota State University, Construction Management Program (2010-present). Area of interests: Sustainable Building Design and Construction Materials. Professional experience: Architecture in the U.S.A., and Bulgaria, the E.U.Prof. Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University BYRON GARRY is Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Construction & Operations Management in the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering at South Dakota State University. He has been a member of ASEE since 1998. As SDSU ASEE Campus Rep., his goal is to help fellow College of Engineering faculty to be reflective teachers
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Retention
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerome P. Lavelle, North Carolina State University; Matthew T. Stimpson, North Carolina State University
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
minimum standard  Raise Program  Standing in matriculation standards/expectations process  Establish std. processes  Improve communications Support Course options  E102/E102 and E201  Maintain connections  E122  Intentional reflection  E144/E145 Active advising  Proactive intervention  Early identification
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Branimir Pejcinovic, Portland State University; Robert B. Bass, Portland State University; Phillip Wong, Portland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
mostly as an archive and is useful when reflecting on the current state of the project or when planning the next stage of the project. In Scrum, these would be called "sprint retrospective" and “sprint planning” stages, respectively. 7. Journal: This is used to keep track of dates of meetings and decisions made. It helps the team and instructor(s) track their activity. There should be at least one in-person team meeting outside of the classroom (lecture or lab time). It can be done using online tools, e.g., Hangouts, Skype or similar.Depending on the details of a project, more columns can be added. However, having too manycolumns can make information more obscure so this should be used with care.2.4. Trello CardsOnce
Conference Session
Motivation, Attitudes, and Beliefs
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justine Chasmar, Goucher College; Katherine M. Ehlert, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
looking athomogeneous groupings of mid-year engineering majors at similar institutions [6], [32], [33].Cluster 3 mimicked the all high scores (high F, PI, FoP) of previously documented sugarstudents, reflecting clearly developed future goals, high sense of instrumentality of currentcoursework, and a feedback loop between future goals and present actions. Cluster 1 (wafflestudents), featured lower average F, PI, and FoP scores than Cluster 3 (sugar students). Thewaffle students’ scores appear lower on average due to their (often two) conflicting views of thefuture and thus less concrete sense of instrumentality (lower PI) and impact of the future on theirpresent actions (lower FoP). Finally, Cluster 2 encompassed cake students, who have
Conference Session
Fostering Business and Professional Skills in the Engineering Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashraf Badir P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Long Duy Nguyen P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Kristoph-Dietrich Kinzli, Colorado School of Mines; Simeon J. Komisar, Florida Gulf Coast University; Jong-Yeop Kim, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
students and practitioners with regard to the benefits of the industryinvolvement. This paper also describes two successful capstone design projects and culminatessuccess drivers from the reflection of instructors teaching these courses.IntroductionThe profession of engineering takes the knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences gainedthrough study, experience, and practice and applies this knowledge with judgment to developways to utilize the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of all humans1. The engineerapplies his or her knowledge to design and develop usable devices, processes, and structures.The Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) formal definition ofengineering design states that it is “the process of
Conference Session
Research Methods
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine G.P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, University of California, Irvine; Zixuan (Victoria) Zhao, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
theGeneralized Observation and Reflection Protocol (GORP),45 which was developed by the Centerfor Educational Effectiveness at UC Davis and is intended for capturing classroom activities andinstructor pedagogies in real time. The platform is completely modifiable, and therefore, we foundit very convenient for this data set. In using the tool, we found it most convenient to “play” thereal-time screen capture recordings on a desktop computer with a large monitor and have theGORP tool on a touch screen tablet, so that as the data played, the researchers could click-on/click-off of the activities that were or were not happening.The GORP tool outputs time-series data into an excel spreadsheet, which we then uploaded intoMATLAB46 for data analysis and
Conference Session
Design Assessment
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Crepeau P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow; Michael R. Maughan P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow; Dan Cordon, University of Idaho, Moscow; Steven W. Beyerlein, University of Idaho, Moscow; Matthew John Swenson P.E., University of Idaho, Moscow; Daniel J. Robertson, University of Idaho, Moscow; Sean Michael Quallen, University of Idaho, Moscow
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
sticks, and other common materials (Figure 1). Within one year, Arduinosand three-dimensionally printed parts are used to realize the projects (Figure 2), opening upbroad possibilities that can be incorporated into the design. The raters all noted the markedimprovement in the designs between the freshman and sophomore years, and this is borne out inthe data. By the time students become seniors, they have more experience programming, usingmore complicated three-dimensionally printed parts and have developed machine shop skills tocomplete even more sophisticated projects. These observations are also reflected in the data.Across each course, the data gives relatively constant values from semester-to-semester, and allof the variations are within the
