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Displaying results 541 - 570 of 1020 in total
Conference Session
Distance and Web-Based Learning in Engineering Technology: Part I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Mehrabian, University of Central Florida; Walter Buchanan, Texas A&M University; Alireza Rahrooh, University of Central Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
furtherconfusion8. Similarly there is lack of clarity about online learning as supplement, complement orreplacement for other modes. This lack of clarity applies to many students, and in some case to afaculty. King et al. discussed similar issues in their experience4.Since this is a project-based course, we accompany asynchronous interaction with synchronousactivities. This is achieved through face to face meeting and live discussions between thestudent(s) and project’s faculty mentor. It is vital to the students success to keep this stream ofmeetings and interactions flowing since it will clarify many paradigms pointed out earlier. Theseniority level and practical experience of our students, many of them working adults, made asignificant contribution to
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Potpourri
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Llewellyn Mann, Central Queensland University; Shanna Daly, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
experiences, so that practitioner may be able to develop the ability to work with anew approach.The frameworks presented in this paper were aimed to serve as supports to guide interactionswith professional practitioners. They come from our own experiences and our own goals to carryout the implications suggested by our work. In the future a wider exploration and development ofthe framework is needed, particularly due to the apparent disconnect between the results of Page 14.420.9design research and changes in practice.Bibliography1. DALY, S., MANN, L. & ADAMS, R.S., (2008) A New Direction for Engineering Education Research: Unique
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Lutes, Purdue University; John Springer, Purdue University; Kelly Howard, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
compatible with Microsoft SQL Server2005’s data types and has integration with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 using its ServerExplorer. T-SQL procedures are reported to be supported in a future version.When comparing memory footprints when deployed, we found significant differences betweenSQL CE and Vista DB. To understand how much additional memory footprint was added by the Page 14.123.4EDBMSs, we also compared file sizes to what would be required if traditional sequential file I/Owere used. For our research, we created databases with a single table then populated the tablewith four different numbers of records. For sequential file I/O, we used data
Conference Session
International Study Abroad Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Echempati, Kettering University; Butsch Michael, FH-Konstanz, Germany
Tagged Divisions
tools necessary to evaluate the particular program and course educationalobjectives. Although currently there are no uniform guidelines to assess the individual studyabroad programs by ABET, each of the participating Universities have developed their ownassessment and evaluation tools necessary to justify their study abroad programs. Theintention of this paper is to discuss the assessment and evaluation tools developed jointly bythe author in consultation with faculty at the host institution(s).Description of ME Study Abroad Experiences for Kettering University studentsStudents who are eligible to study in one of the partner universities in Germany are asked totake a maximum of sixteen credits, normally encompassing three ME and/or Technical
Conference Session
Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Hay, University of Northern Iowa; Recayi 'Reg' Pecen
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
, 120 V, 0.19 A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation.Figure 3. Inrush current and power characteristics for a GE Helical 40W, 120 V, 0.37A CFL recorded during 5 s of operation. Page 14.116.7 Figure 4. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania Movie Flood Light Bulb.Figure 5. Inrush current and power characteristics of Sylvania, 130 V 200 W incandescent bulb. Figure 6. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 150 W incandescent bulb. Figure 7. Inrush current and power characteristics of a GE 120 V, 25 W incandescent bulb
Conference Session
Innovation in Laboratory Studies and Outreach Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Georgia Harris, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Elizabeth Gentry, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
̌ MultiMedia DVD ̌ Simmons Scholarship Poster ̌ Virtual Physical Laboratory ̌ NIST Metric Resources ̌ Other: ̌ Metrology – In Short® booklet ̌ Engineering: Go For It! ̌ NCSLI Membership Brochures ̌ NCSLI Call for Papers ̌ NCSLI Poster(s)Resources Used: ̌ NCSLI PowerPoint Presentation – Introduction to Metrology (available: ̌ NCSLI PowerPoint Presentation – Careers in Metrology ̌ Video/DVD (which one(s)?) ̌ Laboratory equipment and/or standards (give examples) ̌ Measurement Kits (from NCSLI training library – available now!) ̌ Self-developed lesson plan (please submit copy) ̌ NCSLI Outreach or
Conference Session
Engineering Education in Africa, Asia and the Mid-East Region
