recognitionand advancement of all faculty.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1760577. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] J. Fairweather, Faculty work and public trust: Restoring the value of teaching and public service in American academic life, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1996.[2] R. M. Diamond, "The tough task of reforming the faculty-rewards system," The Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 May 1994.[3] E. L. Boyer, Scholarship reconsidered: Priorities of the professoriate, Lawrenceville, NJ
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range of exploratory activities, support systems, and curricula contribute s to theeffectiveness of recruiting students into the STEM pipeline. Due to the high variability in STEMprograms, this literature review aims to assess the practical methods of educating and retainingminority students interested in engineering careers. Scope and Research QuestionScope This research topic examines how enrichment programs prepare underrepresentedminority students in high school for careers in engineering. The population was limited tounderrepresented minorities in high school. In this literature review, students outside of theUnited States were not considered as part of the populace because underrepresentation
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instruction. College teaching, 44(2), 43-47. 2. Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. PNAS 11 (23), 8410- 8415.3. Jungst, S., Likclider, L. L., & Wiersema, J. (2003). Providing Support for Faculty Who Wish to Shift to a Learning-Centered Paradigm in Their Higher Education Classrooms. The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3(3), 69-81.4. Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (1996). Navigating the bumpy road to student-centered instruction. College teaching, 44(2), 43-47.5. Prince, M. (2004). Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research
-valence emotions to positive-valence emotions. Traditional moral emotions discussed in the previous section appeared in ourdata (e.g., anger, disgust, guilt, pride), but students also used other expressions to describeemotions they experienced. Emotional expressions could be classified into three broad themes:subsequent negative emotions, anticipatory negative emotions, and positive emotions. Thiscategorization was influenced by Pekrun [30]’s classification of achievement emotions. Pekrunclassified achievement emotions in academic settings into activity emotions and outcomeemotions and divided the outcome emotions into prospective/anticipatory emotions andretrospective emotions based on the time at which the emotions are experienced. Some
AC 2008-1575: “MICROGRAVITY RESEARCH TEAM” (MRT) PROJECTCOURSEJohn Kuhlman, West Virginia University John Kuhlman is a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at West Virginia University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1975, and his M.S. and B. S. Mechanical Engineering degrees also from CWRU in 1973 and 1970, respectively. His current research interests include spray cooling, reduced gravity fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and CFD. He is a course instructor for the WVU Microgravity Research Team project course, and also serves as co-instructor for the WVU Balloon Satellites project course.Donald Gray, West Virginia University Donald D. Gray
all kinematic and dynamic parameters for an assumed constant angularvelocity of the input crank of a one-cylinder, or multi-cylinder inline, vee, opposed, or W engineconfiguration. The program provided a realistic animation of the motion and the students couldreadily appreciate the connection between the input torque at the crank and the output motion ofthe slider. The force, moment, and torque balance configurations are also calculated for anyselected engine configuration based on the chosen crankshaft phase angles, number of cylinders,and vee angle(s), as shown in Figure 4-b. Figure 4: Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the slider-crank mechanismA side-objective is to introduce the use of MathCAD as a powerful software tool
mass flow rate of 8 kg/s is available to cool hot oil from 90 oC to 30 oC.The oil mass flow rate is 4 kg/s. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one-shell pass and four-tube-passes is proposed for this process. Using uniform cp values of 2.5 kJ/(kg oC) and 4.2 kJ/(kgo C) for oil and water, respectively, and assuming an overall heat transfer coefficient of 250W/(m2.oC) for the heat exchangera) determine the surface area of the heat exchangerb) plot the heat exchanger surface area as a function of water mass flow rate, when the mass flow rates vary between 6 and 30 kg/s.SolutionThis problem can be easily solved, using the LMTD method and the correction chart in Fig. 2.Using the specific heat and mass flow rate data given in the problem
”, J. Eng. Edu., 90, 507 (2001).[6] Allwood, J. M., B.M. Cox, and S.S. Latif, “The Structured Development of Simulation-Based Learning Tools With an Example for the Taguchi Method”, IEEE Trans. Educ., 44, 347 (2001).[7] Harmon, T.C., G.A. Burks, J.J. Giron, W. Wong, G.K.W.K. Chung, and E. Baker, “An Interactive Database Supporting Virtual Fieldwork in an Environmental Engineering Design Project,” J. Eng. Edu., 91, 167 (2002).[8] Jayakumar, S., R.G. Squires, G.V. Reklaitis, P.K. Andersen and B.K. Dietrich, “The Purdue-Dow Styrene Butadiene Polymerization Simulation, J. Eng. Edu., 84, 271 (1995).[9] Kuriyan, K., W. Muench, and G.V. Reklaitis, “Air Products Hydrogen Liquifaction Project: Building a Web
significantly higher; grade) more students dropped the courseFoertsch, J.28 Web-based Replaced (1 Undergraduate Survey Experimental gave lecture term) students (277) significantly higher Page 14.592.6 ratings for the courseHaag, S.29 Web-based Replaced (1 22 graduate and Survey & No significant
