data collected in the second phase of the study will be extremely instrumental in further Page 15.79.14understanding faculty beliefs about entrepreneurship education and how these translate intoteaching practices.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge grant support from NSF-EEC #0835992,“Entrepreneurship Education and Its Impact on Engineering Student Outcomes: The Role ofProgram Characteristics and Faculty Beliefs.”Bibliography:1. Katz, J. A. 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education 1876- 1999. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(2): 283-300.2. Ohland, M. W., Frillman, S. A
new projects, simply because they cannot pronounce your name; it keeps us from getting the recognition we deserve. (Gonzalez & Musielak, 2002)The article goes on to report: Hispanic women also are underrepresented in higher education. Of the 39,400 women employed as S&E faculty and researchers at universities in 1997, only 1,300 were Hispanic – accounting for just 3.3 percent of all female professors and less than 1 percent of the S&E faculty in the nation. (Gonzalez & Musielak, 2002)Dr. Evelyn Hammonds, a pioneer in issues related to minority women on science andengineering and a professor at Harvard University is quoted as saying that she “was surprisedthat even in 2002, these women (faculty
mobile stations can be used anywhere in the world whereelectricity is available, making engineering education accessible to students without access tobenchtop measurement instrumentation. This might include junior-college students that wish toalign with university-level teaching efforts, or perhaps non-engineering students to whom facultywish to teach circuits principles but do not have the local laboratory resources to support.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation Course, Curriculum, & Laboratory Improvement Program underType I grant DUE–0942425. Opinions, findings, conclusions, orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the
‐90,000 <20,000 20,001‐50,000 50,001‐90,000 >90,001 Blank >90,001 BlankFigure 5 – Question 7) “Many universities have ‘no-loan’ policies based on family income. This means, if your parent(s) or guardian(s) make less than a certain amount of money per year, the university will you a scholarship. How much do you think the ‘no-loan’ family income is at Rice?” “No-loan” university policies displayed in 4 distinct brackets: $0-20,000 per year; $20,001-50,000 per year; $50,001-$90,000 per year; and over $90,001 per year. “Blank” represents the mentees which failed to complete the question. Blank answers for CHS
, J. Courtney, K. Dahm, J. Everett, C. Gabler, R. Harvey, L. Head, D. Hutto, H. Zhang, “Setting theMultidisciplinary Scene: Engineering Design and Communication in the ‘Hoistinator’ Project”, ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 2005, Portland, OR.6. S. Bakrania, W. Riddell, K. Dahm and L. Weiss, “Wind Turbines for Teaching Parametric Design,” ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, TX.7. W. Riddell, M. Simone, S. Farrell, P.M. Jansson, “Communication in a Project Based Learning Design Course,”Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.8. S. Wilson, K. Blauth, W. Riddell and P. Jansson, “RFID Technology for Universally Accessible Doors in PublicBuildings,” The International Journal of
in the U.S.,Black and Hispanic Americans represented 2.5 million (under 10.8 %) while White and AsianAmericans represented 19.6 million (nearly 87%). These percentages illustrate the vast disparitybetween the representation of White and Asian Americans and underrepresented minority groupsin the science and engineering workforce. The engineering workforce has an even more disparaterepresentation of underrepresented minorities with African American and Hispanic Americanscomprising only 4.7% of engineers, while White and Asian Americans represent 95%. NationalScience Board studies encourage the government’s leading science and engineering (S&E)organizations to consider under-represented groups as un-tapped resources with enormouspotential
, Washington, D.C., pp 57-64.9. Handy, S, L. Weston, J. Song, K. Maria, and D. Lane, (2002), Education of Transportation Planning Professionals. Transportation Research Record No. 1812, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp 151-160.10. Krizek, K. and D. Levinson (2005). Teaching Integrated Land Use-Transportation Planning: Topics, Readings, Strategies. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 24, pp 304-316.11. Zhou, J. and S. Soot (2006). Nationwide Survey of Transportation Planning Courses: Introduction, Findings, and Recommendations. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1956, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., pp 175-18312. Zhou, J. and L. Schweitzer (2009