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Santa Clara University
Tagged Divisions
British educational system. Courses are offered for the entire academic year.Typically, there are some homework but no exams until the last week of classes. The final examis comprehensive and covered all the year’s material. It accounted for 100 % of the students ‘overall course grade.A new curriculum introduced in the late 1970’s was patterned after US universities. It was basedon a semester academic year system. Courses are offered every semester. Grades are based oncontinuous cumulative evaluation using homework, quizzes, midterm exams and a final exam.The first set of students were admitted in 1975 to use the second BSEEE curriculum which had
Conference Session
Micromachining in Manufacturing Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Clifford Mirman, Northern Illinois University; Andrew Otieno, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
., Kumar, S.A. and Prakash, J.R.S., “Micro milling of pure copper,” J. Mat. Proc.Tech., 116, 2001, pp. 39 – 43.[8] Childs, T.H.C., Maekawa, K., Obikawa, T. and Yamane, Y., “Metal machining – Theory andapplications,” Arnold publishers, 1999. Page 14.855.11[9] Mirman, C., Pedapati, C., Wan, S. and Zhang, I., “Development of a micromachining supportplatform,” to be presented at the 9th Annual IJME-INTERTECH Conference, Kean University,New York, NY, October 19-21, 2006.[10] Tlusty, J. and Macneil, P., “Dynamics of cutting forces in end milling,” Annals of the CIRP,24, 1975, pp. 21 – 25.[11] Engel, U. and Eckstein, R., “Microforming – from basic research
Conference Session
Widgets, Add-ons, Toolbars, and Videos: Web 2.0 Tools for Searching, Managing, and Teaching about Engineering Literature and Information
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
E. Michael Wilson, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
. Retrieved March 18, 2009, doi:10.1300/J101v18n35•052 Bernard, M.L. (2003) Criteria for optimal web design (designing for usability) Software UsabilityResearch Laboratory (Wichita State University). Retrieved from: Brown, M. (2007, September). Library Toolbars for Use and Development. Library Hi Tech News, 24(8),33-35. Retrieved March 18, 2009, doi:10.1108/074190507108360274 Rice, S. (2006) Take the Library with You on the Web: A Mozilla Firefox Toolbar. Brick and ClickLibraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium, Maryville, Missouri, 6, Nov. 3. ED493910. 78- 81.5 Booth, C., & Guder, C. S. (2009). If you build it, will they care? Tracking student receptivity to emerginglibrary
Conference Session
ELD Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sasha Gurke, Knovel Corporation
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
a survey on their experience.A portion of the resulting list of titles is shown in the table below: Knovel Pub. Book Title Author(s) Publisher Usage Year 12922 Roark's Formulas for Stress and Young, W.C.; Budynas, McGraw- 2002 Strain (7th Edition) R.G. Hill 4023 Handbook of Civil Engineering Hicks, T.G. McGraw- 1999 Calculations Hill 1683 Foundation Engineering
Conference Session
Innovative Teaching Strategies in Engineering Graphics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy Ernst, North Carolina State University; Aaron Clark, North Carolina State University; Alice Scales, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
' learning and performance? An experimental test of the match perspective versus self-determination theory. Jounral of Educational Psychology, 387-397.8).6. Bye, D., Pushkar, D., & Conway, M. (2007). Motivation, interest, and positive affect in traditional and nontraditional undergraduate students. Adult Education Quarterly, 57(2). 141-158.7. Pintrich, P.R. (1999). The role of motivation in promoting and sustaining self-regulated learning. International Journal of Educational Research. 31(6), 459-470.8. Yang, N.D. (1999). The relationship between EFL learners' beliefs and learning strategy use. System. 27(4), 515-535.9. Adams, W. K., Perkins, K. K., Podolefsky, N. S., Dubson, M., Finkelstein, N. D., & Wieman, C. E
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Physics or Engineering Physics
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego; Rachid Manseur, State University of New York, Oswego; Thomas Doyle, McMaster University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics & Physics
. The applied method didsupport collaboration among students, although not to the extent initially intended. It maybe possible that smaller student cells would generate more Blackboard discussions andcollaborations than were presently noticed. However, the benefits of the reportedexperiment greatly outweighed the challenges introduced by the method. We are hopeful Page 14.1113.8that or experience may be beneficial to others in the field, although small innovations andadjustments to the general characteristics of the class are always needed.7. References1. Blackboard: Lo, J., Gregg, M., Waldron, S., and Robinson, R
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachid Manseur, State University of New York, Oswego; Adrian Ieta, State University of New York, Oswego
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