its inception and is currently expanding and evolving to meet the needs of both undergraduate and graduate students. He recently received the Teaching Scholars Initiative (TSI) award from the University of Oklahoma.James Sluss, University of Oklahoma Dr. JAMES J. SLUSS, JR. is Director of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of optical communications and photonics. He has been awarded seven U. S. patents and has authored/co-authored numerous journal and conference publications. He is a member of the IEEE Education Society, IEEE Communications Society, OSA, and ASEE
strategies for activeand collaborative learning, had no exams, and reduced the lecture to one classhour each week. The paper includes qualitative results from a survey regardingstudent preferences for the new class structure in comparison to the previousstructure.1. BackgroundHistorically, engineering education has been dominated by a lecture only format,in which students are expected to retain and memorize lecture material,reproducing it on demand for exams1. This one-way transfer of information fromteacher to student has been termed the “banking concept of education” by PauloFreire2.In the 1970’s Feire criticized “banking education” for its inability to activelyinvolve the students as critical thinkers. Freire viewed banking education as aform of
”included a claim about a design that was supported by anything else, whether that support was apiece of evidence or a warrant. Data So, Qualifier , Claim Since Unless Warrant Rebuttal On account of BackingFigure 1. Toulmin’s Argument Pattern23. Adapted from The Uses of Argument (p. 97), by S. E.Toulmin.The Framework for Quality K-12 Engineering Education was designed to inform thedevelopment and evaluation of curricula, standards, and other education initiatives related to K-12 engineering education24. The framework is made up of nine indicators that
you to design a fountain. As a member of the National Fluid Power Association, he requires that one or more of the nozzles is controlled by a hydraulic system which will allow the nozzle(s) to move the water jet(s) in some sort of pattern. The water jet(s) from the movable nozzle(s) must be high enough pressure to allow for a sufficient water height. He wants this fountain to be an attraction for his customers. You will need to consider a water delivery system, filter(s), a piping system, hydraulic system, and other components for this fountain. Preliminary Reply Investigation: some (not all) considerations during the first week: What major components are needed for a fountain and
words “research(ing),”“database(s),” and “resource(s)” were the most prevalent words related to the consultation.Across all semesters, the word “research(ing)” appeared in data 73 times, while the word“search(es)” appeared 15 times. When describing the resources shown, students rarely mentioneda database or resource by name (see Table III). Table III Word Count Of Terms Used To Describe Resources Resource Names Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Total database(s) 7 19 21 20 67 resource(s) 1 12 22 9 44
ofglobal warming can help prepare students to address global warming in their careers.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1635534 and 1635204. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We would also like to thank the students who participated in the research bycompleting the survey.References[1] J. Cook et al., “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature,” Environ. Res. Lett., vol. 8, no. 2, p. 024024, Jun. 2013, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024024.[2] National Research Council
Norback( of Kay Neeley ( 8 References[1] Gianniny, O. A. (1995). A century of ASEE and liberal education (or how did we get here from there, and where does it all lead? 1995 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC: ASEE, 1995. Reproduced in D. F. Ollis, K.A. Neeley, & H.C. Luegenbiehl (Eds.), Liberal education for twenty-first century engineering: Responses to ABET/EC 200 Criteria. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 320-346.[2] Neeley, K.A. & Norback, J. S. (2016). Communication across
Paper ID #29197Designing a Streamlined Workshop for STEM-H Faculty Engaged in theScholarship of Teaching and LearningMs. Jody Zhong, University of Louisville Ms. Zhong is a fourth-year doctoral student in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Louisville. Ms. Zhong’s interests lie in researching identity, diversity, and professional development/thriving within the academy.Dr. Patricia A Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She received her B.S., MEng, and PhD
of factors promoting the retention and persistence of students of color in STEM,” J. Negro Educ., vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 491–504, 2011.[11] S. Cheryan, V. C. Plaut, P. G. Davies, and C. M. Steele, “Ambient belonging: How stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science.,” J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 1045–1060, 2009.[12] S. Jones, “More than an intervention: strategies for increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM,” J. Multicult. Educ., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 234–246, 2016.[13] D. M. Wilson, P. Bell, D. Jones, and L. Hansen, “A cross-sectional study of belonging in engineering communities,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 687–698, 2010.[14] R. A. Lazowski, “A Meta-Analytic Tutorial
NationalScience Foundation. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Zengjun Chen for assisting withCAT test evaluation. Partial findings from the preliminary studies have been presented in theASEE Annual Conferences in 2016 (Paper #16685) and 2017 (Paper #17913).References: 1. Crawley, E.F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D.R., and Edström, K., "Historical accounts of engineering education", Rethinking engineering education: Springer, 2014, pp. 231-255. 142. Froyd, J.E., Wankat, P.C., and Smith, K.A.," Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education", Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, No. Special Centennial Issue, 2012, pp. 1344-1360.3. Graham, R.," Achieving excellence in