toucheseveryone and to think critically about what they do on the job.Bibliography 1 Harris, Jr., C. E., Davis, M., Pritchard, M. S., Rabins, M. J., “Engineering Ethics: What? Why? How? And When?” Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE, 4/19962 Abraham, S., Knies, A. D., Kukral, K. L., and Willis, T. E., “Experiences in Discussing Ethics with Undergraduate Engineers,” Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE, 10/19973 Freyne, S. F. and Hale, W. M., “A Preliminary Survey of Engineering Ethics Courses Nationwide,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 20094 Hole, L. D., Radebaugh, D. W., and Soschinske, K. A
AC 2010-1331: THE HYREV PROPULSION SYSTEM: A B20 POWER-SPLITEXTENDED RANGE ELECTRIC VEHICLE FOR THE ECOCAR CHALLENGEVincent Sabatini, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Vincent Sabatini is a second year graduate Mechanical Engineering student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with an B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus in Robotics and High Performance Vehicles. He is currently the Team Leader for ERAU's EcoCAR Team, the EcoEagles.Ryle Maxson, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Ryle Maxson is a second year graduate Mechanical Engineering student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with an B. S. in Aerospace
· Wave equation in the frequency domain · Propagation constant k 3. The boundary conditions · Incident and reflected waves · Changing reference system (x = l − d) · Reflection coefficient Γ 4. The scattering matrix S · Scattering matrix S of a transmission line · Obtaining Sij (general case) · The Smith chart 5. Practical transmission lines · Ideal vs. real transmission line · Microstrip line · Introduction to
minority program. Southern Economic Journal, 2005. 72(1): p. 78-97.15. S Russell, M Hancock, and J McCullough, The Pipeline: Benefits of Undergraduate Research Opportunities. Science 316 (5824):548 549, 2007. 316(5824): p. 548-549.16. M Summers and F Hrabowski, Preparing minority scientists and engineers. Science 2006. 311(5769): p. 1870- 1871.17. Office of Research-Labor Market Information, Connecticut Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). 2008, Connecticut Department of Labor.18. Office of Research-Labor Market Information Connecticut Forecast: Occupational Projections: 2006-16. Accessed March 14, 2010, S
TestMeasure df t-test p-value Mean diff Cohen’s d2007 Algebra 20 3.62 .0017 10.91 0.52 Trigonometry 20 4.26 .0004 12.10 0.902008 Algebra 11 5.43 .0002 15.50 1.03 Trigonometry 11 4.58 .0008 15.66 1.26Note. Mean diff = Mean difference (post – pre); X post − X pre s 2post + s 2pre Cohen’s d = where s p = sp 2 Page 15.536.7Math Course PlacementTo further assess the Summer Bridge Program with regards
has greatly benefited from hiring employees that participated in an international experience. 6. International experiences enhance a prospective employee’s abilities in… Leadership. Teamwork. Innovation. Global Awareness. Character Development. Technical Competence. Motivation/Career Goals. Other:My company hires in the following area(s):___ Chemical Engineering ___ Industrial Design___ Civil and Environmental Engineering ___ Information Technology___ Construction Management ___ Manufacturing___ Electrical and Computer Engineering ___ Mechanical Engineering
, he does without rather than make amistake.It is hard to accept seemingly pointless learning, especially in a field that values linearaccrual of knowledge. But as Jobs says, you can’t connect the dots looking forward.Informal, self-directed learning may lead nowhere—or, it may lead to true innovation, asin the design of the Macintosh. If innovation is what we want from a “thinking society,”rather than mere competence, then the challenge for engineering education is to fosterstudents’ ability to engage in lifelong learning in the absence of an immediate payoff interms of grades, certification, or other resume-enhancing qualification. REFERENCES[1] Jobs, S. (2005). Commencement address delivered at
Pitch Rate 30 ) g 20 e d( α, 10 ) c e 0 s g/ e d( -10 q ), g -20 e d( iH -30 -40 -50 478.5 479 479.5 480 480.5 481 481.5 482 482.5 483 483.5 Time (sec) Figure 7: Flight Data Segment used for Parameter Identification15A
