reflected onto theobject in testing inside the wind tunnel with the help of a mirror placed in a 45° angle. As thesingle laser beam energy is distributed over a larger area, the light intensity is also distributednon-uniformly. This results in a variation in the intensity of the laser sheet in Gaussiandistribution. Therefore, the intensity is inversely proportional to the area of the laser sheetproduced. Figure 2: Particle Image VelocimetryThese techniques are modified using a new concept in this project to overcome the drawbacks,i.e. the lenses in the system shown in Figure 2 is replaced by an octagonal disc mounted withmirrors which creates laser sheets with uniform intensity throughout the area of the sheet. Thelaser
Receive and Review Last Minute Sub Quotes Adjust Bid to Reflect New Information Received Bid Day Activities Evaluate and Decide on Bid Strategy Add and Distribute Job Level Overhead
and capstone courses, this is doneby planning a feasible civil engineering design or construction project with a community-basedorganization, categorizing activities that students can achieve, and proposing a timeline for eachof these activities.To accomplish this, two CECM faculty members identified community partners, listened to theirneeds and established common areas of work within a few projects that students are able toachieve. The faculty worked with the community partners to clearly address the goal, desired valueand sustainability of each activity. Coupling valuable civic service projects along with classicalinstructional models proved to enhance the learning experience and enable students to reflect onhow their collective deeds may
ofliterature by exploring the duality of collaboration and competition in particular. While there aremany allusions to learning via collaboration and competition in the literature — with a generalsense that both may be desirable in different contexts — there are very few studies which attemptto compare them directly, especially in the field of electrical engineering education. This work funded in part by The Office of Naval Research, Award Number N000141512442-P0001. The viewsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors, and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United StatesAir Force, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. This document has been approved for public release;distribution unlimited.For years, student
three applications. Studentresponses to the three questions were analyzed based on a four-point rubric. Responses andrubric entries are shown in Table 1. Figure 3: Sample JMeter outputVirtually all students performed acceptably on this aspect of the assignment. Few students had aperfect analysis, but most students could answer this set of simple graph interpretation questionscorrectly. This activity, however, reflects a very low-level activity on Bloom’s Taxonomy,simply applying graph interpretation skills to performance testing.Table 1: Analysis of the first three questions. - Which application is faster? - Which application delivers more throughput? - Discuss the performance differences between the three
reviews. The ECA-M8 will then beadministered to a larger sample of eighth grade students (~1800) to test for reliability andvalidity evidences for the revised instrument. The research team will engage in reflection on thedevelopment and validation process in Phase 10 to inform future research.Description of the ECA-M8The modified ECA consists of 13 multiple-choice items assessing basic understanding ofengineering design concepts and one design problem testing their ability to transfer the conceptsto a new design problem. Two design problem scenarios were developed, one for the pre-test andone for the post-test. Students were presented with five questions related to the design problem.Specifically, students identified the constraints of the
? Did the company plan ahead for X success and future growth? What are the manufacturing costs for the game? (How do these costs compare to market X X average) What percentages of these costs are focused on the pieces, board, labor? (Do the costs adequately X X reflect the quality of the game?) What is the manufacturing
Utilization of Resources Goals and Objectives Physical Space Figure 4 – Top Characteristics of TeamsSubjective AnalysisThe qualitative study for this IDE explored the unique interaction of team development over timeand its ability to predict team success. Through the utilization of the survey tool, three third partyobservers extrapolated significant themes found across the three observation points during theintensive weekend: 10:00 am Saturday, 5:00 pm Saturday, and 10:00 Sunday. Additionally, eachteam completed a team self-report on Sunday at 10:00 am as means to gather data and self-reflection from each team member.The third party observers found that the most significant positive and negative change