] Parker, J. M., and Canfield, S. L., 2013, "Work-in-progress: using hardware-basedprogramming experiences to enhance student learning in a senior feedback controls lecturecourse," ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.[3] Parker, J. M., Canfield, S. L., and Ghafoor, S. K., 2014, "Using hardware-basedprogramming experiences to enhance student learning in a junior-level systems modelingcourse," ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.[4] Candelas, F., Garcia, G. J., Puente, S., Pomares, J., Jara, C. A., Pérez, J., Mira, D., andTorres, F., 2015, "Experiences on using Arduino for laboratory experiments of automatic controland robotics," IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(29), pp. 105-110.[5] Grover, R., Krishnan, S., Shoup, T., and Khanbaghi, M., 2014, "A
Differences on Student Innovation Capabilities,” in ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, 2014.[3] T. C. Kershaw et al., “A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Examination of the Development of Innovation Capability in Undergraduate Engineering Students,” in Volume 3: 17th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies; 12th International Conference on Design Education; 8th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices, 2015, p. V003T04A008.[4] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A Model of Empathy in Engineering as a Core Skill, Practice Orientation, and Professional Way of Being,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017.[5] M. Kouprie and F. S. Visser, “A framework for empathy
motivate studentswithin their class by customizing course instruction and materials reflective of their students’future goals. With this additional motivation, students are more likely to use self-regulatorystudy strategies and behaviors, which has been shown to be a positive predictor of classroomsuccess [61]–[64].References[1] J. Husman and D. F. Shell, “Beliefs and perceptions about the future: A measurement of future time perspective,” Learn. Individ. Differ., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 166–175, 2008.[2] S. E. Tabachnick, R. B. Miller, and G. E. Relyea, “The relationships among students’ future-oriented goals and subgoals, perceived task instrumentality, and task-oriented self- regulation strategies in an academic environment.,” J
idea to one (or more) of the eight fields ofMATCEMIB. Idea flexibility was then established as the number of fields of MATCEMIBthe student had used in the generation of all their ideas. Therefore, idea fluency had nomaximum range, while idea flexibility was limited to a maximum value of eight. Theevaluation of the three assessors was then checked for inter-rater reliability. Results showedthat agreement was high, with values of Cronbach‟s alpha above 0.9 for idea fluency and ideaflexibility. The values of idea fluency and flexibility for each student were then set as theaverage of the values independently allocated by the three assessors.ResultsAnalysis showed that the mean number of ideas generated for first year students was 10.53,while
engineering majors.T-SITE: A UMBC COMMUNITY OF TRANSFER SCHOLARS 2T-SITE is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program and managed by the Center for Women inTechnology (CWIT) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). CWIT hasimplemented three S-STEM Scholars programs since 2007. The first, “Scholarships in IT &Engineering (SITE)” (DUE-0630952) served 30 students through spring 2011, 50% of whom werewomen or underrepresented minorities. CWIT’s second and third S-STEM projects are titled, “ACommunity of Transfer Students in Information Technology and Engineering (T-SITE)” (DUE-1154300) and “A
. The proposed creativity enhancing activitieswere created by Destination Imagination, a non-profit educational organization dedicated toteaching the creative process [28, 29].2. Background and MotivationCreativity is a construct that is commonly used, yet in research related terms, it evades consensusin definition [17] - [19]. This can undermine consistent findings when examining the efficacy ofcreativity enhancement and assessment. Although a single agreed upon definition has not beenestablished, Plucker, et al.’s survey of research on creativity found that there appears to be someconsensus that creativity has two basic characteristics: originality and usefulness [17]. For thisstudy, the definition proposed by Plucker, Gehetto, and Dow will
1 = Black/African American Louisiana Residency (State) 0 = Non-Resident 1 = Resident High School Rank (HSRank) 0.2 – 100 High School GPA (HSGPA) 1.59 – 4.0 ACT component scores Science Score (ACT S) 7 – 36 Mathematics Score (ACT M) 14 – 36 English Score (ACT E) 11 – 36 Reading Score (ACT R) 12 – 36ParticipantsThe participants involved in this study include first-time-in-college (FTIC) freshmen whoentered the university in any school year between 2006 and 2015 and declared an engineeringdiscipline as their major. Enrollment in a university seminar class that all FTIC freshmen
learned in their studies, altered theirview of other disciplines, and gave them the confidence to work on business ideas (new and old)after the event. While many graduates from fields considered a part of the creative class won’tstart their own businesses, the development of an entrepreneurship mindset and use of theassociated tools will be essential as they solve the grand challenges of society. Page 26.504.24ReferencesAkker, J. Van den, Koeno, G., Mckenney, S., & Nieveen, N. (2006). Educational design research. London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.Barab, S., & Duffy, T. (2012). From Practice Fields to Communities of Practice. In
forengineering design teams.Structuration TheoryThis study follows Whitbred et al.9’s approach that combines social network analysis withstructuration theory. This approach enables us to examine the structure of project teams whilealso examining the institutional and contextual factors that contribute to team climate, and to thedevelopment of group norms that affect team interactions. Structuration accounts for theinfluence of institutional factors such as rules or norms of what is “acceptable” or “appropriate”behavior within a specific social context, while also affording the actors within that contextagency to effect those structural influences. This theory envisions a reflexive relationship inwhich institutional influences constrain and enable