, andMr. Darren Taillie (all from UMCP) did a splendid job over the summer; their efforts are alsogratefully acknowledged.Bibliography1. Birdsong, C., and Schuster, P., “Research in the Undergraduate Environment”, Proceedings of 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, June, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA.2. Eisenman. S., and List, G., “The Undergraduate Research Advantage : The Split Perspective” Proceedings of 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition of American Society for Engineering Education, June, 2004, Salt lake City, Utah, USA. Page 15.245.143. Peten, G., Sawhney, A
portal. Medical professionals can view the patient’s information andrespond to the patient and the nearest doctor(s) with their recommendations. Validation effortsprove that numerous entities are willing to purchase Mashavu stations. They can chargecustomers a small fee, thereby making Mashavu economically sustainable and creating anadditional revenue stream.12The Mashavu team aims to: 1. Design, prototype and test inexpensive computer-based biomedical devices (Mashavu station) and the networked system (Mashavu network). 2. Perform preliminary on-the-ground testing of the Mashavu stations, Mashavu network and the business plan. 3. Implement the system in a top-down manner and bottom-up manner and craft the final scale-up
, 2007.McKenna, A. F. and P. Hirsch. 2005. Evaluating Student Confidence in Engineering Design,Teamwork and Communication. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering EducationAnnual Conference & Exposition, 2005.National Academy of Engineering. 2005. Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting EngineeringEducation to the New Century. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.Olds, B. M. and R. Miller. 2004. The effect of a First-Year Integrated Engineering Curriculumon Graduation Rates and Student Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of EngineeringEducation 93 (1): 23-35.Ponton, M. K., J. H. Edmister, L. S. Ukeiley, and J. M. Seiner. 2001. Understanding the role ofself-efficacy in engineering education. Journal of Engineering
sulfated zirconia (S-ZrO2) additive to hinder methanol crossover.Due to the segregated nature of the composite membrane expectations were low for theperformance of these membranes. Upon actual fuel cell performance, it was found that hismembrane, while not reducing fuel crossover, unexpectedly significantly enhanced fuel cellperformance. It appears that the unintentional segregation of the composite membrane enhancesperformance and has induced a shift in the project focus towards the understanding of theperformance enhancement and optimization. We are in the final stages of manuscriptpreparation, highlighting his direct methanol fuel cell performance.Both teachers were also involved in a 4 day fuel cell workshop that I was running for high
applicable history, culture, and constraints, or the full extentof contributions of existing faculty. Web sites now make it easy for applicants tofamiliarize themselves with the university and current professors’ professional histories(for example, research record or teaching innovations), and if not meeting the newperson’s standards, it is possible for him/her to develop a marginal superiority complex.If perceiving approval from the chair or dean, they may, with good motives, propose newideas, proposals, and concerns about the status quo. They may consciously orsubconsciously try to mold the program into the image of their preceding institution(s).However, they may be perceived by senior faculty as not showing respect and deference.This causes
Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. His research interests are GIS applications in civil engineering especially traffic safety with emphasis on statistical analysis of crash data and identification of high crash locations.Ronaldo Luna, Missouri University of Science and Technology Dr. Ronaldo Luna is an associate professor of Civil Engineering at the Missouri S&T, Rolla. He received his PhD from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1995. His research interests include: engineering education, geotechnical and earthquake engineering, and hazard mitigation. Page 15.1114.1
(s) as possible. Some of the questions addressed in this study included:What role might distance education play in the future of technical/engineering graphicseducation? Will professional development soon be required to ensure instructors obtain trainingrelated to changes in the field of technical/engineering graphics education? The five maincategories researched in this study were: course offerings, student populations, professionaldevelopment, technical/engineering graphics education, and future research plans5. Somecategories looked at the present status of technical/engineering graphics education, to see whatparts of the previous generation of topics were still taught and to what magnitude. Some surveyquestions offered graphic