foraccreditation built in.References1. Morrell, D. et al. “A Flexible Curriculum for a Multi-disciplinary Undergraduate Engineering Degree.” Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2005.2. Duderstadt, J. J. “Engineering for a Changing World, a Roadmap to the Future of Engineering Practice, Research, and Education.” The Millenium Project, University of Michigan, 2008. Available on the internet at Vallino, J. R, and Czernikowski, R. S. “Thinking Inside the Box: A Multi-Disciplinary Real Time and Embedded Systems Course Sequence.” Proceedings of the IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2005.4. Avery, J.P.; Chang, J.L.; Piket-May, M.J.; Sullivan, J.F.; Carlson, L.E.; Davis, S.C
Conference Session
New Research on Retention of URM Groups in STEM
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafic Bachnak, Texas A&M International University; Rohitha Goonatilake, Texas A&M International University; Juan Lira, Texas A&M International University; Conchita Hickey, Texas A&M International University
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Regents Professor. He received his B.A. in Political Science from Texas A&I University in 1969, his M. S. in Education with a concentration in Reading from Laredo State University in 1975, and his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Reading from The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining TAMIU in 1978, Dr. Lira taught at Laredo Community College and was a public school educator in San Antonio and Laredo, Texas. Dr. Lira is Professional Reading Specialist, Immediate Past President of the Texas State Reading Association, and a member of the International Reading Association.Conchita Hickey, Texas A&M International University Ms. Conchita Hickey is Executive
Conference Session
Professional Development in Materials Engineering
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kalan Kucera, University of Kentucky; John Balk
Tagged Divisions
; pp 1-11[6] Felder, R. “Teach Engineering in the 21st Century with a 12th-Century Teaching Model: How Bright is That?” Chemical Engineering Education, 40(2), 110-113 (2006)[7] “Schaffer, J, et. al, “The Science and Design of Engineering Materials, Second Edition” (1999), McGraw-Hill Education.[8] Cairncross, S. and Mannion, M. “Interactive Multimedia and Learning: Realizing the Benefits” Innovations in education and teaching international [1470-3297] yr:2001 vol:38 iss:2 pg:156[9] Wankat, P., Felder, R., Smith, K., and Oreovicz, F. “The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Engineering.” Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground. Eds. M. T. Huber
Conference Session
Software and Hardware for Educators II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State University; Chia-Lin Ho, North Carolina State University; Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University; Dianne Raubenheimer, North Carolina State University; Jeff Joines, North Carolina State University; Carolyn Miller, North Carolina State University; George Rouskas, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
problem. Proficiency The individual has some conceptual knowledge of both computing systems and their application domain. When presented with a problem, they are able select the appropriate tools(s), seek the necessary information, and present a solution. The regularly used technical skills are committed to memory and external information resources are not needed in these cases. More complex problems and problems with multiple possible solution paths for which they have to evaluate the quality of the different solution paths will create difficulties for the individual. Overall intellectual capability may be a limiting factor. Fluency The individual has extensive knowledge of the technical tools and conceptual aspects of
Conference Session
Capstone and Senior Design in Engineering Technology
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ivana Milanovic, University of Hartford; Tom Eppes, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
collaboration tools toovercome time/distance, and 6) fostering competition between the teams. Interest has alsosurfaced to form interdisciplinary and cross-program teams; however, the issues of resourcingand coordination, assessing performance, suitable project rigor and semester timelines must beaddressed.References1 Milanovic, I. M., and Eppes, T. A., 2008, ‘Modular, Adaptable, and Reusable Approach toThermal-Fluids Outwitting the Norms (MARATHON),’ 2008 ASEE Annual Conference,Pittsburgh, Paper ASEE-2008-440.2 Magleby, S., Todd, R. H., Pugh, D. L., and Sorensen, C., 2001, ‘Selecting AppropriateIndustrial Projects for Capstone Design Programs,’ Int. J. Eng. Ed., 17, 4 and 5, pp. 400-405.3 Jordan, A., Schell, D., 2002, ‘Design Projects and Industry
Conference Session
Outstanding Contributions to Mechanical Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven O'Halloran, University of Portland; Timothy Doughty, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
60 Temperature (deg. C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 Time (s) Figure 2: Temperature distribution of cylinder with time.ExperimentIn the Systems and Measurement course, the same students conducted an experiment, cooling thesame cylinder that was analyzed previously using finite difference techniques. The primary goalof the laboratory was to determine an estimate of the heat transfer
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education III
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suryaprasad Jayadevappa, PES School of Engineering; Ravi Shankar, Florida Atlantic University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