located his office in close proximity to the classrooms andlabs. He also made it a habit of personally getting to know each student, his or her first 6name as a bare minimum, and encouraged students to address him by his first name.The professor believes that this philosophy and fully communicating his expectationsfrom the students the first day of class contributes to the positive outcome of goingdigital.ResultsAfter the spring semester, the professor determined his success by determining if hisgoals had been met by creating a single self-reflection goal attainment scale. The scaleallowed the professor to subjectively measure qualitative goal impact and attainment(see Table 2
experiences (category 2),inspiring a “need to know” (category 3). ASME explicitly states the need for engineering andengineering technologists to, “continually learn and sometimes reinvent themselves”9 pg. 13 and“develop new knowledge based on a research effort”9 pg. 32, which is a direct reflection ofcategory 1 and category 5 which describe andragogical learners as increasingly self-directed andself-motivated respectively. These categories describe the need for learning experiences to beorganized around competency based categories that will allow learners to live more effectively inthe future and acknowledging that knowledge gained through experiences are more meaningfulthan that which is abstracted from professional practice. Another
references n=3 references Figure 7 Sieta’s Tree map for the Design steps C. Mathematical thinkingThe following Schoenfeld-inspired plots illustrate which mathematical thinking aspects eachparticipant engaged in during segments 10-17. This same period examined in section above fordesign steps. The tree maps illustrate the subcategories of the mathematical thinking aspects andtheir frequency throughout the entire session. Refer to figures 8 and 9 for the tree maps.The plots as in figures 6 and 7 appear (at least for this excerpt) to reflect that Casey the engineerengages
the content, drive conclusions and suggest solutions as part of their education.After all, “the four-year degree is not to provide industrial training for technicians” (Moran, 2016).Nonetheless, content-based classes, where students are expected to learn skills including readingfact-based texts, participating in discussions, and writing reflective pieces about the content areslim, and generally in the freshmen year of the progression, where students become disenchantedand drop out before they even get a chance to take heavy math and science oriented engineeringcourses (Bernold, 2005).When faculty are teaching content based classes, it is imperative that they rely on the Chickeringand Gamson’s (1987) seven principles for good practice in
. FindingsAnna’s View: Designing Possibilities and Confronting Constraints 8 Conversations with Anna, whether they took place in curriculum planningsessions or in the context of reflecting on the smART project, were characterized byoverflowing ideas. She often responded to planning questions by offering new ideas, andwhen students undertook many of the art-infused engineering projects, she would proposenew, related projects or ask for advice on how she could implement similar activities inher science classroom. She was often interested in how origami, an art form with whichshe had prior experience, could be used to teach other content, such as mathematics
session in-class).Towards the end of the term, students were given an online survey to reflect on the effectivenessof the flipped classroom model. The survey was done in both years F15 and F16. On average thesurvey response rate was 42% in F15 and 75% in F16. In both years, students listed thefollowing as the most helpful factors for their learning in the flipped classroom model: In-class problem solving: covering the material before class allowed them to better participate in the in class problem solving sessions. Learn at own pace: Having the video resources online allowed some students to learn the material at their own pace. Students were happy that they had the ability to rewatch the videos whenever they
techniques to be helpful to their learning, with most citing the ability to talk to andwork with their classmates to solve problems. In addition, the classroom was observed using theCOPUS observation protocol to describe it and determine the level of activity and interaction.The instructor’s main takeaway from his first use of these techniques is that they lead to largegains with little-to-no extra time or preparation. Although he had previously not used them dueto a perceived lack of time, his advice to new faculty is to try these techniques in their courses.Additional instructor insights and reflections will also be discussed.1. IntroductionActive learning has been defined as anything that students “do” in class beyond listening tolecture and
finalized list of competencies is shown in Table 2 These competencies werebroadly similar to our initial list shown in Table 1, but combined some of the competenciestogether and reflects specific emphases in graduate engineering education.Behaviorally Anchored Rating ScaleWhile the competency model described above is the core structure of the assessment protocol,there is a distinct need to create a framework for students, advisors, and peers to provide morespecific, behavioral feedback. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) were adopted in thecurrent study to rate performance. Typically, BARS are presented as a scale with several pointsand the rater chooses a level to indicate an individual’s current performance. One of the criticalaspects of