Conference Session
Curriculum and the Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sangarappillai Sivaloganathan, United Arab Emirates University; Salah Burhan Al Omari P.E., United Arab Emirates University; Aysha Al Ameri P.E., United Arab Emirates University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
method, University of Albany [6] quotesfrom Rudyard Kipling’s poetry, which reads “I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When; And How and Where and Who”University of Albany has given a four-step methodology for the case study method,which is paraphrased as follows: a. Preparing a Case for Class Discussion - A case assignment requires conscientious preparation before class. One definitely cannot contribute or get much out of hearing the class discussing a case that he hasn’t read and prepared. Preparation includes studying the case, reflecting on the situations presented, and developing
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Henriette D. Burns, Washington State University, Vancouver; Sean Palmer Marquardt Rice, Washington State University, Vancouver
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
questions (highest interest) by sex. Both sexes are interestedin mixing material (expected) but less so on how diseases like cancer work (not expected).Absent is mathematics interest for girls (expected) and space interest for boys (not expected):Figure 7 and Figure 8. Top Six STEM Interest Questions by Sex.By category, for some of the demographics, the mean scores reflect similar ranges as theresponses to the perception question “Do girls belong in engineering.” Note that the sample sizesfor different ethnic demographics are very small and can only serve as food for thought andfuture study, not for making claims. For example (Fig. 9), African American students score low,whereas Pacific Islanders and Whites score higher. Note Asian American and
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andreas Febrian, Utah State University; Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Kamyn Peterson-Rucker; Alia Melvin; Shane E. Guymon
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Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
-12 curriculums. As computational thinking (CT) coursesbecome common in K-12 education [11]–[18], some higher education institutions also startedoffering computational thinking courses to students from any majors [4], [19]. At its heart, thismovement reflects that computational thinking is everywhere and for everyone [20]. Various studies reported using text-based computer-programming- [13], [21]–[25], visualcomputer-programming [26]–[28], and puzzle instructional approaches [11], [29]–[31] to teachcomputational thinking. Most of these studies reported a positive impact on learning computingprinciples and an increase of interest in computer science in male and female students [12], [26],[28]. On the other hand, one study argues that
Conference Session
Middle School Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debra Brockway, Educational Testing Service; Kofi James
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
intended to elicit or measure this type of response. % relative to the number that attempted. We anticipated that scoring responses from a scaffolded version of the task would beeasier and take less time than responses from an open version, but our limited observationssuggest otherwise, at least for this initial administration of Parachute. While we did notsystematically record the amount of time raters spent on scoring the two tasks, severalobservations reflect the relatively more challenging than expected nature of scoring responses forthe scaffolded version. A single training session was required to prepare raters for scoring theresponses to the open version and scoring was completed in much less than a day. After theinitial
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing for the Future Through Projects and Research
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janis P. Terpenny, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Catherine M. Harmonosky, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Amine Lehtihet, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Vittal Prabhu, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Andris Freivalds, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Elena M. Joshi, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Jose A. Ventura, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
attached to the product. In other words, the product consisting of itsphysical goods and bundled services will serve as the glue that will enable our students to realizethe connectedness and complementary nature of these core IME methods for the successfulrealization and commercialization of goods and services. Just as journalism students learn topractice their craft on the school newspaper, IME students will run the closest thing to aManufacturing and Services company.This product-based learning and content delivery approach relies on the careful identification anduse of a set of products that reflect the global dimension of product design and manufacturing, aswell as the symbiotic relationship between manufactured goods and the consumer services
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Curricular Design and Assessment
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael A. Gennert, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Craig B. Putnam, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
torobotics, that leads to a two-pronged approach: 1) Supply talent to a growing industry, and 2)Start enterprises (ranging from projects to products to companies) to grow the industry, that is,both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.2.2. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVESProgram Educational Objectives (PEOs) define the context and the content of the program. OurPEOs have evolved to better reflect current educational terminology, but the core ideas remainunchanged. The PEOs are that graduates of the Robotics Engineering program are expected to: 1. Successfully a. attain professional careers in robotics and related industries, academia, and government; b. expand human knowledge through research and development
Conference Session
Why Can't We Get Faculty and Students to Go Abroad?