skilled faculty to handle thecourses at various levels. Acceptance of this approach is more in the mindset of the professors;the ones who can see the inherent advantages will embrace this faster. There is also a need todevelop books with a case-study approach with adequate design examples.1.0 IntroductionThe Oxford Dictionary defines “Engineering” as the practical application of scientific ideas andprinciples. Further an “Engineer” is defined to design and build. Over the years many disciplinesof engineering have come into existence and newer ones continue to evolve in order to addresssocietal needs. Since 1970’s Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) has rapidly evolved as oneof the major disciplines with large number of students pursuing
Conference Session
Critical issues in IT and IET: Focus Group
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
John Mativo, The University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, trailer and load of hex nuts is 791 grams. This issignificantly higher than the estimated weight used in the preliminary calculations.Recalculating with the new mass yields an ideal gear ratio of 2.5 and an ideal time to traverse theincline of 10.2 seconds.Table 1 shows the vehicle velocity and motor velocity for all trials including and threecompetition runs (R1-R3). Calculations are derived from equation (3) and (4). Table 1: Velocities for several Trial Runs Time to climb 3 Vehicle Velocity Motor Velocity Trial meters (sec.) (m/s) (rad/s) 1 32 0.09
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Hundley, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Wanda Worley, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Terri Talbert-Hatch, Indiana University; Mark Bannatyne, Purdue University; Sheila Walter, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; Elizabeth Wager, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
consequences if disruptive behavior continues≠ Have phone #s (police, etc.) at your fingertips Faculty members tend to indicate that there is a “gut” reaction in dealing with troubled,emotionally-challenged, and difficult students. They indicate that it is better to move too quicklythan not quickly enough, and that when threats are implicit or explicit, it is time to act. Whenfaculty start sharing specific incidents with other people, it is often the signal to start theprogressive discipline/documentation trail. Faculty consult or refer the situation to their chair ordean’s office, and may also elicit assistance from colleagues who have experienced similarthings. The use of faculty and student advocate offices is also encouraged.Department
Conference Session
Innovations in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Troy Perales, Texas A&M University; Joseph Morgan, Texas A&M University; Jay Porter, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
feedback from the Fall 2008 semester. The Toolkit is nowavailable for download and use by other educational institutions from the NI web site.Bibliography1. M. Radu, M. Alexandru Dabacan, S. Sexton , C. Cole, “Extensive Use of Advanced FPGA Technology in Digital Design Education,” 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.2. N. Alaraje, J. DeGroat, A. Oliveira, “Teaching Field Programmable Gate Array Design (FPGA) to Future Electrical Engineering Technologists: Course Development,” 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, HA, 2007.3. http://www.xilinx.com4. http://www.digilentinc.com5. G. Crouch, R. Lee , B. Johnson , S. Sharad, “Fostering Design Across Multiple Disciplines With
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Weihang Zhu, Lamar University; Kendrick Aung, Lamar University; Jiang Zhou, Lamar University
with the new learning material in a lab session, instead of one-on-one teaching.Additionally, more judicious design of experiments and data analyses are necessary to reveal thepotential of haptics in an Engineering classroom.AcknowledgmentPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Course,Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program under Award No. 0xxxxxx to Drs.Xxx xxxx. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.Reference[1] Bell, J.T., Fogler, H.S., Ten Steps to Developing Virtual Reality Applications for Engineering Education, American Society for
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Course Innovation
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio Talarico, Eastern Washington University; Esteban Rodriguez-Marek, Eastern Washington University; Min-Sung Koh, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
14.67.6functional units: a 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC), an 8-bit reduced instruction set(RISC) architecture processor with an 8 MHz clock rate, an H-bridge to drive the DC motor, andthe actuator moving the mechanical arm. Figure 6. Robotic system: main functional unitsThe requirements adopted for the design of the system are: 1) the arm needs to extend 19 mmbefore it reaches the egg’s membrane, 2) the velocity with which the arm reaches the eggs’membrane is 27mm/s and 3) the force with which the egg’s membrane is hit is 10N. Figure 7summarizes the basic algorithm used to control the robotic arm. The processor used toimplement the algorithm is an Atmega8 RISC microcontroller manufactured by Atmel
Conference Session
Design Projects in Mechanical Engineering I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tim Brower, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