Engaging Student’s Perspective (ESP) was conducted at the mid-semester point. It wasfacilitated by a trained teaching consultant, who is a professor from the school of education atour institution. ESP asked students to reflect on what helped and hindered their learning, andadditionally solicited their suggestions for improvement.Question 1: Are the common gaps identified for advanced students being addressed by thiscourse?The five topics identified by the instructor team includes: Newton’s Method, IntegrationTechniques (including partial fractions), Simpson’s Rule, Applications of Integration, and Taylorseries and Taylor polynomial applications. There were two topics that over 60% of studentsmentioned that they had little or no knowledge of; the
. – 9:00 p.m. Reflective/Down Time 9:00 p.m. Lights out/ Bed TimeCurriculumThe NM PREP high school curriculum was designed by the Engineering New Mexico ResourceNetwork (ENGR-NM) staff utilizing feedback provided by the participating engineering facultymembers. The ENGR-NM leadership team met with members of the engineering faculty toidentify activities and to discuss the science behind them as a means of introducing students tothe various engineering disciplines offered by the college. Each department provided an activitythey thought would best engage students, while providing them with some of the technical skillsneeded to be successful future engineering students. A dry-run of the activities
, biotechnology, micro/nano fab- rication and computer modeling. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Robotic Outreach to Attract Primary and Secondary Students to EngineeringAbstractGraduate students and faculty at Auburn University’s Department of ECE developed an automatedNerfTM launcher for STEM outreach. This robot was created by the authors as a final designproject for a robotics course. The robot detects a reflective target using infrared light and tosses aNerfTM ball at the target. The robot was initially demonstrated to a Title 1 middle school roboticsgroup working on a competition robot at the university. This opportunity allowed for a preliminaryoutreach event
internationalresearch activities that might help them to be successful if presented with future opportunities.From the quantitative data, it also appears that participants may have identified areas ofweakness or research skills on which they needed to continue to work. For instance, participantsdecreased in their self-rating of their ability to create and deliver effective academicpresentations and ability to find and synthesize relevant sources for their research projects; thiscould possibly indicate that students originally overestimated their abilities and corrected theirestimation as they reflected on their actual research experiences.One particular finding deserves further exploration. When asked to rate whether their“Understanding of how cultural
approximately 650 B.S., 100M.S. and 20 Ph.D. degrees annually. These degree totals reflect the direction of the Board ofTrustees that BYU remain predominantly an undergraduate institution. About half of the B.S.graduates go on to graduate school at BYU or other schools around the country.Profile of 2015 Freshman ClassIn order to understand why the college elected to require leadership training for all students, it ishelpful to go into some detail regarding the profile of the freshman class. The average ACT scorefor incoming freshmen in Fall 2015 was 29.0 This represents approximately the 92nd percentilefor the exam. Thus, in terms of this criterion at least, the students have good academicpreparation. But perhaps just as significant, relative to
Paper ID #19122Student Perceptions of Learning Experiences in Large Mechanics Classes:An Analysis of Student Responses to Course Evaluation SurveysMs. Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech and Ateneo de Davao University Michelle Soledad is a doctoral student and graduate research assistant in the Department of Engineer- ing Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests include faculty development and data-informed reflective practice. Ms. Soledad has degrees in Electrical Engineering (BS, ME) from the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) in Davao City, Philippines, where she continues to be a faculty member of the Electrical
15-311. Arlington, VA. Available at Accessed April 1, 2016.7. Valencia, R. (2015). Students of Color and the Achievement Gap: Systemic Challenges, Systemic Transformations. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.8. The STEM Connector, 2012-2013, Annual Report: “Where are the STEM Students” Executive Summary, pg.12. This number (8.65 million) does not reflect people in who are “self-employed” in STEM fields. If “self-employed” is included, the number of people employed in STEM fields in 2012 is 14.9 million, and is projected to reach 15.68 million by 2018.9. Jolly, E.J., Campbell, P.B., & Perlman, L. 2004. Engagement, Capacity and Continuity: A Trilogy for Student
