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formerly known as the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities inEngineering by the Engineering Deans (SECME), Mathematics, Engineering, and ScienceAchievement (MESA), as well as Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) atMIT. From informal interviews with program directors, we learned that some commoncharacteristics of these programs include: staff support and training, internal and externalfunding, mentors and role models, academic and cognitive activities, industry engagement, k-14school resources, sense of community for participants, and parental engagement (T. Smith,personal interview, May 4, 2016; B. Watford, personal interview, June 7, 2016; S. Young,personal interview, June 17, 2016; S. Waters, personal interview, June 17
objectives. Theself- and peer-assessments prompted students to reflect on what each peer teacher had doneeffectively in their respective lesson and what could be improved.There were three primary goals for the inclusion of these assessments. First, they were used as amechanism to encourage active listening and participation by the students while they were intheir peer teaching groups. Second, with more peer teaching groups working simultaneously thanthe number of instructors, the assessments were used by the instructor(s) to gain further insightinto each student’s lesson. Third, they further promoted the role of students as teachers throughreflection and assessment of the quality and content of the lessons of both themselves and theirpeers. The
course to pick a program to design or re-design and to show significant speed-up, comparingresults to Amdahl’s law5,6, based on parallel hardware used. Modern systems hardware canmake selection of the appropriate value for scaling factor used in Amdahl’s law, “S”, a non-trivial decision. The value for S can be based on SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading), super-scalar multi-instruction features, vector instructions, and the potential to use co-processor cores.Generally, in this course the goal is to keep the scaling factor S simple, with focus on the numberof cores per node (ignoring SMT) and the number of nodes in a cluster. However, thissimplification can be pessimistic given micro-parallel features most CPU systems nowincorporate by
often referred to asmechatronic systems. The term mechatronics began as a patented special type of technology byJapanese companies in the early 1970’s 1 . At that time, its focus was on application of electroniccomputers in controlling mechanical systems. Since then it has grown into an engineering designphilosophy that integrates traditional engineering disciplines in the design of products. Althoughmany definitions of the term mechatronics have been proposed, the widely used definition treatsmechatronics as a multidisciplinary engineering philosophy that synergistically combines tradi-tional mechanical engineering with electronics, controls and computing 2 . All modern systemsthat integrate computer technology into mechanical systems fall in
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average of students in the aerospace engineering classes indicatesopportunity for better explanation of the importance of the math classes in their upper-level mathand major courses.AcknowledgementsThe research was support by NSF Grant, Improving Undergraduate Students Education (IUSE)Grant # 1712156. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Ana Tameru, Dr. Kelley Guest,Dr. Youngsoo Kim, and Dr. Zahid Baig who also implemented these strategies in their remotelytaught classes.References[1] Huss, J. A. & Eastep, S. (2016). Okay, Our Courses Are Online, But Are They ADACompliant? An Investigation of Faculty Awareness of Accessibility at a Midwestern University.Inquiry in Education: Vol. 8 (2), Article 2. Retrieved from:http
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Equivalence Mode Severity Remarks Action Identifier Idenifier Probability Mode Effect(s) Effect(s) Effect(s) Provision(s) Monitor Method Identifier IdentifierFigure 1. Functional FMEA Worksheet format [7]FMEA Process in AET CourseThe junior level course provides students with the concepts, processes, and tools regarding thereview and analysis of system designs. The students learn the elements of logistics and the effectof design on the maintainability, reliability, and supportability
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implementation of the solution(s); 3)Collection of data on the feasibility of implementing the solution(s) in typical delivery settingsby intended users; and 4) Conducting a pilot study to examine the promise of generating theintended outcomes [12].Description of Study Site and ParticipantsThe data presented in this paper were collected from five regional community college partnerswhose primary emphasis is on 2-year degrees and workforce certificates, in addition to limitedBachelor’s degrees in nursing, secondary education, and business. The missions of these statecolleges is to support the needs of the local community and prepare students for workplacesuccess.Pre-Research ActivitiesThe research team conducted a comprehensive literature review in the
interacting with each other in a regularbasis, listening to other people’s perspectives, and brain-storming (of problems, progress, and plan),students may learn to reconstruct their own/new ideas and develop creative-thinking habits.In the future, we will also apply the assessment method described in this paper to other design courses tofoster, promote, and evaluate students’ creative thinking skills & capabilities.References[1] R. Siegwart, I. Nourbakhsh and D. Scaramuzza, Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robot, MIT Press, 2004.[2] M. W. Spong, S. Hutchinson and M. Vidyasagar, Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley, 2020.[3] A. Bielefeldt and A. Morse, "Teaching and Assessment of Innovation and Creativity in Civil Engineering: Why? How? Now
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Software Engineering Program at West Virginia University. She has served on program and organizing committees of many international conferences and workshops.Dr. Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University Robin A. M. Hensel, Ed.D., is the Assistant Dean for Freshman Experience in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. While her doctorate is in Curriculum and Instruction, focusing on higher education teaching of STEM fields, she also holds B.S. and M.A. degrees in Mathematics. Dr. Hensel has over seven years of experience working in engineering teams and in project management and administration as a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S
Black Engineers (NSBE) and the Society of WomenEngineers (SWE) to gauge interest in creating exhibits. Both organizations responded positively,and the details were planned out in follow-up face-to-face meetings.(Figure 1: Employee-created Interlibrary Loan Exhibit)FEBRUARY EXHIBITFor Black History Month in February, a student employee worked with members of the NSBEstudent chapter to create the exhibit, “A Celebration of Black History Month: College ofEngineering Alumni”. The posters recognized six members of the chapter who were recentgraduates. Bios for each graduate included chapter involvement, degree(s) earned, currentposition, accomplishments, and awards (Figure 2).The NSBE Chapter President sent out a call to alumni members asking for
may be used as an evaluation instrument for feedback toimprove the instruction and implementation of engineering practices.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation through Grant No. 1220305.The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of theNSF. The author wishes to thank the field experts for their time and suggestions for the EPSinstrument. I would like to specifically thank Christine Cunningham, Cathy Lachapelle, WalterSmith, Hansel Burley, Michael Strong, Jaehoon Lee, and Christine Anne Gentry for theirsupports and in enhancing the EPS instrument. ReferencesAlexander, P. A., Schallert, D. L., & Hare, V. C. (1991
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Consultant for the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) and, in that role, advises computer science and engineering departments on diversifying their undergraduate student population. She remains an active researcher, including studying academic policies, gender and ethnicity issues, transfers, and matriculation models with MIDFIELD as well as student veterans in engi- neering. Her evaluation work includes evaluating teamwork models, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm located in Chapel Hill, N.C. She is a certified program evaluator and a faculty
. Equalizing educational priorities. 3. Strengthening the management of the DEC. 4. Strengthening middle level technical and agricultural training. 5. Restructuring higher education to align more closely to the country s 1 goals and development needs. 6. Increasing the government s involvement in higher education. 1It is to the credit of the government that several of these points havealready been addressed. Ex: to upgrade academic standards generally, thegovernment has instituted a National College Entrance Examination to achievestricter promotion standards after the secondary level. It has also encou-raged more diligent application of the present rather imprecise and v.oluntary
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