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David B. Knight, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Mayra S. Artiles , Virginia Tech; Kirsten A. Davis, Virginia Tech; Timothy Kinoshita, Virginia Tech; Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech; Kacie Hodges P.E., Virginia Tech; Tamara Knott, Virginia Tech; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Marlena McGlothlin Lester, Virginia Tech ; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech; Kenneth Reid, Virginia Tech; Denise Rutledge Simmons P.E., Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
, Virginia Tech Lisa D. McNair is a Professor of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech, where she also serves as Director of the Center for Research in SEAD Education at the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT). Her research interests include interdisciplinary collaboration, design education, communication studies, identity theory and reflective practice. Projects supported by the National Science Foundation include exploring disciplines as cultures, liberatory maker spaces, and a RED grant to increase pathways in ECE for the professional formation of engineers.Dr. Kenneth Reid, Virginia Tech Kenneth Reid is the Assistant Department Head for Undergraduate Programs in Engineering Education at Virginia
Conference Session
NGSS & Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hannah Smith Brooks, University of Texas at Austin; Todd L. Hutner, University of Texas at Austin; Victor Sampson, University of Texas at Austin; Lawrence Chu, University of Texas at Austin; Richard H. Crawford, University of Texas at Austin; Stephanie Rivale, University of Texas at Austin; Christina L. Baze, University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
innovative instructional strategies like project and problem basedlearning, which have the ability to create a STEM for all environment [8]. As standards changeto reflect a greater emphasis of engineering practices, a science or engineering focus tensionmaterializes where teachers may struggle to focus on one discipline instead of relying onintegrated instruction.This tension between integrating two disciplines may be new in engineering education, but hasexisted for some time for those working to integrate math and science. Following a report by theCarnegie Foundation, which challenged educational systems to improve math and scienceinstruction via integration, several tensions emerged [8]. Experts from several fields, whichincluded mathematicians
Conference Session
Connecting BME education to the "real world"
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia N. Savoy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mia K. Markey, The University of Texas at Austin; Henry Grady Rylander III P.E., The University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
in conceptualizing, organizing, and reporting a study. Most participants said theirprimary career goals changed over time, becoming less interested in faculty careers. Mostparticipants planned to pursue research careers, but outside of academia. Trainees said theexternship influenced their career decision-making, confirming current interests for some andopening alternate pathways for others. Trainees also participated regularly in scientificcommunication activities following the externship.Participants identified ways to enhance the externship, emphasizing the substantial time neededfor planning. A well-designed project promoted reflection on their career trajectories andsatisfaction with the experience. Involvement of the faculty supervisor
Conference Session
Programs and Pedagogies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Piyush Taneja; Elnaz Safapour, University of Texas at Arlington; Sharareh Kermanshachi, University of Texas at Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
) termed the learneras a thinker and creator of knowledge rather than as a passive individual who is dependent onothers’ knowledge. The importance of self-directed learning has been put in three contexts:(1) self-directed learning in the workplace, (2) self-directed learning for personaleffectiveness and satisfaction, and (3) self-directed learning in formal learning settings. It wasobserved that with the application of the self-directed learning approach, students learnsuccessfully and enjoy a feeling of satisfaction with both the course and the teachingapproach44. Brookfield45 (2008) provided a critical reflection of self-directed learning, statingits inadequate theoretical base.Social MediaLearning and teaching platforms are no longer limited
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven; Ronald S. Harichandran, University of New Haven; Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven; Jean Nocito-Gobel, University of New Haven; Cheryl Q. Li, University of New Haven
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, employing the techniques for idea generation presented in the module, and having themconceptualize the meaning of creativity. One instructor had students report via oral presentations(U2); another assessed engineering portfolios (U5); the 5 sections at U1 used student reflections;while the rest (U3, U4) had students submit written reports. Table 3: Summary of assessment results provided from all Thinking Creatively to Drive Innovation deployments Assessment Outcome Mean StDev AO1 Articulate creative component 3.42 1.3
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia Kay Pickering, Science Foundation Arizona; Caroline Vaningen-Dunn, Science Foundation Arizona; Anita Grierson, Science Foundation Arizona; Anna Tanguma, Science Foundation Arizona
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
CC-HSIs. KickStarter interacts at three levels within each CC-HSI - individual, team,and organizational. All three levels are key to institutionalizing successful organizationalchange. For example, KickStarter facilitates STEM planning discussions that increase facultyengagement, leadership, and collaboration, with visibility to CC-HSI executives to gainendorsement of a college-wide STEM plan. KickStarter also tailors its technical guidance to theCC-HSI experience level and provides a safe place for learning, resulting in NSF awards forSTEM education innovations. This paper will describe the experience and details for theimplementation and evaluation of the KickStarter program, including reflections, benefits anddrawbacks of the approach
Conference Session
Engineering and Public Policy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Katz, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Donna M. Riley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering and Public Policy
identified - non-competitive markets, public goods, externalities, information asymmetries, and principal-agentproblems. In this section we review each of these five sources in turn, proceeding with a standarddefinition, examples, and implications for research and policy in engineering education. Some ofthe examples provided are more concrete than others. For each type of failure, we invite thereader to reflect on their own involvement in engineering education and consider examples fromtheir own experiences in engineering education in order to (a) to personalize the analysis and (b)help demonstrate the potential applicability of this approach.Public goods We first take up the notion of public goods, because prior to marketization, education