the importance of teaching ethics and promoting ethical reflection in a way that is both accessible and substantive. This is a challenge that Burgess is keenly interested in. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Philosophy and is currently a PhD student in Systems and Engineering Management program in the Texas Tech Industrial Engineering Department. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Developing Machine-Assisted Analysis of Engineering Students’ Ethics Course AssignmentsAbstractOur research concerns engineering ethics education. We were drawn to this topic by a recentpaper titled “Do Ethics Classes Teach Ethics?”, but more so by ABET criteria 3f
, RBIS’s provide a useful example for the research team to reflect on how toimplement diversity and inclusion concepts into engineering education. The results of theBorrego et al. study suggest that knowledge of RBIS alone does not ensure effectiveimplementation14. The details and nuances regarding the context were a barrier to facultysuccessfully implementing a new pedagogy and achieving the anticipated student outcomes. Thissuggest that our research should gather data not only about faculty knowledge of diversity andinclusion concepts, but also explicate the details of translation and the role of context. Also,according Maruyuma and Morena15 faculty may feel prepared and comfortable to addressdiversity issue in the classroom but that does not
another’s perspective and reflection 29. Thisdevelops solutions in an improvised fashion that, in retrospect, might appear inevitable tooutsiders. As learning scientist Keith Sawyer puts it, “when it’s over, it appears more predictablethan it actually was” 10 This is a common response to seeing a creative thought in action, whichSawyer calls script-think – presuming there was a script to follow when in fact, there was none.It is creative engineering work in möjligheter-finding that distinguishes for the developmentteam the difference between acceptable and unacceptable solutions, leaving the ‘script,’ if therewas one, to be the process of developing an acceptable solution.Teaching möjligheter findingDeveloping product möjligheter includes
assumed to reflect statistics of thewhole population.Table 1Mean ±1 standard deviation for each statement calculated from both pre- and post-surveyresults for Berlin Junior/Senior High School. Statement Pre. All Pre. Male Pre. Female Post. All Post. Male Post. Female 1 3.4±1.3 3.7±1.4 3.2±1.3 4.1±1.2 4.2±1.2 4.1±1.2 2 3.4±1.3 3.9±1.2 3.1±1.3 4.1±1.1 4.3±1.0 4.0±1.1 3 3.0±1.4 2.9±1.6 3.1±1.4 3.4±1.4 3.3±1.6 3.6±1.3 4 3.6±1.3 3.8±1.2 3.6±1.3 3.9±1.3 4.0±1.3 3.9±1.3
pro bono work, changing designs with input from communities, etc. Finally,some questions from the ethnocentrism scale developed by Neuliep and McCroskey26 wereincluded. This survey measures attitudes towards cultural differences and will be useful in seeingif students grow in their knowledge of and attitude towards the differences they encounter whendesigning engineering solutions in a different culture. Finally, basic demographic information(race/ethnicity, gender, etc.) was collected.Through the administration of the survey, students submitted responses to a set of promptsasking them to reflect on the curriculum and their perceptions of humanitarian engineering andhow those perceptions changed as a result of the curriculum. A total of 69
humor, it still marks an unusually directivestatement in the collegial atmosphere of the review. That said, one of the authors can attest from experience thatstrong statements and pointed conversation is not an infrequent event inside an engineering context.insulation levels, heat rejection mechanisms, thermally reflective surface coatings, and a thermalmodel that required hours of computation time per run. It can be easier to focus on specificquestions rather than to look holistically at the entire system. The question, “do you knowenough about the thermal conditions?” seems relatively simple in comparison. The amount oftime spent on this question suggests that even simplistic processes for addressing epistemologicalconcerns could
better when space andbandwidth exist for team members to reflect on how well they work together. A prerequisite forcollaborating productively is to purposefully design and facilitate a robust learning environmentwhere people recognize and work to decrease their own biases. While overt forms ofdiscrimination and bias exist, there are implicit forms of discrimination and bias as well. Tomediate implicit bias, for example, Project Implicit (2011) is a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary initiative that uses research and practical tips to help people recognize where theyare subconsciously treating people differently and enacting discrimination. When educatorsorganize curricular and co-curricular experiences for students to reflect on their