14.1118.11Appendix I Appendix II Group Project Laboratory Hydro PowerPURPOSE:• to function effectively on teams,• to communicate effectively via a specification interface document,• to have a commitment to quality & timeliness,• to integrate multiple components to make a device,• to demonstrate ideas for turning water into power,• to show sustainability in the overall design of the device,• to use project management techniques.REQUIREMENTS:Horse Power Generation: hp = 0.003 + 10%Height: weight(s) must travel 8 feetAssembly time: < 30 minutesWeight of entire device: < 5 lbfSize: See rules belowParts of the device that must “stand alone” are the Nozzle
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of Graphics Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patrick Connolly, Purdue University; Kimberly Batta, Purdue University; Alex Morgan, Purdue University; Eric Wack, Purdue University; Ben Wheeler, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
avenue of research, as well as determining theeffectiveness of the software in other industry areas and applications. Bibliographic Information1. MSNBC (2008, September 4). Almost half of Americans facing knee arthritus. From Ibrahim, S. A., & Kwoh, C. K. (2003). Opportunities for Understanding. CHERP Policy Brief . Retrieved from Feudtner, C., Santucci, G., Feinstein, J. A., Snyder, C. R., Rourke, M. T., & Kang, T. I. (2007). Hopeful Thinking and Level of Comfort Regarding Providing Pediatric Palliative Care: A Survey of Hospital Nurses.4. Parekh, S. G., Lim, C. K., Booth, R
Conference Session
Capstone Design I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ding Yuan, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Nebojsa Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Jane Fraser, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
fortheir professional development. All responses to the question “Is this course helping you preparefor your future career” were positive, except the following two neutral or partially negativecomments: - “Yes, but it is hard to tell since I already have a job.” - “No, the course has no bearing on my lack of career direction.”As for the comments on the overall course, one student suggested “work in more group activitiesand group discussion,” and another wanted to get a regular grade instead of an “S/U” grade; allother comments were positive. Some answers were - “The ethics section was done well.” - “Everything was great. Thank you very much! “ - “Overall if I was to have had this class before my design project, I would not have
Conference Session
Computer Applications in Energy Conversion
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University; Paul Curtis, Northern Illinois University; Andrew Barendregt, Northern Illinois University; Anthony Surillo, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
AC 2009-354: A SUN-TRACKING SOLAR-POWER SYSTEMLiping Guo, Northern Illinois University Liping Guo received the B. E. degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 1997, the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Auburn University, AL, USA in 2001 and 2006 respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology Program in the Department of Technology at the Northern Illinois University. Her research interests are mainly in the area of power electronics, renewable energy, embedded systems and control. Dr. Guo is a member of the ASEE, IEEE and a member of the honor society
Conference Session
Embedded System Design
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
James Holt, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.; Hongchi Shi, Texas State University, San Marcos; Harold Stern, Texas State University, San Marcos
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
) Architecture, ed. Newnes. 2008, Boston, MA.6. M. J. Bridges, N. Vachharajani, Y. Zhang, T. Jablin and D. I. August, Revisiting the Sequential Programming Model for Multi-core, IEEE Micro 28 (2008), no. 1, pp. 12-20.7. W.-m. W. Hwu, K. Keutzer and T. G. Mattson, The Concurrency Challenge, IEEE Design and Test of Computers 25 (2008), no. 4, pp. 312-320.8. E. A. Lee, The Problem with Threads, IEEE Computer 39 (2006), no. 5, pp. 33-42.9. C. Chang, P. Denning, J. H. Cross, G. Engel, R. Sloan, D. Carver, R. Eckhouse, W. King, F. Lau, S. Mengel, P. K. Srimani, E. Roberts, R. Shackelford, R. Austing, C. F. Cover, G. Davies, A. McGettrick, G. M. Schneider and U. Wolz. Computing Curricula 2001 Computer Science. 2001
Conference Session
Technology Integration in the Classroom
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susana Lai-Yuen, University of South Florida; Maria Herrera, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
contribute significantly to engineeringeducation by preparing students for successful careers in industry.AcknowledgmentsThis research was supported by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education FoundationSME-EF Grant #M7005. Their support is greatly appreciated.References 1. American Society for Engineering Education, “Summary report on evaluation of engineering education,” Journal of Engineering Education, September 1995, pp. 25-60. 2. Lang, J. D., Cruse, S., McVey, F. D., and McMasters, J., “Industry expectations of new engineers: A survey to assist curriculum designers,” Journal of Engineering Education, January 1999, pp. 43-51. 3. Davis, D.C., Beyerlein, S.W., and Davis, I.T., “Development and use of an engineer