Design Project mentioned previously. 15The students used a four step process to develop their module: 1. Use of their own experience 2. Formation of design idea(s) 3. Development of predicted behavior based on that idea(s) Page 15.1372.8 4. Testing of the design constructOne of the team members had worked on the Green Campus Enterprise and had participated inwriting the campus wind energy report. 16 Much of their background knowledge of wind energytechnologies came from this report. Other background information came from a 2006 AFG WindEnergy study of the local area. 17 During this preliminary research phase, the students
Exposition. Paper AC 2009-752.8. Atman, C. and S. Sheppard. 2009. Women in engineering: Interests, perspectives, confidence... andexperiences. Presentation at the WEPAN National Conference, June 18. Page 15.1119.129. Parikh, S., H. Chen, K. Donaldson, and S. Sheppard. 2009. Does major matter? A look at what motivatesengineering students in different majors. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Paper AC 2009-1304.10. Chubin, D., K. Donaldson, B. Olds, and L. Fleming. 2008. Educating generation Net – can U.S. engineeringwoo and win the competition for talent? Journal of Engineering Education, July, 245-257.11. Atman, C. 2009. Educating the
Engineering Design Course.” EduTech Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology. 1995.3. Keller, C. and J. Keller. Cognition and Tool Use: The Blacksmith at Work. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996.4. Malicky, D., Kohl, J., and Huang, M. “Integrating a Machine Shop Class into the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: Experiential and Inductive Learning.” ASEE National Conference, 2007.5. Bailey, D. and S. Barley. “Return to Work: Toward Post-industrial Engineering.” IIE Transactions 37, 737- 752. 2004.6. Brown, S., Collins, A., and P. Duguid. “Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning.” Educational Researcher, 32-42, January-February, 1989.7. Salomon, G., Perkins, D., and T. Globerson. “Partners in
for the first CIRC program lasted for five years and a total of 67 studentsparticipated, 40.3% women and 25.8% underrepresented minority students. The program had97% retention to graduation and over 40% of the students went on to graduate school.2 A$500,000 S-STEM NSF grant (#0728695) has allowed the CIRC program to continue withacademic scholarships at $4,000. The first CIRC/METS program ran from 2003-2008 andsupported 76 students with over a 92% retention and graduation rate. Diversity was an emphasisand 65% of the students in the program were either female (38.2%) or underrepresented minority(39.5%). 3The CIRC/METS program continues with a $600,000 NSF S-STEM grant (#0836050), so the
Lundeberg, M. A., B. B. Levin and H. L. Harrington, eds., Who Learns What From Cases and How? The Research Base for Teaching and Learning with Cases, 1999, pp. 3-23.6. Chinowsky, P. S. and J. Robinson, “Enhancing Civil Engineering Education Through Case Studies”, Journal of Engineering Education, 86, 1, 1997, 45-49.7. Russell, J. S. and B. G. McCullouch, “Civil Engineering Education: Case Study Approach”, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 116, 2, 1990, pp. 164-174.8. Raju, P. K. and C. S. Sankar, “Teaching Real-World Issues through Case Studies”, Journal of Engineering Education, 88, 4, 1999, pp. 501-508.9. Richards, L. G., M. Gorman, W. T. Scherer and R. D. Landel, “Promoting Active Learning with
AC 2010-2114: INTEGRATING CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT INTO AMULTI-DISCIPLINARY SEMINAR COURSE: BROADENING THE STUDENTHORIZON TO BETTER FUNCTION AND APPRECIATE GLOBAL,CONTEMPORARY ISSUESDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Commonwealth of Virginia
immensely to the nurturing of the students. External support is essentialincluding industry participation in variety of forms such as sponsoring student projects,donations of parts, mentoring of the project teams, and active involvement during thefinal project presentations and evaluations. Finally, a supportive administration andfaculty is a must.References[1] Kelley, Benjamin S., Walter L. Bradley and Brian J. Thomas,“Student-Aimed Appropriate Technology Engineering Projects in Kenya,”Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Southern University and A&MCollege, TX.[2] Dubinsky, Yael and Ort Hazzan, “The Role of a Project-Based Capstone Course,” ICSE'05, May 15-21,2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA